The NPC Was Once Again Frightened By Me

Chapter 133: Trisolaran first entered the Grand View Garden


"I've had a good talk with him, too."

Qiu Ran: "... That's Ji Fengjian."

"We're talking." Chu Tianshu showed a hearty smile.

Qiuran: ...

She averted her eyes to prevent herself from seeing such a perverted scene. Lin Huai took a pair of tweezers and took out the rag that was stuffed into the opponent's mouth. He touched the other party's red hair, and said kindly: "Now you..."

Ji Fengjian: "You have insulted my personality, I will not give in!"

"We didn't talk about it." Lin Huai stuffed the rag back, "We'll talk slowly later."

Qiuran: ...

"Actually, I can go to them and tell them the win-win method." She hesitated, "This way..."

"no need."

Lin Huai stood up from the chair: "I'm not very familiar with Ye Xiangxiang, she can do whatever she wants. But Zhang Minge's words..."

"There is still a score to settle between me and him."

"Ah!" Qiu Ran got up, "Where are you going?"

"Instead of passively being found by others, it's more in line with my personal style to announce my identity with great fanfare." Lin Huai put one hand on the door frame, "Miss, goodbye."

Qiu Ran turned to Chu Tianshu, who also shrugged: "I'll help him adjust the equipment and refute the rumors."

The two left the laboratory one after the other.

For a moment, Qiu Ran was the only one left in the lab... She turned her head and looked at Ji Feng, who was still bound, in blank dismay.

Ji Fengjian: "Woooooo!"

He struggled, as if begging Qiuran to let him go. After thinking for a moment, Qiu Ran used tweezers to grab the rag out of the opponent's mouth.

"In this case, you should feel much better." Qiu Ran comforted him, "As for the rope... Let them let you go when they come back."

Ji Fengjian: ...

"I hate women the most!!" He howled again angrily.

After the other party cursed for five minutes, Qiu Ran stared at the ball of rags and thought for a while, and decided to promote her humanitarian spirit.

She moved her bench aside and put on earplugs.

At the same time, Ye Xiangxiang and Zhang Mingge finally met in school.

"Have you found Lin Huai?"

Zhang Mingge's opening showed the fact that the two of them already knew the identity of "Fu Jiang". Ye Xiangxiang played with his mobile phone and said, "Hide in some corner of the school."

"Look—" she pushed the phone screen towards Zhang Mingo, "he is really popular in school."

Zhang Minge frowned as he looked at the lively black group dancing in front of him. Ye Xiangxiang said in surprise, "You don't look very happy?"

"Frankly speaking, there are indeed a lot of personal grievances between me and him." Zhang Minge said coldly, "But at the same time, I chased and killed him only because he was my mission target—that's all."

"Your expression doesn't look like 'that's all.' Tsk..." Ye Xiangxiang looked at Zhang Mingge, who said something wrong, and smiled, "As for me, I have no personal grievances with him, it's just a reward for the task. But Gu Beichen has already been killed by him, right? He really looks like a ruthless character. How did you know each other before?"

"A dungeon." Zhang Mingo didn't seem to want to bring up the matter, "He is very difficult to get along with. Don't think that you can easily solve him..."

"That's interesting." Ye Xiangxiang smiled briskly, "I like challenging mission goals, and I also like handsome men with personality. If I don't have to eliminate him, I'm quite interested and want to bring him Is my clone going..."

They talked, passing the long corridor. Next to the corridor is the abandoned square of the school, and at the end of the square is the stage.

Almost all the students in the school have left. Only a few students were left gathered in the square in twos and threes, as if they were preparing for the school festival to come. They measure the square and talk about topics, but they cannot do without the same person.

"He's really popular here." Ye Xiangxiang pointed at the gossiping students with his fingernails, "Look, those who admire him—"

She pointed to a few girls.

"Jealous of his—"

She points to several boys.

"I hate him, but I have to admit that I care about him and want to know him—" Ye Xiangxiang said, "They are all here."

