The NPC Was Once Again Frightened By Me

Chapter 163: Reject plain makeup


The woman in white nodded.

She turned sideways and let Lin Huai enter the little red room, but blocked Lu Jin out of the room with her body.

Looking at the deserted streets around him, Lu Jin lost his mind. He firmly grasped the doorknob and shouted: "Don't leave me alone to endure the cruelty of this world..."

Lin Huai was still thinking, and half a minute later, he said, "Try hitting the wind chime with a bamboo pole."


Lu Jin's eyes widened, and Lin Huai was a little impatient: "Do as I say."

"Oh, oh, good!"

The door of the room was closed in front of Lu Jin, and Lin Huai, together with the woman in white, was isolated on the other side.

In the streets, there is no wind, no rain, just a maddening silence. Lu Jin picked up his bamboo pole, he was the only living creature on the whole street.

He swallowed and looked to the left. In the field of vision, there are rows of densely packed small red houses row upon row, silently. At the end of the road, there is a white wall that separates everything outside the city.

The row of buildings made him dizzy. He sat down again, and as far as he could see, there were still rows of exactly the same buildings.

"Holy shit, it's like trying on clothes in a mall..." In order to hide his fear, he complained in his heart, "There are fitting mirrors on both sides, and at a glance, there are countless me, me, me, me, me... "

The huge wind chime hangs above the eaves, just as high as an adult male can reach with the lower part of the bamboo pole in his hand. The main body of the wind chime is a silver disc, and seven long and short silver pillars are suspended in the next week, which are still in the air.

With the caution of a beginner, Lu Jin carefully raised the bamboo pole and approached the wind chime—

"Jingle Bell-"

The moment the bamboo pole touched the wind chime, the wind chime rang.

"Eh? I haven't tried hard yet..." Lu Jin was a little confused.

The door opened in front of him, and a woman wearing a white mask poked her head out of the room.

"I... can I come in?" Lu Jin pointed to himself tentatively.

The woman nodded.

He entered the little red room on tiptoe, the door was closed by the woman behind him.

Different from the strange appearance of the house, the facilities in the house are almost everything. When Lu Jin entered the house, he saw Lin Huai sitting at the table, holding the bamboo pole in his hand, wondering what he was thinking.

He hurried to Lin Huai, who was talking to himself: "Each person knocks once, and only one person can come in. That is to say, the bamboo pole is like a unique door card for each person, and the wind chime , it’s a credit card machine... um, that’s right.”

His lowered eyebrows and sullen face made Lu Jin feel a little strange. Seeing Lu Jin coming, Lin Huai casually put the bamboo pole on the ground, pointed to the seat next to him and said, "Come on? Sit down."

"I don't know why I always feel that your words are a little scary..."

Lu Jin sat obediently at the table. The woman in white also brought tea. She pulled up a chair and sat on one side of the round table, as if waiting for them to ask questions.

ten minutes later.

The scene was very embarrassing for a time, and none of the three people present initiated the conversation first.

'Holy shit... what kind of scene is this similar to the general scene of'the super active online dead house trio meet offline for the first time'! ! It's fine if the female ghost doesn't speak, why don't you speak, Lin Huai! ! ...'

He made violent complaints in his heart, wishing to stretch out his hands, snapping out the keyboard in the void to type, and at the same time sending a few emoticons to save this scene where no one was talking.

In the end, he was the first to lose his temper, and when the woman in white got up to leave, he poked Lin Huai's arm and said in a low voice, "... what are you talking about!"

Lin Huai: "... say something?"

"What, a question to find out her identity? Or... out of politeness, say hello?" Lu Jin was sweating anxiously, "Do you feel that the temperature in this room is really low... we have to say How about something?"

"That's right." Lin Huai was thoughtful.

Lu Jin saw it in his eyes and was anxious in his heart. If this was an online chat room, he would have waved his keyboard, surrounded by many emojis, and sent "Ah~~Where is Miss Sister from (*0a0)/~ "Such words.

However, there is no keyboard here, and there is no network cable, so Lu Jin's combat effectiveness is greatly weakened.

He scratched his head anxiously, but after Lin Huai tapped the table with his fingers, he suddenly said, "You're right."


"It's time to gently inquire about her identity."

Lu Jin finally breathed a sigh of relief: "Grass, you have finally come out of the shadow of being green? Brother, I rely on you to take care of me—"

Successfully throwing the pot away made him light up wholeheartedly. However, before he could completely relax, the young man whom he had placed high hopes on had already stood up from the table.

Then, he walked towards the woman in white who was watering the flowers on the balcony, and grabbed her wrist from behind.

Lu Jin who caught up: What are you doing so hastily! !

He didn't dare to say a word, and then he heard his always elegant and easy-going roommate say softly: "Actually, since we met just now, I have a question to ask you..."

"Are you a ghost?"

Lu Jin: "Fuck!!! Are you insane!!!"

He never expected that his roommate would ask this explosive question the first time. The woman in white who was grabbed by his wrist was holding the water bottle in her hand, as if she had been in a daze for a long time, before shaking her head.

"Oh, good." Lin Huai said, "That won't bother you."

