The NPC Was Once Again Frightened By Me

Chapter 159: Lu Jin, you are so miserable


Opening lightning strike.

After one person and one corpse stared at each other for a minute, Lin Huai tried to raise his left hand: "Hi?"

The corpse did not respond.

He didn't dare to move, he groped around, and finally caught a small crab that was running away. Lin Huai grasped the pliers keenly, caught the panic-stricken crab, and took it...

Throw it on the face of the female corpse.

The crab ran away in fright after jumping wildly for a while. After carrying out the above-mentioned activities that were like dancing on the grave, Lin Huai finally felt relieved and got up from the beach.

It's not that he's afraid of the female corpse cheating, but he's afraid that the female corpse will suddenly explode and splash water all over his body. With his feet sunk in the soft sand, Lin Huai patted the gravel on his body and realized that he was on a beach.

He walked along the coastline for more than 100 meters, and as far as his eyes could see were dark sea water and endless waves. He climbed onto a reef, looked around, and realized that he might be on an uninhabited island.

"An uninhabited island..." He tapped his forehead, "So these five boxes of water are used to solve the shortage of fresh water?"

He closed his eyes and listened carefully to the sound in the wind. But soon, his inference was overturned.

Beyond the beach is a lush jungle. There are mountains in the jungle and the sound of water flowing.

Presumably, it was the sound of mountain springs or streams.

He climbed down from the rock and walked back to where he woke up, following his own steps. There, several players were lying in disorder. He sat on a rock and waited for them to wake up.

Suddenly, his eyes froze.

"...this." He stared at one of the figures in a sweater with his face down, "It looks familiar..."

Soon, he denied his conjecture. Because there is no reason for that person to appear here.

There were five people lying on the ground. After Lin Huai, they finally woke up one by one.

Those who wake up include office workers in shirts, muscular men in vests, and ordinary men with ordinary looks, but...

Among the three people who have woken up, and the two people who are still sleeping, there is not a single woman.

The muscular man picked up the binoculars and looked around. The office worker found the female body and tried to check it. The ordinary-looking man took out a cigarette and handed it to Lin Huai: "Dude..."

"Give me back my money!"

Shi Potian's shocking shout sounded on the beach, and the last young man who woke up on the beach roared and threw himself at the man with mischievous eyebrows beside him.

"You lied to the students' money, are you still human? You... wait, where is this place? You... you not only cheated my money, but also kidnapped and sold me? I... I'm worthless!"

"Who the hell is going to abduct and sell you. Damn, you can catch me hiding in the toilet. You are so fucking good at it."

"What the hell is going on? Why am I here?"

After hearing that familiar voice, Lin Huai covered her face.

From the few words of these two people, he roughly understood the whole story. His good roommate Lu Jin, who was somehow pulled into the game, was still jumping up and down on the beach: "Where is this? Are you making a movie? Is it a reality show? Why am I here? Wasn't I in the mall just now?"

Lin Huai turned her back and didn't want to face him. At the same time, the muscular man who was exploring the way also returned to them: "This place looks like an isolated island. There are no boats or other means of transportation nearby."

"There should be water in the jungle, or wild fruits." The office worker also stood up from the ground, "Are we going to survive on a deserted island?"

"I don't know what tasks the system will give us..." The ordinary man sighed worriedly.

"Why do I no longer understand what you guys are talking about... Fuck! Why is there a corpse here!" Lu Jin shouted in panic. He fumbled around on his body, and finally found his mobile phone: "Let's call the police, don't destroy the scene..."

His abnormal reaction attracted the muscular man. The muscular man looked at the mischievous man who was being held by Lu Jin's arm, shrugged and said, "You brought it in?"

The thief-eyed man immediately said, "We didn't go all the way."

"Either you are responsible, or deal with it." The muscular man said coldly, "Don't let him ruin our business."

", you can deal with it." The sly-eyed man scratched his head, his eyes shining brightly, "What, I'm not a fighting type, hehe."

The muscular man frowned. The office worker said again: "Let's save his life first. At least we can save Tanlu."

Lu Jin fell silent.

The busy tone of no signal came from the mobile phone, coupled with the words of these people treating him like an ant, the survival instinct of small animals made him, who was always dull, realize that something was wrong.

… Fuck.

At this moment, infinite horror, hell, ace, and soul possession... Lu Jin, who was addicted to games and online novels, realized in an instant——

He seems to...become a member of this kind of novel

'... No, infinite flow is definitely the last novel subject I don't want to travel into! ’ He shouted in his heart, ‘I’d rather be in a danmei novel and be raped by some brawny crispy-skinned ducks than a thriller.’

He somewhat regretted that he chased the fake scalper he met for two hours, and finally blocked him in the toilet. The men in front of him obviously didn't regard him as a human being, and Lu Jin knew very well that he might have stepped into a novel of "sacrifice flow" or "killing decisive flow". He quietly put the phone in his pocket, and moved towards the distance in small steps, trying to reduce his sense of existence...

At this moment, a cold hand rested on his shoulder.

Lu Jin was terrified this time. Anyone who has just heard the decision to kill him will be terrified if he is put on his shoulders like this. He staggered and fell to the ground, and his entire face came into face-to-face contact with the swollen female corpse just one centimeter apart.

