The NPC Was Once Again Frightened By Me

Chapter 119: Here why


"Yes," Ye Xiangxiang also said, "If 'Fu Jiang' can create clones, we will not only face one opponent, but many opponents, that is to say..."

"He's not fighting alone."

"you are right."

As soon as Zhang Mingge agreed with this sentence, he realized that this sentence came from Chu Tianyu, who was leaning against the tree and holding hands, looking like he was watching a show. He frowned and looked at the woman in men's clothing, who spread her hands and said frivolously, "Don't look at me with such eyes, glasses, I'm really analyzing the situation."

… Too. At first hearing Zhang Mingge, he felt that there was nothing wrong with this sentence.

While everyone was talking, Ye Xiangxiang also found the address of the middle school through his mobile phone.

"It's already 7:15, let's go to Liangchuan Middle School immediately." Zhang Minge looked at his watch and frowned.

"But looking at the map, Liangchuan Middle School is nearly an hour's walk away, so it's really too late." Ye Xiangxiang said.

Several people glanced at each other, and each had a plan in their hearts. Ji Fengjian snorted, put his backpack on his back, and ran immediately.

Zhang Mingge also ran like him. The two of them seemed to have a blessing effect in terms of speed, and they disappeared at the corner of the street in the blink of an eye.

Ye Xiangxiang squatted down, grabbed a piece of paper from the air, and folded it into the shape of a carriage in a few strokes. The paper pumpkin carriage took shape on the ground, and she looked at Qiuran with a smile: "Let's go together."

After the two girls left in the carriage, only the Unscrupulous Master, Gu Beichen, Qu Mei and Chu Tianshu were left behind. The unscrupulous master looked at the other three: "You plan to..."



The unscrupulous master watched Gu Beichen walk towards a car on the side of the road. Not long after, there were several shrill screams in the car, and Gu Beichen got out of the car.

He stuffed the owner and his wife in the passenger seat into the trunk. However, at the moment when they lost their lives, the deceased had already turned into a two-dimensional ink line, and when they were completely locked in the box, they disappeared into nothingness.

He started the car. The car revved its engine and drove away.

After the exhaust of the car, the lawless master closed his eyes and silently recited a scripture for the two dead NPCs.

He knows that he only has some strengths in purification and luck, and he is not good in other aspects. Looking at it today, he will definitely miss the relevant plot. But at least for now, Chu Tianshu and Qu Mei are still with him.

The unscrupulous master turned his head to look at the young man with chestnut hair. I saw him squatting on the ground, looking at the white narration frame in the sky.

He touched his chin, as if he was thinking about something.

Then, he suddenly took out a mechanical flying claw from the package!

Outlaw Master: …

He watched the young man helplessly, swinging his flying claws, as if he was accumulating energy. Then, the young man shouted loudly and threw the flying claw into the air!


The white narration frame was actually caught by Fei Claw!

The narration frame struggled and twisted in the flying claw, but it was still like a kite, being brought to the ground by the flying claw. The young man pressed the narration frame with his two long legs, turned his head and said, "Do you have a pen?"

Outlaw Master: …

He watched the operation dumbfounded. The young man seemed a little impatient: "Black pen?"

The fat man walked towards him and silently handed him a pen.


Chu Tianshu bit open the pen cap with his teeth, and suppressed the madly struggling narration frame with all his strength. Then, crookedly, he wrote "a black car running fast appeared beside Chu Tianshu".

After making the last stroke, Chu Tianshu let go. The narration frame is like a frightened chicken, struggling in panic and flying into the sky.

It hung back to its original position and continued to tremble.

Outlaw Master: …

Just as he was about to open his mouth to complain, he heard the sound of a whistle.

The next moment, a black car appeared on the street!

"Yo." He watched the young man bow his body and look at the car in front of him, "This car logo is quite expensive."

Outlaw Master: …

His mood at the moment can only be described as "confused". Just as confused as he was, there was Qu Mei on the other side.

The young man opened the door and sat in the driver's seat. Then, he rolled down the window and looked at the two people outside the car window.

"Hey, you two." He said casually, "Do you want to go together?"

Seeing that the two were not moving, he smiled instead and waved his hands: "Come on, let's go, we are all teammates, aren't we?"

The unscrupulous master who had just laughed at Chu Tianshu got into the car in shame. Behind him was a big fat man who was still hesitating. Seeing that the unscrupulous master had already boarded the car, he couldn't get off the tiger for a while, gritted his teeth, and was about to step up—

"The puppet is so big, can it sit down?" A startling question was uttered by the young man casually, "Put the puppet away and get in the car by yourself—don't pretend, I saw you, behind the electric pole, isn't it ?"

