The NPC Was Once Again Frightened By Me

Chapter 148: Keep a little secret


From the first level of dreams to the second level of dreams, the first thing Lin Huai realized was that the dream owner's ability to guard the dreams had become stronger. Originally, he could knock down Lu Renjia with one move, but in the second dream, the opponent was able to block him several times. In addition, as the master of the dream, Lu Renjia's ability to influence him has also been strengthened. Moreover, while Lu Renjia gradually let himself go, he felt that his rationality was gradually weakened.

The superposition of waves is mutual, so the second layer of dream affects Lin Huai as well as Lu Renjia. Lin Huai memorized this common sense silently.

He took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and entered the third layer of dreamland.

The moment he stepped into the third layer of dreamland, he felt the influence of his subconscious mind, which was strengthened exponentially.

He found that he was in an extremely luxurious mansion, and the men and women in the mansion were having a carnival, just like the mansion used by Gatsby to sing and sing every night. At the top of the mansion, Lu Renjia held a crystal wine glass and closed his eyes intoxicated.

Lin Huai concentrated his attention and decided to approach him. He passed through the reveling men and women, passing by the Haitang City scene on the second floor, and after knocking out a few patrolling dream guards, the stairs leading to the rooftop finally appeared in front of his eyes.

The lord of the dream was already close at hand, but he sighed a little irritably.

"It seems that the third layer of dreams is already the limit of my current ability." He said with red eyes, "The evidence is..."

He sniffled.

"When my hand was scratched by shards of glass, I actually wanted to cry... This is already a sign that sensibility has the upper hand." He wiped his eyes. A few teardrops burst from the pain, "I... woo..."

Fighting back the urge to cry, he tore off a bit of his shirt and bandaged his wound, sobbing. Then, he shook his shoulders and looked at the mirror next to him with red eyes.

— It's time to dress up as a female ghost and scare people. he thought.

"Crack." Lin Huai whispered.

With the activation of the ability to create dreams, he in the mirror quickly shrank from a young man with a height of 179cm to a beautiful girl with a height of 167cm.

The beautiful girl was dressed in red, with a cold temperament and an exquisite figure, like a rose in front of a white Gothic tombstone, dedicated to the dead by a lover wearing a black gauze, and still stained with crystal dew. Compared with Lin Huai, she looks much softer, and a red mole under her eyes adds a bit of charm.

Lin Huai admired herself in the mirror for a while, and couldn't help saying, "I'm so beautiful."

This is something he would never say normally. Driven by his own instinct, he paused for a while, and then, the girl in the mirror nodded her chin.

"I have to set a safe word. When I say this word, the ability will be activated to let me escape from this dream." She thought, "Just this sentence."

She looked at herself in the mirror and said seriously, "Matryoshka is forbidden here."

After setting the safe words, she shook her long black hair, raised one corner of her mouth, and went upstairs. The noisy dinner didn't stop until eleven o'clock at midnight, but Lu Renjia, who was the owner of the dream, was unaware of Lin Huai's intrusion.

He changed into pajamas and returned to his bedroom. In the third dream, he was so extravagant that he planned to order the housekeeper to find some beauties. However, he stopped when a pair of white dancing shoes appeared out of the corner of his eye.

'Why are there dancing shoes here? '

A pair of dancing shoes lay abruptly on the carpet outside the bedroom. It looked old and damp, with a little mud on the toe, as if it had been walked a long time in the woods or in a swamp.

Lu Renjia's thinking froze for a moment.

"No need. By the way, throw away the damn flowers on the ground."

He said impatiently and returned to the bedroom. After all the lights in the corridor were turned on, a blood-red figure came out from behind the vase.

That was his "sugar bowl".

In a supernatural event, the same object that appears in front of the victim many times can serve as a strong psychological suggestion. Just like flickering candles, mirrors that follow you everywhere, and ubiquitous laughter, they can all give victims the illusion that "the devil is everywhere, and I am alone and helpless". And this pair of dancing shoes infused with psychological hints by Lin Huai is his "sugar bowl".

After entering the bedroom, Lu Renjia did not rest immediately. He looked at himself in the mirror, frowning, not knowing what he was thinking.

"Who the hell put those shoes in front of my door?" he thought.

