The NPC Was Once Again Frightened By Me

Chapter 139: I want to see me


"What do you regret?" Xue Yi asked, seized the opportunity, and slapped him hard.

Lin Huai leaned back. Due to inertia, the end of his hair still stayed in its original position, and was fluttering under the palm of the bloody coat.

As a clone, Xue Yi inherited his fighting level. However, perhaps due to insufficient development time, his ability is still slightly inferior to his own.

— But in actual combat, this gap is fatal.

If time is enough, Lin Huai doesn't mind playing with this blood-clothed self more, and gives him enough room to grow. However, the other six had stood up from the pool of blood by themselves. The first three of them already had an exact resemblance to themselves.

Even though they are both Lin Huai, their performances are still slightly different. The third Lin Huai quickly walked to the bridge after standing up—Zhang Minge seemed to have forgotten his bow and arrow here. When the third one picked up the bow and arrow, the fourth one, Lin Huai, just transformed into his clothes, and rushed towards the third one, saying something like "That's mine".

In the fifth, he had no intention of fighting the first two. He looked left and right, and finally squatted on the pole, watching the battle between his own body and the blood-clothed Lin Huai with great interest. The sixth Lin Huai was playing with a small knife made of blood. He looked left and right, as if he was thinking about which one was more suitable for backstabbing.

The seventh Lin Huai was born last and the weakest. He stood in the distance, watching everyone quietly.

These seven people have inherited Lin Huai's traits - they don't like teamwork. Therefore, Lin Huai was not worried that they would join hands to attack him immediately. At the same time, he clearly knew—these seven selves all had a sense of disgust and hatred for their own body and each other who were also replicas.

The remaining six selves are still developing figures, so there is nothing to be afraid of. However, seeing so many people who are exactly like him, Lin Huai was still a little genuinely upset.

—It was almost as if my novel had been plagiarized. he thought.

"You're distracted." He heard that he was very dissatisfied, and made a voice of accusation, "Does fighting with me make you so bored?"

The last words came from behind him. Before he knew it, Lin Huai in blood had already arrived behind him. He strangled the main body's throat fiercely, and at that moment, the fifth Lin Huai on the telegraph pole exclaimed: "Nice job!"

He quickly realized that the phrase was not meant to compliment him. The evidence is that Lin Huai, who was strangled by him, softened quickly and turned into a black coat. The body in a white shirt appeared behind him like a doll, grabbed his neck and threw him to the ground, throwing out a pair of gloves.

The glove that was thrown like a dart flew into the hands of the sixth Lin Huai who was holding a knife and trying to backstab. He grabbed the gloves subconsciously, and let out a painful cry: "The main body! You plot against me!"


Lin Huai threw away the injury gloves without reason, and was insulting her clone. He knew all too well his bad habit of subconsciously catching flying objects. After solving the hidden danger behind him, he bent his knees and severely suppressed his joints below him.

Lin Huai in blood was smashed to the concrete floor by him. His slender neck was strangled fiercely, and bruised handprints were almost visible. After struggling to catch his breath for a while, he stopped resisting.

"To be honest, I'm a bit reluctant to kill you." Lin Huai said, "After all, not everyone has the chance to fight with themselves—"

"I just... thought the same way." The clone who was suppressed by him responded with the same smile, "Well..."

The pain in his neck made him grunt. Then, he opened his eyes wide and asked, "Well, if I call you brother from now on, will you let me go?"

Ontology Lin Huai: "..."

Lin Huai in blood: "Brother, brother, brother."

"I'm an only child." Lin Huai said coldly, "Shameless."

Lin Huai in blood: "There's nothing shameful about being coquettish to yourself. And..."

He paused: "You also know that I won't give up until the last step."

Lin Huai thought that what he said was very reasonable, and slapped him hard. Before his palm sank into Xueyi Lin Huai's heart, the other party was still chattering: "Or you can choose to keep me. I am still in a developing state and not so strong. After I completely copy everything about you, You can have more fun—hey, have you pierced my heart yet? It hurts, take it easy... "

Main body Lin Huai: "It will be fine soon."

Lin Huai in blood: "Oh, then hurry up, is this the feeling of being crushed? It's a bit—"

Before he finished the last word "pain", the last light in his eyes dimmed. Lin Huai crushed the ghostly heart of his clone, and felt that he was really a heartless man.

