The NPC Was Once Again Frightened By Me

Chapter 138: I hit myself


Every time he said a word, the girl's face became paler. Eventually, she covered her face and cried.

"I have nothing to do with you. No matter what, I will never have anything to do with you." Lin Huai said coldly, "The only thing you can save now is your next class. You still have time I ran back to the classroom, admitted my mistake sincerely, and got a better monthly exam result a month later, so now... "


The girl covered her face and stumbled out of the classroom. Lin Huai leaned back on the chair and covered her face with a book.

Chu Tianshu caught up with her halfway down the corridor and gave her the umbrella. Holding an umbrella, the girl ran away sobbing.

She may never be the head of his support group again, but she will achieve a good result in a month.

When Chu Tianshu returned to the classroom, Lin Huai took the book off his face.

He didn't have the slightest expression related to the girl's reaction, he was still pretty, indifferent and comfortable.

In this world, no matter whether it is slander or childish obsession, his heart is as hard as a stone.

Chu Tianshu rubbed his head: "Are you happy?"

Lin Huai blinked, sincerely: "I'm so happy."

He was calm and breezy, but the boy sitting at the front desk in front of him couldn't help trembling.

— he doesn't care.

—He doesn't care, he doesn't care at all.

- He doesn't care about anyone.

This violent trembling lasted until the end of get out of class, until a rumor entered his ears.

— Someone got a videotape. And that video tape was related to Lin Huai's least known scandal.

"So this is my conspiracy." On the way back from school, Lin Huai said into the microphone, "Leave rumors about my video tape in my largest black group, and then they will gather to watch the video tape."

"And I took the opportunity to catch Sadako?" Chu Tianshu, who was squatting behind the lecture theater, said into the microphone, "Win-win."

Thinking of this, he felt a little uneasy: "Ye Xiangxiang, I was entangled by Qiu Ran. She is reliable, so you don't have to worry too much. As for Qu Mei...he is completely immersed in being your handiwork, no It poses a threat. But Zhang Mingge, that old Yinbi...beware of him attacking you."

"I know, I know." Lin Huai replied casually, "I—"

He is walking on the bridge. This overpass is erected on the embankments on both sides, and it stands to reason that it should be inaccessible.

But he saw someone.

That person was an introverted boy sitting at his front desk, carrying a schoolbag, and walking on the road with or without a bag.

It wasn't this boy who caught his attention, but the one not far behind him—

Zhang Mingo.

"Something." Lin Huai put down the phone, "Let's talk later."

The boy is still walking slowly. Zhang Minge and Lin Huai looked at each other halfway across the bridge.

"You're here." Zhang Mingo pushed his glasses, "I've been waiting for you for a long time."

Lin Huai smiled.

"You look very excited." He said softly, "Why, do you think you can finally get your revenge?"

"Correct what you said." Zhang Minge sneered, "I came to you because I acted objectively. It's just because—by killing you, I can complete the task."

"Without any personal factors?"

"who do you think You Are?"

"Oh, so that's the case." Lin Huai said thoughtfully, "Then why do you..."

He showed a mischievous smile: "Don't dare to look at my face?"


"You downloaded a lot of photos of me in the middle of the night." Lin Huai tilted her head and smiled, "What? Am I so good-looking?"

"you… !"

Zhang Minge seemed to have been exposed to some unspeakable thoughts, and he was furious. Lin Huai said again: "Actually, I also find it very strange... What are you using to download my photos in the middle of the night?"

He tapped his chin with his fingers, and smiled again: "I understand. Do you want to formulate some strategies about me based on them?"

In Zhang Mingo's field of vision, this person's smile had a hint of complacency and mischief. His eyes seemed to have hooks, piercing straight into the bottom of his heart.

"..." he panted violently, his eyes were red, "I..."

During the time they were talking, the boy in the front seat had already walked behind Lin Huai step by step. All Lin Huai's attention was on Zhang Mingge, and he continued: "What's so good about the photos? Would you like to come over and see them more clearly? The photos are just photos, and I... am a real person."

Zhang Minge was caught off guard and raised his head.

In his field of vision, in all his attention, only Lin Huai's malicious smile remained. Such a smile made his bones stiff and his whole body hot. After a long time, he heard the man smile again: "If you want to see me, come here."

His voice suddenly became extremely cold: "I haven't settled with you yet for Chu Tianshu's fever."

"Chutian... Shu?"

Chu Tianyu, Chu Tianshu... These two names reminded Zhang Minge of something. The next moment, he saw Lin Huai walking towards him with his hands in his pockets.

The straighter and slower he walked, the faster Zhang Mingo's heart beat. When they were only ten meters away, Lin Huai raised his head.