A piece of clothing flickered behind the telegraph pole. After that, a boy in a school uniform with a gloomy face came out.

The moment he walked out, the lawless master's eyes lit up.

In all fairness, this boy looks quite stunning, with black hair, snow skin and cat eyes, like an exquisite doll. Behind the boy, there was another lifelike puppet.

He took the puppet and sat in the back row in a proper manner, with his hands on his knees: "How did you find me?"

"That puppet of yours is not wearing a school uniform." Chu Tianshu pulled his collar, "Although the system is stingy, it is not so that you can't afford a uniform uniform."

The young man was speechless, just as he was about to control the puppet to climb onto the roof of the car, he heard Chu Tianshu's voice of "Hey Hey".

"Hey, hey, what are you doing," Chu Tianshu said disgustedly, "Can't you let him sit in the back row?"

Qu Mei: "'s too big to sit here."

"Tsk, what I hate the most is you puppet masters. One person can support a car." Chu Tianshu scratched his head, "Then you just put it on my car? Such a big one, how ugly ?”

Unscrupulous master: "Actually, it's not ugly..."

"That's not allowed." Chu Tianshu tapped the steering wheel with his fingers, "I'm going to drive this time to show off to someone. You've made me not show up at all."

The boy finally chose to put the doll in the back row, while he squeezed into the gap between the two dolls. Chu Tianshu raised the corner of his mouth: "That's right."

"Well, brother Chu, there are only seven minutes left." The unscrupulous master cautiously reminded, "We..."

"Hurry up." He said with a half-smile, "Remember, I gave you a ride, and now you owe me a favor."

When they heard the three words "grab tight", Master Unscrupulous and Qu Mei didn't understand the meaning of this sentence.

However, after ten seconds, they finally realized what "real driving skills" are.

The accelerator was stepped to the bottom in an instant, and amidst the violent roar of the engine, the black car rushed forward at a lightning speed. It gallops along roads big and small, making high-speed turns at every corner that's close at hand.

The two people sitting in the back seat and the co-pilot were thrown upside down. They closed their eyes tightly, gripped the cushions under them tightly, and made gasping sounds.

"Damn—" the lawless master yelled, "slow down, don't worry, there's still time—"

He was answered by a hearty laugh.

"I'm not in a hurry for the game." The young man manipulated the steering wheel, turned skillfully, and avoided a pedestrian. "I just couldn't wait, and wanted to find someone at school."

In stark contrast to the two whose brains were about to be thrown out, was the young man sitting in the driver's seat. He controls the car in his hand, every turn, every acceleration, every avoidance for pedestrians is just right.

This arrogant sports car was so fast that it ran through the streets and alleys of Liangchuan Town in an instant. Swept by this gust of wind, apart from the stunned residents, there were other teammates.

"That gust of wind is..." Qiu Ran, who was sitting on the paper pumpkin carriage, poked her head out of the window.

She seemed to see a sports car speeding past. Ye Xiangxiang sat beside her, and also looked to the side: "Wow, whose car is this? So arrogant?"

"Maybe it's that handsome guy's car." Qiu Ran saw the person in the driver's seat clearly, and judged, "But..."

"Why are there cars here?" Ye Xiangxiang complained.

Those who saw this scene like them were Zhang Minge, Ji Fengjian and others. The sports car left arrogantly, leaving only exhaust fumes.

However, what the three people in the car didn't know was that this gust of ungrateful wind swept not only passers-by's handbags and girls' skirts, but also two middle school students who were in the alley at the moment.

After witnessing the black car disappearing on the street, the two middle school students who were shocked by the battle finally came out from the alley.

"Hehe," one of them said, "why are you in such a hurry?"

The two touched their chests with lingering fear, and at the same time, a slender and tall figure walked past them.

He was also wearing a school uniform, staring gloomyly at the car that drove away and knocked him out of the wind.

"Hehe." He said coldly, "Hurry up to reincarnate."

He brushed his messy hair back with his hands, carrying the briefcase in one hand, and started on the road sleepily.

Behind him, the two students who were chattering suddenly fell silent.

Before the body was knocked apart, the gate of "Liangchuan Middle School" finally appeared in front of the three people in the car.

The unscrupulous master leaned on the co-pilot, feeling his body was hollowed out. Qu Mei huddled in the back seat, sandwiched between two puppets, falling into motion sickness and autism.

Only Chu Tianshu, who was sitting in the driver's seat, felt refreshed. He had already reached the school gate, but he didn't get off the car. His fingers tapped the steering wheel regularly, as if waiting for something.

"Wow, look! Someone is driving to school!"

"What the hell is this... why would someone drive to school?"

"Damn, who is this guy? Isn't this fucking arrogant?"

"Why are there cars here?!"