"This is just the effect of Fu Jiang's buff." Zhang Minge said coldly, "Any player would have such attention—"

Ye Xiangxiang laughed again.

"Not necessarily?" She flicked her nails, "First of all, we cannot deny the attention this buff brings to him; secondly, you cannot deny that he is indeed very special and attractive. As for the last ... You have to admit that even without this buff, there will be its 'Fu Jiang' in any school."

"What do you mean?"

"Why do they pay attention to 'Fu Jiang'? Because of curiosity, because of her beauty?" Ye Xiangxiang shook his finger, "Yes, not just. They pay attention to her because their lives are too monotonous. Monotonous Life needs a little adjustment. The existence of 'Fu Jiang' is a 'legend', which brought plenty of entertainment and excitement to their lives."

"They centered on 'Fu Jiang', derived many true and false rumors, fabricated all kinds of eye-catching romantic affairs, and shaped her from a person to a legend. They shaped her into a God, and molded into a demon, and from this process vented all his desires that he dared not speak out, poured his fantasies on Fu Jiang's body, and rationalized his emotions in word of mouth and gossip discussions , expand." Ye Xiangxiang continued, "Every school will have a legendary figure who bears these rumors. She is the most eye-catching person, and she is also the person who makes everyone approach with complicated emotions. No' Rich River, there will also be "Poor River" and "Yangtze River"... As long as people's desires never cease, as long as people's attention remains, the concept of "Fu Jiang" will never be eliminated."

"What do you want to say?"

"It's nothing, it's just a matter of feeling." Ye Xiangxiang said with a smile, "It's not just the buffs given by the system that make him 'Fu Jiang', but all these things that are curious about his events and are discussing him. man."

"Of course, this is discussing this issue from the perspective of sociology. The task given to us by the examiner is far less complicated." She patted her hands, "We only need to kill him to get a reward, Why not do it?"

As soon as she finished speaking, the school's radio rang.

"Hey Hey hey?"

A familiar voice sounded on the radio, and Zhang Mingo immediately said coldly: "He's in the radio station!"

At the same time, the boy who cleaned the entire class by himself, with a sore back and legs, also stopped at the door.

"It's classmate Lin..."

With longing eyes, he looked at the radio that was making sound.

"I'm very sorry to take up public resources, but in order to prevent innocent people from being killed, and to prevent my name from being abused... I have to come here to introduce myself." A careless voice sounded from the radio, "I am Fu Jiang, From Class A of the second year, sitting in the second-to-last row by the window. Those who want to come and kill me can come and kill me. Those who want to confess their love to me can also line up by themselves. ps: Don’t hold a million dollars in your hand If you give it to me, I will not accept it."

"Then, since I have to participate in this so-called 'Miss Liangchuan' election... I can only briefly clarify the recent rumors about me with a headache. Please listen carefully and spread my message Gossip-like enthusiasm, spreading it around.”

"One, I'm just so beautiful and popular. It's not my fault that I'm too popular. I'm helpless to attract so many people who like to discuss me. Please continue to discuss privately and don't disturb my private life—especially It's an illegitimate meal that secretly took pictures of me, and I'll let my father crawl."

"Second, women's clothing is very beautiful, and I am also very beautiful in women's clothing. But if anyone dares to take my photo to do something in private... I will knock your dog's head off. Three, I earn money by labor, relying on It's a combination of intellect, courage, and physical strength, so..."

"He didn't seduce me, I was pursuing him." Another voice came, "Everyone, strangers, thank you for taking pictures of us and helping us dig out the candies. I have put away the photos."

Then, the communication was cut off.

Zhang Mingo: ...

"It's simply arrogant..." He pushed his glasses, turned to Ye Xiangxiang, "Come on, let's go—"

Ye Xiangxiang laughed out loud.

"That's cool." She flicked her bright red nails, "I like him."

At the same time, the bucket at the top of the stairs fell to the ground and made a "clang" sound.

