The NPC Was Once Again Frightened By Me

Chapter 140: Trisolaran Tries Cloud and Rain for the first time


The next moment, a sharp pain came from his chest.

The duplicate body lowered its head in astonishment, his chest had already been pierced by another hand.

... His body, Lin Huai's hand.

"Goodbye." Lin Huai smiled, "You poor fake."

The seventh replica was held by him, and he smiled softly: "Well... the plan failed. It is really difficult to fully understand and copy your personality... I hope my younger generations can do better A little bit."

The next moment, his heart was completely crushed. The light in the eyes of the seventh clone also completely dimmed.

After killing the seventh clone, Lin Huai didn't immediately chase after the six fingers that had quickly grown into a hand and ran away (the other four had already gone smoothly). He walked to a car by the bridge, took out the fuel tank, poured gasoline on the corpses of the remaining replicas, and set them on fire.

For a while, the flames burst into the sky.

When doing this kind of thing, he was particularly meticulous, and he didn't let a single trace of blood go.

Then, he closed his eyes, waiting for the return of the other six clones.

He believed they would come back—all clones would remain united in the face of the enemy. Their common goal is to get rid of him as the main body as soon as possible.

The mobile phone that fell to the ground has been completely shattered. Lin Huai shook it and threw it aside.

—Chu Tianshu should have gotten the videotape belonging to Sadako. he thought.

He should wait for him in Kayako's villa, and wait for him to come back to solve the assembly of the Big Three of the Avengers.

The warm villa that appeared in his mind made him slightly twitch his lips.

He's starting to get a little cold.

He was exhausted from being stabbed in the back, not receiving full recovery, and battling seven lesser clones. But he still sat on the bridge.

He cannot get off the bridge. Not counting the four fingers that disappeared with the water, the remaining six replicas should have been copied, "7/64", hanging brightly in the sky. Replicants are lurking under the bridge. They waited for Lin Huai to come down, and at this moment—his weakest moment, they took advantage of his illness and killed him.

Not knowing which direction the attack would come from, he sat on the bridge—waiting for them to come up to him by themselves.

— No one will come to him. All the npcs in this game can't wait to put him to death. He also didn't tell Chu Tianshu that he walked on this bridge that he wouldn't normally walk on a whim today.

The mobile phone is also broken.

He can only be here... desperately want to get rid of the remaining six clones, and then go back.

Go back to that warm... home.

Finally, footsteps came from both sides of the bridgehead.


After seeing Lin Huai, the leader clone frowned in displeasure: "Why do you look the same as me?"

Lin Huai was very upset by his tone. Lin Huai then said, "You copied my appearance."

"It's not commercial, can you control it?" The clone sneered.

Lin Huai: ...

"Speaking of which, this guy in front of us is our main body, right?" The second clone behind him said the same thing, "I just saw him kill other clones."

"It's so fierce."

"that is."

"How about it—" said the leader clone, "how about we unite and get rid of him first?"

"1v6, won't it be a bit invincible?"

Several replicas walked towards Lin Huai in a surrounding shape. The leader of the clone said: "Although it is still 1v6 against someone who has just had a round of wheel battles, it is somewhat invincible, but..."

Lin Huai looked at them coldly and clenched his fists.

"It's a bit invincible."

A voice sounded from behind him.

"It's not 1v6, it's 2v6." The young man with a wrench put his shoulders. He put his chin on Lin Huai's shoulder and looked at the replicas that surrounded them: "However, those who are invincible..."

"It's us."

'So fast… '

The young man with chestnut hair had already put his hands on his body, but Lin Huai didn't notice his arrival at all.

He turned his face to look at the young man who fell from the sky, and the young man waved the wrench in his hand at this moment: "Yo."

"..." Lin Huaixu rolled his eyes, "Don't wave at me, wave at them."

"Oh good." Chu Tianshu was as good as he was, he raised his wrench and waved to the other side, "Six friends on the opposite side, how are you all?"

The six clones looked at each other and each took a step back.

They seemed to see it quickly—this Sand Sculpture, who surrounded the main body in the posture of a good buddy and waved a wrench in the posture of a protector, was not someone to mess with.

'It seems that most of my energy has indeed been consumed by the previous wheel battle. Therefore, even the most basic ability to perceive Chu Tianshu's footsteps was lost. Lin Huai, who was the main body, thought, "From Zhang Mingge, Gu Beichen, to my six replicas... tonight is indeed a bit too much for myself." '

Only then did he realize that his energy had already reached the end of his strength, but the enemy was in front of him, and his exhausted spirit was forced to tense up due to the danger he was facing, so he never allowed himself to slack off for a moment, and he didn't even realize that he was fighting for a while. Weakness of energy.

This is undoubtedly a very dangerous thing. However, for some reason, after Chu Tianshu appeared...

He finally felt the exhaustion he hadn't seen for a long time, and the heaviness of exhaustion.

… It’s like arriving at what a traveler who has trekked in the desert and finally arrived at a safe point will experience when he steps into an oasis…

peace of mind.

This thought made him very excited.

