The NPC Was Once Again Frightened By Me

Chapter 128: I put you


Then, Gu Beichen, who was refreshed for less than three seconds, heard Lin Huai's voice: "Why is your shadow so slow?"

Gu Beichen: ...

"I've been waiting for a long time, why haven't you dragged me in yet. You're too slow." Lin Huai smiled at him, "I'll give you something exciting."

The next moment, he laughed out loud. The young man who was entangled in the dark shadow suddenly grabbed his own neck, and in a posture of pulling himself, he completely sank himself into the shadow!

His movements were swift and impermanent, even Gu Beichen, who performed the spell, didn't expect it. His hands were still hanging in the air, staring blankly at the empty roof. Then, he heard a chuckle behind him.

"I don't want to come, but you want to arrest me." Lin Huai whispered in his ear, "Then, here I come!"

Behind Gu Beichen, his own shadow boiled at that moment. Drilling out of the shadow was another crimson figure. He grinned and kicked Gu Beichen hard!

This kick directly kicked Gu Beichen from where he was to the telephone pole. The strong impact made him dizzy. Just as Gu Beichen was still rubbing his head and crying for pain, the same crimson figure emerged from his own shadow in a different position.

"I'm sorry, I didn't kick right just now. After all, I'm blind now." Lin Huai tugged at her right eyelid with her white fingertips, "Here, you deprived me of my vision."

The crimson figure stared at him with blank eyes, he patted his face, and then, he laughed and kicked him to the other side in a shooting gesture!

"Shoot the ball, slap the ball, one, two, three, slap the ball..."

He seemed to be in a good mood, usurping the lines of a little girl ghost and humming her nursery rhyme. Blood-red figures emerged from his shadow endlessly, kicking him from side to side again and again. He moves gracefully and shoots powerfully, and every time he is guaranteed to appear in the position where Gu Beichen just stopped. With his extremely fast speed, Gu Beichen couldn't even use his ability to resist at all.

He was kicked dizzy, his nose was bruised and his face was swollen. His straight nose knocked against the rough wall, and blood flowed down his nose.

He looked like a dead dog with all its internal parts burned. Only then did Lin Huai emerge from his shadow, and before he knew it, his whole body's clothes turned crimson again.

He kicked Gu Beichen's face with his toe, and asked him, "Are you dead?"

Naturally, Gu Beichen couldn't reply. He gasped for breath, staring at blood red eyes. Lin Huai then knelt down and clasped his eye sockets with two slender fingers: "Don't look at me like that, I can't help but..."

"dig it out."

His fingers worked hard little by little, and the sharp nails scratched Gu Beichen's eyeballs. Gu Beichen screamed uncontrollably, he had no doubt that this person would really gouge out his eyeballs.

When the pressure was about to explode, the man stopped.

"I'm lying to you." He whispered in Gu Beichen's ear, "Your eyes are not Sharingan. It's useless if I dig them out, and they take up space."

With that said, he stood up, patted his hands, and tilted his head to look at Gu Beichen: "You don't bleed as much as that girl—yes, there is!"

He seemed to have thought of a good idea, and narrowed his eyes happily: "I'll give you something."

Gu Beichen watched helplessly as he waved his left hand and pulled out a suitcase. Then, he squatted down and opened the suitcase, and there were piles of green coins inside.

"Because of the system's prompt that you are not allowed to bring any property, before entering this game, I exchanged a lot of ghost coins for emergencies... It was originally intended to cheat money and scare people, such as taking a taxi at midnight When I was in the car, I threw a ticket to the driver who made a detour, but I didn’t expect,” he smiled, “it’s even easier to use than I imagined.”

The young man in red took out all the banknotes one by one, hummed a song, opened them, and sprinkled them on Gu Beichen's body. Standing on tiptoe, he looks like a boy who presents flowers to others, or a flower girl who sprinkles flowers for the bride at a wedding.

But he sprinkled green bills. This scene is romantic, absurd and wonderful, like a play written by a drugged screenwriter when he is broken in love. Zhang Minge stared at this absurd scene dumbfounded, and wondered how he got the pile of banknotes.

Finally, Lin Huai stopped, saluted, and said to Gu Beichen as if by magic, "Look at this pile of banknotes, do they look like roses?"


"Stop, don't talk yet." Lin Huai narrowed his eyes with a smile, he put a finger in front of his lips, tilted his head, a bit pretending to be innocent.


When Chu Tianshu rushed to Lin Huai's crime scene, what he saw was such a scene.

"Take him back to eat." Lin Huai was wearing a tattered red dress, stroking the top of Yan Xi's head with his eyes blankly, "Save and eat..."

Yan Xi nodded vigorously.

Chu Tianshu: ... This is a scene where a single father takes his children to pick up garbage and eat.

