The NPC Was Once Again Frightened By Me

Chapter 161: The so-called birth flow


The corner of the skirt was hidden into the building, and the six people in the square looked at each other.

"Go inside the red building." The office worker whispered.

Different from the other small red houses with the door facing the center, the three-storey big red house has only one exit, and it faces the road where everyone came in.

The six people lined up and entered the red building one by one. The muscular man leads, followed by the ordinary-faced man. After turning his head to look at the women in white clothes around the square, the man with a mischievous eyebrow shrank his head and followed in.

The three of them had already entered, Lin Huai patted Lu Jin's shoulder and motioned him to follow. Unexpectedly, the latter's eyes were dull, and he stared straight at the white-clothed female ghost around him, looking dumbfounded by fright.

"..." Lin Huaixu raised his eyes and kicked him on the knee, "Ning was scared again?"

Lu Jin: "No... I just, I haven't seen so many girls for a long time, I'm a little scared..."

Lin Huai: ... It's amazing how scared you are.

Lu Jin, who lived in a science class with five girls in middle school and a computer department with two girls in college, was kicked into the red building by Lin Huai with trembling legs. This time Lin Huai really did not wrong Lu Jin - he was indeed frightened, but it was because, as an otaku, he hadn't seen a woman for a long time.

Lu Jin was kicked into the building by him, and he was still complaining: "Fucking Lao Lin, why did you become violent... kicking hurts me so much..."

Lin Huai narrowed his eyes: "Oh? You finally found out?"

Faith will move mountains to open. Lin Huai is still having a headache on how to explain her personality changes to Lu Jin.

Although Lin Huai cherished the roommate between him and Lu Jin so much that he thought about whether to continue to pretend to be a gentle and jade-like man. But this doesn't make him stop using his ability as a ghost out of concern for Lu Jin in the game. Therefore, Lin Huai originally planned to peel off his face tonight, reveal the veil of warmth, and use the most explosive facts to reveal the truth of his identity.

Now that Lu Jin has noticed, he doesn't bother to pretend anymore.

He was just about to praise Lu Jin when he heard him say, "Oh, I understand you, if you want to live in this cruel world, you have to wear a ruthless and violent mask."

Lin Huai:

"Don't worry! I can hold on!" Lu Jin whispered to his ear, "I understand."

Lin Huai: "... you understand what."

"Don't let them feel that I'm your weakness. In this way, they will use me as a bargaining chip to make a deal with you and hold you back!" Lu Jin said solemnly, "You have already suffered the pain of disguising yourself. I can't let you bear the pain of being held back anymore, don't worry, I will kill myself at critical times, and I will never hold you back... "

"..." Lin Huai pointed to a spring in the sunken square on the first floor, "You jump off now and kill yourself."

He deeply felt that it was a mistake to bring this oil bottle. Sensing the murderous aura on his body, Lu Jin immediately covered his mouth obediently: "I promise, from now on I will only be a boring oil bottle."

Lin Huai: ...

The office workers walking behind them laughed, as if they thought they were very funny. Lin Huai kicked Lu Jin up the stairs, and stopped by the railing, looking down at the office workers.

He lowered his head, and his pitch-black hair fell into the air, swaying faintly with the tiny vibrations of the air.

"You were the first one to propose entering the Dahonglou just now." He stretched out his voice, "Why were you the last one to come in?"

"Hmm..." the office worker put on a show, and spread his hands with a smile, "I'll give you the queen?"

"You want us to be cannon fodder for you to find the way." Lin Huai complained.

The office worker faced Lin Huai's cold gaze without any fear: "Don't make yourself so ugly, with your strength, how could you be cannon fodder? Don't rush to deny it, I can feel that you are strong. "

"Let's get to know each other." The office worker stretched out a hand, "My name is Du Chongshan, you should know my name..."

Lin Huai: "I don't know."

"Then have you heard of the organization 'Chen Xing'?"

Lin Huai didn't blink his eyes: "I haven't heard of it."

Du Zhongshan: "..."

"Okay." He was quite airy, without showing any expression of Amway's failure, "Let's go upstairs."

The lobby on the second floor.

The witch was kneeling on the tatami, and opposite her were six people kneeling on six mats.

"Welcome six distinguished guests to... Daughter's Country." She said hoarsely, "This is my residence, and it is also where the Daughter's Country spring is located, and the place to receive visitors."

"My residence is on the third floor, and your residence is on the second floor." She opened the screen behind her, and there were six rooms behind her. A place where residents draw water."

"Women in the middle school, except for witches, are not allowed to speak. They stay in their own rooms most of the time. If you have something to discuss, just ring the wind chime at their door, and they will come out to greet you. Their masks cannot be exposed to outsiders. Take it off in front of your face, don't make a sound, once you violate the custom, you will be punished by the clan rules... "

As she spoke, she took out six bamboo poles from the wooden barrel next to her and handed them to everyone: "This is the bamboo pole used to strike the wind chimes."

The end of her fingers turned out to be Yingying bones!

Everyone took the bamboo poles. She also said: "Before the night of the full moon, you are not allowed to leave the city without authorization, otherwise you"

There was a strong sense of threat in her words, and everyone knew it well.

"Please choose the woman you like within six days, and enter the house of the other party on the seventh day." Through the mask, everyone can also imagine the ghastly face of the witch, "Once selected, it cannot be changed, and it cannot be changed in the future." Forcibly entering the other party's house with permission."

"Enter the house without ringing the wind chime, obliterate!"

"Entering the house without the woman's permission after ringing the wind chime, eradicate it!"

"Change the selected target, obliterate!"

Three consecutive "kills" spit out from the witch's mouth, and everyone trembled.