At the moment when he crushed the ghost's heart, he also felt a subtle difference—even though the bloody clothes in front of him were copies of his own memory, appearance, ability, thinking, and fighting style, they inevitably still carried There are strong traces of imitation.

The evidence is the fragile heart of the ghost - it is more like a fake piece of paper without too much obsession than the core of the real ghost.

"You're so ruthless." The fifth Lin Huai commented on the pole, "You crushed my heart just like that, Gu Linhuai, you are so ruthless."

Lin Huai, the main body, licked the blood on his hands, and then he smiled and looked at himself on the pole: "Don't be so anxious, it will be your turn soon."

"Everything should come first." The fifth Lin Huai dangled on the pole, "You should kill the third and fourth first—hey, it seems that you don't need to take action, they have already started fighting themselves."

"Are you coming down by yourself, or am I going up to find you?" Lin Huai asked him.

"...Slightly." The fifth Lin Huai stuck out his tongue feebly, "To be honest, I know with certainty that you are stronger than me now."

He tilted his head and looked at Lin Huai: "Can you not kill me first? Go and kill the sixth Lin Huai. He just wanted to stab you in the back."

Lin Huai: "But he failed."

"Okay." The fifth Lin Huai shrugged, "But now I really can't beat you, that's a fact. So..."

He tilted his head and thought for a while: "Can I commit suicide?"

After saying this earth-shattering sentence, the fifth Lin Huai showed a mischievous smile. He tilted his head, waiting for the main body's response.

The young man in the shirt just shrugged. Perhaps because he was too tired from standing, he simply sat on the ground and stretched out his right hand to the replica on the telegraph pole: "Please."

Fifth Lin Huai: "You are so ruthless, are you serious?"

"Please begin your performance."

"If I really die, won't your conscience ache?" The fifth Lin Huai said bitterly, "No snowflake is innocent in an avalanche..."

Lin Huai said coldly: "No, I will only continue to venture into the world."

Lin Xuehua, who bravely ventured into the world, did not feel guilty at all for forcing herself to death.

"... Well, you really hate me." The fifth Lin Huai sighed, "I should have known earlier."

He muttered something. As a replica, he has obtained all of Lin Huai's emotions and memories. Correspondingly, he also knows very well that he will never let him go, with his temper and stubborn personality.

The only thing to be thankful for, perhaps, is that Lin Huai will not let his own body die too ugly - of course, this is based on the fact that he will not resist to the end. However, it is impossible for him to give up resistance before he is in a desperate situation.

Thinking about it, the fifth Lin Huai looked around calmly, while delaying time: "Speaking of which, we can be regarded as brothers connected by blood..."

In his vision, the third Lin Huai and the fourth Lin Huai were fighting each other. Given the small difference in birth time, they fought fairly evenly. The sixth Lin Huai was squatting on the ground trying to deal with the badly burned right hand after being attacked by the injury glove.

…maybe figure out a way to create a mess and get away with it. He rolled his eyes, and the seventh Lin Huai also appeared in his peripheral vision.

… wait.

What is he doing

The seventh Lin Huai looked thoughtfully at the blood or flesh on the overpass that had been consumed by the birth of the seven of them. After thinking for a moment, he took out a small knife.

He cut off ten of his fingers one by one and threw them out one by one.

The fifth Lin Huai: ... Brother, you are so ruthless.

The smile on the fifth Lin Huai's face grew bigger and bigger. He knew in his heart that he could not defeat the ruthless Noumenon. In a sense, being able to die by one's own hands can also be called a worthy death, and it doesn't make people feel ashamed. But he was quite happy to be able to see the new troubles that the seventh self created for the main body before he died.

"As expected of me..." He couldn't help showing admiration in his eyes.

He was just about to open his mouth to try to fool him, but there was already a chill in his neck.

"Don't try to play tricks on me."

The cool voice of the main body rang in his ears, and then, it was a heart-pounding attack.

He looked like he didn't want to listen to what he said at all, so the fifth Lin Huai could only leave his last words before his heart was crushed.

"Catch me before I fall," he said with a final, vulnerable whimper, into himself, "don't let me break my face, it's ugly."

As soon as the words fell, he fell softly from the pole and made a "boom" when it touched the concrete floor. The cruel Ontology completely ignored his request.

