The NPC Was Once Again Frightened By Me

Chapter 166: Do you survive


the next day.

"I'm full." Lu Jin said.


Lin Huai stared at the apple in his hand, a little absent-minded. Opposite him, the man with an ordinary face pushed away the plate and went downstairs after finishing his meal.

Lin Huai raised his eyes, his eyes were fixed on the other party all the time, even Lu Jin noticed something strange: "You...why are you looking at him?"

"… nothing."

He tossed the apple and took a bite of it. While chewing the pulp, he kept replaying the scene he saw on the first floor last night in his mind.

Last night, in his dream, he heard the sound of the paper door being pulled open. After the ordinary man went downstairs, he also followed lightly.

The man sprinkled a paper bag of medicinal powder into the spring water, and after that, was dragged down by the female ghost who crawled out from the bottom of the well.

He thought the matter was over and planned to go upstairs to sleep. However, ten minutes later, the man crawled out of the well again!

He didn't seem to remember that he was dragged into the bottom of the well at all, and after being confused for a while, he went upstairs.

And today's man's reaction made Lin Huai feel even more weird. He seemed to have completely forgotten what happened last night, ate his meal as usual, and went downstairs. The rest of the people who ate did not have any special reactions similar to diarrhea due to the influence of the well water.

"?" Lu Jin shook his hand, "Shall we go out to investigate?"

Until he walked out of the gate and entered Zone D, Lin Huai was still thinking: "You said..."


"If someone sprinkled a head of laxative on you, would you let him go?" Lin Huai asked seriously, "Oh, it's a head full."

Lu Jin: ...

Lu Jin obviously didn't understand the intention of Lin Huai's question. Lin Huai tapped the wind chime with a bamboo pole.

"Ding dong—ding dong—"

The white door was opened, and Lu Jin screamed when he saw the woman in front of him.

It hadn't been a day since the woman in white had been covered by a mask, but one-sixth of her face had been revealed due to the shattering of the mask. What was exposed to the air was a piece of charred skin with maggots wriggling in it!

Thick yellow liquid trickled down her cheeks. The woman in white "looked" at the two of them, as if asking why they came.

Lin Huai: "No, it's all right now."

With that, he closed the door.

"Let's go," he said calmly, "let's go to the second house."

They rang the wind chime of the second house, and the woman in white who appeared at the door this time was still wearing 5/6 masks.

What this woman exposed to the air was her forehead. Under the sticky mess of hair, the flowing brains in the hole can be vaguely seen.

Lin Huai: "Thank you, I'm fine."

Then, there is the third one. The wound of the woman in this family appeared on the cheek, and her entire right cheek was hollowed out.

Lin Huai repeated "Thank you, I'm fine." and walked to the next house.

Then, the fourth, the fifth...

After walking through the twenty houses in area d, it was already noon. The two of them have changed from initial fright to final numbness. Lu Jin was already in District D and could no longer be in District D. He leaned on the wall, tears streaming down his face, and said, "I'm so damn stupid, why are there so many dead ghosts in my district..."

Lin Huai frowned: "That's not right."

When the two returned to the Great Red Building, the second floor was already crowded with other panicked players. As soon as they stepped on the tatami, they heard the voice of a man with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks: "Fuck!! You know!! When she was talking to me, a maggot just fell from her head!!"

Lin Huai & Lu Jin: …

Seeing that the two finally came. The man with the sharp mouth and monkey cheeks smiled at them eccentrically: "Hey, you are very lucky. I didn't expect six normal women to be in your area..."

Seeing Lu Jin's expression, Du Chongshan said keenly, "Aren't there any normal women in your area?"

Lu Jin shook his head.

The entire second floor was suddenly dead silent. After a while, the man with the sharp mouth and monkey cheeks slapped the table hard, and shouted: "Fuck, let's go upstairs and ask that witch for clarification!"

He yelled and stepped on the stairs on the third floor with one foot, but kept the other foot firmly on the ground. Seeing that everyone was not moving at all, and had no intention of getting ahead, he could only sit back in his original position in dismay.


The ordinary man who hadn't spoken all this time smiled ambiguously.

"Are you laughing?" The man with the sharp mouth and monkey cheeks was furious.


The ordinary man looked at him from the corner of his eyes, and the man with the sharp mouth and monkey cheeks was enraged by his eccentric attitude. The two were about to wrestle and were forcibly separated by the muscular man.

"The system should not give us a dead end, so there is only one possibility..." Du Zhongshan said, "Those terrifying appearances are all made by the system, these women's disguises. This is a disguise that only we players can see, otherwise , when they met each other, real human women were already stunned."

"Ah? Why?" Lu Jin was startled, "Is it just to scare us?"

"To cover up their micro-expressions." Lin Huai said.

He tapped the table with his fingers: "As time goes by, the masks of these women will be further shattered, and their faces will be exposed. Although the evil spirits have experienced many battles, their life experience and knowledge level Still can't compare to you... us humans."

"Human consciousness is divided into subconsciousness and superficial consciousness. Among them, superficial consciousness only accounts for 10% of all consciousness, and our subconscious will process various micro-expressions seen in the eyes to judge whether this person is 'sincere' or not." Or 'insincere'." Lin Huai continued, "It seems that we often feel that a person is 'fake', which is the result of our subconscious processing his micro-expression. Appearances are designed to frighten us while reducing our ability to observe their microexpressions."

The man with the sharp mouth and monkey cheeks raised the bar on purpose: "Do you have any evidence? Pretend to be very powerful..."

