The NPC Was Once Again Frightened By Me

Chapter 143: It's all because of this BUFF


"I hope nothing worse will happen." Ye Xiangxiang also whispered.

"... It seems that I am really not suitable for drawing comics. Not only did I fail to realize my original dream - [relying on drawing comics and having a beautiful love], but now, I am actually misunderstood as an author of Danmei comics I'm entangled with you..." The examiner stared at one side of the world, "I really want to set fire... ffffff..."

He said, holding out his pen.

Lin Huai raised his head and saw the examiner's pen falling towards the two at a speed of five centimeters per second, so he said to Chu Tianshu, "The examiner looks very angry..."

"It looks like it's going to draw flames."

"But speaking of it, I seem to have heard the phrase 'the first dream' just now..." Lin Huai hugged Chu Tianshu's waist and put his chin on his shoulder, "If his original dream was to rely on comics to get a good In terms of love, isn't it appropriate that this love happened between him and the senior?"

"Senior is still tall, rich and handsome." Chu Tianshu commented, "He's still a descendant from heaven. Isn't heaven's defeat against Qingmei a very normal love story routine?"

Examiner: ...

The examiner's face became even more violent: "I'm going to kill you!!!"

In the angry roar of the examiner, Chu Tianshu grabbed the handlebars of the car, accelerated the speed of his legs, and shouted: "Hurry up!"


The two shot out from the ramp like arrows leaving the string. The moment the pen tip fell to the ground, the bicycle they were riding on also fell down the ramp.

The gust of hula la whistled past the ears of the two of them, rolling up the gray petals on both sides.

They galloped in the humid and warm spring day, their clothes fluttering like banners. Lin Huai raised his face to look at the sky, and gave the incompetent and furious examiner a thumbs down.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

He laughed, hugged the waist of the young man in front of him in a strong sense of weightlessness, and buried his face on his back.


The cartoonist was in vain, he was silent for a while with a black face, and put the pen back into the pen holder. Under the trembling eyes of the other players, he angrily picked up the phone that was beeping frantically.

"Don't call me again!" he screamed into the microphone, "I don't draw gays, and I can't possibly like men!"

Then, he disappeared into the sky.

The world changed from two-dimensional to three-dimensional again. Lin Huai thought, he could destroy a person's life so easily.

They didn't have to be very tired and troublesome, so they arrived at the school by bike.

The school festival was less than a week away. When they entered the class, the first thing Lin Huai saw was the empty desk of the boys in the front seat.

He only took one look at the table and was no longer interested in him.

"Now I think it's a very bad idea to bring you to school." Chu Tianshu blocked other people's prying eyes with his body, "I always feel that they will tear you apart..."

"I can't help it." Lin Huai was also helpless, "It's all because of this hateful Nisu buff."

Against the prying eyes of others, they talked in low voices.

"It's meaningless to go to school anyway." Chu Tianshu suggested, "We might as well skip class and look for the traces of the remaining four replicas."

Lin Huai: "However, students who fish in get out of class, wear women's clothes after class, have complicated family relationships, and have few friends. If you add the setting of skipping classes, you can only help socialize and be forced to smoke marijuana. Finally, you see it in the toilet before you die. The phantom of a happy life for myself and my daughter is on this road... "

Chu Tianshu: "...what have you been watching recently?"

Lin Huai: "It's nothing, it's just that Tan Xiruo felt that I was getting too close to people in society, so she entrusted Lu Jin to find some educational textbooks on anti-drugs and drugs for me to live a happy life away from society."

Chu Tianshu: "..."

Lin Huai: "Didn't I want to understand human common sense after being reborn? There are many books and comics in Lu Jin's place. I often ask him to read books."

Chu Tianshu: "..."

Lin Huai: "Oh, I also hacked Shao Wei's Qiyiku iliili member account..."

Chu Tianshu: "..."

Lin Huai: "Oh, and Tan Xiruo's high v..."

Thinking of Lin Huai's three different roommates, Chu Tianshu fell silent.

Lin Huai, who was as innocent and pure as white paper, was actually dyed into such a confusing look by these roommates. Chu Tianshu recalled how Lin Huai innocently tore devils with his hands in the villa, and looking at him now, he couldn't help feeling a little sad.