After him, the third, fourth and sixth Lin Huai fell one after another. Stepping on her own blood, Lin Huai walked towards the seventh Lin Huai who was standing silently by the side of the road.

After seeing the main body Lin Huai coming, the duplicate didn't even struggle. This made Lin Huai, who had gone through a whole chase with the sixth clone, feel very relieved.

Her obsession with survival, indomitable spirit of making trouble, and endless flirting attacks became Lin Huai's greatest enemies. He looked at the seventh clone standing obediently, and felt a little relieved.

"Why don't you run away?" Lin Huai asked.

"Is it useful to escape?"

"It's not only shameful but also useless." The heartless body responded, and walked towards its seventh copy, "Do you have any last words?"

"Hmmm..." The seventh clone put its hands behind its back, "Curse you for not having sex for the rest of your life?"

"This is your third brother's last words." Lin Huai's voice remained unchanged.

"If I call you brother, will you let me go?"

"This is your second brother's last words."

"It's different." The seventh clone who was pressed against the wall blinked narrowly, "He's a younger brother. But I can wear women's clothing, so you can treat me as your younger sister."

Lin Huai: ...

The seventh replica: "We are a man and a woman, each performing its duties, isn't it good?"

"..." Lin Huai said coldly, "I refuse to go against Su."

As he spoke, his right hand began to pressurize. The seventh clone was strangled by him, and said intermittently in a breathy voice: "Some people are alive...but he is dead...some people are dead...but he is still alive..."

There is a bit of meaning in his smile. Lin Huai then asked, "What do you mean?"

The seventh clone: "You're going to kill me, and you expect me to tell you what I mean. You think I like doing charity?"

If people don't make sacrifices, they can't get anything. If they want to get something, they have to pay the same price. This is the principle of equivalent exchange. Based on this principle, Lin Huai temporarily let go of his hand. The seventh clone shook his bruised neck and complained, "You're so ruthless."

"What do you mean by that sentence just now?" Lin Huai frowned, "Are you behind my back..."

He narrowed his eyes: "What happened?"

The seventh clone didn't answer his question, but complained, "You're scratching me."

Lin Huai was too lazy to talk to herself: "Say."

"Don't tell me." The seventh clone said, "If you have the ability, you killed me."

Looking at his domineering smile, Lin Huai felt that his hands were very itchy. He has always been good at self-reflection, he finally learned to compare his heart with his heart, and understand how inferior he is in the eyes of others.

People cannot fully understand each other unless they have experienced the same pain. And Lin Huai finally understood how many floors a bag of rice needs to carry (Japanese: How many floors does a bag of rice need to carry to feel pain).

However, Lin Huai never enjoys pain, he only enjoys the process of bringing pain to others. After thinking for a while, he came up with a method that would cause him the most pain, and threatened the seventh clone: "Say it quickly, or I will stuff a cockroach into your mouth."

The seventh clone was unmoved: "Hee hee, can you catch it?"

Lin Huai: ...

He really couldn't do this, and showed a disgusted expression by his threat. The seventh clone laughed even more reassuringly.

Looking at the non-violent non-cooperation appearance of the seventh clone, Lin Huai thought for a moment and decided to go beyond himself.

After a while, he raised his head: "If you don't tell me, I will..."

Duplicate: "Just for what?"

Lin Huai: "I'll kiss you."

Duplicate: “……”

Lin Huai: "I will also pull out all your hair one by one."

The face of the seventh clone finally turned completely green. After a while, he gritted his teeth and said, "Are you crazy!"

Lin Huai: "Are you afraid?"

Duplicate: "... won't your conscience hurt?"

"Live and dance." Lin Huai didn't blink.

Duplicate: "…"

Lin Huai: "Admit it, you have already lost. A counterfeit is a counterfeit, and you can't beat me in terms of madness."

Duplicate: "…"

"Actually, you don't need to tell me, I have already discovered it." Lin Huai suddenly grabbed his hand from behind him, "You cut off all ten of your fingers?"

Duplicate: "…"

"Six are on the bridge, and you threw four into the river..." Lin Huai said softly, "It's really a big deal."

Duplicate: "…"

He sneered: "Since you already knew, why did you still play this play with me?"

"No reason." Lin Huai said lightly, "I just suddenly felt..."

"Playing with myself, giving myself hope, and giving myself despair. Watching my painful expression... It's also fun."