"Well, let's ask a simple question." Lin Huaixu asked, "Is that fallen maggot happy?"

The man with the sharp mouth and monkey cheeks: ...

"Judging from its length, its creeping angular velocity, and angular acceleration, is it happy?" Lin Huai deliberately crossed ten fingers and stretched them out in front of everyone, making a wriggling gesture.

Lu Jin: "Area D."

Seeing that everyone was about to vomit, Lin Huai retracted her fingers with a smile, feeling happy in her heart.

Du Zhongshan said "Oh": "This game can also be rowed."

"Yes." Lin Huai shrugged, "Taught us not to judge people by their appearance."

During the whole conversation, the ordinary man sitting opposite Lin Huai kept raising the corners of his mouth, watching this eloquent young man with a strange smile. When Lin Huai glanced at him from the corner of his eyes, he even stuck out his tongue and smiled at him.

The bright red tip of the tongue sticks out of the mouth, with tiny white spots on it. Lin Huai was stared at by him, and suddenly felt a chill.

He turned his eyes away and said to Lu Jin, "Let's go."

When he passed by an ordinary man, he seemed to smell a faint, strange fragrance from him.

Lu Jin and Lin Huai returned to Area D again. This time, they started with the first household.

Facing their visit, the woman from the first household was very cautious, and Lu Jin sitting opposite her was so cautious that she was about to cry. After thinking for a moment, Lin Huai looked at Lu Jin and said, "Are you coming?"

Lu Jin was dumbfounded: "What am I asking?"

"Ask anything." Lin Huai tapped the table with her fingers, "See her reaction."

"This..." Lu Jin was crying.

The woman came with tea. Naturally, Lin Huai took out her Baisui Mountain and shared a bottle of ice dew with Lu Jin. After thinking for a while, Lu Jin asked, "Do you like pink?"

"Do you like rabbits?"

"Do you like lace dresses?"

"You... are you human?"

While Lu Jin was chatting with the woman, Lin Huai was always paying attention to the woman's reaction.

However, the woman's reaction was too normal. Straight men like Lu Jin and gay guys like Lin Huai didn't see any difference between her and ordinary women.

Even when Lu Jin asked her: "Do you bleed", the wound on the woman's face burst instantly, and she slapped him with pus.

When Lu Jin went out, he was almost out of his wits. He spent a full ten minutes rinsing his cheeks with ice dew.

After that came the second house, and the third house... At the end of the day, they still found nothing about Area D.

At dinner time, everyone was extremely dull. Seeing that two days have passed, they still haven't got an answer enough to answer the question. After exchanging pleasantries with each other, everyone hurried back to their rooms.

Seeing that the ordinary man had returned to his room, Lin Huai walked to the place where he had been sitting.

"What are you looking at?"

"His appetite has decreased compared to yesterday..."

Lin Huai looked up, caught off guard and met a smiling face.

The owner of the smiling face is a man with an ordinary face. He grinned, lowered his face little by little, and said in an excited and shrill voice, "Brother Pretty-Liang, you-so-care about me?"

He stuck out the tip of his dark red tongue, and compared to noon, the white spots on his tongue became a little bigger, and at a glance, they were densely packed. Lin Huai leaned back and said coldly, "Get lost!"

His eyes were red, a sign of a direct attack. The owner of the smiling face then licked his own tongue and left in a self-defeating manner.

Back in the room, Lin Huai nervously dialed the earrings. After three beeps, the stud was connected.


"F*ck, shit, shit!" Lin Huai said three times in a row to express his panic, "Someone just wanted to lick me!!"

He was just about to express his panic about being licked, but the air pressure on the earrings suddenly dropped.

For a long time, an extremely cold voice came from the other end of the earring: "...who?"

Lin Huai replied in a dazed manner amidst the overwhelming terror, "A... player?"


He heard a violent voice coming from the opposite side of the earring, followed by the crunch of metal, and the screams of ghosts. A man's deep voice came: "Brother Chu, you should be more gentle, you still have to interrogate..."

"District D—" Lu Jin's loud vomiting sound came from the bathroom again. After spending an afternoon with all kinds of female ghosts, he didn't even eat dinner, and has been vomiting until now. He crawled back to the room from the toilet, dying, and said loudly: "Lin Huai... I feel... I'm going to be... hollowed out..."

Earrings: "…"

Then, there was another ghostly howl. Lu Jin didn't notice it, and continued: "Tomorrow, you can be more gentle, okay... Fuck, one afternoon, thirty times, I'm about to collapse..."

Earrings: "…"

"Brother Chu! Brother Chu!" Brother Gui's voice on the other side was deafening, "Calm down! Calm down!!"

"Tell me, is it the water problem or my problem?" Lu Jin continued, "I feel like I'm pregnant with triplets..."

Earrings: "…"

Lin Huai felt a chill running down his back for no reason. Then, he heard Chu Tianshu's voice: "... What kind of miserable dungeon environment do you live in?"

"Wait for me." He said hastily, "I'll finish the dungeon immediately and come find you."

"Oh brother Chu, don't be so violent..."

"You..." Lin Huai tried to explain, "I didn't..."

"I know, I believe in you." Chu Tianshu said softly, "I just want to meet you, don't be afraid, be good."

"... I feel something is wrong with your voice."

"There is nothing wrong, my spirit is very stable." Chu Tianshu said cheerfully, "Hahaha, listen, how happy I am, hahaha, hahaha."

"Brother Chu! Go through the door! Don't hit the wall!"

The call is disconnected.

Lin Huai pinched the earrings, momentarily confused.