"I feel so miserable right now." Lin Huai turned his pen, "It's almost like in the plot of the book. The scandal-ridden school girl is coveted by all the students who are obsessed with her beauty. After being splashed with dirt After the water, the school belle girl fell to the altar, was wiped by passers-by, beaten by reality, dismembered by classmates, and finally became pregnant and disappeared into the darkness before dawn... "

"Don't worry." Chu Tianshu said, "At least you won't..."

"Will you protect me?"

"No," Chu Tianshu said coldly, "at least you won't get pregnant."

Lin Huai: ...

"Can you say something more encouraging?" Lin Huai complained, "But forget it, you should be the only one in this story who doesn't fall in love with the beautiful girl from school, ignores her beauty, and only She treats her like an ordinary classmate, a sand sculpture male classmate who plays pranks like elementary school students... "

He rested his chin on the table and stared at him. Chu Tianshu turned his face away as if a little guilty.

Lin Huai: ...

There seemed to be a touch of being kissed on the forehead again. The previous memories that were mostly angry, suddenly at this moment, together with Chu Tianshu's evasive expression, made him a little more happy.

"I thought you were as straight as you look." Lin Huai tilted his head to look at him, "Are you... really a prank?"

"It's not because of this buff."


"Lin Huai!"

The squad leader's voice sounded in the corridor. He looked at the young people in the classroom: "The dean told you to go over."

Lin Huai left the classroom in full view.

At the same time, in a house one kilometer away from here, there was also the sound of my mother knocking on the door.

The only response from inside the door was the sound of someone tossing and turning on the bed.

"I can't control you, do whatever you like!"

The woman is too lazy to take care of her gloomy son. She put on lipstick, and after admiring her exquisitely made-up face in the mirror, she put her bag on her back and went out. When she opened the door, she looked at the name of the boss on the vibrating phone and smiled.

"Oh, I'll be at the company soon. Your wife didn't find out what happened yesterday, right? Well, Ah Zhuo is very good. Ah, look at what you said, he is your child too..."

After the woman left, only the boy who locked himself in the room was left in the dark apartment.

"Aha, aha..."

After the sound of tables and chairs being knocked over, the shivering boy who was shivering under the bedding finally saw his own face.

What appeared in the mirror was still his own reflection. However, compared with yesterday's, this ordinary face has a slightly more monstrous aura.

With trembling hands, he stroked the tear mole at the corner of his eye, showing an expression that was almost crying and almost laughing.

Fifteen minutes later, Lin Huai returned to the classroom.

Against everyone's curious or obsessed eyes, he cleared all his own items from the hole in the table.

After clearing the entire desktop, he lifted his schoolbag and said to Chu Tianshu, "Because of my bad reputation, I was temporarily suspended from school."

Chu Tianshu: "Oh, okay."

"I'll go back first." He shrugged his shoulders calmly, "Come find me after class."

He left the school with his belongings while everyone was watching. When he came to the school gate, Lin Huai turned his head and looked backward.

All the students, all the teachers, poked their heads out of all the windows. They stared at the student in front of them who was attracting all the attention and who had all of them "joined together" to get kicked out of the school for their "obsession".

The instigator who caused him to leave and provided all the information to the dean in a plausible way also slid from the window.

She hugged herself, squatted in the corner, and suddenly started crying.

She didn't know whether her crying was for herself or someone else.

When he was in school, he caused all kinds of scandals, slander and damage by virtue of his unique character and appearance. Now he walked out of this school dignifiedly with all the rumors all over his body, but there was no trace of disgrace in his posture.

As he said, he didn't care about their damage or their love. It's as if for him, all the people are just a part of what he happened to pass by during his travels.

In sharp contrast to him, however, are those students who constantly create rumors and take pleasure in rumors about him.

When seeing such a calm and breezy back, deeper loss, deeper pain, and deeper obsession flooded into their hearts more and more heavily, burying them like a pitch-black swamp.


Why did you leave here so easily? Why can you be so calm about everything we have caused? Why are we the only ones, following behind you, hoarse and trying... to make a sound that you can hear, but you turn a deaf ear to it

Why don't you apologize to us, admit your mistakes to us, don't even beg for mercy and please us even a little bit

Why at the end... you didn't even look at us more

"I'm not reconciled..."