It was a pair of blood red eyes.

"Are you ready?"

He heard the soft voice of the other party, and at that moment, the Taoist temple that had been slaughtered seemed to appear before his eyes again. Zhang Mingo trembled his lips, and sadly realized—

All his courage was exhausted in this look.

Holding the longbow in his arms, he turned around and ran wildly in embarrassment and death. Lin Huai stood where he was, watching him run wildly, but didn't even go up to catch up.

—Do you want to go up and chase him

He looked at the phone, thinking that Chu Tianshu should have gotten Zhenzi, sealed her with a card, and came here.

"Then it won't be a problem." Lin Huai muttered, lifting her ghostly state.

He opened the phone, opened the dial page, and was about to click Chu Tianshu's number again. Without even realizing it, he hummed a song, his mood extremely happy.

But at this moment—

A strong stabbing pain came from the abdomen.


A long knife pierced his abdomen, and blood gushed out along the huge wound!

"this is… "

With difficulty, little by little, he turned his head. The mobile phone that was originally held in his hand also slid down his hand at this moment.

And fell heavily to the ground.

Appearing in front of his eyes was a young man with blood on his face, a hideous and distorted face, like a ghost—

It was the boy sitting in the front seat of him.

The long knife was pulled out from his abdomen, Lin Huai clutched the wound, and fell to his knees on the ground in pain because he was caught off guard.

Another white light flashed.

The boy held a long knife and raised it above his head. Facing the young man who was kneeling on the ground and moaning in pain, he was about to swing his knife again with tears in his eyes.

"You forced me." He murmured, "You forced asked me to do this!!"

The dreamlike hallucination appeared in front of my eyes again. In his line of sight, Lin Huai raised his head.

The young man, who was so beautiful that it was almost monstrous, stuck out the tip of his tongue and licked the corner of his rosy mouth.

'come. ' he heard the young man say, 'Kill me, dismember me, and then I'll be... yours only. '

His tear moles shone like stars and gems.

Bewitched by the scene in front of him, the young man shouted and slashed down again!

The knife missed nothing, Lin Huai rolled to the right, avoiding the knife.

"I want you to see me!!" The young man said like a maniac, "Come down! Come with me! I want you to see me!"

He yelled, and Lin Huai's blood flowed down his face and flowed into his mouth.

All the blood was swallowed by him.

—Sweet, dark, Lin Huai's blood... He couldn't help but get excited.

Those who used to be aloft have now become lambs under his knife. This absolute sense of possession and conquest made him shudder. Holding the knife, he walked towards the young man lying on the ground again: "It will be fine soon, it won't hurt, and then..."

— Then, you belong to me only!

His dream didn't come true, because when he approached, the young man who was curled up in a pool of blood raised his head again!

— He is different from before.

Perhaps because he was caught off guard and was seriously injured, his originally fair skin was now deathly pale.

Blood stained his shirt red and continued to spread. And those pitch-black eyes became blood red because of this.


The young man wanted to swing the knife, but the young man who was supposed to be dying stood up holding his stomach!


The blade in mid-air was clamped by one hand. The skin on the right hand was cut and bleeding profusely. The young man held the knife expressionlessly, not caring at all that it had cut into his palm.

Then, he kicked the boy hard into the rushing river!

The waves were turbulent, and before the boy could utter a scream, he was submerged by the raging river.

His long knife clanged and landed on the bridge. The young man who was seriously injured was also covering his wound at this time, leaning against a pillar with difficulty.

... hurts.

The severe pain and the strong sense of blood loss made him subconsciously use all his strength to repair the wound.

... hurts.

He didn't bother to think about why the boy attacked him—in short, there were only a few reasons.

… Ants.

... hurts.

In his drowsy vision, he saw the pool of blood in front of him, which quickly changed.

There seemed to be blood-red bubbles emerging from it.

He bit his lip, trying to stay awake. However, just before he could regain his mobility again, a blood-red figure was the first to crawl out of it.

—a figure exactly like him.

He was panting with difficulty, looking at the young man who was exactly like him, except that he was barely clothed.

The young man frowned, he seemed unable to adapt to his current appearance. He tried to control the bloodshot, and sewed a blood-red dress for himself.

Then, he picked up—the long knife that the boy dropped from his hand and fell to the ground.

Holding the knife, he walked towards Lin Huai step by step. Lin Huai supported the pillar, bit her lip, and tried to get up with difficulty—

... hurts.

... why you, so fast

... It was copied so quickly

The rest of the clones are still embryos in the blood pool, but this clone already has a complete posture.

Holding the knife, he strolled in the courtyard, with a gentle smile on his face, and walked step by step towards Lin Huai who was leaning on the pillar and was about to attack at any time.

