The NPC Was Once Again Frightened By Me

Chapter 169: wind chime


After replying this sentence, Lin Huai continued to hold the pencil and write and draw on the paper.

For a while, the room was very silent. Lu Jin was observing the wind chime numbered "0000000", while Chu Tianshu on the other side of the earring was silent.

All he could hear was the patter of rain.

After a long time, a voice finally came from the other end of the earring: "So... what do you think?"

Lin Huai was puzzled: "What do you think?"

"A question about... zeros and ones."

Chu Tianshu seemed to be thinking about his choice of words, Lin Huai simply turned his face, lay on his back on the tatami, biting the tip of his pen and holding the paper: "I don't have any ideas, what do you think?"

"Actually, I have no experience..." Chu Tianshu seemed rather hesitant, "Uh, forget it."

He seemed to learn from the pain, and made a firm voice: "Look at you!! But I want to explain in advance, in fact, I am quite..."

Lin Huai: "... huh?"

After half a minute of silence, he finally made a broken voice: "Fuck! What are you thinking about! I'm talking about numbers! I'm talking about puzzles!"

Chu Tianshu: "Oh."

"..." Lin Huai decided to skip this topic. Holding the paper, he read out the numbers of area C one by one, "Seven numbers, starting from the beginning, the seven numbers in area C are 0101010... the first number in area D It's 0101001..."

He read out the numbers on the drawing paper one by one, Chu Tianshu thought for a while, and then said: "Is this thing a binary code?"


Lin Huai raised his head suddenly: "What did you say?"

"Binary code, 7 digits, can represent all numbers from 0-127. Since you said that there are 120 women in the village, the length of the wind chime, could it be their binary code? If every 20 people is an area, then …”

Chu Tianshu pondered for a while: "District A is No. 1-20, the first code is 0000001; District B is No. 21-40, the first code is 0010101; District C is No. 41-60, the first The first code is 0101001; the D area is 61-80, the first code is 0111100; the E area is 81-100, the first code is 1010001; the own area is 101-120, the first code is 1100101... "

"Assume, using the first assumption, that each area is triangular, with 2 houses in the first row, 3 houses in the second row, 4 houses in the third row, 5 houses in the fourth row, and 6 houses in the sixth row , according to the numbering of each area from left to right, from the center to the back... Area A is 1 long column, Area B is 3 long columns, Area C is 3, Area D is 4, Area E is 3, There are 4 in your own area. It is known that the two areas are adjacent to each other, so what you just proposed, the numbers of the first house in each area are 3 and 3 respectively, and the only known two 3 long columns are adjacent The area is B and C." Chu Tianshu thought, "That is to say, under this assumption, the area you are exploring is B and C."

"Then, the next step is to rely on the second wind chime to prove it."

Lin Huai took out a pencil and marked a series of numbers: "As you said, the interval between the first wind chime in area c is indeed short, long, short, long, long, and the interval between the first wind chime in area d is also short, long, short, long, short, long. .The second wind chime in area c is short long short long long short, namely 0010110, corresponding to 22; the third wind chime in c area is short long short long long long, namely 0010111, corresponding to 23... "

With his pen flying, he rotated and marked the order of the silver pillars of all the wind chimes. For a moment, on both sides of the earrings, there was the sound of wind and rain on one side, and the rustling sound of a pencil rubbing against the paper on the other.

This mammoth project lasted until the next morning. The next morning, with two dark circles under her eyes, Lin Huai spat out a mouthful of soul: "I did it..."

Today is the fourth day of the game. Now, he finally found the cracking point of the game.

"1 to 120 is the number of each woman. In other words, each wind chime represents a woman, and there is a one-to-one correspondence between them."

"But why does the system go to such lengths to number each woman? What's the point? Obviously the focus of the game is on these women, not the wind chimes..."

Lu Jin squatted beside him, confused. Last night, he also participated in the calibration of Area D.

Lin Huai shook the paper and began to think.

"Enter the house without ringing the wind chime, obliterate!"

"Entering the house without the woman's permission after ringing the wind chime, eradicate it!"

"Change the selected target, obliterate!"

The voice of the witch when introducing the rules reappeared in her mind.

She introduced so many rules, but only emphasized "erasing" when talking about these three. And two of these three are related to wind chimes.

And the name of this game is Evil Mermaid.

Speaking of mermaids, Lin Huai thought of the story of the Little Mermaid. For the beloved prince, the little mermaid exchanged her voice and the witch for the right to walk, and thus became mute.

The Little Mermaid couldn't open her mouth to reveal to the prince the fact that she was the savior, so she was mistaken in the end and could only watch the prince and princess get married. She turned down her sisters' offer to kill the prince and melted into foam in the sun.

