The NPC Was Once Again Frightened By Me

Chapter 149: Movie streaming is possible


"You are really dead."

"Chu Tianshu, you are dead."

"Chu Tianshu, can I interview you for the reason for doing this?"

"Because... I'm really sleepy. Find a way to concentrate, hey, don't move your head, it will hurt you in a while."


A few minutes later, Lin Huai complained again:

"Can't you find something more meaningful to do?"

"for example?"

"for example… "

"Like counting eyelashes!"

Junxiong's voice came from the stairwell, and the moment Lin Huai stared at him, he ran away in fright.

In his hand, he was holding a brand new lollipop.

Lin Huai: ...

"... Bah," it took him a long time before he said weakly, "Forget it, it's good to tie your hair."

The young man squatting behind him suddenly laughed out loud.

Lin Huai: ...

"What are you laughing at?" he demanded.

"Lin Huai," the young man said with a hint of teasing in his tone, "were you... shy just now?"

Lin Huai: ...

"Chu Tianshu, you are dead!" He said firmly.

"Okay, I'm dead."

Chu Tianshu readily admitted.

"Chu Tianshu, you are a primary school student."

"Okay, I'm a primary school student."

"...Why are you so honest?"

"Hmm..." Chu Tianshu untied the last braid, "Maybe it's because of your angry look, you're cute?"

Lin Huai: ...

He bounced off the ground and entered the bathroom again to confirm the state of the top of his head. After getting good haircut results, he returned to the living room.

He pushed the other person down on the mattress very roughly, and threw the quilt over his head and face.

"Go to sleep, I'll keep watch." He said succinctly.

As he spoke, he took a few steps and sat on the sofa farthest from the mattress. After taking off his shoes, he curled up his two long legs, awkwardly placed them on the edge of the sofa, hugged them with his hands, and looked out the window.

He didn't speak, and Chu Tianshu didn't ask any questions. Chu Tianshu sneaked into the quilt again, tried his best to restrain the corners of his mouth from rising, and said, "Good night."

His words were like light raindrops falling into the sea, without even a slight ripple.

Chu Tianshu didn't expect Lin Huai's response either. He knew that from the past to the present, he has always had the kind of character that never procrastinates and cares about himself.

However, before closing his eyes, a voice came from the other end of the living room.

"Chu Tianshu." It was Lin Huai's voice, and it was a little unnatural, "You are resurrected."


The revived Chu Tianshu also seized the opportunity and went to the street for a tour wearing a mask.

When he came back, he carried two bags of food, took off his mask and said, "Your black materials and brainwashing kits are everywhere outside."

"That is to say, from today onwards, we can only stay in this room and wait for the arrival of Miss Liangchuan's competition?"

Chu Tianshu: "Theoretically speaking, it is correct."

Lin Huai: "What if I have to go out?"

Chu Tianshu: "Then I will catch you back."

Before Lin Huai showed an expression about to go berserk, Chu Tianshu said again: "But I'm fully prepared."

"What preparation?"

Lin Huai was a little surprised, and then, Chu Tianshu said unhurriedly: "I installed wifi for this villa."

Lin Huai: "..."

Chu Tianshu: "I also brought you an ipad."

Lin Huai: "... really well prepared."

Chu Tianshu: "It contains all the classic horror films of the past forty years."

Lin Huai: "!! Let me see!"

With Chu Tianshu's adequate preparations, Lin Huai spent a rather decadent life in the villa for a week.

This week, in order to avoid the ubiquitous npcs outside, Lin Huai almost stayed at home. Besides eating, his only three entertainments every day are rehearsing with Kayako and Sadako, scaring people and being scared.

The constant scariness doesn't make people feel enough pain, it will cause numbness. Lin Huai was quite aware of this. Given his ability to change terrain at will in his dreams, he originally planned to conquer the town in Freddy's 5K style, exhausting everyone and successfully spreading his reputation as a terror.

