The NPC Was Once Again Frightened By Me

Chapter 126: No sound was seen


"These unscrupulous teenagers originally wanted to plot against me, so they didn't dare to call the police when they were beaten by me. As for those middle-aged people, they originally went out to cheat on their wives behind their backs, so they didn't dare to arrest me." In the alley, Lin Huai's eyes sparkled, "I've already saved a lot of money, but recently I feel that saving money like this is too slow, and since I don't know when, I have become an urban legend. I also try Men's clothes, but not as good as women's clothes... So, I have to think of a new way... "

Chu Tianshu: "...For example, open a live broadcast on the Internet and name yourself His Highness Lin Biluo?"

Lin Huai: "Huh? Why did you want to be with me?"

Chu Tianshu: "Then when they reward you crazily and call you a goddess, take off your wig to expose your truth as a man, smash their illusions, play with their feelings, and bring them spirit A strong blow from above?"

Lin Huai turned to him and said seriously: "You are really my heart friend."

Under the moonlight, the tear mole at the corner of Lin Huai's eyes and the beautiful peach blossom eyes were shining. But Chu Tianshu just stared at him for a while, put his hand on his shoulder, and sighed: "You are still too young."

Lin Huai: "Huh?"

"You still don't know those men too well." Chu Tianshu said, "After knowing your true identity as a man, they will only say—"

"Isn't that better!"

Lin Huai: ...

Lin Huai obviously lacks understanding of knowledge such as "Left and right are men", "Knowing men is the best", "Men should play with men".

They squatted here for a long time, and saw an office worker walking over unsteadily.

At the same time, in the alleyway in the distance, there was a scream from a woman.

"Help... help me..."

The two looked at each other.

"Go and see?" Chu Tianshu suggested.

"Okay." Lin Huai looked at the office worker and made a regretful voice, "It's a pity for this fat sheep."

When they rushed to the inside of the alley, Ji Fengjian had already fallen to the ground.

While the two were fighting, the girl dragged her seriously injured body and stumbled into the alleyway. Regrettably, however, he did not block Gu Beichen for too long.

"If I knew it earlier, I wouldn't be a hero." He thought vaguely.

In fact, the death of an npc is not a big deal for him. It's just that Gu Beichen's attitude of looking down on him really made him very unhappy.

Gu Beichen can control the shadows in the night to fight and turn them into strange vines. Those vines seemed to be able to secrete a paralyzing liquid, Ji Fengjian didn't check for a while, and fell into this trick.

He clutched his arms, numb all over, gasping for breath in pain. At the same time, Chu Tianshu and Lin Huai also saw him in the distance.

"Is this person your teammate?"

Lin Huai vaguely remembered that this person, like Chu Tianshu, was a transfer student who transferred to Liangchuan Middle School today—without him, this person's red hair that killed Matt was too dazzling.

He raised his toes, poked his head and wanted to see, but was pulled back by Chu Tianshu.

"Don't go there, don't make a sound." Chu Tianshu looked at Ji Fengjian in the distance and the large bloodstain on the ground, his eyes dimmed.

"let me see… "

"I'm going to check the situation, you take it here, don't make a sound." Chu Tianshu said involuntarily, "Don't let them find you."

There was a sense of restraint on the wrist as if being clamped by iron pliers. At the same time, the mouth, chin, and the tip of the nose were all firmly covered by another hand, unable to move. Lin Huai blinked, feeling a little subtlety in this unprecedented situation of being suppressed with an undeniably strong attitude.

It is unclear whether this subtlety is the dissatisfaction caused by being restrained, or the awkwardness and discomfort caused by the warm palm of that person... But under the moonlight, the eyes of the young man who did all this are so cold and kind Seriously, Lin Huai, who always hated being controlled, didn't feel disgusted because of it at that moment.

But the feeling of being covered by someone is really uncomfortable... After a moment of stalemate, Chu Tianshu first said: "I'm sorry for being in a hurry... You can find a place to hide first... No, how about a strategic retreat?"

Thinking of Lin Huai's character, he corrected himself. However, the person covered by him blinked his eyes and let out a little "噫噫噫噫噫" sound in a low voice, with a little dissatisfaction in his eyes.

He sounded like he was about to say something.

... It looks like he doesn't want to retreat. Thinking about it, Chu Tianshu felt a little headache for Lin Huaitian's fearless character.

