The NPC Was Once Again Frightened By Me

Chapter 145: Why are you so serious


"… Do not kill me."

He heard the crying voice of the duplicate: "Don't kill me, don't I look exactly like him? I also have his memory, and I can be more..."

"Shut up."

He heard voices of extreme cold.

"Don't use his face to make such an expression... say such words." Chu Tianshu said coldly, "You are not worthy."

After the sour voice, the begging replica was finally blown out of its head. Chu Tianshu piled up all the corpses and cleaned up other blood stains with a mop.

Finally, he carefully lit all the relics. What he used seemed to be a special kind of flame that ensured that every single cell was eliminated. At last…

He looks at the ceiling.

There was still evil and hostility in his eyes, but when he faced Lin Huai, he showed a gentle smile.

"Hey, you've been watching the show on the top for so long." He said leisurely, "Aren't you going to come down?"

Lin Huai on the ceiling said, "No, I suddenly want to be a flower of Gaoling."

The real Lin Huai sat on the truss of the zenith, with his legs crossed and his chin propped up, looking at Chu Tianshu in the hall. Witnessing with his own eyes that a person with his own appearance was brutally killed by the other party, he was neither anxious nor angry.

"When did you sneak out?" Chu Tianshu asked him.

"Hmm... probably when I saw 63/64? I couldn't help feeling suspicious and worried about your strength." Lin Huai spread his hands, "And you should also know that you can't hold me down."

"Tsk." Chu Tianshu raised his eyes, "Next time I should break your leg first."

Lin Huai: ...

He touched his nose and swayed his legs, and said in a playful tone: "Hey, you are really merciless to the replica with my face. I looked at it, and it's so embarrassing." leave-"

He made a small comparison between his thumb and index finger: "Panic."

As he said so, his bent eyes still had a playful smile. Chu Tianshu raised his head while holding the wrench, with a confused look on his face: "Why?"

"After all—these replicas have the same appearance and personality as me, and even copied all my memories. Well... In a sense, they are me." Lin Huai said with a smile, "Although for me personally As far as I'm concerned, I hope I can survive, but for you people, no matter which clone survives, it's the same."

As he spoke, he held his chin and shook his leg: "This is a question that suddenly occurred to me. Just like what you said in the ramen shop before, you feel that a person's composition is not determined by the body, but by the body." Memories and experiences determine its composition. I find this question quite interesting, that is to say, no matter which one survives among so many replicas, in a sense, it is me who survived... "

While he was selling his fallacies, Chu Tianshuzai carefully wiped all the blood on the wrench with toilet paper and set them on fire. While lighting the lighter, he said casually: "Have you seen "The Little Prince"?"

"What is "The Little Prince"?" Lin Huai tilted his head, "Is it the prince who dug out his eyes, intestines, tongue, and mouth?"

"That's the Happy Prince!! Don't tell fairy tales so frighteningly!" Chu Tianshu said.

The familiar voice of complaining made Lin Huai regain the feeling that belonged to Chu Tianshu. He seemed to have turned back to the upright and shaky young man he used to be.

The lighter lit the paper, and Chu Tianshu stared at the flames, saying: "The rose told the little prince that she is the only and unique rose in the universe. The little prince was surprised by her uniqueness, watered her, caught insects for her, Protect her from the wind. Later, the little prince met many roses in the rose garden, and each of them looked exactly the same. This large rose, each one is as beautiful as his rose. Ask the world Anyone, anyone will tell him that his roses are not unique. But…”

"but what?"

"But the little prince said that his rose is unique. Because he watered her. Because he put her in the flower cover. Because he protected her with a screen. Because he killed the caterpillars on her body." Yes. So she is still the one and only rose. So…”

"You are different from any clone. I only kissed your forehead." Chu Tianshu said, "That's why I can recognize that he is not you at a glance."

Lin Huai, who was sitting on the beam, was silent for a while, and after a while, he sniffed himself: "Did you leave anything on me yesterday? Like what kind of smell?... Forget it, I'm so smart, I actually thought of using you to catch the clone from the very beginning, and now I'm done, there is only one clone left... "

"Speaking of which clone is... very strange." Chu Tianshu said, "I've checked all the surveillance in this town, and I can't find another... clone that looks exactly like you."

He thought for a while: "Are you sure nothing unexpected happened yesterday?"

"Yesterday..." Lin Huai thought for a while, "The npc who assassinated me seemed to have drunk my blood... Could it be that he mutated?"

"It makes sense." Chu Tianshu said, "I'll look for him after finishing this, and as for you—you stay at home obediently."

Lin Huai: ...