"Are you kidding..." The boy at the front desk twisted his face, "Are you kidding..."

Lin Huai's relaxed voice, which was completely unaffected by rumors, and Chu Tianshu's "pursuit declaration" seemed to have greatly stimulated him. He twisted his face and bit his lip hard.

Blood flowed.

The sound of the wind resounded in the campus, and at the same time, Liangchuan Middle School, which was originally under the setting sun, turned into black and white again.

Qiu Ran in the laboratory lowered her head, not surprisingly, she found that her body and the surrounding environment had once again turned into a two-dimensional painting of black and white lines.

"this is… "

"Hey, fellow missionaries, good afternoon everyone..."

A tired but excited voice sounded above everyone's heads. Everyone raised their heads, and saw the familiar face of the examiner "Run San" as expected.

Compared with the day before, Junsan looked even more tired. The owner of the huge face had black eye sockets, and looked physically exhausted from rushing to draft all the year round. Compared with yesterday, the bloodshot eyes in those huge eyes became more bloodshot, but his slightly trembling hand holding the paintbrush expressed his excitement again.

"Thank you so much for your efforts—Ah Choo!" A gust of wind with raindrops swept past, and Ji Fengjian quickly hugged the water pipe, "Just now, I have handed over all the drawings so far to my Ome for review. .Although it is very difficult to turn the theme of horror comics into shounen blood fighting comics, it has been well received by her. So far, I am quite grateful. However, she still made a few small suggestions... "

"...First of all, she thinks that the several transfer students who appeared on the stage all have super praise and have their own unique abilities. When they rushed to the school, the performance of using their abilities was very surprising. It was only after seeing Chu Tianyu and the outlaw master When I successfully arrived, I couldn't help but exclaim "Oh my god, how can there be cars here?!". But considering that it is also my first serialization, this small mistake is understandable. But please don't post it later. Let this kind of thing happen again. Otherwise, this kind of character will become a failure in the serialization, and she will think that it would be better to let him go offline as soon as possible... "

As he spoke, the cartoonist's dark eyes looked in Chu Tianshu's direction. Chu Tianshu, who was being beaten violently in the studio, raised his hand: "I heard that."

He roughly understood the meaning and threat in the words of the cartoonist: this kind of mechanical descending can and can only happen once. If he does this kind of random change of the cartoonist's narration in the future, the cartoonist doesn't mind shooting him directly...

"That's right. After all, cartoonists don't like editors criticizing their own works. It's very common, not to mention the second creation of an ooc fan from someone else..." Chu Tianshu, the author of the ooc fan, scratched his head.

"Her second suggestion is for our popular character Gu Beichen. Speaking of which, this kind of dark guy will also attract fans... Her evaluation is that such decisive characters are simply eliminated. It’s really a pity! No matter what, we should give him a memory kill first, tell about his tragic childhood experience, and then let him learn how to die with feelings... "

"The third suggestion is to suggest that I add emotional scenes to the manga. But at the same time, she also said, 'An otaku like you who has never understood amorous feelings since childhood is not good at writing emotional scenes!' And suggested that I Create a pair of lovers in the same way as a pair of friends... At the same time, she also boasted about the manga ability of that damned senior...Damn it, why was he surpassed again!"

"... These are her current evaluations." The man above the sky rubbed his red nose, he seemed to have not fully recovered from the cold, "Even so, she went to the senior today, damn it... What follows is my evaluation of you players as the author, and my hope for the future."

"And finally, since 'Fu Jiang' has revealed his identity," the man sniffed, "in order to give you more encouragement to complete the task, let's reveal the task reward in advance..."

Almost at the moment when the cartoonist's voice just fell, the original black and white world changed again.

"The task reward has been announced."

"Please, while completing your studies, disintegrate the influence of Fu Jiang in the school and eliminate Fu Jiang!"