"Now is not the time for you to be willful," Chu Tianshu stared at the dark alley over there, and whispered, "I'll tell you the specific reason later, anyway, it's..."

Lin Huai who was gagged by him: "##%#... !!"

Chu Tianshu: "You..."

Before he could take the next step, he felt a strange feeling in his palm.

It was as if there was a small, soft, cool thing that twirled around in his palm, and then quickly slipped past.

That is…



Chu Tianshu: "...%##&&#!!!!"

The person who almost yelled and caused the two of them to roll over became Chu Tianshu. He let go of his hand quickly, as if he had been scalded by a soldering iron. He even grabbed the wrist of his right hand firmly with his left hand, as if to prevent himself from making any inappropriate movements.

... For example, because of being too excited, he punched the wall or something.

The instigator of all this slowly retracted his tongue into his mouth, and closed his wig that was messed up by Chu Tianshu. Chu Tianshu was dumbfounded and blushed: "You you you..."

"... I have been saying 'let me go' for a long time." Lin Huai said, pulling a wig that was hanging down behind her ears, "I also gave you an ultimatum just now."

Chu Tianshu: "You you you..."

Seeing his flustered appearance, Lin Huai smiled mischievously. He succeeded in pranking, and he was in a good mood, and said: "I just said, 'If you don't let me go, I will lick you', but you didn't hear it..."

Chu Tianshu: "You, you... I just touched the railing and haven't washed my hands yet!"

Lin Huai: ...

The happy time is always so short, and so is the somewhat ambiguous and charming atmosphere. Chu Tianshu looked at Lin Huai whose face was so gloomy that he was about to drip, and a cold sweat dripped from the back of his head: "...I, did you hear what I just said clearly?"

Lin Huai: "Oh."

He turned his head, and the crimson skirt traced a flower-like trajectory in the air. After Lin Huai turned his back, Chu Tianshu finally regained his senses, and he said again: "Go behind that electric pole, it's a blind spot."

Lin Huai walked over without saying a word, even though he himself didn't know why he listened to this sand sculpture... After he settled himself, Chu Tianshu said again: "Keep this little girl peeking at the senior she loves well." Posture!"

Behind the telegraph pole, the dark-faced Lin Huai smiled at him.

"Bah." Lin Huai replied.

He looked like he was about to spit out all the virus he had licked in. Chu Tianshu finally turned his head in peace and walked towards the dark alley where Ji Fengjian fell. The light path is reversible. When he couldn't see Lin Huai, and Lin Huai couldn't see him at the same time, he raised his right hand.

Chu Tianshu showed a rare look of hesitation. He seemed to want to wipe it on his pants, but in the end, he raised his hand and gently pressed it to his face.

His hands were cold, but his face was hot.

"...Wait, what am I thinking about?" Chu Tianshu couldn't help rolling his eyes, and put his hand down silently.

…just some moisture, fluid, salivary protease…

After repeating these thoughts repeatedly, Chu Tianshu regained his composure again.

Ji Fengjian heard footsteps and raised his head reluctantly.

"It's you?"

He quickly recognized Chu Tianshu, and Chu Tianshu squatted down and asked him: "Why are you here? This bloodstain..."

He pointed to the blood red: "Have you found Fu Jiang?"

"Not yet!" Ji Fengjian said angrily, "That Gu Beichen, he is crazy!"

He gasped for breath, and explained everything he saw simply and quickly: "Damn, does this person have mania? He... so fucking ruthless..."

"Only those who are ruthless can survive in the game for a long time." Chu Tianshu tapped his wrench, "But being ruthless like unpleasant."

"They ran away to the alley." Ji Fengjian pointed to the depth of the alley, "I, I... Damn, I can't get up."

He moved his body with difficulty. Chu Tianshu said: "Call yourself 120, I'll check the situation."

"Damn..." He cursed Gu Beichen almost angrily, and fainted unwillingly.

After Ji Fengjian fell into a coma, Chu Tianshu quickly walked back to the electric pole.

Behind the telegraph pole, Lin Huai still stood there obediently. The crimson cloak cap hid most of his face except for a pointed chin. He was playing with his mobile phone, and it seemed that he had been waiting here quietly for a long time, just like he had promised Chu Tianshu.

— Even at other times, he is free and arrogant, never obeys any rules, never listens to anyone.

The light from the street lamp poured down, fell on top of his head, flowed down his long cloak to the ground, and flowed into the bottom of his heart.