"What do you think of the story of The Little Mermaid?"

Lin Huai spoke suddenly.

Lu Jin, who had a childhood, thought for a moment and said, "Uh, how miserable?"

Lin Huai: ...

"If the Little Mermaid could talk, the prince wouldn't mistake the princess." Lu Jin finally gave a serious answer under Lin Huai's eyes, "So..."

'If the little mermaid could speak, the prince would not mistake the princess. '

The Little Mermaid is dumb, and so are the women in the White City, they cannot speak. It's pretty quiet in Baicheng, the only place that can make a sound...

It's wind chimes!

The wind chime... the sound... Lin Huai thought for a while, and then suddenly said: "Speaking of it, it seems that the beautiful laughter described in the novel is a sound like a silver bell..."

A voice suddenly came from the earphone: "Dingling, dingling, dingling, is it like this?"

Lin Huai: ...

The sound of the Little Mermaid... the sound of the wind chimes... At that moment, two completely irrelevant clues were suddenly connected together.

"Perhaps it was wrong to observe women too much from the beginning." Lin Huai suddenly said, "The key to this dungeon is the voice. Originally, I didn't understand why there was the word 'mermaid' in this dungeon. After all Neither the women on the beach nor the women here have fishtails. Now it looks like it’s actually a hint to us, a hint to the voice.”

"We were headed in the wrong direction from the very beginning, we should not focus on women who can't speak. Dumb, unable to speak, means that there is no correct clue. All women are ghost faces, without expressions, which also implies that we should not treat them. Observe. The eyes cannot see, the mouth cannot speak, the only clue they give is the sound of the wind chimes... What we should pay attention to from the very beginning is not the women, but the wind chimes!"

Lu Jin was dumbfounded: "Lin, Lin Huai, slow down..."

"But what does the wind chime have to do with whether it is an evil spirit? The key comes from the arrangement of the numbers, or the difference in the sound made by the wind chime..."

Lin Huai grabbed the paper, but her expression became more and more serious.

When they came to the living room, the other players left as usual. Du Chongshan seemed to be still sleeping in the room, and he seemed to have made up his mind to carry out the empty money eating and drinking activities to the end.

Lin Huai picked up the bowl, and Lu Jin sat beside him. Just as he was about to pick up food, he screamed: "Fuck, what's in here!"

Lin Huai followed his realization and saw a shocking scene.

I saw that the place belonging to an ordinary man and the bottom of the bowl left by him were covered with dense black and brown particles!

These particles look oily, almond-shaped or oval, and lie quietly on the bottom of the bowl. Holding his job, Lu Jin was about to start Area D again.

"" He turned to Lin Huai with a pale face, "What the hell is in here?"

Lin Huai thought for a while, and finally explained: "Don't be afraid. In fact, that ordinary man is already dead."

Lu Jin: ...

"Fuck!!! He's dead!!" Lu Jin screamed violently, "Do you mean that we lived with a dead person these days? Then why did he..."

"These things look like seeds. Do you still remember the witch with tree roots all over her face?" Lin Huai comforted him kindly, "He must have been victimized by a witch."

Lu Jin: ...

"It's okay, don't worry." Lin Huai took a bite of the apple, "As long as you know the cause of his death, it's nothing serious..."

"... Your requirements for the safety of the game have been reduced to the point where you only need to know the cause of death..."

Lu Jin continued to complain, but still put down his chopsticks.

After finishing their meal, they returned to Area C again. This time, Lin Huai stared at the wind chime of one of the households and became dazed.

wind chimes... wind chimes...

"Enter the house without ringing the wind chime, obliterate!"

"Entering the house without the woman's permission after ringing the wind chime, eradicate it!"

The two words of the witch came to his mind again.

"Since this is a hard rule, it's better not to violate it..." Thinking like this, he suddenly had a bold idea.

"What will happen if you don't hit the wind chime with a bamboo pole?" He looked at his hand, "What will happen if you hit the wind chime with your hand?"

He called Lu Jin and asked him to carry him to the sky. Sitting on Lu Jin's shoulder, Lin Huai rang the wind chime with his fingers in the posture of the big-headed son being carried by the small-headed father.

Before his fingers got close to the wind chime, he felt extremely cold.

"jingle bell... jingle bell jingle bell..."

The door opened.

What came out of the house was still a woman in white. By the fourth day, most of the mask on her face had fallen off, revealing an extremely frightening ghostly face.

However, Lin Huai is calm about this. In his eyes now, only Feng Ling is the protagonist, and these white clothes are all tool people.

"Sorry to bother you." He said calmly.


The woman closes the door. Lin Huai said again: "Take me to the second house."