The soles of the shoes were wet, with many black, splattered spots of mud. It stands to reason that walking down the aisle in such a dirty pair of shoes is bound to leave a lot of footprints in the way.

Lu Renjia did see a lot of footprints, but this series of footprints stopped where the shoes stopped.


Lu Renjia quickly judged it as a silly prank. When he closed his eyes and was about to lie down on the bed before twelve o'clock, the door knocked.

The door seemed to be knocked, not fast or slow, but what made people a little strange was that the door panel was knocked at the bottom, it seemed. Lu Renjia had no choice but to get out of bed and open the door: "I told you, don't come looking for..."

The moment he opened the door, he froze.

There was no one in the corridor outside the door, only a dim oil lamp was still flickering, illuminating the corridor with dark shadows all day long.


Lu Renjia called out, but no one answered. An hour ago, the manor was still burning with fire, but now it seemed that he was the only one left.

A chill came from nowhere, rushing into his heart. At the same time, he also saw something on the dark green carpet under the dim yellow light of the fire.

those shoes.

The pair of dancing shoes lay quietly in the middle of the corridor. Other than that, there was no one else in the corridor.

"Who's playing the prank?"

He yelled down the hallway, only his own echo could be heard.

He wanted to throw those shoes away, but the dark corridor still made him unable to make up his mind. After hesitating for a moment, he closed the door and went back to the room.

Before Lu Renjia could close his eyes, the knock on the door rang again.

This time, the position where the door panel was knocked seemed to move up a little.

"Who the hell—"

He got out of bed angrily.

When the door was pushed open again, there was no one there again. Lu Renjia looked towards the end of the corridor through the dim corridor lamp.

There was no sound at the end of the corridor, only darkness. However, after he looked at it for a long time, there was something faintly squirming in the darkness.


The strange sound was like the hoarse cough of an old man rolling in his throat and coughing due to muscle spasm. Lu Renjia shook his hands before realizing that the sound came from the wooden door he was holding on to.

"Ah… "

He secretly laughed at his timidity, but the moment he lowered his head, he saw those white dancing shoes again!

How could it be here!

The toe of the dancing shoes was facing the door, Lu Renjia was horrified. He clearly remembered that those shoes were clearly in the middle of the corridor!

…and now, it is even closer to the door!

... No, at the beginning, those shoes were not in the middle of the corridor, but at the edge of the corridor, farther away from the door than when the door was opened last time...

Could it be...

Those shoes are me, come here

Lu Renjia shook his head, trying to get this ridiculous thought out of his mind.

"... anyone?" he yelled, "anyone?"

No one answered.

A deeper coldness surged into his heart. Lu Renjia stared at the pair of dancing shoes, gritted his teeth, and slammed the door.

However, he didn't go back to the bed, but stood by the door. He wanted to see who was playing this prank!

Not long after, there was a rustling sound outside the door. Like cloth shoes with soft soles, they are rubbing against the floor.

Lu Renjia held his breath and concentrated, and then, there was a knock on the door.

Different from the last time, this time, the position where the door panel was knocked moved up a little, and finally reached the height when ordinary people knocked on the door. Lu Renjia immediately opened the door with lightning speed.

"you… "

The voice was stuck in the throat, and there was no one outside the dark door.

At the same time, his toes mentioned something.

A pair of dancing shoes.

The shoes stood by the door, toes turned inward. The toe of the dancing shoes was stained by deep black muddy water, like a big mouth that opened in the dark and laughed at him.

The pair of shoes stood in front of him like a silent mockery.

Cold sweat like maggots finally covered his back densely. From the knock on the door to the time he pushed the door open, there was no chance for the pranksters to escape!

... What the hell is this

At this moment, he finally had a chance to look at the door panel. He dared not step out of the door. The pair of dancing shoes confronted him, almost in a ballroom dance. It is like the Chu River Han boundary between the living and the dead, isolating him from the colorful world full of living things outside.

There were four fingerprints on the door panel, the fingerprints were dark and reddish, like the coagulated blood stuck by "it" when knocking on the door. He looked down from above in horror.

The four fingerprints are located on his shoulder, on his chest, on his waist, and on the ground. The fingerprints on his shoulders are very fresh, and there is still a sense of fluidity left in the fingerprints that are like blood that has not yet solidified.

From bottom to top...