'What, do I feel this way? ’ His pupils trembled uncontrollably, ‘Have I trusted this person so much unconsciously? '

This strange feeling made him a little panic... This is not a good phenomenon, definitely not a good phenomenon.

Yes, they have known each other for nearly half a year. They sleep together in the same bed in the game, and eat and live together in reality. He found him feeling lonely in front of the library. He took away the broccoli in his bowl and put back a marinated egg. He drove him to the suburbs and lit a bunch of fireworks. While creating air pollution, Talking about giving him such silly things as "Happy Birthday"...

No matter from which angle the argument is made, they are already quite familiar with each other.

If the relationship between people can be judged and interpreted through the settings of galgame's favorability system, a marinated egg is ten favorability points, a firework is fifty favorability points, and a coat is three favorability points , then in this gag bit by bit, the relationship between two people can be defined as friends long ago, and the two have long been in and will be in the primary stage of socialist brotherhood for a long time.

When trying to be a human being, Lin Huai has been trying to define her life in this way. Different from his wild and easy-going appearance, the circle in his heart is actually quite small.

—The people in the dungeon are all strangers, so it is enough for him to have fun by himself. Lin Huai would not and was too lazy to interfere more in their future.

——Qin Jiang and others are his acquaintances. For acquaintances, he needs to be polite and communicate and collaborate appropriately and appropriately within the scope of the relationship.

—Tan Xiruo and others are his roommates. Compared with acquaintances, the relationship between roommates and him goes further, closer to friends. So he will get along with these people in the way that is generally recognized by the public as a friend.

— But Chu Tianshu is different from these people.

He is not the kind of person who enters his life as a stranger and gradually evolves into a "friend" as the time spent together increases. And Lin Huai can also find the most suitable way to treat him through constant running-in in this gradual process, and normalize the relationship between the two into a mediocre and graded relationship.

He is not the kind of person who directly enters his life forcefully in the name of "friend" and arranges everything for himself. Hard-edged enthusiasm only makes him uncomfortable.

Chu Tianshu is a person that makes it difficult for him to define. He is always out of the blue, making it difficult to gauge his purpose, behavior, and character. He is sometimes over-enthusiastic and compulsively intervenes in his life, but before arousing his wariness, he can always show a strange joy and tolerance that can make people give up thinking.

He seems to be a natural life, and it is easy to pull him into the mode of getting along with him. Before he had time to think about the relationship between the two, Lin Huai was used to life with him by his side.

——So everyday, so unexpected, yet so logical.

In these daily, bit by bit, subtle interactions, the "definition" of the "relationship" between the two has lost its meaning.

A defined relationship seems to explain a lot of behavior. However, "relationship" can explain behavior, but it still cannot explain emotion.

Lin Huai found that she could use "friendship" to explain Chu Tianshu's arrival and his protection of herself. But he still couldn't use "friendship" to explain it. At the moment when that hand fell on his shoulder, what he experienced was the peace of mind like a tired bird returning to the forest after the dust settled.

Ordinary people always use "relationship" to explain all behaviors, but what Lin Huai could feel at that moment was only "habit".

Of course, apart from habits, there are also unwillingness...and "he doesn't marvel at me but treats me as a habit", inexplicable and vaguely unhappy.

— Just like now, when he appeared here, what he saw was his most embarrassing self.

All the above thoughts only happened in Lin Huai's thoughts when the eight people confronted each other. With the enemy at hand, he didn't intend to use thinking to slow down his reaction speed. Chu Tianshu seemed to be keenly aware of his exhaustion, and pushed him back: "You go to the back to rest for a while?"

Lin Huai said bravely, "I'm not sleepy."

Chu Tianshu: "Oh, it's good not to be sleepy."

Lin Huai: ...

... Another flat answer. Chu Tianshu's straight male response made him speechless for a while.

"Well, I'm sorry, can you pay attention to our side while you two are busy chatting?" The duplicate on the opposite side spread his hands, "Our side is very boring..."

"I almost forgot, there are still several clones to deal with here." Chu Tianshu turned around.

His slightly curled chestnut hair fluttered in the night sky, and under the moonlight, his chiseled side face looked cold and reliable.

"One, two, three, four... six, it seems that it will take a little time." Chu Tianshu said, "Let me make some preparations..."

He raised the corners of his mouth and his eyes froze.

Then his arm was thrown into the void, and he shook it suddenly!

He looked like he was trying to get something out of his carry-on bag. Seeing this, the six replicas all bowed down, ready to fight.

Lin Huai, who was standing behind Chu Tianshu, also narrowed his eyes, looking curiously at the position of his palm.

'What will he bring out? ' Lin Huai thought, "Could it be... Gundam?"

Under the gaze of fourteen eyes, a creation with a stainless steel frame was pulled out of the void.

The moment they saw it, all Lin Huai fell silent.

Streamlined body, solid structure, powerful tires.

is a...


"Let's go." He heard Chu Tianshu say beside him, "After finishing these people, I will push you back."

"There are no chairs or ponytails in the package, so you can just sit on this."

As Chu Tianshu said, he pushed Lin Huai onto the wheelchair. Lin Huaixu looked at him: "What are you doing?"