This scene gave him a sense of desolation that he wanted to play the erhu. Then, with a flash of white light, Yan Xi disappeared into the field together with Gu Beichen's body.

Lin Huai took the white card back into the package, stared blankly, and stood up while leaning on the wall. He looked utterly forlorn and poor. Seeing that there were no injuries on his body, Chu Tianshu breathed a sigh of relief: "What's wrong with you?"

Lin Huai: "Blind."

"It's just temporary." He covered his eyes, "Gu Beichen's skills, visual deprivation... should recover after an hour."

"The one just now was..."

"One of my younger brothers has the same skills as Gu Beichen." Lin Huai said indifferently, "I threw Gu Beichen to him to eat. But he may have to digest it for a while..."

"So it's really a scene where a single father takes his children to pick up trash and eat..."


"It's nothing," Chu Tianshu said quickly, "I'll help you."

"Ok… "

Lin Huai couldn't see the scenery in front of her, she leaned on Chu Tianshu's body, walking by the touch of her body. Along the way, the two bumped into each other and were not in tune.

The two had another fight over who was at the root of the collision.

"So it's obviously because you are too short." Chu Tianshu said.

"I'm 1.8 meters tall." Lin Huai said indifferently, "Your hands are short."

"179 Don't add a centimeter to yourself!"

After quarreling for a few more steps, Lin Huai, who was trying to prove that he rounded to 1.8 meters, heard Chu Tianshu say: "This is too troublesome..."

The next moment, he was horrified to find that his body was empty.

"Hey, don't just hug me up without saying a word..." Lin Huai twisted awkwardly, "And you don't think this posture is very..."

It's awkward...

"It's more convenient that way."

"It's just for your convenience." Lin Huai complained, "This posture is really... too... um, gay? How can a man hug a man princess..."

The other party was silent.

"Then change your position?"

"What... Hey! Don't carry me on your shoulders! It's even weirder than the posture just now!"

"Then what do you say?"

"Don't we have a little bit of a middle ground other than the sack-carrying way and the gay way..."

Ji Fengjian, who suffered moderate (medium level) injuries, opened his eyes in this lively atmosphere.

He raised his head with difficulty, and what caught his eyes was a rather weird picture.

The young man with chestnut hair who entered the game at the same time turned his back to him, looking very troubled. Ji Fengjian couldn't see his face, he could only vaguely see that the young man seemed to be holding someone in his arms.

From his perspective, he could just see the tattered red dress flowing from the young man's arms, and a pair of...

It can be called slender and fair legs.


It's a man.

Red dress, white legs.


It's a man.

No matter how you look at it from the perspective of artistic appreciation, although these legs are beautifully streamlined, straight and slender, with fair skin...

But it was obviously a pair of man's legs.

Ji Fengjian: ...

Wait, what did you do when I was in a coma... Ji Fengjian didn't know how to complain for a while.

Maybe it was because his eyes were too confused, even though a layer of Chu Tianshu's chest was separated, Lin Huai still felt the terrified straight man's stare from behind.

"My eyes seem to be able to see." Lin Huai said, "Please let me down."

As soon as his feet landed on the ground, Ji Fengjian shouted from behind: "My God, Chu Tianyu, what the hell are you doing? Isn't this person in women's clothing... a man? !"

Lin Huai: ...

The way the other party made a fuss made him feel insulted. He turned his head, and when Ji Fengjian saw his face, he became more and more unconscious.

"What's wrong with men." Lin Huai raised his eyebrows high, "Can't men wear women's clothing?"

Although women's clothing is not Lin Huai's subjective hobby, it is an objective fact that he is now in it. Although he thinks that wearing women's clothing is just an ordinary act of completing a task, but in his position, he is dedicated to his work, so he launched a counterattack against Ji Fengjian.

"Isn't it perverted for men to wear women's clothing!" Ji Fengjian collapsed.

Lin Huai: ...

Ji Fengjian watched that handsome young man's face turn black on the spot. The young man standing next to him laughed happily again: "Hahahahaha..."

"Smile." Lin Huai said coldly.

Chu Tianshu raised his eyebrows, and made a gesture of zipping his mouth.

Ji Fengjian obviously didn't expect that the person in tattered women's clothing in front of him would be the "Fu Jiang" in this dungeon. He still wanted to say something, but saw the corner of the other party's lips curled up as if thinking of something.

Then, holding his collar between his fingertips, he walked towards Ji Fengjian step by step: "Speaking of which, the clothes on me are too rotten to wear, how about..."

Ji Fengjian:

The young man squatted down, and he reached out to grab Ji Fengjian's chin. When that pretty face approached, Ji Fengjian accidentally did not avoid it.

" you..." he stammered, "what do you want to do, you want to treat me..."

Ji Fengjian's heart beat fast for a moment, and he couldn't control himself. Then, he was gently...

A slap in the face.