"Fuck, Dad, are you serious?" Lu Jin complained, "I'm about to be crushed by you."

Lin Huai: "...huh?"

"No, no, dare not." Lu Jin explained hastily.

The two maintained the poses of the big-headed son and the small-headed father, and walked around the entire area C and D. However, to their dismay, there was nothing worth paying attention to, whether it was the sound of the wind chimes, their appearance, or their size.

It was already evening when they returned to Dahonglou. Lu Jin was very frustrated: "Oh, if this continues, it will be the fifth day..."

Lin Huai: "Yes."

"The asylum will be appointed on the sixth night. Fuck, why is it so fast!" Lu Jin scratched his head, "Obviously we need to move in only on the seventh night, why do we have to move in one day earlier? This setting not only shortens the answering time Does it make any sense?"

"Probably to make you spend the day in fear."

Du Chongshan said sarcastic remarks, leaning against the wall to eat potato chips. Lin Huai rolled his eyes at him contemptuously: "A public fund thief who eats and drinks with public funds."

Du Zhongshan: ...

"If you really can't find a protector, you can also consider escaping from this white city." Du Zhongshan shrugged, "Although this white wall is smooth and high, if you have special abilities, you may not be able to escape from it." Don't go out."

Lu Jin: ...

The speaker has no intention, but the listener has the heart. Although Lin Huai and Lu Jin obviously didn't take this sentence to heart, the muscular man on the other side kept it in mind.

He had already noticed that something was wrong with Du Zhongshan, so he felt that he was hiding something. And he happened to have similar props on him.

"Do you want to try it?"

As he was thinking this way, the sound of someone going upstairs was heard on the stairs.

Da da da.

The one who went upstairs was an ordinary man.

When he first appeared, Lin Huai couldn't believe his eyes. because…

That man's chest actually rose up!

As he walked, he dug at his arm. He seemed completely unaware of the abnormality in his body, just scratching his arm with his nails in vain.

"It's itchy... It's itchy..."

The man's nails scratched his arm, and the skin exposed from the cuff turned out to be dark. Yesterday when he scratched his arm, it was riddled with holes and blood flowed out, but now that he was scratching his arm, there was an extra sound of "brushing, pulling, pulling" digging on some kind of hard surface!

"It's itchy... It's itchy..."

The man complained, his voice was extremely distorted and weird, like a crazy woman. He limped around and walked back to his room without saying hello to anyone.

"Lin Huai..." Lin Huai heard Lu Jin's trembling voice, "Did you see... on his arm..."

"I saw it." Lin Huai said softly.

They passed by, even though it was only for a moment, Lin Huai still saw everything on his exposed neck and skin!

In those large, stretched pores...

They are densely packed with brown and black seeds!

Lin Huai and Lu Jin returned to the room.

This time, Lu Jin couldn't even come out of Zone D. He sat on the bed and suddenly started crying.

"I want to go home... I miss my mother..." he sobbed, "I will never mess around with money and never quarrel with her again..."

Du Chongshan stood at their door, looked at Lu Jin's miserable appearance, grabbed a mouthful of potato chips and said, "Don't be sad, how about I give you my solid arm?"

It seems that after he confirmed that Lin Huai and Chu Tianshu were related, he especially liked to watch the excitement of these two people. Lu Jin whimpered twice, and said again: "I don't want you, I want my mother..."

Du Zhongshan: ...

Lin Huai slammed the door shut and gave him a warning look.

"No male mother." Lin Huai said coolly.

After closing the door of Du Chongshan, who was finally choking on potato chips, Lu Jin finally began to cry loudly: "What should we do, Lin Huai, what should we do if we can't find real humans?"

"I don't want to become Zhou Shuren!!" He was holding his head and collapsed.

Suddenly, he seemed to remember something.

"Lin Huai, you must have a way, right? You are an experienced player, so you must have a way to escape." He looked at Lin Huai with hopeful eyes, "Leave me and run alone!! If two people can't escape , you go back instead of me..."

He seemed to have made up his mind: "Go back, remember to tell my mother that I love her... Then, my computer password is xxxxx, remember to format the e drive before my mother comes to school, especially the hidden one named 'Ma Zhe' folder, and, don't tell my mom, my Weibo account... "

Lu Jin has already begun to explain the funeral. Seeing him miserable, Lin Huai comforted him: "It's okay, I will protect you."

"You're not a woman! Protect your ass!" Lu Jin screamed, "Can you still wear women's clothing!"

Lin Huai: "...I can't."

"That's it!" Lu Jin continued to cry, "By the way, you remember to make up for the final payment for the handicraft of the wedding ceremony. It's an old store, so I'm sorry to default on the money..."

Lin Huai: ...