The NPC Was Once Again Frightened By Me

Chapter 162: The street where only the two of us are



A familiar voice came out of the ear studs, Lin Huai covered her ears, and softly replied, "Yes."

"Fuck!" Lu Jin was shocked, "Isn't this the voice of Brother Chu? You... you are the one in the legend..."

Lin Huai glanced at him coldly.

"... a friend of life and death?"

"Corner, go over and plug your ears." Lin Huai hit three times coldly.

Lu Jin went obediently, but Chu Tianshu's voice became tense: "Is there someone in your room?"

"My roommate was dragged in for no reason."

"Oh..." Chu Tianshu acted suddenly enlightened, "Do you share a room?"

Lin Huai looked at the ground: ""

"A bed?"

"… Ok."

"..." Chu Tianshu whispered, "I want to sing a song right now."


"Love is a light..."

Lin Huai: "We also live in one room in reality."

"Where is the green light..."

Lin Huai: "... You overreacted a little."

"Long-distance love, long-distance love!... Do you know what I saw?" Chu Tianshu said sadly, "I saw the green light, the green light of the earrings."

Lin Huai: "... the earrings during the call are green."

"The rain in the sky is not as good as my eyes..." Chu Tianshu continued to express his feelings.

"... Let you stop visiting Luxing Street."

"Fuck, this hat is really shaky, no, this floor is really green." Chu Tianshu once again sent out the famous words of being green, "I want to find you right now..."

"What's the matter?" Lin Huai deliberately dragged his tone, "Are you so unconfident in yourself?"

"How can it be?" Chu Tianshu emphasized, "I am too confident in your charm."

After a moment of silence, he said again: "I really want to come to you now."

"..." His voice sounded a little affectionate, so Lin Huai pulled his sleeve awkwardly, "... oh."

"I want to come to you, hug you, and kiss you. I want to kiss your waist and draw circles with my fingers on your back." Chu Tianshu said word by word through the earphones, "I want to Sleeping next to you on rainy mornings, kissing the tip of your nose, not going anywhere. Sometimes I want to lock you up in my room, hold you, just the two of us together. So…”

"do you miss me?"

... Tsk, is this what a straight man said?

"..." Lin Huai felt his face turn pale, "I want to..."

He turned his head and saw that Lu Jin had blocked his ears very consciously, and shrank in the corner of the room.

"Missing me? Want me to kiss you? Want me to hug you?"

"Damn..." Lin Huai grasped her shoulders tightly with both hands, even the clothes were wrinkled by his slender fingers, "I always feel that you are playing pornography..."

Yet he was also vaguely excited. Lin Huai licked his lips, squinted his eyes and smiled, "I think so."

"I want you to hug me, I want you to kiss me, I want to do more, more interesting things with you, things that make us both happy." He deliberately choked every tone, making them ambiguous Get up, "Now—are you satisfied with this answer?"

Chu Tianshu smiled softly: "I..."

"That... Brother Chu." Another voice came from the microphone, "About the copy..."

" live in a room with someone else?"

Lin Huai was keenly aware of the elements. He put down the hand holding his shoulder, and gently placed his right hand on the floor.

"Uh, uh... this..." He heard the person on the opposite side seem to be sweating, "temporary, strategic..."

"You questioned me just now?" Lin Huai narrowed his eyes dangerously, "While questioning me, are you living with someone else?"

"This, this, this, we are all straight men, he is a brother! The one that is more than two meters tall is stronger than Megatron!"

"I used to be a straight man, and I thought you were a straight man before." Lin Huai's laughter became softer, and at the same time, it was accompanied by "Ka Ka Ka", as if something had been dug up There was a strange cracking sound, "You..."

"We are really innocent..."

"..." Lin Huai said, "I won't bother your copy."

"Hey Hey hey?"

"... Just kidding, don't I know you well enough?" Lin Huaixu rolled his eyes, "It's okay, you go ahead."

"Oh, okay, let's talk tomorrow." Chu Tianshu seemed to breathe a sigh of relief.

Lin Huai hung up the phone. He thought for a while, and realized shortly afterwards that the floor had been cracked by himself.

… Love blinds. He silently withdrew his hand.

"Go to sleep." He walked towards Lu Jin, "I have to get up early tomorrow... what are you doing?"

He grabbed Lu Jin's cell phone and rolled his eyes: "I'm still in the mood to read novels at this time... As expected of you..."

"This is not an ordinary novel! It is an infinite novel!" Lu Jin argued, "This is a textbook! I am improving my reasoning ability!"

Lin Huai: "... makes sense, recommend me some books."

The two of them stayed head to head all night and read several famous infinite stream novels together. Lu Jin couldn't hold back and fell asleep, but Lin Huai's eyes were always shining in the dark.

The brothers here did not dare to vent their anger. Trespassing into the room, he finds himself witnessing one of the ten most horrifying wonders of the modern world.

That Tianchu who had always been indifferent to them...but now he was looking into a long-distance call headset, acting like a coquettish, cute and hooligan?

Cold sweat dripped from his head. After hanging up the phone, the young man with short chestnut hair suddenly raised his eyes: "Do you have any questions?"

Brother Gui was pierced by the cold eyes: "No... no, no more."

Tian Chu was silent.

Outside the window is still the sound of continuous rain. He sat on the windowsill, seemingly thinking about something.