But just like "the same trick cannot be used twice on a saint fighter", when he entered a bubble with a thicker wall for the third time, he felt the runner's slack. After being chased by him for three kilometers, the girl who was running finally stopped panting, and shouted in despair: "Freddy! Just kill me!"

Lin Huai didn't intend to kill the other party. What he wanted to do was to disrupt the other party's will by creating terror. Although Lin Huai would get a lot of fun by intimidating NPCs, he is a ghost with a career after all. In addition to his own happiness, he also cares about the satisfaction of customers (npcs) with his services, and will improve himself based on their reactions.

Therefore, after this Waterloo, he stared at the many horror movies on the ipad and thought of a new way to play.

"Last night, I tried the opening scene of the midnight bell, and then I started chasing. The effect is very good." In the early morning of the eighth day, Lin Huai shared his scary results with Chu Tianshu with his ipad, "Tonight, I plan to cosplay Take a look at Annabelle..."

Sadako screamed behind him: "You copied me!"

Lin Huai shamelessly ignored her.

He said so, and he used his pen to give a five-star rating to "Midnight Ring".

Individual wisdom is limited, if you want to reach a higher height, you need the help of the group after all. In order to prevent the townspeople of Liangchuan from feeling tired of him in their dreams, he has learned from many horror movies and created similar horror scenes for the townspeople in their dreams every night.

The beginning of the nightmare, from "Resident Evil", to "Silent Hill", to "The Grudge" (Garko: You copied me), to "Midnight Ring"... The only constant is the self-proclaimed Freddy in the dream The girl in red, and the exciting pursuit at the end. Every silent night, every sleeping teenager in Liangchuan Town was dragged into horrible worlds by him. They struggled to survive in the world, and ran all the way under the chase of Lin Huai with a knife...

In a sense, it was as if they were pulled into an infinite stream survival game by Lin Huai every night. Every night, they were shivering in various horror movies, desperately trying to survive. They either cry, or panic, or fall into despair after countless resistances... The only thing that remains the same is that the image of the ghost in red is more and more established in their hearts.

Lin Huai, on the other hand, holds the power of life and death in their infinite streaming game, the main god.

Moreover, it is also their constant nightmare!

Chu Tianshu kept typing on the keyboard with both hands, and the smooth characters flowed out in the command window. Lin Huai looked at the strings of green codes and felt dizzy: "What is this?"

"Write drawing instructions." Chu Tianshu said.

"What drawing commands?"

"Drawing instructions for robots."

Lin Huai: ...

He didn't bother to analyze the opponent's combat intention, and put his chin on Chu Tianshu's shoulder: "How are the townspeople now? Are they starting to be afraid of me..."

"Seven days ago, after waking up, a teenager named Lu Renjia claimed that he saw a female ghost in his dream, but no one believed it. Later, more people claimed that they also saw a terrifying ghost in their dreams "Chu Tianshu said, "After this, more and more people began to have nightmares, and gradually experienced ptsd symptoms such as auditory hallucinations, dizziness, and visual hallucinations after waking up from the dream..."

Lin Huai: "It's so pitiful."

"They said that this was the...ghost of the girl who dropped out of Liangchuan Middle School due to rumors after her death..." Chu Tianshu said, "He was betrayed by the Soviet Union during his lifetime, and he let himself go after death. He finally transformed into Girl, take revenge on everyone who spread her scandal."

Lin Huai showed a happy smile without public morality. But Chu Tianshu closed the notebook, and looked at him very seriously: "How many people are left in you who haven't finished intimidating?"

"Hmm... there are more than ten more? The bubbles of the others have all turned black."

At the same time, in the school.

Qiu Ran returned to her seat amidst whispers.

Despite the spooky rumors about Freddy intensifying in town, school festival preparations aren't slowing down.