"Because," he said lightly, "I've been waiting a long time—this opportunity."

There was a frightening, overwhelming dark aura about him. Lin Huai stared at him hard. He sneered, "You—"

"Don't be so nervous, your calf is shaking." He heard the voice of the clone, "Don't be so nervous, I don't want to kill you, I just want to take the opportunity to come out - look at you, and then, take a walk."

"you… "

"Don't worry, I can't exist in this world for a long his sight." The duplicate shrugged indifferently, "You and I are symbiotic. Before the seal is lifted, you don't have to Worried about what I'd do to you..."

"you are not-"

At that moment, a chill ran down Lin Huai's spine.

He remembered a shadow... a voice.

In the civilized world, the shadows and voices he heard and felt.

"Are you that black shadow?" Lin Huai asked, "You are that thing hidden in my body... You are that thing in that door, behind the chain, that was sealed?"

The clone, or, the shadow, smiled.

"Am I your seal? Or is this body the 'cage' shared by the two of us? Are you something I got behind the 'door'?"

As the black shadow approached him, Lin Huai kept asking. At the same time, he could feel the ground beneath him start to tremble.

"You are very clever, my dear Sisyphus." The man laughed. "Sometimes it is a good thing to be clever, and sometimes, it is not."

With an unquestionable gesture, he held Lin Huai's wrist, and gently stuffed the knife into his hand.

"Is this resurrection a blessing or a curse?" Black Shadow repeated, "You carry me into this game again, is it a way of life, or a way of... death for the two of us?"

He looked at the guarded Lin Huai who was still gasping for pain, and smiled.

It seems that something has awakened.

Countless golden figures appeared in the air, and Lin Huai looked at what appeared in front of him in almost astonishment... This is a spectacular scene.

"Don't be so nervous... It seems that today is not a good time to breathe. I have to go back to the seal." Soi Ying repeated this sentence again, his eyes almost loving, "and..."

"Don't forget our bet."

He said in a low voice, shook Lin Huai's wrist again, and turned around, but the next moment—


The long knife slashed fiercely on his back, splitting the body straight in two. Lin Huai clutched the cracked wound, panting fiercely:

"Fuck you..." He cursed coldly, "Why are you pretending to be a good person..."

The figure was split in half by him, only half of the mouth remained, but it was still wriggling.

"You don't seem to welcome me very much?"

Lin Huai didn't speak. So it laughed again: "Forget it, one day, after breaking the seal, we will be completely integrated into one body and never be separated. Before that, let's do it according to your temperament, and..."

"Be careful with him."

Just as Lin Huai was about to speak, she coughed in pain. In his field of vision, the black shadow quickly liquefied, distorted, and finally merged into...

In his shadow!

The clone's corpse was eventually lost, along with all of its blood. If it weren't for the fact that the knife was still in Lin Huai's hands, all this would have seemed like a dream.

All the golden numbers also disappeared before his eyes.

His wounds are finally beginning to heal quickly. Lin Huai casually inserted the long knife into the ground, and leaned against the pillar, staring at the shadow below him.

The shadow moves with his actions, like a puppet without will.

The cold aura produced by the appearance of the shadow also disappeared.


There was a long silence.

"I knew I would be backstabbed by an NPC," Lin Huai looked up. He looked at the squirming bodies in the blood pool and smiled with difficulty, "I committed suicide to get the reward..."

After a while, he sighed again: "Oh."

The reappearance of the black shadow not only failed to answer his confusion about himself, but made his resurrection and everything more confusing.

The cold, intrusive aura carried by him made Lin Huai extremely uncomfortable. But what made him care more was his words.

"Be careful with him."

Watch out for him, watch out for whom

What is the black shadow, what is "he", what is the seal, what is the way of life... All of them are twisted in his mind, like a confusing mystery.

However, for him at present, there are more urgent matters—

That is, in the blood pool in front of you, seven new "Lin Huai"—


A huge score appeared in his vision.

At the same time, the pool of blood in front of him continued to surge.

one... two... three...

Seven blood-red figures struggled to crawl out from the ground.

And the original blood-red figure had already fallen to the ground. His body already vaguely had the embryonic form of a human being. He looked at the figure in front of him and tilted his head.

Then, as the blood continued to drip, the figure finally raised the corners of its mouth.

And revealed—exactly the same as Lin Huai—


64 is the maximum number of "Fu Jiang" allowed to exist at the same time, and 8 must be the number of "Fu Jiang" currently existing.

Now on this empty bridge, only he and these replicas are left.


