The NPC Was Once Again Frightened By Me

Chapter 147: fall asleep


"I'll exchange Zhang Mingge's information with you."

The boy said quickly. But Chu Tianshu shook his finger: "I don't want information, I just want..."

"That Lin Huai's, puppet."

Qu Mei: ...

"You..." It took him a long time to utter a single word, "Could it be that you..."

Chu Tianshu nodded: "As you think."

Qu Mei: ...

"Hi..." He blushed with difficulty, "You mean..."

Chu Tianshu:

After a brief daze, Chu Tianshu came to his senses. He couldn't laugh or cry: "What are you doing? You insulted me like this..."

"Is not it?"

"Of course this is an insult to me." Chu Tianshu easily obtained Lin Huai's puppet from him. He looked at this exquisite doll and said, "If I do it..."

"Only to real people." He pointed to himself with his thumb, "I'm not a sad nerd who only blushes and beats at figurines."

Qu Mei: ...

"...then why did you..."

"Don't think about it too much." Chu Tianshu said, "I just can't tolerate that his puppet is in other people's hands."

Not only looking at the figurine, Chu Tianshu, who was blushing and heartbeating, put the figurine in his package, and he happily returned to the villa.

That night.

This is an ordinary night in Liangchuan town in late spring. The cherry blossoms were flying in the air, the water was gurgling in the river, and Qiu Ran also closed the curtains at this moment.

Qiu Ran said to Ye Xiangxiang who was sitting on the bed and blowing his head: "I don't know how they are doing now..."

"Hey, are you still worrying about them? Thanks to them, I'm going to lose everything this time." Ye Xiangxiang cocked his feet and blew his head, complaining casually, "I thought I could at least watch a good show, but didn't Thinking of them hiding in the small building to form a unified group these days, I won't be able to see any drama at all."

"You can't say that." Qiu Ran comforted her, "Isn't it great to have a way to pass the level without hurting anyone?"

"That's what you think." Ye Xiangxiang curled his lips, "Look. What I wear on my body, what I wear on my head, and what I eat and drink in my mouth, which one is not rich and honor obtained through danger? The result Now that you and the Master of Outlaw are on his side, I really…”

She tugged at her knotted hair irritably, and she had been talking about it all day since Qiu Ran jumped back with the master of lawlessness. Qiu Ran took the comb with a calm smile: "I'll comb it for you."

The wooden comb passed through the smooth black hair, Ye Xiangxiang crossed his legs and raised his head.

If Qiu Ran dared to refute her, Ye Xiangxiang would lose his temper for a while. But Qiu Ran didn't like to talk, and she was willing to help her comb her hair. Ye Xiangxiang finally felt a little better. She closed her eyes, enjoyed the service from the other party for a while, and then said: "No, I have to find a way to make up for it. It's too bad."

"How about," Qiu Ran helped her untie a knot at the end of her hair, "I'll pay you back?"

"Who wants you to pay?" Ye Xiangxiang hummed, "By the way, I noticed a very interesting thing... Zhang Minge."


"He didn't come to school today." Ye Xiangxiang played with his mobile phone, "I don't know where he went, I always feel..."

"What is he doing behind our backs?"

At the same time, in Kayako's villa.

Lin Huai rolled on the mattress and said, "I'm going."

"Go, Pikachu." Chu Tianshu said, "I will guard you..."

"I suspect you are engaging in pornography." Lin Huai warned.

After thinking about it for a day, Lin Huai finally found the correct way to "bewitch people's hearts".

It makes people fascinated and makes people sleepless at night... He quickly grasped these two keywords and remembered his skills——

Steal dreams.

Stealing the dreams of the townspeople, creating nightmares for them with a unified image, so that they are fascinated, unable to sleep at night, thinking about their own shadows day and night... Lin Huai thinks this is very scientific.

Chu Tianshu also thinks this is very scientific. He squatted beside him and said, "Are you not afraid that I will do something to you while you are sleeping?"

Lin Huai: "Pfft, do you dare?"

Lin Huai gave him a warning look, and covered herself with a small quilt. He closed his eyes, and soon fell asleep with the help of his skills.

Soon, there was a deathly silence in the hall. Chu Tianshu dragged his chin and squatted beside the sleeping Lin Huai.

"Zhang Minge..." he murmured.

Today, when he arrived at the house of Qian Zhuo, the boy at the front table, the place was already empty.