The school festival was supposed to be an annual event of Liangchuan Middle School, and the most eye-catching thing was the voting for "Miss Liangchuan". For men and women who are restless in adolescence, this is really a good opportunity to release their youthful vitality (spread gossip, engage in fan circles, and fall in love early).

According to the practice of previous years, at this moment, the boys and girls in the school should be immersed in beauty pageants, rehearsals, preparations, confessions, day on campus, and song rehearsals of "Love That Can't Be Enough"... However, all the topics of the students are discussed by others. One thing took its place.

"Did you dream last night..."

"... I dreamed about it too."

A timid whisper sounded behind Qiu Ran. One of the boys lowered his voice and whispered: "...what the hell is that! It's really..."

"… too frightening."

"... save, save me..."

"It's him, it's him! He's dead...he's come to avenge us!"

The faces of the students were contorted with tension and terror, as if some invisible thing had cast a thick haze over their lives. Sitting among these panicked students, Qiu Ran felt a little out of place.

She rested her chin and yawned.

A strong sleepiness curled up between her brows, and she thought about getting a good night's sleep after returning home. And the voices of the students still sounded behind her:

"That, that's the one..."

"As long as you fall asleep, you will meet..."

"After waking up... my clothes! They were also... scratched!"

"The ghost in your dream is indeed the one who left the school wrongly, was spurned and treated coldly by everyone, and finally committed suicide by jumping into the river. After his death, he became a woman because of your rebellion."

... This voice seems slightly familiar. She turned around and met the chubby Qu Mei.

Qu ignorant? Why is it Qu Mei

Because of this, Qiu Ran showed a miraculous expression. At the same time, Qu Mei, who was manipulating the puppet, who was fifty meters away, gritted his teeth.

Although he was ashamed, he still had the courage to manipulate the puppet to speak because of the cultivation cheats in Chu Tianshu's hands: "Her spirit of resentment is floating in the school and has not left for a long time. There are no more songs, It is worth singing. There is no need for a love that cannot be conveyed. There is no longer anyone who is worth loving. When she was floating in the river, she swore that she would win the "Liangchuan" at the school festival. Miss' title, otherwise, she'll kill everyone..."

Qiuran: ...

After succinctly announcing the rumors, Qu Mei returned to his seat. Qiu Ran also lay silently on the table, waiting for the end of get out of class.

Now her life is really quite boring, Fu Jiang ran away like Li ○ Xiu. After class, she followed Ye Xiangxiang back to the dormitory in silence.

Unlike her listless look, Ye Xiangxiang had a happy smile on her face. She turned to Qiuran and whispered, "Have you heard?"


"It's a very interesting thing." Ye Xiangxiang said happily, "Didn't Lin Huai and Chu Tianyu run away? Recently, I heard more rumors about them in school..."

"What rumor?"

"Some people say that they were gay, and then eloped. Because of the family's opposition, they tragically committed suicide just like Romeo and Juliet..." Ye Xiangxiang showed an extremely gloating expression, "Hahahaha!"

Qiu Ran: "... why are you so happy?"

"Of course, as for who let them cut off my money." Ye Xiangxiang brushed his hair, "I didn't add fuel to the flames, it's already pretty good!"

"for example?"

"For example, fabricating some believable details... and so on..." Ye Xiangxiang rolled his eyes blankly, and suddenly blushed, "This play is good, I will use it for my cp after I go out..."

Qiuran: ...

After returning to the dormitory, they put down their schoolbags, lay on their beds, and fell into a deep sleep.

The ripples of the dream gradually swayed in her mind.

When she came back to her senses, she found that she was in a doll shop, and she was still wearing a red skirt with white spots. Just when she was in a daze, a familiar voice rang in her ear: "Tsk... It's you, you went to the wrong place."

Qiu Ran turned around and saw a beautiful girl in red standing beside the shelf. Her beauty is dazzling, but her eyebrows and eyes are so familiar...

"Lin, Lin Huai?!"

