The NPC Was Once Again Frightened By Me

Chapter 172: Examiner I'm in love with him


It took Lin Huai three minutes to bend her waist back.

My son's rebellion breaks my heart. Lin Huai couldn't help but sigh.

After he sighed for a while, he still planned to look for him.

Lin Huai crossed mountains and ridges, and finally saw Lu Jin in an alley. He leaned on the wall of a family, and seemed to be crying loudly. With his loud noise, finally a family member came out.

Lin Huai watched helplessly as the hideous-looking woman in white handed Lu Jin the handkerchief, and dragged him home after Lu Jin passed out.

Lin Huai: ...

He thought for a moment, then took out the number zero wind chime, and shook it at the households opposite the woman in white.

The wind chimes kept ringing, the sound was the same as when the wind chimes on the eaves were struck, but there was no movement from these families, and no one came out.

He took the wind chime to the door of the woman in white who was dragging the brocade, and rang the wind chime.

"Jingle jingle jingle—"

The wind chime rang crisply, and the sound of a woman's footsteps came from inside the house.

The door was opened, and the woman in white looked out of the door in confusion, and also saw the wind chime in Lin Huai's hand.

She looked up at the surviving wind chime on her eaves, and then looked at Lin Huai's hand again, showing an extremely confused expression.

Lin Huai just smiled. Now, he has confirmed his inference.

After a short period of confusion, the woman in white compared sign language to Lin Huai. She seemed to want to describe that a person was dragged in by her.

"I know," Lin Huai said, "I just ask you to take care of him and don't let him run around."

The woman in white: ...

Lin Huai turned to leave, but the woman in white made another gesture.

She first pointed to the wind chime in Lin Huai's hand, and then pointed to his clothes and her own clothes. Seeing that Lin Huai still didn't seem to understand, she thought for a while, pointed to Lin Huai's chest, then pointed to her own chest, and made a "stand up" movement.

Following her movements, Lin Huai's smile finally froze.

... This, what this woman meant, the corners of his eyes twitched wildly, he should be asking him why he changed into men's clothes and ran around with his own wind chimes...

The woman in white obviously mistook Lin Huai for her kind because of the wind chime.

Lin Huai suffered from sex change, but she still lived with a smile on her face. He took note of the woman's location—the leftmost one in the third row of Block B, and left the house.

Next, he returned to Area C, and by shaking the wind chime, he found the human female in Area C—the first one in the second row of Area C.

It turns out that the answer is so simple.

In contrast to the mermaid's aphasia, it is hearing. The "mouth" that makes a sound corresponding to each aphasic woman is a wind chime, so the basis for judging whether they are human is also a wind chime.

The "voice" is a pivotal point in the mermaid's story. The prince couldn't hear the little mermaid's explanation, so he married the princess. The little mermaid can't make a sound, so she loses her love.

On the surface, in this dungeon, they are the side of the "prince", while the woman in white is the side of the "Little Mermaid". In fact, this identity judgment is wrong. Although women cannot make a sound, they are the real "mermaids" in this game.

As "mermaids", they need to knock the wind chimes so that the "princes", that is, the women, can hear the sound of the wind chimes and allow them to enter the house. Not every woman can hear them, however. For the "evil spirits", they only opened the door because their wind chimes were rung, or they felt the vibration of their own wind chimes. Human women are not like evil spirits with keen perception. They have difficulty distinguishing similar bells. Therefore, they only open the door because they hear "the sound of wind chimes".

For the same kind, when there is a loud noise outside the house, the human woman will also make a movement and try to check. But for the evil spirits, they are just doing their own duty, they are only moved by the wind chimes, and they have no curiosity in themselves. And human women's viewing and their slowness to voice are not because they are women, or the result of some female-specific characteristics—it's just because they are human beings with the most basic curiosity of human beings.

Witches have emphasized several times that women should not be forcibly entered into a woman's home. Entering a house without ringing the wind chime is obliteration. Her emphasis on knocking the wind chimes is precisely to cover up the difference in hearing between human women and evil spirits.

That's all the answers.

"... From a certain point of view, this game is really quite evil." In the evening, Lin Huai murmured standing in front of the red building, "It turns out that the 'mermaid' in the evil spirit mermaid island actually refers to us, a group of Man, mermaid... tsk, should I say that this is indeed a puzzle set by that female examiner who has a nasty voice."