Someone spoke softly.

The pitch-black smoke, unknowingly, spread to everyone's feet along every crack in the door and window. They are like nightmares and curses, entangled in all the npcs who are watching the young man's back at this moment.

"this is… "

"Resentment, magic power, bewitching effects?"

Ye Xiangxiang rested his chin on one hand and looked at the crazy school in front of him.

She clapped her hands and suddenly smiled happily.

"How about it," she flicked her nails, "I'll use these side plots as rewards to watch this drama well."

She made a camera gesture to Lin Huai's back downstairs: "I'll let you go this time."

"Fu Jiang: Final Chapter, Crazy School."

"All the npcs have gone into a state of frenzy because of you. They once loved you or hated you, but now their only thought is to kill you and dismember you!"

"Complete the remaining tasks of 'demagoguery' and 'destroy all replicas'! Let's draw a perfect end to the final chapter of this manga!"

"... So this is the final chapter of the manga."

Standing in front of the school, Lin Huai fell into deep thought amidst the bleak wind.

"The original plot of the manga "Fu Jiang" is that a woman with magical beauty is toyed with other people's feelings, and is finally dismembered by angry students and teachers. In this manga with me as the protagonist, although I did not deliberately To play with the feelings of npcs... well, except for Ji Fengjian. However, my various characteristics eventually triggered many groundless rumors and attacks. These rumors made me the real "Fu Jiang" in the rumors. And In the end, while destroying me, it also drove everyone into a madness to destroy me."


The sound of a car sounded in front of him, and Lin Huai raised his head.

An extremely expensive black car stopped at the school gate. It appeared suddenly, falling from the sky in the eyes of everyone, in the empty and desolate campus scene.

It was like a light, sailing into the darkness.


The car window was rolled down, and Chu Tianshu appeared on the driver's seat with a lollipop in his mouth: "Shall we go home?"

Lin Huai: ...

Regardless of the commotion of the students in the teaching building behind him, he put his head into the car window: "You... how come there are cars here?"

Chu Tianshu pointed to the trembling narration frame in the sky: "Although this kind of behavior has been warned once, but..."

"I'm going to drive here to save face for you." He smiled, "Otherwise, after being kicked out of school because of false rumors and campus bullying, the beautiful school girl would have to rely on her own legs to walk step by step." Walking home' kind of thing, it's just so bleak."

Lin Huai: ...

"Let's go, get in the car."

He opened the door and sat in the passenger seat. The two of them drove away in a car while all the students were watching.

The car was driving rapidly on the street, Lin Huai leaned his face against the car window and looked at the scenery outside the window.

"What, are you sad?" Chu Tianshu mumbled with a lollipop in his mouth, "Finally, I feel what it's like to be bullied on campus."

"If you want to wear a crown, you must bear its weight." Lin Huai responded with an unusually non-mainstream attitude, "You underestimate me."

"and you… "

"I was just thinking about one thing." Lin Huai said, "How can I not go to school..."

"Bewitching people's hearts, bewitching all beings, keeping them awake at night," he said.

"... How many 'demagogic' missions have you completed?"

"32." Lin Huai replied, "Because of my attitude of not refusing rumors, not spreading rumors, and not doing business in the past few days... the number of people who were successfully bewitched by me has dropped by a lot."

Chu Tianshu: ...

"It's too difficult." Lin Huai shook her head.

"You really don't care what they think of you?"

The car stopped at the gate of Jiaye's villa, Chu Tianshu poked his head from the driver's seat, his eyes were serious: "I know that human beings have limits, if you are really sad, or if you are so lost If you're sad..."

He pointed to his chest: "Brother Chu's shoulders are for you."

Lin Huai: ...

He squinted his eyes and got off the passenger seat: "You underestimate me too much. I never care what others think of me. There are too many people who like me and hate me. If I pay attention to the past one by one ,Would not it be… "

"Then why did you look so glassy last night..."

Lin Huai: ...

He forcibly squeezed the car door into a dent, and Chu Tianshu touched his head amidst his kind smile, and opened the door of Jiaye's house.