The NPC Was Once Again Frightened By Me

Chapter 170: Visa and wind chime


There was a burst of burning heat from the earrings, and Lin Huai connected the phone.

What came to my ears again was not the sound of rustling rain, but the sound of a lively market. Lin Huai asked, "Where are you?"

"I'm in the senior camp." Chu Tianshu said, "The Seventeenth City, apply for a visa."

"Oh." Lin Huai said, "I figured it out, and your deduction is correct."

There was silence on the other side.

"Hey hey hey hey." A happy laugh sounded, "I've already said that I'm very good, hey hey hey."

Lin Huai: ...

The two chatted with each other in the earrings. Wearing goggles, Chu Tianshu walked in the seventeenth city which was always full of sunshine.

The advanced field camp is called a camp, but it is actually a concept beyond the camp. It consists of the city in the sky located in the center, the four major cities under the city of the sky distributed in four fields, and various functional cities. The person Chu Tianshu went to this time was the Seventeenth City who was in charge of the visa office in the high-level camp.

"Visa" is actually quite a conceptual thing. Compared with the meaning of "visa" itself, it is more like a combination of a ticket and a household account - a ticket that can enter another copy anytime, anywhere, and can own in the copy. legal account. It gives the intruder of the dungeon a legal player status, instead of being an intruder who is not qualified for the game like Lu Jin and other people who are accidentally pulled into the dungeon, also known as the so-called " Black households".

Generally speaking, the legal visas recorded by the visa center are divided into three types. One is the white visa: it gives the player the opportunity to enter the instance as a quester, one-time. The other is the silver visa: it gives the player the opportunity to enter the dungeon instead of any npc, one-time. The highest visa is the golden visa, which allows players to freely enter and exit the dungeon without playing games or replacing NPCs. Therefore, the last type of visa is also dubbed "green card" by players.

Generally speaking, visas can only be issued by visa officers at the Seventeenth City Visa Center. However, in fact, there are also some players with similar abilities who secretly create visas for players to smuggle into the country. These players are also called "smugglers". ".

If you want to find a legal visa officer at the visa center to issue a visa, you need to bring a player who has been to the instance, and at the same time, the player has to bear the whole day's processing time. Chu Tianshu obviously didn't have the mood to wait. In his heart, Lin Huai's current state was extremely urgent.

He walked through the alleys full of sewage. Compared with the magnificent visa hall, these alleys in the dark part of the Seventeenth City were simply disaster-prone slums. This eerie "slum" is also known as the dark city of the seventeenth city, where snakeheads of all sizes are scattered. And what he is looking for is not the most powerful snakehead in the slum, but the most mysterious "snakehead" in this slum.

He stopped in front of a small casino, dimly lit. Several people shouted and played dice. The loudest voice among them was a woman with a graceful figure.

She was dressed in purple, with her shoulders exposed, and huge silver ornaments hanging from her ears. The woman's face was painted with oil paint tattoos, her brows were a bit heroic, she was holding a dice clock in her arm, and she smiled wantonly and beautifully.


The woman cheered and the others were dejected. She said loudly: "Come, come, give me all the money... Huh? An old friend is here."

She put down the dice clock, put one foot on the chair, and beckoned to the younger brother to get him on the chair and pour water. Chu Tianshu also walked in generously and sat on the chair: "Playing dice again?"

"It's rare to be lucky." The woman chewed the bubble gum. She pulled a pile of chips into her arms, and when the others saw Chu Tianshu approaching, they dispersed silently. Chu Tianshu was sitting on the chair, and he could still hear them whispering, as if they were talking about him.

"A visa to Evil Spirit Mermaid Island." Chu Tianshu said.

"Oh, gray or yellow?"

Here in Snakehead, a gray ticket is a silver visa, and a yellow ticket is a golden visa. Chu Tianshu said: "The yellow ones will do."

"Oh." The woman took out a visa book and a strangely shaped pen from the package.

Chu Tianshu seems to be quite familiar with the way here, as if he has been here quite often. The woman skillfully issued the visa, bit her finger and used her ability to change the stamp: "Take it."

"Thanks." Chu Tianshu said, "The money is in your account."

The transaction between the two was tacit and fast. After Chu Tianshu took the visa, he stuffed it into his pocket without even looking at it. Then, he walked out of the casino, turned his back to the woman and shook the wrench in his hand:

"They're setting you up, waiting for you to go all-in next time." He said lightly, "Look at the dice, is there a magnet under it?"

"Depend on!"

The woman cursed angrily. After Chu Tianshu left this disturbing sentence, he left the small gambling house.

After a while of flying around, the woman was about to leave holding all the chips. The casino clerk who was beaten up black and blue by her asked the boss: "Who was that person before?"

"You're new here, that guy doesn't know. He..."

Just as the boss was about to say, another voice came.

"He's a monster." The man in the black windbreaker walked into the casino and rubbed shoulders with the woman in purple who was about to leave.

The woman in purple shrugged: "Hey, here comes the troublesome person."

Saying so, she didn't stop her footsteps. Chen Liexue's cold voice came from behind her: "Ruoshui."

The woman stopped.

"Did he come to you to get a visa again?"

Faced with this question, the woman in purple raised her chin and smiled: "You know him."

Chen Liexue was silent for a while: "Is he still collecting 'keys'?"

The wind blew through the alley, and no one answered.

After a long time, the woman laughed again.

"Just like you would choose to stop here for Gu Chaosheng, he will also go out here for the crow." She said lazily, "And I..."

She shook the bag of chips in her hand.

The coins collided in it, making a crisp sound. The woman named Ruoshui raised her head and looked at Chen Liexue with a pair of cat eyes: "I choose to live drunk and dream of death."

Saying so, she dropped the man standing behind her. Shaking his pocket, humming a song, he left the casino.