But from another point of view, maybe this game is also a small revenge brought by the female examiner to these male gamers, or is it a prank? After all, who would have thought that a game that achieves the ultimate in "gender distinction" and "establishing a stereotype of the gender and judging it" on the surface, its core is actually a game that does not rely on subjective emotional factors, completely What about games that rely on objective reasoning


The big clock on the Dahong Building rang three times, and Lu Jin rushed back in a dazed manner.

He shrank his neck, and after Lin Huai looked at him, he shuddered violently.

Lin Huai: ...I'm so sad.

He firmly put his left hand in his trouser pocket and yawned with his right hand. At the same time, the man with the sharp mouth and monkey cheeks rushed back.

In his hand, he held a homemade bell.

Yes, the man's werewolf-killing strategy didn't work. His brain is really struggling to process too much data, and at the same time, there is not enough time left.

As early as noon, Lin Huai discovered that this man was secretly following them, and stole their way. Lin Huai didn't care about this at all.

For ants, his attitude has always been—let him go.

The witch in red appeared in front of everyone. At this moment, there was only a tiny mask on her face, which was crumbling.

"" She rolled her withered eyes, "Have you chosen...?"

"I've chosen!"

The sharp-mouthed monkey-cheeked man quickly raised his hand, and Lin Huai suddenly had a bad feeling.

Just as he was about to open his mouth, he heard the witch say: " come first..."

Lu Jin turned his head.

"This one!" The sharp-mouthed monkey-cheeked man was ecstatic, and he quickly ran to the one Lu Jin was in before, "I've chosen this one!"


The strong sense of absurdity and shock shocked Lu Jin. His eyes widened, as if he didn't understand the man's actions at all.

At the same time, the man with the sharp mouth and monkey cheeks grinned triumphantly.

- That's right.

Even though he had already found a third human woman, what he still couldn't bear was the fact that he was actually led away by two sissy boys!

As a scalper, the man with the sharp mouth and monkey cheeks has always been proud of his "smartness of a small citizen". Relying on cheating, cheating, cleverness, and speculation, when he was young, he was very comfortable.

However, cleverness has an end after all. Clever but clever, he was reported because he was a ticket agent, but he privately seized the concert tickets and sold them at a high price, and lost his job because of this.

After losing his job, this man kept on doing nothing, and became a fake scalper who swindled money through and through. He is confident in his abilities, he hates all the rules extremely, and thinks that there is nothing wrong with his brain. How could he be wrong? Everyone makes money based on their skills, and those who don't understand the rules deserve to be eaten by the weak!

However, what he has always ignored is his flattery in front of the strong, and condescension in front of the weak. What he followed was never the law of the jungle. He wanted to be a human being, but he didn't treat others as human beings. He is just an absolute egoist from beginning to end.

Just like now, he would rather harm others than himself, would rather do an unnecessary thing, but also severely disgust the two of them!

Who told them to put on a show? Who told them to hurt their self-esteem? Even though the two had almost no intersection with him, he couldn't help being frustrated by the other's "high profile".

The essence of this is his own inferiority complex. He is inferior to others who are better than him. Therefore, even if the other party is calm, he will drag the other party into the water!

Now his goal has finally been achieved. The man with the sharp mouth and monkey cheeks grinned.

"Ha ha ha ha… "

The witch admitted his choice, and he laughed triumphantly, showing his yellow teeth, and looked at the two of them.

"Young people—" he deliberately dragged his tone, "You guys, don't disrespect your elders too much sometimes, okay?"

"Otherwise, I don't know when—" he rolled his eyes, "he will be swayed by the elders?"


Lu Jin was furious, he clearly knew that this person was after him. However, as soon as he took a step, a cold hand pressed his shoulder.

"Lu Jin," he heard Lin Huai's cool voice, "You choose the first one in the second row of Area C."

"But you!"

Lu Jin suddenly turned around and saw Lin Huai's face.

Thinking of his fear and doubts about Lin Huai before, Lu Jin collapsed.

Between the desire for life and the respect for his own personality, he chose his conscience: "I can't... I can't! If I rob you of the chance to survive, am I still a human being!"

"The first one in the second row of Area C." Lin Huai said coldly.

As he said that, he showed a contemptuous expression again: "Do you think I only found this one household? I just took the wind chime and found several households. Do you think I'm like you and never hold back when doing things?"

Lu Jin still looked stupid. Lin Huai rolled his eyes at him directly: "Fuck, don't use your IQ to speculate on me, okay?"

"Then..." Lin Huai's expression was too seamless, Lu Jin believed him, he turned to the witch, and told his choice.