Suddenly, an extremely ridiculous scene appeared in his mind. In the beginning, the "owner" of the pair of shoes was still far away from the door, so he had to lie on the ground and stretch his arms and upper body to touch the door with his knuckles. Then, as "it" gets closer, the distance that "it" needs to extend becomes shorter in turn...

And now, it's at the door!

Lu Renjia turned his head again and saw the white dancing shoes on the ground.

At that moment, his eyes widened.

What kind of dark muddy water is on the white dancing shoes! It was clearly blackened blood!

And what it left on the floor were also blood-red footprints!


"Swish, swish..."

In Lu Renjia's field of vision, the white dancing shoes, which were originally still, suddenly moved.

The soft sole rubbed against the ground, first lifting the heel, then the toe.

—Like, it's about to go into the bedroom!

Before the white dancing shoes trembled again, Lu Renjia slammed back and slammed the door. The moment he slammed the door shut, the familiar knocking sound came from the door panel again.

"Knock knock, knock knock."

"Knock knock, knock knock."

"Knock, knock, knock, knock, knock, knock, knock, knock, knock, knock."

"Knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock..."

It seemed that because he hadn't opened the door for a long time, the knock on the door that was originally slow and unhurried gradually became like a storm. It slammed on the wooden door violently, from the initial inquiry to a forceful impact. The old wooden door creaked and creaked, as if it would soon be unable to bear the weight.

Lu Renjia firmly pressed against the door, covered her mouth, trembling all over, and said nothing.

The monster outside the door is still hitting the door, once, twice...

Finally, as if knowing that there was no one in the room, the sound of the soft floor rubbing against the carpet finally sounded outside the door again.

"Swish, swish, swish..."

The footsteps gradually faded away, and Lu Renjia slipped from the door and fell to the ground. However, he did not dare to leave the house.

Who knows when the monster outside the door will come back!

He lifted the chair and pushed it against the door, while he hid on the bed, praying for the day to come. The stuffy heat in the quilt made him feel suffocated involuntarily.

Everything outside seemed to have calmed down. Only the moonlight streamed coldly through the window onto his body.

A breeze blew through and lifted the curtains. Lu Renjia poked her head out from under the blanket.

Cool air poured into his nostrils, and while the alveoli were escaping from the sky, this unexplained airflow reminded him of another thing—

He didn't close the balcony window!

However, it was too late. When he tentatively poked his head out, the same "rusting" sound as in the corridor had already reached the balcony.

He was desperate, in a dilemma, full of fear, and wrapped himself tightly in the quilt.

I'm not here, I'm not here...

The sound of knocking on the glass was very crisp, resounding through the bedroom. Lu Renjia hid under the quilt, and in the stuffy atmosphere, he heard his own breathing.



The sound of dancing shoes rubbing against the ground circled the room. "It" first opened the closet door, and then opened the curtains.

It was finally dark inside. The owner of the dancing shoes finally came to the bed after walking around the room a few times.

Lu Renjia hid in the quilt and did not dare to move. He felt like a piece of cake, and like some creature that should be integrated with the quilt.

Then, something fell on the quilt on his body.


There seemed to be some noise in the corridor, and the cold hand stopped. Then, the sound of soles rubbing against the floor became urgent.

He heard the sound of the door being closed, and he breathed a sigh of relief. However, for the next ten minutes, he didn't dare to move, for fear of the thing's return.

But that thing seems to have really disappeared without a trace. Lu Renjia still didn't dare to poke her head out.

Perhaps the air was exhausted, and he felt that the bed was getting more and more crowded, almost suffocating. However, the air he exhaled was no longer as humid and warm as before, but instead carried a cool chill.

... cool chill.

He lowered his head and met a pale face in his bed!

"I'm Freddy." The pale woman smiled strangely, "Come here, let's play a chase game..."

"As long as you fall asleep, you will see me." She said, "From now on, you run away, I will chase."

"Hahaha, hehehehehehe..."

ten minutes later.

"Wake up, hey, wake up." Lin Huai squatted beside the bed, patting Lu Renjia's face.

He didn't expect Lu Renjia to be so frightened. According to his plan, next, Lu Renjia should run away from the room, and he would chase after him brandishing the eight table knives he held between his fingers. Lu Renjiaqi in pajamas forced him into the boiler room, played a small game of chasing him, and called himself "Freddy Krueger". However, Lu Renjia's reaction really chilled him.