Brother Gui knew that his brother had always been famous for his amazing strategies and wisdom, so he didn't dare to show his air.

—What is he thinking about? For the dungeon, does he have any new ideas

After a long time, he heard the faint voice from the other party.

"Damn it," Tian Chu uttered a shocking swear word first, "It's too difficult to be in a long-distance relationship."

Brother expensive: ...

"Let's go," the young man with chestnut hair jumped down from the balcony and took out a wrench, "Go fuck the examiner."

The next day, Lu Jin appeared in the hall listlessly.

"How long did you read the novel last night..." Lu Jin looked at the ashen-faced Lin Huai beside him, and worried, "Are you in good spirits? You are my thigh, you can't lose the chain..."

"It's okay." Lin Huai said lazily.

"But your complexion is so bad..."

"I am very angry."

Du Chongshan just came up from downstairs, he was holding a bowl: "Why are you angry?"

"The male lead and male supporting role in that book can actually be bound together to do tasks every day." Lin Huai said expressionlessly, "I'm very angry."

Du Zhongshan:

He cast his eyes on Lu Jin for help. Lu Jin whispered: "People like you who don't have unforgettable friendship won't understand."

Du Zhongshan: ...

The rest of the people also came out of the room.

On the long table in the lobby on the second floor, today's breakfast has already been placed. They are a cup of tea, a fried fish, an apple and a rice ball. Du Chongshan first sat down and began to feast. Seeing that everyone was moving their chopsticks, Lin Huai finally did too.

This breakfast can be called sweet, especially in all the meals, there is a fragrance of leaves. After breakfast, the yellow bell above his head rang three more times.

After the bell rang three times, more than a hundred women in white clothes appeared on the street again. They still wore white masks on their faces, and carrying white water bottles, one by one, they came to the square.

"They are fetching water." Du Zhongshan said.

The women in white were silent and orderly. A woman shook the handle, and the water in the spring at the bottom of the well was lifted up bucket by bucket.

The boring voice continued, but none of the women in the team showed any impatient body movements. They remained silent, took their own water one by one, and finally left the square.

After all the women in white disappeared, the "White City" once again became deathly silent. In the air, there is not even the sound of the wind blowing the wind chimes.

Lin Huai glanced at the sky.

It was gray and overcast.

"There are a total of 120 women here, which are exactly divided into six pieces, twenty for each person." The muscular man took out a pen and paper, and divided the hexagon into six triangles. "We each take charge of one piece, so it's quick."

"Exactly, there are six human women in total. As long as we find them all, all six of us can get out alive." Du Zhongshan said, "Do you mean that?"

The muscular man nodded. Lin Huai suddenly smiled: "But how can I ensure that each of you is willing to share information?"

He threw the red apple in his hand: "If there are two human females in one area, but not in the other area. Then how can we guarantee that the person who found the two human beings will truthfully report the news to Where's everyone?"

"What good will it do him to hide..."

"It's no good." Lin Huai threw the apple into the air, "I just think that you are not worthy of being trusted."

He took the apple in the air and turned it around in his hand: "With 120 people, it's not impossible for one person to complete all the investigations within six days. Am I right?"

"And from another perspective," Lin Huai threw the apple into the air again, "A total of 120 women in white clothes, 6 of them are real human beings, then these 6 real human beings must share the same characteristics, Or, different qualities from other people. So, what we have to do is to find 6 out of 120 people who have the same qualities—women. They are real human beings. Based on this inference... "

"Each person is responsible for 20 people alone, which will lead to blindness." Du Zhongshan continued his words.

Lin Huai caught the apple again. The muscular man then changed his plan: "—so."

He divided the six triangles into each person by taking the area directly facing the three-story red building as a, and the other areas as b, c, d, e, and f in clockwise order: "Everyone of us The investigation of an area must be completed. Outside of this, you plan to go to any area to conduct investigations, there is no limit, is this okay?"

He said, but looked at Lin Huai. Lin Huai shrugged, and threw the apple in his hand up again—

Then threw it to him.

"Okay," he said casually, "let's go."

After speaking, he took Lu Jin out of the three-story red building.

As soon as he stepped out of the Red Mansion, Lu Jin felt a little dizzy: "Fuck, this is the same house everywhere... If it wasn't for the gate of the Red Mansion, I don't even know where I've been!"

"I'm in District C, and you are in District D. Go to District C first."


The two came to area c. On the street, houses with red roofs and white walls are neatly arranged. The white door was closed tightly, and above it hung a string of wind chimes that could just be touched with a bamboo pole.

"Fuck, there's no one on this road..." Lu Jin rubbed his arms, looking at the empty street, he always felt that he was being watched by someone's eyes, "Let's hurry up..."

Lin Huai stretched out the bamboo pole and touched the wind chime.


Suddenly, a strange idea appeared in his heart.

'How did she know that I was ringing the wind chime of her house? '

However, although Baicheng is small, the distance between the two houses is still far away, so this confusion was quickly put behind him.

The sound of rustling footsteps came from inside the door, and after a while, the door opened a crack.

A woman wearing a white mask appeared in front of the two of them.

"excuse me."

The woman nodded.

Lin Huai put away the bamboo pole and was about to go in. Lu Jin followed closely behind, but...

The woman blocked him with her hands.

She stretched out a pale finger and made a "1" in a gloomy manner.