Lu Jin: "Ah—"

After realizing that he had the opportunity to touch the female corpse with his lips when he opened his mouth, his cry stopped abruptly halfway through.

He was picked up by the collar. Before Lu Jin could rejoice at being "saved" in the future, he heard the voice he was all too familiar with—the voice of his roommate who lived with him day and night—

"I know this person." Lin Huai casually said, holding Lu Jin by the collar, "It's mine."

He really didn't want to show justice for his roommate, and he really didn't want to take off his halo as a cautious and ordinary college student in real life. However, the way Lu Jin flinched in fright was really amusing, not to mention, 301 is also his territory.

In the end, his territoriality overcame his laziness.

Lu Jin was very knowledgeable about current affairs and did not dare to say a word. Seeing this, the muscular man was smoking a cigarette and said, "Your man?"

Lin Huai's expression didn't change a bit: "Yes."



"Oh." The muscular man nodded, "Then you take care of him yourself."

He was not interested in Lu Jin's life or death, and sat on the rock to smoke. Others also found a place to sit at random.

It was only then that Lu Jin was let down by Lin Huai. He scrambled away from the female corpse, and the acid water in his stomach surged up with a "wow".

He vomited once, then again, and again... When he vomited for the third time, Lin Huai squatted down and looked at him: "Brother, don't worry, you are so inferior."

Lu Jin obviously didn't realize the change in his roommate's temperament, and he obviously didn't realize that the obedient student who was originally slightly gloomy and cold had become evil. With tears in his eyes, he took out a tissue to wipe his mouth, and said in despair, "Why am I so fucking unlucky..."

From his mouth, Lin Huai learned the tragic story of a poor male college student who was scammed by a scalper for 2,000 yuan for a stage play. Half a year later, he met the scalper in a supermarket and chased him to the toilet of the mall, but was eventually pulled into the game together. In the game, he obviously didn't comfort the male college student's leisurely mood, but just nodded and said, "What a shame."

Lu Jin: ... qaq

"As an intermediate player, it is a shame to be a scalper to cheat male college students of 2,000 yuan." Lin Huai added.

"Father, I will follow you well. If you ask me to say one thing, I dare not say another thing. If you ask me to point out, I dare not fight..."

Obviously, he, who is addicted to animation novels, did not show any doubts about Lin Huai's origin, but logically made up a script for him to supplement the background setting. Lin Huai was very satisfied with this.

Lu Jin was still babbling about his loyalty, but everyone's mobile phones rang at this moment.

The muscular man picked up the phone: "Hello."

There is no sound.

He turned the volume up to the maximum and put it next to his ear. Finally, in the tenth second, the sound of gurgling water came from inside.

"The sound of the waves...?"

Office workers also put their ears close to the microphone. He heard the continuous sound of spray, coming from the remote depths.

Monotonous, boring and repetitive.

The voice was eerie and mysterious, or in other words, ethereal and far-reaching. Listening to the melody-like voice, he felt that his heart and soul would go with it.

"What the hell..." The man with sly eyebrows and mouse eyes had goosebumps all over his body.

Lin Huai put his ear close to the microphone, but heard a sound different from the sound of running water.

swish... swish...

It seems that something is being blown by the wind, and it seems that there is something hidden in the deep woods.

"Hehe, hehe."

After a long time, a pleasant female voice finally sounded from the microphone.

They have never heard such a beautiful female voice, like broken jade throwing beads, like ringing rings, and like falling feathers from the sky. Any beautiful words in the world can be used to describe this voice.

"Good morning, players, I am the examiner of this game. I am very glad that you were able to come to this isolated island in the sea before the night of the full moon."

Through the microphone, they can also imagine the smiling face of the woman on the other end of the microphone.

"On the night of the full moon, all the answers to the mysteries will be revealed. Each of you has only one chance to be blessed. Unlike other examiners, I am an examiner who doesn't like fighting, so—I hope you can use Let your thoughts and observations solve this puzzle."

"Now, the game begins."

The voice on the other side of the microphone stopped abruptly. The office worker whispered, "It's an evil spirit."

"Evil spirit? What is that? A setting?"

Lu Jin asked Lin Huai in a low voice, and when he saw the female corpse in a blink of an eye, he showed an expression of wanting to vomit again.

However, the sound of the system sounded at this moment.

"Dungeon: Kingdom of Evil Spirit Daughter, opened."

"Among the mountains on the isolated island, there is a mysterious village. In this village, there are only women, no men. Except for witches, all women are forbidden to speak."

"There are a total of 120 women in the village. Except for six human women, the rest are disguised by evil spirits. Players need to identify real human women within seven days and seek shelter from them. Every human woman The residence can only shelter one player."

"After seven days, the evil spirits lifted the restrictions and slaughtered the players."

"Players can move freely during the day. After the player identifies one of the women as a human woman, the identification cannot be changed and revoked. The player will not be able to identify the rest of the women as human women, and can only accept the 'asylum' of this 'female', regardless of Its true identity is evil spirit or human being."

"Now, enter the jungle and reach the village before dark."