The beautiful old castle, the white dancing shoes, the blood-red ghost, the pure black nightmare... What an artistic chase that should have been, but at this moment, it was all destroyed by this cowardly man !

Lu Renjia seemed unable to wake up for a while, and Lin Huai, as a scene person, watched his hard work go to waste, and was so angry that he smashed things in the whole room. He thought about it again and again, and finally gave up and followed him, entering a deeper dream.

In the third dream, his self-control that he was proud of had been weakened to the point where he would cry, and when it came to the fourth... Lin Huai couldn't imagine what kind of reaction he might have that he could not accept .

"I can't help it." Lin Huai said to him, "You are the first person who failed me but was not retaliated by me. When I scare people next time, I will remember not to engage in such a long forward swing."

After finishing speaking, he silently said "Dolls are prohibited here", and left the other party's dream.

After withdrawing from Lu Renjia's bubble, Lin Huai was once again in the sea of bubbles.

Under his ravages, Bubbles, which were originally light yellow, had already turned dark black. He looked at this brand new bubble curiously, and poked it with his finger.


The moment the fingertip touched it, the bubble burst on the spot. At the same time, a terrified teenager also got up from his bed.


His screams woke up his parents. The teenager's mother turned on the other party's bedroom light: "Jiajia, what's wrong with you?"

"There is a ghost! There is... a female ghost in red! Freddy! Freddy!" Lu Renjia jumped up, "She...she is in my bed..."


"She got out of bed...she..."

Lu Renjia was speechless for a moment. His mother stood aside, frowning vigorously: "Lu Renjia!"

"mom, Mom, Mom!"

"Are you reading messy books again? As I said earlier, you are only fifteen years old! Read less books below your neck!"

"Mom... I didn't..."

Lin Huai had no idea that he had provoked a family conflict. He was busy scaring people, so he immediately entered the next person's dream without stopping.

Throughout the night, Lin Huai dutifully frightened people in many dreams. After failing in the first battle, he quickly found a very good way to scare men: for dreaming men, he would lure them to the hotel in the form of a woman, and take off his skin in front of them, calling himself the "Nightmare Messenger" "Freddy, chased and killed him for three thousand meters, so as to achieve the effect of letting the other party go to the funeral in the dream.

For women, Lin Huai has a slightly bigger head. After all, although he is crazy, he has no intention of shedding his skin in front of women. In the end, he omitted the scene of peeling. As compensation, he dutifully chased and killed them for five kilometers with a knife.

For a moment, Lin Huai didn't know whether it was the appearance of the female ghost that brought them more fear, or the need to run five kilometers in the dream brought more fear.

The time flow rate difference between the dream and outside the dream is 20:1, and every time you enter a dream, the conversion ratio of the time flow rate will be multiplied by 20. Despite the need to complete the mission, Lin Huai doesn't intend to be as conscientious as the villain Gin Jiu. After completing the task of intimidating more than a hundred people, he finally opened his eyes.

And felt a strange touch.

"Strange..." he thought, "Why is my scalp... a little tight?"

Thinking in this way, he raised his head and looked at Chu Tianshu who had braided him for three hours.

The eyes of the two met unexpectedly in the air, and Chu Tianshu smiled after a very short period of sluggishness.

He put down his hand indiscriminately, and instead supported the back of his head with one hand: "Oh, I woke up so early..."

Lin Huai: ...

"Haven't you had enough sleep yet?" Chu Tianshu looked at his watch, "Sleep a little longer, there are still three hours before dawn..."


Lin Huai pursed her lips in contempt, stood up from the ground, and walked into the bathroom.

There was silence in the bathroom.

Chu Tianshu: ...

He touched his nose. A minute later, a cool voice drifted into his ears from behind him.

The first sentence is "Chu Tianshu".

The second sentence is "You are dead".

"Give me half an hour, and I'll untie it for you immediately." Chu Tianshu responded quickly.

He raised his hands and leaned against the wall, pretending to be slaughtered. Lin Huai stared at him for a while, and finally, he nodded reluctantly.

Perhaps only the instigator of all this can find a way out of the complex topography of Lin Huai's head. Lin Huai sat cross-legged in front of him, while untangling her hair, she said from time to time:

"you are dead."