Looking at the former teammate in women's clothing, Qiu Ran almost screamed. At that moment, the girl she called "Lin Huai" twitched violently.

Although Lin Huai was ready to dress up as a woman, she was not ready to let acquaintances see her in women's dress, especially Qiu Ran's reaction was such a fuss. To this, he had no choice but to say: "I am not Lin Huai."

"and you… "

"Hi, I'm Qin Shihuang. I took the elixir and survived. Now hundreds of millions of troops are sealed in the imperial mausoleum. Tens of thousands of tons of gold are buried in the ground and cannot be excavated. Now I need your help, 5000 yuan, etc. I succeeded in giving you ten thousand taels of gold, Marshal of the army and horses, and here is my Alipay... Forget it, I can’t make it up anymore.” Lin Huai shrugged, “I’m sorry I went to the wrong place, I’m leaving now.”

After finishing speaking, he silently said "Dolls are prohibited here", and was about to leave the other party's dream. Unexpectedly, Qiu Ran reacted faster than him: "You... are you going to become Miss Liangchuan?"

"So what?"

Lin Huai turned her head, Qiu Ran was stunned for a moment: "But you..."

But aren't you a man... aren't you


This is Lin Huai...

"I have nothing to say." Qiu Ran whispered, "I wish you happiness."

Lin Huai: ...

He didn't say anything more, stepped through the void, and left Qiu Ran's dream.

Sinking in the ocean of dreams, Lin Huai observed the huge battle results in front of him.

The originally colorful bubbles, under his efforts, removed the dream bubbles of a few taskers, and now they are all blackened by nightmares, making sharp sounds in the fierce fight. He looked at his territory and couldn't help smiling.

In the past few days, he has successfully made all the students of Liangchuan Middle School debilitated and unable to sleep at night due to constant nightmares. They fell to their knees in the dream, repenting their actions of spreading rumors, crying for his forgiveness, but...

Lin Huai has always liked to gain happiness from the suffering of others. So he magnanimously forgave them and rewarded them with an even better performance the next day.

Today, the only bubble that has not been dyed black is showing a bright pink color. Lin Huai stared at it for a while, then walked towards it.

Perhaps it was a coincidence that in the past week, because the content of human dreams would change every time, Lin Huai never entered a pink bubble.

Now this pink bubble is in his hand, and the owner of the bubble seems to be a college student who lives next door to them. Lin Huai remembered that she seemed to have seen this person before, and robbed him of his money by dressing up as a woman.

Lin Huai stared at the bubble for a while, then stretched out her finger to it.

The finger stopped in mid-air.

His sight stopped on a bubble near this bubble.

The bubble was huge, motionless, almost static. It presents a vast expanse of white color, making it completely impossible for people to see the content contained within.

Lin Huai knew that it belonged to Chu Tianshu's bubbles during the afternoon nap.

Out of curiosity, he once tried to probe into it with spiritual power to investigate. In return for his intrusion, the bubble enveloped him very gently, and very domineeringly and firmly tied his strand of spiritual power into the bubble.

He failed to detect the dream inside the bubble, nor could he perceive the emotion of the other party's dream, instead he lost his wife and lost his army. It took him a lot of effort to pull out this wisp of mental power from inside the bubble again.

He speculated that this might be because Chu Tianshu was a high-level player, so his dreams were difficult to invade.

After that time, Lin Huai also asked Chu Tianshu what dream he would have when he woke up, but the other party stopped him with the excuse of "dreaming that he was working".

"Tsk, one day I have to go in and take a look." He stared at the bubble and said casually.

Thinking of this, he poked his finger into the pink bubble.

His body turned into a wisp of white smoke and completely merged into the bubbles. After he left, the originally bright sea of dreams also darkened.

Many bubbles were floating and sinking in the dark sea of dreams, and at the same time, the originally motionless white bubbles suddenly began to expand.

It quietly and silently moved to the position where the pink bubbles were trembling regularly.