"Remarks: Chinese college students who travel through, middle-aged Americans who have retired from the military, and Japanese ordinary high school students are the most hidden group of time-travelers in the world. Chinese college students master all smelting and chemical skills, American middle-aged masters the strongest fighting skills, and Japanese high school students Possess countless superpowers. While destroying Tomie, don't forget to go to school [everyday]!"

"Main quest 'Family Planning' reward: Complete the main quest 'Destroy Fu Jiang' to get 10k game points and a C-level branch plot reward each time. Complete the main quest 'Completely Destroy Fu Jiang' to get 50k game points and a S-level branch plot Rewards. Completing the main mission 'Fujiang First Kill' will give you 20k game points and a b-level side plot reward. When multiple people complete the mission, the rewards will be shared equally. The person who achieves the last strike will get the most rewards."

"Sub-quest 'Deceptively Beautiful Fu Jiang' Reward: Complete the side quest 'Rescue the classmate who was bewitched by Fu Jiang', and each person can get 1k game points each time. Every time more than ten people are rescued, you will get an e-level branch plot reward."

"Branch, branch plot rewards!"

In the laboratory, Qiu Ran and Ji Fengjian glanced at each other, and couldn't help but be speechless at the generous side plot rewards.

Having said that, I have to popularize the reward and punishment mechanism of the game.

Unlike Lin Huai, who never considered points and rewards, most of the rest of the players lived a tight life. There are two types of currency they hold—the tradable game points issued by the system and the non-transferable side story rewards.

After being invited by the black invitation letter, the player enters the low-level field of the game. After being approved by the game, low-level players who have become qualified players have the ability to obtain points through game evaluation, conduct a lottery draw after obtaining s-level and above evaluations, and use points in the temporary store before entering the next game The right to purchase game-related items. The amount of points they earn is determined by game reviews.

After passing the advanced field and entering the intermediate field, the functions of the game will be further opened to them. For example, by consuming points, they can carry out a carousel draw. The quality of prizes from low to high is thank you for your patronage, white, green, purple, orange, silver and gold, which are props or abilities to fight against enemies. The quality of prizes from high to low is white, red, and black. These are ghost props that are very likely to cause damage to players. There is no guarantee for a single lottery draw. After 11 consecutive lottery draws, the player can guarantee a purple or above item, or a red and below item.

Players cannot use points to buy their favorite products before entering the high-level field and obtaining a shopping mall where players can trade with each other or a system store that refreshes all the time and can be used to purchase props. However, there is a reward that only appears from the intermediate field, which can break this rule.

This is - it will only appear in the middle-level field and above, the branch plot reward.

The plot rewards of the branch plots are sss, ss, s, a, b, c, d, e respectively from high to low. Among them, the branch plots below the s level can be exchanged for a sufficient number of the upper level branch plots. For example, 100 e-level branch plots can be exchanged for 1 d-level branch plot. Through the branch story rewards, players can purchase randomly refreshed special props or skills in the branch story store, and can also use them to draw prizes on the turntable, and obtain advanced props with a higher level of guarantee, and even according to the props they need /Skill attribute for directional extraction summoning...

Of course, players can get ways to upgrade their abilities, as well as gifts from NPCs, gifts from examiners, and the acquisition of title skills. However, the possibility of obtaining ability upgrades through these several methods is extremely low. Except for the lucky ones who performed extremely well, or the Ouhuang who had an outstanding personality, very few people could get such gifts from the game.

Most of the skills of today's few players come from the side plots or the exchange of points. Therefore, they know that the rewards are generous, and they can't help but turn red.

"'Totally Destroy Fu Jiang', can there be an S-level reward..." Ye Xiangxiang's eyes showed excitement, "S-level that cannot be synthesized with low-level branch plots, this is really..."

"However, this setting is quite normal. Otherwise, as long as you keep killing Fu Jiang, you can get enough C-level sub-plots and get more rewards." Zhang Minge pushed his glasses, "But as long as To be able to get a C-level branch plot reward by killing it once is really... too rich."