A tie clip fell on the ground, as if it had been dropped by accident. Chu Tianshu remembers Zhang Mingge and has the same tie clip.

Qian Zhuo, who was infected by "Fu Jiang", should be in the hands of Zhang Minge... But, what exactly does he want to do

Thinking about it, he dozed off for a while.

After dozing off a few times, he woke up with a jolt.

"I can't go on like this..." He scratched his forehead, "I have to do something to divert my attention."

Chu Tianshu looked left and right, lay down on the ground, and whispered into Lin Huai's ear, "Lin Huai? Lin Huai?"

"Sanmu? Lin Lin? Brother Lin? Brother Huai? Sister Lin?" He yelled indiscriminately for a while, and came to the conclusion, "Well, I really fell asleep."

On the other side, Junxiong licked his sugar-stained fingers, looked at Chu Tianshu who was trying to braid Lin Huai's hair, and asked curiously to Jiaye: "Mom, what is he doing?"

"..." Gayako didn't intend to answer.

After closing his eyes, Lin Huai activated his skills.

It's a wonderful experience. He opened his eyes again and found that he was in an infinite space.

This is an unusually wonderful place, but what is even more amazing is that he feels that he is connected with this area. He was floating in the air, unable to see himself because there was no mirror. Around him, many bubbles glowing with colorful lights floated and sank with him in the sky of dreams.

He closed his eyes, and his thoughts rippled in the fantasy sky, interacting with the fluctuations of all the bubbles. His thinking is a kind of wave, with him as the source of the wave, rippling around in circles. The colorful bubbles are also the source of waves, they sit in a specific balance position and vibrate up and down in simple harmonics, and when the waves of thinking touch it, they superimpose. When the two matched, Lin Huai felt that he seemed to have touched another person's dream.

He closed his eyes and concentrated, strengthening his own wave vibration. Lin Huai realized that he seemed to be able to enter the dreams of those people. He even realized that if his power was strong enough, he could even substitute many bubbles into his own frequency at the same time, making them vibrate forcibly, so as to construct a world of his own. Many people's dreams.

Unfortunately, he doesn't seem to have the ability to broadcast these days. Even with the best of his energy, he can only achieve one-on-one dream transmission. At the same time, those small fluctuations in other people's dreams also affected him more or less.

The thickness of the walls of those bubbles varies. The thinner bubbles on the wall are transparent, and different scenes are reflected inside. For those bubbles with extremely thin walls, Lin Huai found that it was easy for him to invade them, and he could quickly confirm the information of the dream owner and perceive his feelings at the same time. These people are not mentally strong, or are in a state of defenseless sleep.

The thicker air bubbles are difficult to penetrate, their appearance seems to be covered with a layer of frost, and a few air bubbles even launched a counterattack against his intrusion. He skirted the thorn emerging from one of the bubbles, and penetrated a bit of the spirit. In the dream, Ye Xiangxiang was shopping with Qiuran.

Presumably this bubble came from one of these two people.

Stable bubbles indicate that the dream master is in a stable sleep state. The owner of the violently vibrating bubble is in a violent dream. The spirit of their owner gave Lin Huai a feeling of extreme instability, either anxiety, difficulty falling asleep, or waking up soon. Lin Huai bypassed these bubbles.

In addition to the state of vibration and the thickness of the wall, these bubbles also have differences in size. Lin Huai suspects that the size of the bubble is also related to the mental strength of the owner of the bubble.

At the same time, these bubbles are darker or lighter, showing different colors. Purple is melancholy, orange is joy, red is anger, green is disgust, yellow is happiness, blue is sadness, black is fear, white is calm, fully transparent is dreamless, etc... Some bubbles are weird pink, some of them One, even pink, Lin Huai suspected that the bubbles should represent a shy mood.

In the mist of the dream sky, he could vaguely see a miniature version of the town map. And these bubbles, respectively appearing on this map, are the positions of all the dreamers. Beyond the map, the white mist seemed endless, from top to bottom, left to right.

He failed to find Chu Tianshu's dream in this pile of dreams - presumably he is still keeping vigil for himself. Thinking of this, he unconsciously raised the corners of his mouth.

'In addition to passing the ripples, I can also enter the dreamland by directly touching. 'he thinks.

Lin Huai stretched out a finger to touch one of the dreams. He is more like a puff of smoke now than an entity. He closed his eyes and let the dream suck him into it.

It's a lemonade colored dream. The owner of the dream seems to be a junior student in Liangchuan Middle School.