"Why do you have to lock me back?" he asked. "You know very well that I can run out whenever I want to."

"Then I'll take you back." Chu Tianshu held the wrench and squinted his eyes, "Stop saying such irresponsible words! Do you know that I killed you all afternoon and almost got out of my mind? it's..."

"Actually," Lin Huai said slowly, "I can also stay at home obediently and willingly."

Chu Tianshu: ...

Lin Huai raised his chin and opened his hands: "Hey, do you want to play a game?"

"what game?"

"I'm falling backwards from here now." Lin Huai said, "You can try to catch me, or you can try to do an experiment."

"Because of my serious injury, I will split into many mes, many mes." Lin Huai looked at the sky, "Then, after you find the real me among those people... come and tell me this fairy tale. Then in the After this, if you win—”

"I'll just listen to you and stay at home obediently." Lin Huai said, "Is that okay?"

He glanced at Chu Tianshu from the corner of his eye, and the latter smiled fearlessly when he saw his eyes.

"There's a sense of ceremony..." Chu Tianshu said, "Okay."

Lin Huai laughed loudly. He opened his arms and fell straight down on the crossbeam that was 20 meters away from Chu Tianshu and 10 meters away.

The whistling wind blew past his ears, amidst the strong sense of weightlessness and the fear of landing.

He heard his body make a "bang" from the collision.

There was a dull sound.

He knew that he should have fallen apart because of the fall.

Every inch of his bones would break, and prodigious amounts of blood would pour out. His body will be reshaped after obtaining enough nutrients, and hundreds of copies of him will slowly crawl out of every drop of blood.

But he is not afraid. He is full of anticipation for all chaos, all pain.

However, it was not the concrete floor that greeted him, but the warmth of another person.

It took him ten seconds to realize that he had landed on someone's…


With sweat, with wind, with air, with sullen...


"Hahaha, hahaha..."

He laughed out loud, unabashedly, utterly insolent, terribly excited.

Then he stretched out his hand, fiercely, and—

Hooked the man's neck.

"I lost." He hugged the man's neck and said almost viciously.

The gambler who is always winning, says, he loses.

But on that laughing face, there was no depression, no sadness, no weakness, and absolutely no timidity.

After the laughter, he hooked the other person's neck and rubbed his face into the other person's arms contentedly.

Delicate roses will wither if they are too close to the heat, but he will not. He heard the heartbeat of "dongdong", felt the heat of sweat, tightly hugged hands, and fear and happiness as if he was living to death.

At that moment, he was extremely grateful for himself, as a human being.

The man hugging him didn't speak. He couldn't help but look up.

He guessed that this person's eyes might be a little sullen, maybe a little panicked, or maybe a little bit, the pain and discomfort of being hit by him in the arm when he fell at a high speed... He tried to figure out his thoughts, and thought about his possible reaction .

He is not a person who likes to speculate on other people's ideas. Even if there is, it is definitely not for the purpose of "wanting to know what this person thinks of me".

But he's happy to do it to this man at this moment.

Unexpectedly, or perhaps within his expectations, this person overturned all his speculations. He held him, and he looked down at him with a cold face, deep eyes, no smile, as if he was some strange creature.

—Did he guess I was going to jump? What is he studying? What am I to him

—What is he thinking now

The many questions made him feel hot, so he smiled.

"I'll stay at home for the next week—until the school festival," he said. "And you—you must tell me all your stories."

He meant something.

After a long while, a smile finally slowly and slowly appeared in those deep eyes staring at him.

"Okay." Chu Tianshu picked him up and said, "I'll tell you a story about a little duck..."

Lin Huai: ...

Chu Tianshu: "Once upon a time there was a mountain, and there was a temple on the mountain, and there was an old monk in the temple... Hey, hey! Don't break free from me, go by yourself!"

It was already seven o'clock in the afternoon when the two walked out of the warehouse.

There is still a light fragrance of flowers floating in the air, but the thick twilight has already stained the sky. Lin Huai walked behind Chu Tianshu, stepping on his shadow step by step.

"...Sometimes I'm really curious, what do you look like when you're not smiling?" He said seemingly unintentionally.

Chu Tianshu, who was sucking back the blood granule with a straw, turned his head seriously: "I'm not laughing now."

He pointed to his badly injured arm: "I'm crying."

Lin Huai: "... There are no tears in your eyes."

Chu Tianshu: "My heart is crying."

"Yes—does it hurt so much?" Lin Huai felt a little guilty, "Let me show you..."

Chu Tianshu: "This can of blood-enriching potion needs a C-level sub-plot. I'm about to cry."