— and swallowed it in one gulp.

The feeling of stepping into this dream is even more strange than Lin Huai imagined.

As usual, after entering the first dream, he directly knocked out the dream master, entered the second dream, and continued the above behavior in the second dream. As for the dream on the first floor was in a certain family’s house, and the owner of the dream was rolling on the table with a student-like person in a tutor’s attire, as if they were beating each other, Lin Huai immediately rescued him when he saw this, and sent him Take it to the hotel to stun. In the second dream, the master of the dream is standing on the bus, wearing black-rimmed glasses and looking like a student, as if he is about to have a conflict with another person. Lin Huai rescued him again, took him to the hotel, and knocked him unconscious under the excited flushed eyes of the Dream Lord...

As the saying goes, saving a life is a matter of little effort. This kind of effort was completely forgotten by Lin Huai.

"Although I still can't understand why in this person's dreams, he is always in such a dangerous situation." Lin Huaixu thought about it.

Stepping into the third layer of dreamland, until thirty seconds later, he finally felt down-to-earth. When he opened his eyes again, what he saw was a rather luxurious nightclub.

The loud drumbeats exploded in his ears, and the huge neon lights on the sign made him unable to keep his eyes open. He stood on the street at night, a little dazed.

... This feeling is a little strange.

For some reason, he felt a little uncomfortable all over his body, especially the skin on the back of his neck was a little weirdly tight.

Just as he was about to reach out to grab it, a stranger patted him on the shoulder: "What are you waiting for? Hurry up and go to the back alley to perform the mission!"


When he lowered his head, he realized that he was actually wearing a black uniform. This uniform is very slim, with two rows of silver buttons on the chest. The jet-black trousers were tucked into the same-coloured boots, making the legs look long and straight.

"What's the setting again..." he muttered.

Every time Lin Huai enters the dream, she will have two choices: one is to suddenly appear in the world with an independent identity, but this is likely to arouse the vigilance of the dream owner and be protected by the powerful third layer of dream guards. hunt down. The second is to replace the npc in the dream.

Of course, if Lin Huai himself appeared in that person's dream, replacing himself with himself would be the best third option. Apparently, Lin Huai himself did not appear in this neighbor's dream, so for now, he can only quietly replace another npc in the other's dream with himself.

Now it seems that the owner of this dream may have watched too many criminal investigation films, and was dreaming of some kind of task execution scene. Lin Huai pressed the brim of his hat and followed behind the person who patted him.

He now desperately wants to meet the Dream Lord, and find a place where no one is there to attack him.

The little discomfort on the back of his neck was forgotten by him.

This is not because Lin Huai is not cautious enough, but because each dream will have different atmosphere changes according to the mood of the dream master.

For example, red dreams make people angry, yellow dreams make people excited and happy, purple dreams make people very melancholy, green dreams make people forgive... Sensation, and the feeling of being bitten by a mosquito on the back of the neck, are the unique qualities of pink dreams.

Moreover, based on his feelings at the moment when he touched the pink dream, and the inseparable scenes of men and women kissing in the pink dream that he had accidentally glimpsed, he believes that the pink dream is related to romance or love.

This is also the reason why he has not entered the pink dreamland for a long time. After all, disturbing the couple is like a thunderbolt. Lin Huai had no intention of acting as a member of the FFF regiment. However, the bubble he entered today was always pink after several days of observation, so he had to sacrifice himself to enter the dreamland, causing a devastating blow to the couple he was dating.

However, what puzzled him was that from the first floor to the third floor of this dream, there was not even a woman who had an affair with the dream master. On the contrary, no matter whether he entered the first dream or the second dream, the master of the dream was continuously beaten, wrestled, and beaten by fierce men...

... Maybe this is the romance of men. he thought.

... It's not bad to go on a date with the master of the dream and let him feel the sudden U-turn of his girlfriend... Lin Huai, who hadn't had time to dress up as a woman, thought so.