"Tomorrow at seven o'clock, I will ring the bell. The water source in the spring is safe and you can use it yourself. At that time, you can move freely in your daughter's country. Now that you know the rules, please rest first." The witch stood up, her voice hoarse, "My residence is on the third floor. Please... don't... disturb... disturb."

Her red and white figure disappeared on the stairs.

The sound of footsteps stepping on the stairs disappeared step by step, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

The muscular man weighed the bamboo pole in his hand. The bamboo pole was made of jade, and it was warm and cool in his hands. The sun was setting outside the window, and the man with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks held a bamboo pole, looked at the more than a hundred huts outside the window, and said wretchedly: "Damn, it's really like a game of choosing a concubine."

The ordinary man who felt the same way as him also showed a wretched smile. Du Chongshan smiled and said nothing.

"Cultivate the relationship for six days first, find the best-looking one, and then be the groom on the seventh day of the wedding night." The man with the sharp mouth and monkey cheeks winked and said, "The NPCs in this place have such strict requirements, they should all be... that. You In this game, will you give... that?"

He made an unusually obscene gesture, this time even the muscular man tacitly "hummed" and laughed. Only Lin Huai rolled his eyes and picked out his ears.

"Yo." The sharp-mouthed monkey-cheeked man couldn't get used to Lin Huai's pretentious appearance from the very beginning, "What kind of gentleman are you pretending to be? You still pretend to be noble."

Lin Huai: "Boring."

"Do you dare to say that you haven't thought about it like this? Don't be so sullen, brother, we are all men, and we all understand." The man with the sharp mouth and monkey cheeks continued to wink.

Some men are like this. They themselves are wretched, but they also want to drag others into the water and judge others by themselves. Lin Huai then said slowly, "I don't want to be a groom, I want to be sisters with them."

After finishing speaking, he grabbed Lu Jin's collar who was still groping the bamboo pole in a daze: "Go back to the room."

Lu Jin: "Oh, oh, good!"

"Fuck, this guy is not a gay, you look at him like that, he looks like a gay." The man with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks spat, he was very annoyed that his cleverness didn't get all the applause. On the other side, Du Zhongshan shrugged and said, "Don't think about things so beautifully, wait until you uncover that mask—"

He pulled his face: "Maybe it's a human face, or a ghost's face."

After speaking, he also chose a room by himself and went in. Others were also a little bit downhearted, seeing that it was getting late, they all went back to their rooms to get rested.

Only the man with the sharp mouth and monkey cheeks stood outside the house. He spat on the ground, and said bitterly: "Why the hell are you pretending to be noble!"

As he spoke, he rubbed the phlegm's feet, looked up, but was taken aback.

The witch was standing on the stairs on the third floor, wearing a mask, looking straight in his direction!

For this lifeless npc, the man with the sharp mouth and monkey cheeks still retains some awe. He quickly pretended to be calm, nodded and bowed, and secretly covered the phlegm mark with his foot: "Oh, did you disturb me? This, this is not asleep yet."

He prayed that the witch would not attack him for this trivial matter, and angered Lin Huai again for spoiling his happiness. After staring at him for a long time, the witch mechanically turned around and went upstairs step by step.

in the room.

"Fuck, is this infinite flow..." Lu Jin let out a sigh of relief as soon as he returned to the room, "I was scared to death! Did you see that witch... her mask was stuck to her face! There is no gap between meat and meat!"

Lin Huai: "... oh."

He was still fiddling with the studs on his ears, trying to initiate a call to the person on the other side. Lu Jin went on to say: "How did you get into this game? What's going on here... By the way, there is something strange."

"What's up?"

"Was this dungeon prepared for six people from the beginning?" Lu Jin was confused, "A hexagonal village, six rooms, six bamboo poles, six days... From the very beginning, it knew that I would Come in?"

Lin Huai stopped what he was doing.

After a while, he said casually: "Maybe, maybe it is a temporary optimization of the user's game experience..."

Lu Jin: "Oh, there are six rooms in total, why should I share one with you?"

Lin Huai: "... Didn't you insist on living in a room with me when you were halfway there crying and calling for your mother???"

"I can't help it!! I'm afraid!!" Lu Jin finally collapsed, "Fucking, I'm just an otaku addicted to anime, why did I run into this game, mom, I want to go home... still There are so many women... I don't even have so many women's five-star cards in my deck!!"

Lin Huai: "..."

"Forget it, so I won't bother you." Lu Jin sensed the other party's low pressure, and said cautiously, "What, does Brother Chu know that you are in this game?"

Lin Huai: "..."

"I swear I didn't mean to spy!!" Lu Jin shrank to the corner, "I'm leaving, you continue."

Lin Huai: "..."

He tapped on his earrings, but his eyes began to become dark.

As Lu Jin said, he was originally a change factor added later, but all the settings here are designed according to "six".

... Is this an obsessive-compulsive disorder, or a blindfold

'Six...hexagons...' he thought, 'pentagons...hexagons... only hexagons, which are symmetrical up, down, left, and right. Blindfolded? still is… '

He kept this question hidden in his heart. Then, there was a new question.

"Tang Seng and his disciples came to Daughter's Country, drank the spring water, and had a child..." He couldn't help but let his thoughts drift to another place, "The spring water here...couldn't be..."

Lu Jin: "Lin Huai, you are so serious."

Lin Huai: "..."

"However, if this spring water really has that kind of effect, it won't be able to wash it off even if you jump into the Yellow River..." Lu Jin murmured, "Is this the so-called Shenghuai Liu..."

Lin Huai was also a little confused: "Whose child should it belong to?"

He was just about to continue discussing the issue of fertility when a familiar voice came from the earphones.

"Child? What child?" The sound of rain came from the other side of the earphone, as if the owner was walking in the rainy day. "Whose child?"