The witch nodded in agreement. Next, it was Lin Huai's turn.

"Which one do you choose?"

Lin Huai folded his hands, looked at the sky, and suddenly smiled.

The sky is still gray.

He took out his right hand, buried it in his hair, and closed his eyes.

At the same time, the corners of his mouth raised.

"Do I have to choose?" he chuckled.

"... Lin Huai, you!"

Even if he is as dull and stupid as Lu Jin, he understands everything.

With no alternatives at all, Lin Huai gave up his choice just to keep him alive!

"Me! I give up..."

Before he could say the following words, he was knocked unconscious by Lin Huai's palm.

He withdrew his hand, calm and calm: "Tsk, you will be obliterated for saying abstention... You owe me another life. You have to do the pre and report of the big assignment."

Then, he looked at the witch in front of him and spread his hands.

"No one said that I have to choose a human female to protect me, right?" He narrowed his eyes, and smiled evilly and recklessly, "And I... don't need other people to protect me."

In the originally silent Baicheng, a breeze suddenly blew.

At first, it was just a little undulating ripple in the air, and after that, it was a gale.

The wind chimes all over the city rang at that moment, like a feast, or a farewell in a storm.

- The wind is rustling and the water is cold.

Du Chongshan looked at the young man standing in the middle of the square, and thought of this sentence inexplicably.

He stood in the middle of the square, with his hands spread out, and under the blowing of the strong wind, the hem of his clothes kept swinging in the wind. Flying along with him was his black hair. Under the black hair was a face as pale as jade, and eyes as black as ink.

He is like an ink painting in the strong wind, the storm, the waves, the Lingling ink bamboo, the most colorful stroke in the thousands of landscapes.

And what he saw with his eyes was not the witch in front of him—

but the sky.

He was talking directly to the examiner!

This realization made Du Zhongshan's fingers curl up. Looking at the scene in front of him, he felt a little dazed amidst the sound of the wind and the sound of wind chimes.

All the white clothes in the city came out of their homes. Their snow-white skirts were like huge flowers, spinning and floating together with the gray clouds in the sky.

In this vast and beautiful scene, the young man laughed out loud.

"So? What's your answer?" He heard the young man's voice on the wind. "One man fighting a hundred and fifteen evil spirits—don't you want to see—a good show?"

madman. Du Zhongshan began to tremble, 115 evil spirits, even he... this person...

Absolutely crazy!


An extremely beautiful voice sounded from the sky, and the young man who opened his hands to the sky also showed a smile at this moment.

His eyes are very bright, and if there is the last shooting star in the history of mankind, then his eyes have such brightness and shape.

"it is good!"

he laughed.

The wind and waves calmed down at that moment. The hem of the young man's clothes and black hair also fell back to their original positions at this moment.

Black hair flowed softly to the sides of the young man's face. He breathed a sigh of relief and raised the corners of his mouth.

"It's your turn next." Du Chongshan didn't realize his eyes were fixed on the young man until the witch spoke, "Which household do you choose?"

Du Zhongshan, who originally planned to randomly designate a family, also laughed in the end.

"I, like him, abstained."

The witch stopped.

If anyone else came to this game, they would definitely feel that the players of this game are crazy.

Six people, one dead, one missing, two abstained... No one has ever heard of such an operation as abstaining!

In the end, the witch just nodded, and mechanically said: "All players are invited to stay in the house of the selected woman at 7 o'clock tomorrow night."

After finishing speaking, she added: "Tomorrow night, when the moon is full, the evil spirit will lift the restrictions."

After the witch left, the man with the sharp mouth and monkey cheeks finally sat down on the ground.

And the young man with white mountains and black waters is also walking towards him at this moment.

"No...don't kill me!"

For some reason, he made such a sound.

—Yes, this seemingly intellectual young man might kill him! And he can kill himself easily, just like crushing an ant!

At this moment, he finally felt extreme fear and panic. As an intermediate player, he actually realized that he was helpless in front of this person.

However, the young man just squatted down, almost patting his face gently with the back of his pale hand.

"Want to die—how can it be so easy?" He heard the young man's calm voice, "Wouldn't it be too cheap for you to die now?"

After finishing speaking, the young man unceremoniously straightened his face with both hands, forcing him to look him squarely.

"Hey, listen." Those cherry-colored lips uttered chilling words, "Do you know what despair is?"

The author has something to say: The examiner in this field: I feel like I'm going to fall in love with him.

Brother Chu: Damn anyone who robs me of my wife.