After finishing speaking, he smiled at the woman again, pointed to the flowerpot, and whispered in her ear:

"The flowers are growing well." He said, "Remember to cultivate a little more soil next time, otherwise, you see—"

He pressed his finger on the edge of the flower pot: "Here, there is a finger bone exposed."

The way he smiles is really beautiful, almost like a passionate boy who is gentle and gives advice on nurturing others. The woman in white was shocked and took two steps back.

Lu Jin didn't hear the content of their conversation, but only noticed that the woman in white was out of her wits at this moment.

Lin Huai picked up the kettle that fell to the ground with a clang, and smiled, showing his teeth: "I lied to you, there is none at all—here, hold the kettle well, don't lose it."

The woman in white was obviously very sullen. She didn't take the kettle, but stared at the young man in front of her. Lin Huai put the kettle upright on the balcony, said "excuse me", and left the house grabbing Lu Jin.

The white door closed behind them. Lu Jin grabbed Lin Huai's collar and yelled almost collapsed: "Damn! Are you so stressed out that you are crazy! You actually asked her if she was a ghost, huh??"

The sound of his shouting resounded through the sky, but there was no sound from the surrounding houses because of this. Lu Jin roared for a while, then squatted down again, and began to cry.

"Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow." he cried, "We will definitely become cannon fodder, Lin Huai, do you know that people with behavior like yours can't survive the third chapter of the novel—"

Lin Huai: ... I was already dead.

He thought about it, and kindly didn't say this sentence, but changed it to a gentle sentence: "This is a strategy."

"What strategy, a strategy to get us to die as quickly as possible?"

"...shut up, next."

Lin Huai led Lu Jin to the next house in high spirits. This time, after entering the room, he didn't even drink any water, so he directly asked the owner, "Are you a ghost?"

As usual, the homeowner shook his head after being stunned for a moment. Lin Huai threw down the teacup and went to the next one without stopping.

For a whole morning, he visited seven families in a row and asked the same question seven times in a row. Sitting on the street, Lu Jin panted, "Damn, what do you want..."

"collect information."

"So have you collected any information?" Lu Jin collapsed, "Is there any technical content in this question?"

"First of all, the facilities in their houses are exactly the same, as expected of a new social village..."

"After the founding of the People's Republic of China, you are not allowed to become a master!! This is not a new countryside at all!"

"Secondly, ghosts are able to lie or pretend."


"When I got this task, I was thinking about one thing—ghosts, can they lie? If they can, how far can they do it?" Lin Huai said softly, "What do you think is the difference between ghosts and humans? "

Lu Jin: " is dead and the other is alive?"

"When I asked that question, I felt for their pulses while they were being hit violently...the pulses beat evenly, but it wasn't a slippery pulse, tsk..." Lin Huaixu rolled his eyes, as if recalling a very bad memory , "Although the faces under their masks cannot be seen, in terms of their physiological state and stress performance, they are all very similar to ordinary human women."

"When faced with a question, these women, as the object of the question, can give three kinds of answers-one, tell the truth, two, tell lies, three, skip the answer, or just lose control. Therefore, in order to To verify the point of 'can evil spirits lie', I asked the most impolite question, that is, 'Are you a ghost'?"

"When the seven people faced this question just now, they gave the response of 'deny' without exception. From this response, I found two points. First, as evil spirits, their answers are not credible. Here Earlier, I considered the two possibilities of 'Evil spirits will give honest answers to questions' and 'Sensitive questions cannot be answered'. Obviously all evil spirits will go to great lengths to pretend to be a human female. The second point is Yes, everyone in her family has different denial reactions. Some simply shook their heads, while others were furious when they denied it, and even threw the flowers in their hands on the ground. This shows that each evil spirit has a negative reaction to human women. There are different experiences and methods of camouflage techniques."

Lu Jin: "And then?"

"However, there must be a huge difference between them and human women. Just like actors, no matter how professional they are and how they enter the show, there is no way to emit Ultraman light waves without special effects... We are looking for Yes, it’s Ultraman Guangbo.” Lin Huai frowned, “However, so far, their acting skills are too superb, it’s completely a normal woman’s reaction when asked a faux pas... or Said, before these evil spirits greeted the players, they had already done a unified training on the questions we might ask?"


"So, we need to find a way to surprise them to conduct surprise inspections. And it must be a way that they have not prepared and trained for this, a way that surprises..." Lin Huai said to himself, "There must be What clues can completely distinguish evil spirits from humans. There must be a decisive difference between the faked reaction and the real reaction... "

"How about..." Lu Jin also squatted down, "Try to find a way to see their faces under their masks?"

"That's right!" He clapped his hands, thinking that he had come up with a good idea, "It must be the face under their mask, otherwise why would they wear a mask? There are human faces under the mask, which are human females with ghost faces. It's an evil spirit, isn't it?"

Lin Huai: " can try, but I suspect that the moment you see the ghost faces, you will be killed by them."

"Huh? Why?"

"Forcibly watching the other party's bare face without permission will be killed by a furious woman." Lin Huai poked the ground with a pen expressionlessly, "This is etiquette."