The long knife pierced through the air and shot straight in the direction of the support pole. In the shadow under the pole, a crimson figure jumped up, narrowly dodging the cloud piercing stone knife!

The arrow penetrated into the concrete, making a violent crisp sound, and cracks like spider webs spread out. The crimson figure landed on the other side, looking up at Lin Huai with a reckless posture.

"Such a warm birthday present." The crimson figure chuckled, "I'm really flattered."

The same cold and bloody gaze came, and it was close to the gaze from the other side.

The one in front of him who was confronting the rightful lord was "Lin Huai" who was the first to climb up the bleeding pool after the black shadow. He has exactly the same appearance as Lin Huai, and even the evil spirit between his eyebrows is exactly the same.

He didn't have that special cold air that Sombra possessed. It seems that it is a very ordinary copy body.

The only fly in the ointment is...

"Although I think my figure is pretty good." Lin Huaixu said with eyes, "But I suggest you still wear some clothes."

"Ah, it's a bit cold when you say that." Lin Huai said across the blood pool.

His pale skin is still stained with a considerable amount of blood, coupled with several inexplicable holy lights (I don't know why, there are inexplicable white halos on several parts of him, Lin Huai suspected that it was the examiner Runsan painted while they were not paying attention), covering all the important parts of his whole body. Cell division can create new individuals, but not new clothes. In view of the fact that these seven "Lin Huai" are all products of cell division, the current scene is quite reasonable in various senses.

Lin Huai on the other side of the blood pool shrugged. He bit his finger, and the blood stained on his body turned into a flowing blood suit. After putting on that bloody coat, he became more and more like a mature individual.

He rolled his eyes, looked at the other individuals in the blood pool who hadn't grown eyes, and frowned in disgust: "It's disgusting—do you think it's disgusting too?"

Lin Huai: "Didn't you also grow out of it?"

"That's different." The duplicate shrugged, "Speaking of the reason for my birth, it's really embarrassing—"

He raised his eyebrows: "To be stabbed in the back by an npc who looks like a passer-by, I said, are you not qualified to be the real Lin Huai?"

Lin Huai: ...

"If you don't need your identity, you can give it to someone who needs it." The replica said sincerely, "For example, me."

Lin Huai's brows began to twitch: "You can die."

For a moment, only the two people who were staring at each other and the other six red shadows lying or standing on the ground remained on the overpass illuminated by street lights. The second Lin Huai, who was dressed in blood, was silent for a while, and said, "Actually, can we think of a win-win cooperation?"

"What do you mean?"

"I just think that we don't need to kill each other." The duplicate body said, "Let's find a way to get out of this examination room and complete this game. We are all brothers and sisters. We rely on our partners when we go out and friends at home. I spend money Very little, not much to eat... ”

Lin Huai was silent.

After a long time, he said, "Have you not fully copied all my strength?"

Replica: …

He touched his nose, showing a guilty expression. Lin Huai said: "Let me just say, if you really copied my ability completely, you would have come up to fight a long time ago, why bother to keep pushing here."

"Then..." After the truth was exposed, the clone had no choice but to spread his hands, "The copied me is indeed inferior, but..."

Lin Huai: "... I'm too lazy to listen to your explanation, are you here to die by yourself, or am I here to kill you?"

"Huh?" The duplicate touched its nose, "Why is it so violent?"

Lin Huai didn't even raise his eyelids: "If it were you, would you tolerate a low-quality counterfeit who looks exactly like you living in this world?"

Duplicate: "… no."

"This is the end." Lin Huai also spread his hands, "Come here, you know my tricks, I will make your death easy..."

"But you also know my character."

The duplicate laughed.

"Never surrender until the last moment." He said softly, "Aren't we all crazy like this?"

"It's really troublesome." Lin Huai's eyes became a little colder, "So, I really think that people like me..."

"It's quite difficult."

"Since a consensus has been reached—"

"—that's easy enough."

They took each other's words with a tacit understanding. Almost at the same moment, they grinned and showed the same arc.

The same madness shone in the eyes of the two of them.

At the same moment when the voice just fell, they tiptoed and rushed towards each other!

It has been a long time since Lin Huai had such an exciting and enjoyable experience. It's like dancing on the tip of a knife, or stepping on the cold snow, touching a blazing flame with your fingertips.

They seem to be dancing a double tango. One step forward, the other step back. Every step is accompanied by fierce drumbeats, and every step is stepped on the beat of the other party. It was a dance full of adrenaline and the fragrance of a midsummer night. It was a dance composed with life by two people whose souls were incomparably compatible but who hated each other so much.

- Exciting, familiar, evenly matched, unexpected and dangerous. This is his experience of fighting himself.

"I started to regret it in advance." Lin Huai said softly.