When she opened her eyes again, Lin Huai was already standing on the busy streets of the town. As early as when he was playing with Ji Fengjian, Lin Huai tested his ability.

So he wasn't nervous, and he wasn't scared. He just stood there leisurely, as if he was just an ordinary npc in the other party's dream.

Generally speaking, the first layer of dreams is the closest to reality. For example, if Lin Huai knocks a person unconscious and uses this as an opportunity to enter his next dream, then Lin Huai has a chance to enter the scene he saw before he passed out. Unless the dream master's imagination is too rich, generally speaking, there won't be too many things beyond Newton's laws of physics in the first layer of dreams. In the first layer of dreams, the dream master's consciousness and dreams will be more separated and independent, and the dream master will also lack the ability to control his dreams. And he, as a virus invading dreams, will have more initiative and tampering rights.

But Lin Huai's purpose is not limited to tampering with dreams, leaving a bleak memory for the spirited guy who wakes up the next day. On the contrary, what he wants to do is to keep the other party's fear of him deep in the other party's heart.

Due to the sense of separation between dreams and reality, people's restraint of their emotions in the first layer of dreams, and the fact that people tend to forget dreams early the next morning, it is difficult for Lin Huai to leave enough memories through the first layer of dreams. impression of fear. unless…

He entered his second dream from the dream master's first dream.

As the number of dream layers increases, the rationality, thinking, and self-control that maintain human society will be further weakened, while the sensibility, emotion, instinct, and even animal nature will be doubled. Therefore, what he does in it will also have a stronger influence.

By dying in the dream, you can return to the previous dream. Of course, he can also actively use his ability to escape from this level of dream.

—Of course, this is all theoretical. Lin Huai thinks that there should be a limit to the number of layers of dreams he can enter, otherwise he will nest nesting dolls nesting dolls...

Lin Huai stood in the corner of the dream, watching the people coming and going in the dream. Apparently, the creations of the Dream Lord's consciousness were unaware of the intruder's arrival.

"Welcome to Dream Town." He said to himself.

Without much effort, he found the owner of the dream in a Thai hot pot restaurant. After all, the yellow halo above his head is even more dazzling than a 1000w light bulb. Lin Huai squatted outside the hot pot restaurant and beat him unconscious when he walked out of the hot pot restaurant.

Lin Huai dragged the unconscious dream master to a hotel. After closing the door, he drew the curtains and activated the ability to make the unconscious person fall asleep. In the dream, he entered the second layer of this person's dream again.

After completing a set of dolls, he found himself in the small town again. However, compared with the previous dream, the Dream Lord's dream has undergone a strange change.

Compared with the clear sky in the previous dream, there are actually several banners flying above the sky of this dream. As the banners flew, fragments of colorful flowers were sprinkled on them.

"Congratulations to Lu Renjia from our school for being admitted to Peking University with a score of 697!"

Lin Huai: ...


"Ah~ Luopa, Salang hey~"

Accompanied by the intense shutter sound, Lu Renjia, the lord of the dream, walked out of the street, surrounded by beautiful girls who surrounded him, screaming and shouting.

Each of them has a slender waist and long legs, and although several of them are wearing school uniforms, they have suspicious faces of Nicole Kidman, Yui Aragaki, and even Eva Green. Lu Renjia was surrounded by them and was wearing a Zegna suit.

Lin Huai: ...

"Hehe, it seems that the second layer of dreams will really let the dreamer let himself go..." He twitched his eyebrows.

Although he entered Lu Renjia's second dream, he was not in a hurry to try to intimidate him. Rather than start his own bewitching business, he wants to use the other party as the first test product for testing his ability.

Lin Huai was still thinking about how to approach this straight man, but the other party had already seen him and shouted, "Senior Lin?"

"Huh?... Hmm."

"Senior Lin!" Lu Renjia walked towards him proudly, "Yo, that Chu guy really dumped you."

Lin Huai:?

"I've said it a long time ago, that kind of rich second generation is unreliable. Don't bully the young and poor." Lu Renjia said happily, "Is this miserable? Actually, I still have one room left for you in my house. If you want It's not impossible for me to take over..."

Lin Huai: ...

... a game of dog days. Lin Huai once again insulted the "heartbeat" character set for himself by the game in his heart. Then, he smiled: "Okay, let's talk in the room."

After entering the room, Lin Huai directly put Lu Renjia down on the ground, and physically put him to sleep quickly.