The moment he turned the corner of the alley, the Dream Lord with a pink halo above his head appeared in front of his eyes.

The master of the dream is just like what he saw in the first and second layers of dreams, he is a teenager with black-rimmed glasses. He looks delicate and gentle, with thin arms and legs, a baby face and curly hair.

Seeing them arriving, the captain-like youth gave orders: "Two teams, sneak into this casino!"


Although Lin Huai's ability to tamper with the dream will become stronger every time he goes deeper into the dream. But a densely populated place like a casino is really not easy to play... Lin Huai thought so. The captain added: "We received a tip that this casino secretly sells a large number of illegal drugs, including inhibitors, pseudopheromones, inducers, and even injections that can change gender..."

The npc was introducing the plot, but Lin Huai was absent-minded. His attention was all on the baby-faced dream master opposite. I saw his hand holding the gun trembling slightly, as if he was expecting something.

It wasn't until the captain mentioned "a reagent that can change gender", that Lin Huai's attention was attracted to him for a moment. He couldn't help but twitched the corners of his mouth, and said with squinting eyes: "You can actually change your gender... Beer..."

"That's only a drug that can temporarily change gender, and its essence is to force organs to re-grow. In the final analysis, it's just a dose of hormones." The captain said, "Although it can change gender in a short period of time, but in After three hours, it will be completely useless. Crude product. But some dudes, who don’t like the original, like to use this kind of thing to transform others and seek excitement.”

"..." Lin Huai looked at her flat chest, then felt between her legs, imagining how they retracted and grew back.

"I think this drug is already very remarkable." He said sincerely, "In my world, I have to give the counterfeit drug manufacturer the Nobel Prize in Biochemistry and Medicine."

At this moment, his heart is filled with "Since you want to pursue excitement, then follow through to the end." "Why is the person in this dream either violent or coquettish?" "Isn't this a dream with a 'romantic' mood? Why does this always appear? Such a weird and anti-scientific setting" "I can understand it when it grows out, but how do I do it when it shrinks back??" The barrage.

The captain frowned: "What did you say?"

"Oh, and □□, if there are such drugs in reality, I will definitely donate them to the mountain people who abduct and traffic women, so that they can hurt each other." Lin Huai continued.

team leader:"… "

As an NPC in a dream, he couldn't understand the reaction of his subordinates as if they were different people. Then, he said again: "You are the most elite betas under my command, so this task is given to you who are difficult to be affected by pheromones. Go and complete the task. Lin Huai, you and Ke Le are in charge of the casino. Yao Feng , you and Min Hao are in charge of the bar..."

Under the assignment of the captain, everyone left along their own routes. Lin Huai felt more and more confused as he followed behind the dream master called "Ke Le".

... What and what is in this dream. Lin Huai was rarely interested in this dream that he could not understand at all, so he was not in a hurry to scare Ke Le. The two walked side by side in the corridor leading to the casino, Lin Huai turned to Ke Le: "Did we drive tanks before?"


Ke Le was a little dumbfounded when he asked him this question. Lin Huai then said again: "Otherwise, why would they call us Beta?"

Ke Le:

"Are Shuke and Beta the names of pilots and tankers in your world?"

"What's wrong with you?" Ke Le looked at him in confusion, "beta..."

As soon as he opened his mouth, the two passed them by. It was two men, one tall and one slender. The slender man blushed and leaned weakly on the tall man's body. The tall man gave them a cold glance as he passed by them.

The arrogant eyes of the tall man stimulated Lin Huai, so Lin Huai also smiled and stared back. The two looked at each other briefly in mid-air, and then left.

"... You dared to stare at an alpha just now." Ke Le said with lingering fear.

"What alpha..." Lin Huai sniffed his arm, "tsk... just smelled a strange smell, don't people here take a bath? By the way, alpha, beta, is this the world view of a brave new world? Is it? Fortunately, I am not epsilon or delta... "

Ke Le showed a demented expression of "what is that?" Lin Huai continued to complain: "Speaking of which, we are going to sneak in to find counterfeit drug dealers."

