The NPC Was Once Again Frightened By Me

Chapter 121: How could it be you


Runsan: "..."

"And no matter how you look at it..." Lin Huaixu said narrowly, "This is a task set for women!!"

Faced with his complaints, Runsan could only touch his nose and said, "In fact, in the past, this role was played by women, but in the last game, a little accident happened..."

Lin Huai: "... What accident?"

"The heroine who has been working every day has completed all the tasks. However, a tragedy happened the day before leaving the dungeon." Runsan's face suddenly turned red, "She's here... the one that happens every month …”

Lin Huai: "..."

Run San: "A large number of replicas were produced, and her mission failed. My green plum was furious because of this, not only scolded me as a wretched man, but also threw the outline in my face. Therefore, from then on, the roles of "Fu Jiang" are all played by men Come play."

"But," Lin Huai's face twitched slightly, "do you think the students will choose a man to be the so-called 'Miss Liangchuan'?"

"You don't understand." Runsan said proudly, "I, Qingmei, said that the end of all love is Nisu."

Lin Huai: ...

"What about Chu Tianshu?" He suddenly said, "The person who followed me in, he..."

"He will enter the game with other players in half a month."

After confirming that Chu Tianshu would also arrive, Lin Huai felt relieved and decided to complete these tasks conscientiously.

However, after only seven days, he was driven crazy by this world where everyone regarded him as a beautiful woman.

If you don't break out in silence, you will perish in silence. Lin Huai not only chose to explode by himself, but also chose to let others perish. In the past half a month, he not only worked hard to earn money, but also used various violent methods to reduce the favorability of others towards him... This is why everyone looks at him like a ghost.


"Ah, Senior Lin is so beautiful, he stared at me! He stared at me!..."

"Senior Lin just kicked me hard! He must have noticed that I have been looking at him. I won't wash these pants, I will keep them as a permanent souvenir..."

"I have moved home the stool Senior Lin sat on yesterday, hehehe..."

Lin Huai: ...

'... Is it because of this reason that my stool was removed? ’ he thought almost desperately, ‘I thought I had finally managed to lower their favorability and cause everyone to bully me. '

Lin Huai, who was trying to become more unpopular every day, kicked the welcoming and perverted crowd away again. He has never realized so deeply that he can't stay in this world any longer, otherwise, he will go crazy sooner or later.

Thinking of this, he rubbed the magic tear mole at the corner of his eye fiercely—it was also the source of all his pain.

Among the whispering crowd, he walked alone in anger and desolation, and when he raised his eyes, he saw the end of the crowd.

There, standing quietly...

A black car.

"Why are there cars here?" he murmured.

Lin Huai once again asked the same question as all the onlookers.

"Senior Lin! Senior Lin!" The short girl jumped up after hearing his question, "This car is driven by the transfer student who transferred today!"

"He looks super rich!"

"Yes, because he was too lazy to park, he gave the car to the security guard and let the security guard handle it by himself!"

"Where did this come from to force the king!"

Lin Huai: ... If you don't need the money, you can give it to me.

He roughly understood the identity of the owner. Transfer students... Before I knew it, it had been half a month.

So this person is also a player in the opposing camp

But such a coquettish operation... He twitched the corner of his mouth, really wanting to see what this person looks like.

You know, because of that unlucky mission one, he is quite short of money now. If this car belonged to an NPC, he might not consider it, but since this car is a player in the opposite camp, the meaning is quite different.

He couldn't help smiling. The originally gloomy face also became excited and brightened.

"It looks like this car can sell for at least 200,000..." He thought, "Find a chance to kill the owner, and this car will be mine, hehe..."

He raised his face, and his smile was sweet. Then, he pushed away the crowd and walked towards the owner of the car: "Hello classmate, we..."

The next moment, after seeing the young man leaning against the car, his expression froze completely.

Lin Huai: ...

"Why, it could be you." He said word by word, "Sure enough, it's you. As expected, it's you."

The young man leaning against the car showed a bright smile and waved to him: "Long time no see."

Lin Huai: ...

The disillusionment of losing 200,000 completely overwhelmed the joy of reuniting with my friends. Under the interweaving of various complex emotions, he showed rather disappointed eyes, and his face darkened dully.

Chu Tianshu with his right hand still in the air: ...

He couldn't figure out why Lin Huai, who was originally happy and excited, left in frustration after seeing his face clearly. The handsome young man who stood out from the crowd seemed to love him only briefly, and then passed his world with little interest.

He didn't know that Lin Huai gave up his criminal plan because of him, he just thought that Lin Huai was still immersed in the sentimentality he hadn't seen for many days. So he walked towards the other party and put his shoulders on his shoulders: "don't you look very happy?"

Lin Huai: "I just lost two hundred thousand because of you."

Chu Tianshu: "?"

"It's all gone, it's all gone!" A middle-aged woman with the appearance of the dean came out of the school gate. After seeing Lin Huai and Chu Tianshu who were "challenging", she immediately became furious: "Lin Huai! Why are you flirting with other men again! You still have to be shameless!"

Chu Tianshu: ...

Under the scolding of the dean, the rest of the people also slowly poured into the school. When one of the students passed by the two of them, he gave a fierce "pooh".

"Bah!" she said angrily, "Hooking up to a rich stinky vixen!"

Chu Tianshu: ...

After her, another student also passed by the two. Different from the previous girl, she poohed in the direction of Chu Tianshu.

"Is it a big deal to have a few stinky money?" She said angrily, "Get your dirty hands off my male god's shoulder!"