Lin Huai: ...

Chu Tianshu: "Oh, since I met you, I've been dying every day."

"I..." Lin Huai touched his nose, "I'll make a few more clones for you to kill."

He quickly added: "I will compensate you."

"Really?!" Chu Tianshu's eyes lit up, and three seconds later, he coughed, "Forget it, wealth can't be moved."

Lin Huai: ...

Chu Tianshu: "Although I'm really moved."

Lin Huai kicked the pebbles on the road: "I will never jump again."

He quickly added: "At least not jumping in front of you."

Chu Tianshu: "..."

Lin Huai stared at Chu Tianshu's back, suddenly, he really wanted to provoke Chu Tianshu.

Maybe it's not anger, or it's using other methods to elicit some other feelings from the other party.

This person always looks cynical in front of him, happy almost frivolous, loose almost sand sculpture. It seemed that there was nothing that could induce him to be angry, resentful, or cold... In short, it was other emotions that he had never seen before.

What kind of past did they have? Why is he willing to go crazy with him? What kind of mood did he use to find him, contact him, and finally... catch him

Just because... does he like himself

Lin Huai is not a fool, he can feel the other party's "like" for him, perhaps in a sense, it seems to be beyond the definition of "friend". However, what puzzled him was, what kind of mood did this person have in order to contact him, or to like him

He can not care about other people's feelings, what other people think, to him, they are all outsiders. He knows that in the eyes of ordinary people, he is weird, extreme, extreme and not easy to get along with. But in his eyes, this Chu Tianshu who broke into his life, behaved more naturally than anyone else, got along with it more naturally than anyone else, and would be a good person in everyone's eyes, was even worse than him. Be weird.

Because it is weird, I want to explore it. Because of the closeness, it is extra sensitive. Lin Huai, who does his own way, has always been reluctant to admit that he is actually quite sensitive and caring about people who have really entered the atrial circle.

He felt that Chu Tianshu seemed to have fully understood him. From his free-wheeling exterior to his rather guarded and closed core. Little by little, he dismantled all his guards and made himself feel that the other party was reliable. But what about the other way around

Does he understand Chu Tianshu as well as the other party understands himself

For some, a stoic and reserved exterior is a disguise. So for others, is the clear and unrestrained appearance another kind of mask

He had had such doubts about the other party when they first met, but at the bottom of the matter, at the beginning, this mood just came from curiosity about a strong man with equal strength. Now, this feeling has revived, but only because he wants to understand the other party.

For other people, he doesn't need to understand, he doesn't need to care - but as long as it's that person, it doesn't work.

He wanted to know what that person was thinking, he wanted to know why that person followed him, he wanted to know why that person was crazy about him and accepted everything he ordered.

—What exactly do you want to pursue? What exactly do you want to have? What kind of things can arouse your anger? What else can make you cry? You really are what everyone sees...

From the inside out, is there a "good" person without a trace of haze

— Or, to what extent are you planning to "accommodate" me

The moment he fell and lay in the other's arms, he felt that he had vaguely touched something that was buried deeper behind the other's smile. He even felt a trace of exploration of himself from the other party.

— This is a rare sharpness that this unruly man makes him feel.

Yet that person is always so good at digging the subject. Whether in the past or in the future, all the questions he raised turned into jokes that were avoided by the other party. Chu Tianshu seemed to open everything to him, but from the beginning to the end, all he got from the other party was the information the other party wanted to give.

He never believed that he was just making jokes for fun, like that "kiss", and it was by no means a simple prank.

As for "The Little Prince" and "The Writing Desk", those strange confessions seemed to be half-hidden by him on purpose...

Loose, gentle, sculpting, hiding, restraining, probing... Is it love that he wants to bury in his heart, or is there something else besides love


Yes, in this game, if he won, he could continue to regard him as part of his life and ignore all his abnormalities.

However, he declared himself a loser!

Since he lost, he announced that from today...

He wants to start a war with this person.

"Come and try, Chu Tianshu."

He suddenly took two steps forward and grabbed the man's sleeve.

"Let's try, starting today." He raised his eyes, "Is it because you can't laugh first, or..."

still me…

He stopped talking, and before the other party had time to speak, his face turned cold: "This time, don't try to escape as a joke."

In his field of vision, the person who was walking in front and drinking the blood recovery granule turned his head back.

He seemed to want to show a sunny smile and say some silly and frivolous words as usual. However, the moment his eyes met, his expression changed.

The round smile disappeared from his face, replaced by a sharp and frivolous smile.

"Why are you so serious, Xiao Lin Huai?"