"Yes... yes."

"Then why do we wear uniforms??" Lin Huai stared at himself in the mirror, "Wouldn't it be as conspicuous for two people in uniforms to go undercover in a casino like a rabbit that fell into a fish pond... Could it be useful Any effects that help with lurking?"

"Because..." Ke Le whispered.

For some reason, his ears turned a little red: "Because I'm wearing a uniform, it's more exciting..."

Lin Huai: "?"

"Wearing a uniform is more exciting? Are you referring to being caught by criminals as soon as you enter a casino because of your clothes? It's very exciting... Although dreams generally lack logic, your logic is really too strong..." Lin Huai twitched the corners of his eyes, and tried to understand the logic of the dream master, "Or, is it your romance to be chased by the villain boss during the mission, and to shoot with a group of people?"

"Gun... gun battle? A group of people?" Ke Le blushed even more, "No, it's too radical and immoral!"

Lin Huai was finally speechless. He found that he couldn't understand Ke Le at all.

For the second time in his lifetime, it wasn't that others couldn't understand him, but that he couldn't understand others. Chu Tianshu was the first person to let him have this experience, and Ke Le was the second. Curiosity eventually overwhelmed his determination to complete the task.

After many years, Lin Huai still regrets her decision. Whenever he thought of this day, he would bury his head in the pillow and roll wildly.

However, Lin Huai at this moment has not learned the lesson of "curiosity killed the cat" from future experience. Today, he is still too young, too naive, lacks a little life experience, and lacks a little beating from society. Therefore, he wants to learn, wants to experience... and even made the decision to "follow him to see how this dream will end".

But in a sense, Ke Le's idea is indeed very reasonable. Since the pursuit of excitement, then follow through to the end... Lin Huai thought so, raised his right hand, pulled down the leather glove on it with his left hand, and entered the casino lobby with Ke Le.

Although Lin Huai's height is only steady at 179cm, her body proportions are excellent. Putting on this well-designed uniform, her legs are straight and long, and her temperament is sharp and outstanding. After entering the casino, his eyes were immediately attracted by the various machines in it.

"It's a lot of people..." he thought.

While focusing part of his attention on the gangster movie starring Ke Le, he looked at the scene in the hall. Ke Le was still wandering around in the casino, not knowing what he wanted to do. After wandering around for two times, Lin Huai finally came to a conclusion.

"It's all pitfalls." He said firmly.

Gambling is not as good as gaming. In the game, if you pay 648 for a single order, you may not get the card you want, but at least you can hear the recharge sound. However, in the casino, the piles of money fell, and there was not even a sound.

He turned his head to look at Ke Le, who was still wandering around in the casino, without any plans to proceed to the next step of the plot.

Lin Huai sat on the sofa in the rest area, extremely bored and anxious. For some reason, after entering this casino, he always felt that he often smelled a little strange. Those strange auras are extremely light and faint, but they always linger in the casino, lingering like a nightmare.

Every time he smelled a little more, he felt a little more irritable. The young man with folded legs held hands, looked at the chandelier on the ceiling, and finally decided to have some fun.

"... Why don't you go and watch the sexy croupier deal out cards online." He rolled his eyes and thought.

In the middle of the hall is a card table. On both sides of the card table, sat a few big men whose bald heads symbolized wealth and power. Several people were either frowning or smiling.

Mountains of chips are placed beside them. This extravagance attracted many onlookers. When Lin Huai passed through the crowd and came to the poker table, one of them seemed to be red-eyed. He gritted his teeth and rolled out all the remaining chips: "All in!"


All kinds of voices sounded beside him, but the red-eyed gambler turned a deaf ear to them. Seeing this, the two people on the opposite side of the card table showed some subtle smiles. They exchanged an ambiguous look.