The sun shone on the lonely Seventeenth City, but when Lin Huai woke up from Mermaid Island, what he saw was still a gray and cloudy sky.

After entering the hall, Lu Jin squatted by the window and observed secretly: "The man finally left."

The man he was talking about was just an ordinary man walking around on the road. Last night, Lu Jin, who was sleeping against the wall, heard the sound of digging and giggling constantly coming from the room next door where the man lived all night.

He lost sleep all night because of it.

Two people ran out of breakfast again. This time Lu Jin didn't dare to glance at the man's position anymore. But Lin Huai came to the man's seat again after wiping his mouth.

On the cushion the man was sitting on, there were several plump seeds now. Compared with the seeds that Lin Huai saw yesterday, their outer shells were more shiny and black, and their heads were rounder and fuller. The tips of the few seeds that fell around the mat were even stained with flesh and blood, as if they had been picked out of the pores by a man.

Lin Huai: ...

He slowly raised one of his hands and placed it gently on his mouth.

For some reason, he also kind of misses Area D.

'This, is this the ultimate fear...' He thought blissfully, 'It seems that I still lost. '

It was already the fifth day, and he took Lu Jin to continue wandering around Area C and Area D, trying to find a breakthrough from the wind chimes.

At this time, the muscular man also came to the white wall.

'The witch can't leave the city, or you will bear the consequences...'

The muscular man pondered, he swallowed, but he still couldn't make up his mind.

"Old Feng, old Feng!"

The man with the sharp mouth and monkey cheeks hurried over when he saw him. His eyes lit up, as if he had found a new trick: "What are you doing here?"


"Let me tell you." The sharp-mouthed monkey-cheeked man said mysteriously, "I found a good way, how about we cooperate?"

The muscular man became interested: "What method?"

"As I said before—some of them are evil spirits, and some of them are human women, right?" The monkey-cheeked man counted, "For evil spirits, they are one, because each of them Both want to kill us, but when it comes to human women, it's not the same... ”

The muscular man frowned: "What do you mean?"

The man with the sharp mouth and monkey cheeks looked around and said mysteriously: "Let's go and tell them, just say, there are ghosts in this city!"

After finishing speaking, he patted his chest: "Women are afraid of ghosts. We told them that among the twenty of them, except for a few, the others were all ghosts. We also told one of the women that a certain woman said that she It’s a ghost! Through logical reasoning and judging their reactions, you can see who they are trying to protect and who is trying to harm whom. The evil spirits must know who is the evil spirit and who is a human being. Because they want to Kill us, so you will definitely protect your own kind, and at the same time plant and frame other human women! At that time, the person who has been planted the most must be a real human woman!"

What he said was not without reason. However, the muscular man is still hesitating. The man with the sharp mouth and monkey cheeks was anxious: "Are you coming or not? If you don't start, we will be too late! It's already noon on the fifth day, and tomorrow night, we will choose a patron!"

The muscular man thought for a long time, and finally nodded as if he was a horse doctor.

"Okay," he said, "it's like a werewolf..."

"That's right, it's a werewolf!" said the sharp-mouthed monkey-cheeked man, "The two of us work together, and the investigation will be faster. If you don't hurry up, it will be too late!"

Here, Lin Huai and Lu Jin searched again for a day in Area C and Area D, but found nothing.

Later, they even abandoned their own area and wandered around in various places. Keep bumping the wind chimes in various places for comparison. However, these wind chimes seemed to be dead, without clues.

Lu Jin sat paralyzed on the ground: "I really can't walk..."

He wiped the sweat from his head: "Is our reasoning really correct? If so, why is there no clue at all?"

He looked hopelessly at the pale gray sky. There is no sun on Mermaid Island, and there are only white walls in Daughter Country. He sat in the middle of countless identical small houses, like sitting in a besieged city with no direction.

There is nowhere to hide, no way to escape.

Lin Huai was also very irritable.

He wanted to save Lu Jin's life - yes, that's why he was serious and never messed around. But now, his patience is on the verge of exploding.

He just wanted to rush into the homes of those women in white, drag them out, put guns on their temples one by one and ask them, warning them that if they didn't tell the truth, they would be beaten to death.


… What do you think, they are already dead. Lin Huaixu rolled his eyes and tilted his head.

If it doesn't work, I can only put on women's clothes and pretend to be a woman to protect Lu Jin... He thought wildly, and suddenly remembered the women's clothes he wore in the previous dungeon, and couldn't help but hit the wind chime with a bamboo pole.

He completely lost control of his strength, and the wind chime screamed violently, the sound was so loud that it resounded through the sky.

He simply forced out the loudest sound of the wind chime. Not to mention this one, even the eight nearby families can hear it. The muscular man who was interviewing a woman just across the street from him was taken aback.

He was taken aback, but the woman in white sitting next to him didn't seem to hear anything. The sound of the wind chimes didn't even change the speed at which she wiped the table, and her hands were still steady and powerful.

It was like, she couldn't hear the bell at all.

When Lin Huai went down, even Lu Jin covered his ears: "Fuck..."

Behind them, there was the sound of the door opening.

Walking out of that family's house was a trembling woman in white. Her face was terrifying like a ghost, but the hand that opened the door was trembling.

She seemed to be frightened and looked at the two of them.

At the same time, the door facing them, the door belonging to the rang wind chime, also opened.

After confirming with her eyes that the two were not looking for her, the trembling woman in white closed the door. The woman in white with the wind chime looked at the two of them with a puzzled expression.

"It's okay." Lin Huai said.

The woman in white nodded and returned home. Lin Huai turned around, faced another house, and began to think.

'I always feel that something is weird. '

he thought.

This seemed to be the first time that when he rang a wind chime, two women in white appeared.