The crowd gradually dispersed, Chu Tianshu and Lin Huai looked at each other. One is confused and the other is helpless.

"...they," Chu Tianshu tried his best to organize his words, "what does this mean? Falling in love? Big money? Hooking up?"

"It's okay, just treat them as idiots." Lin Huai said coolly, "This is a world where everyone treats me as a beautiful woman. Here, they don't even allow me to have a normal friendship between men."

After seeing Lin Huai, the unscrupulous master who got out of the car couldn't help but sighed to Qu Mo: "Hey, look at that npc, it's so beautiful, it's obviously a man, but it's so beautiful, it's almost like a A white bamboo mouse in a black bamboo mouse..."

He turned his head, but only the dull face of the fat doll greeted him.

Outlaw Master: …

Obviously, Qu Mei took advantage of the previous chaos and hid in a place where no one noticed. The only one left here by him was the doll that he forcibly put on an ill-fitting school uniform jacket.

"By the way, I haven't introduced you yet." Chu Tianshu pulled the lawless master over, "This is our teammate in this game. This bald man is called the lawless master. This fat man is called Qu Mei..."

"Amitabha." The unscrupulous master bowed, "Blesser, please give me a mobile phone number. It's not for chatting, but because I have some Buddhist teachings and want to discuss with the benefactor..."

Chu Tianshu: ...

Lin Huai: ...

The unscrupulous master was forced into the bottom of the car by Chu Tianshu. Qu Mei's puppet also sneaked away at this time. Without the two huge light bulbs, at this moment, they can finally face each other and communicate one-on-one.

"Lin Huai," Chu Tianshu turned around, "You..."

"Do you think I'm pretty?"

Chu Tianshu: oao

He was silent for a while: "What?"

"Check to see if you have been affected by the buff." Lin Huai pointed to the tear mole on his face, "I'm just a little worried that our pure friendship will be polluted... Don't get me wrong!"

In his line of sight, Chu Tianshu stared at the mole of tears and fell silent.

Lin Huai's heart sank.

"What is this?" He heard the other party's voice, "Eye shit?"

Lin Huai: ...

"Tear mole! This is tear mole!" He said angrily, "The tear mole attached to Fu Jiang's buff! The soul-stirring tear mole!"

"Oh, it's a tear mole..." Chu Tianshu scratched his head, "It's weird, I think you look better without makeup."

Lin Huai: ...

"It's just an extra mole, you're still you." Chu Tianshu continued, "If it's really ugly...can you cover it with a band-aid?"

Faced with such a straight man's answer, Lin Huai doubted his all-powerful charm and felt at a loss.

In the end, he could only accept this sincere friendship. Chu Tianshu looked at his watch: "It's almost time for class, you go in first, don't let other players see you. Shall we talk after class?"

Lin Huai: "Oh, good."

He turned and entered the school.

After Lin Huai left, Qu Mei, who had been silent all this time, also opened his mouth: "What do you want to do?"

Chu Tianshu turned his head and narrowed his eyes: "What do you do?"

"That person must be Fu Jiang." Qu Mei said indifferently, "I thought 'Fu Jiang' was an npc, but now it seems that he should also be a player? It's just that he was unlucky, and he just took the position of most players. task of the opposite?"

"You know him, you don't want him to die?" He continued to analyze, "You want to win us over and get our help?"

"You think too much." Chu Tianshu smiled unceremoniously, "I haven't fallen to the point where I need your help to protect another person."

Qu Mei: ...

He was a little sullen: "Then you mean to say that you just drove us here on a whim?"

"Yes." Chu Tianshu shrugged, "Can't you?"

"What are you kidding? Do you dare to say that you have no purpose?" Qu Mei sneered, "The two of us already know Fu Jiang's true identity. Although it is said that Fu Jiang is actually a man, it is a bit beyond common sense. However, as soon as we tell others who he is, he will die immediately. If you have any plans, don't hide them..."

"Then I advise you not to do this."

"What if I have to do this?"

"Then, you will die." Chu Tianshu smiled.

A sense of crisis welled up in Qu Mei's heart. A strong murderous aura emanated from this smiling young man, and he also realized at this moment that the spiritual connection between himself and the puppet...

Actually disconnected!

"Actually, I don't care about your life or death." I don't know when, a blade has appeared on Qu Mei's artery, "To be honest, I don't really want to fight with you. In case other people know it and laugh at it I ran to the intermediate field to abuse rookies."

"you… "

"However, the setting of 'Fu Jiang' is really too troublesome." Chu Tianshu turned a lock of his hair, "As long as the main body is injured and bleeds, a replica will be produced. When the replica is injured and bleeds, duplicates will also be produced. There is no shortage of children and grandchildren... Although a legal harem is everyone's dream, I still don't appreciate the fakes with the same face."

"So in order to prevent this from happening, I have no choice but to intervene appropriately, give up my dignity, and abuse the food." The young man sighed, "I don't care about your main mission. It is a confrontational game after all. Well, if you're too scared to take a shot at him. He's going to be bored, right? So, I'll leave it to you to have some fun with him, but..."

The blade pierced Qu Mo's skin shallowly, and the bright red blood flowed down the blade: "If you let him bleed, don't blame me for stopping the damage in time?"

The author has something to say: Clay sculpture: Nisu, Nisu powder, a term used by fans. Refers to a type of fans who like to feminize male idols, regard male idols as cute little girls, and fantasize about making male idols their girlfriends.

Haitang City: A Xiaowenwen website that the author said would be locked