Seeing his appearance, Chu Tianshu was suddenly very happy and heavy.

Gu Beichen's crazy and extreme behavior is a dangerous factor that must be dealt with early, but Lin Huai still doesn't know anything about it.

When the distance between the two was only thirty steps, Lin Huai raised her head. He leaned against the telegraph pole and raised his chin leisurely: "What's going on, let me see?"

"Someone was killed."

Chu Tianshu briefly described the plot. Then, he said: "You go back first, I will deal with Gu Beichen, and then..."

He tried to persuade the other party to go back to rest, but Lin Huai just patted the phone and put it back in his pocket.

He raised his face gloomyly: "Since this man is coming for me, why should I leave?"

"you… "

"To see me, I have done so many things. If I don't show up, wouldn't I have failed his infatuation?" Lin Huai clapped his hands gracefully, "Let's go, I want to see this ruthless man... what does he look like?" Sample."

Following the smell of blood, he wanted to rush towards Gu Beichen. Seeing that he had made up his mind, Chu Tianshu followed behind him and held his arm: "This time is different from the past, don't act recklessly."

Lin Huai smiled.

"Aren't you here?" He said relaxedly, "Why am I messing around?"

The way he smiled was really beautiful, and in his words, he even revealed absolute reassurance and trust that he himself did not realize. Chu Tianshu felt his heart beat violently.

Chu Tianshu: " just rely on me to give you the best of both worlds."

He smiled helplessly.

The figures of the two quickly disappeared into the dark alley.

Meanwhile, the other side.

"Huha... Huha..."

Jiang Rou shuffled and staggered. She covered her mouth, trying not to cry.

'Don't find me, don't find me...'

She had no idea what she had done wrong. For her, this is just a very ordinary day.

In the morning, she bid farewell to her mother and went to class. At the school gate, she saw a transfer student driving to school, and discussed it with her classmates. In the evening, she finished class on time, but on the way after school, she ran into another transfer student who transferred to the school today.

She remembered this person's name, Gu Beichen. His appearance is just like his name, cold and handsome. The little girl's little Huaichun thought made her unable to keep up with this man's hasty pace. In normal times, this little action would never be fatal.

But what she didn't expect was that the next moment, she witnessed the scene of her classmate being brutally murdered by this man! After seeing her classmate's body disappear into the shadows, she finally let out a scream uncontrollably.

Then, this tragic fate befell her. Gu Beichen walked towards her. He held the girl's cheeks and brushed her hair away, his movements could even be called gentle.

Next, his cold words shattered her last fantasy: "I originally planned to find you, but since you are here... we can solve it together."

Then there is the nightmarish chase, injury, and killing. Gu Beichen seemed to enjoy the feeling of chasing her. He could kill her immediately, but after chopping off one of her fingers, he tortured her for an entire hour like a cat catching a mouse.

The appearance of Ji Fengjian made her feel a glimmer of hope. Although this person said something she couldn't understand, in the end, he chose to fight Gu Beichen and shouted "let her go". Knowing that she would only be a burden, Jiang Rou faithfully carried out his order, she ran away without looking back once.

However, at the moment Ji Fengjian's screams sounded, her heart went cold again.

she's done.

Gu Beichen's footsteps sounded again in the alley. Jiang Rou also fell heavily to the ground due to exhaustion.

"Woo... woo..."

Weeping in despair, she clutched the dirt on the ground with her fingers.

she's done.

Gu Beichen's footsteps sounded. He lowered his body, looked at the girl who was still struggling and twisted, and showed a satisfied smile.

It was an extremely cold and bloodthirsty smile. At that moment, the girl finally understood.

— Gu Beichen didn't kill her because she would report him, but because he himself enjoyed the process of chasing and killing prey!

"Please..." she said with difficulty, "Please..."

"I... I'm really not..."

"But who can guarantee that you are not?" Gu Beichen wiped off the short knife in a leisurely manner.

Then, he raised his arm, and the cold blade hung in the air.

The girl closed her eyes in despair.

At the same time, another voice sounded in the distance.

"Of course someone can guarantee that she is not Fu Jiang." The lazy voice said, "That person-is me."

Gu Beichen suddenly looked up, the girl with black hair and red skirt was sitting on the wall.

Her long hair and red dress were blown by the night wind, and she was like a floating flower in the air. After receiving Gu Beichen's suspicious eyes, she shrugged: "Why, have you never seen a woman with a voice as thick as mine?"