The NPC Was Once Again Frightened By Me

Chapter 174: Ghost Night


As soon as Lin Huai fell asleep, he slept until the sun was up.

When he opened his eyes, he heard a burst of crying.

"Ohh Ohh ohh… "

The cry came from Lu Jin. He cried until his nose flowed into his mouth, so Lin Huai could only lift one eyelid and said, "I'm not dead yet."


Lin Huai said coldly, "Shut up."

The scalper had already run away while the two were still asleep. Lin Huai didn't even give him half a look.

He knew that the ox would return to the square sooner or later at seven o'clock in the evening, and enter the house of his choice after the witch's ceremony.

However, for some reason, today's Dahonglou is filled with a scent of flowers, which is stuffy and sweet, making people panic. After walking for a while, Lin Huai found that the fragrance came from the ordinary man's room.

Sitting in the hall, he was full of curiosity for a while, like claws scratching his heart. In the end, he still couldn't resist his desire to observe, and quietly opened the door.

in a minute.

"District D!!"

There was another deafening sound of vomiting from the bathroom. After vomiting, Lin Huai left the hall with vain steps, muttering: "...curiosity killed the cat."

After successfully warning Lu Jin not to abstain from bad things, Lin Huai, the cat killed by curiosity, climbed up to the third floor. Looking at the big yellow clock on the top of the third floor, he thought for a moment, and took out his "Opening Lightning Strike".

"Opening Lightning Strike" are two beautiful carved pistols, held in the hands, icy cool. He grabbed the pistol, concentrated his thoughts, and fired a shot at the pillar on the third floor!

A burgundy ribbon spewed from the muzzle, wrapping around the pole when it touched it.




A crimson ribbon was wound between the columns like a net. And Lin Huai, before the ribbon fell down, stepped lightly, along it, and stepped up the pillar!

Relying on the title ability of "Super Physical Skill", like an agile wild cat, he quickly climbed to the top of the Red Building in repeated horizontal jumps—that is, beside the bronze bell.

There was no climbing point next to the bronze bell, so he shot again, and finally squatted on the beam that hung the yellow bell!

List of small hills!

The entire Daughter Country was exposed in his field of vision, and through the tall white wall, he could finally see the faint scenery outside the wall.

Facing him was a high hillside. He clearly knew that what he was facing now should be the direction the group of them faced when they entered the Daughter Kingdom.


"Trees?" He frowned. "How could there be a tree there?"

On the hillside, there is a towering tree. However, he clearly remembered that he did not see this tree before entering the "Daughter Country"!

A strange chill came to his heart. He rubbed his eyes, but the tree was still there.

After thinking for a while, he squatted on the beam and looked to the right at the risk of falling.

Then, go left.

Finally, he was on the left rear and found the hillside they had come by!

"This is impossible." He murmured, "When did our position change?"

When Lin Huai walked out of the red building, he bumped into Lu Jin who was wandering downstairs.

Seeing Lin Huai coming, he hurriedly ran to Lin Huai: "Lin Huai! There is a problem, something is wrong!"

Then, he stumbled and told Lin Huai what he saw today.

"... that scalper is not a good person, I originally wanted to tell her to be careful, but when I opened the door, I found that it was not her at all!" Lu Jin said in horror, "She is not in yesterday's room! In that house, there is another person!"

He spoke very fast, but he managed to explain things clearly. Lin Huai ignored him, but walked straight to Area C and Area D.

After confirming the wind chime codes of the first family in Districts C and D, he then walked to Districts A, B, E and F.

"Sure enough," he said.

"Sure enough... What is it so?" Lu Jin was anxious.

However, in his field of vision, Lin Huai squatted down and let out a happy laugh.

"Hahaha, hahaha." He seemed to cry from laughter, "Interesting, really interesting."

He wiped the wet corners of his eyes, then turned to the confused and anxious Lu Jin, and said softly, "I have found the last answer to this game."

"The last mystery is composed of the symmetry of the daughter country, the code of the wind chimes, and 'the sixth day is chosen but the seventh day is to be moved in'."

In the room, Lin Huai told Lu Jin the answer to the mystery.

"Before I entered this village, I was thinking, why is this village designed in a centrally symmetrical shape? Why are all the houses exactly the same? Why are there high white walls around? Why is it cloudy every day? No sunny days?" Lin Huai asked these questions word by word, "In the end, I found the answer here."

He drew an xyz coordinate system on the ground with a pencil: "This is essentially a question of the frame of reference."

"Under the condition that all directions are completely centered and symmetrical, we, as players, need to choose a frame of reference to determine our orientation. Only in this way, we will not repeatedly collect the same area, but know that today I am in a District, tomorrow I will be in District B, and the day after tomorrow I will be in District C..." He drew a regular hexagon on the ground, and drew a small arrow in its center, "Usually, we could have passed through these methods , to determine our coordinates."

"One, the surrounding environment. Not every isolated island outside Daughter's Country has the same scenery, but they are blocked by white walls."

"Second, the position of the sun. The sun rises in the east and sets in the west, but the top of Daughter's Country is always covered with dark clouds. We can't see the sun, nor the moon and stars, so we can't tell the direction through the sky."

"Under the superposition of these two conditions, in this absolutely symmetrical daughter country, we chose the only asymmetrical red building as our direction mark." He emphasized the small arrow, "the red building has only one door, and That door is facing the 'A district' in our cognition, so we think that the direction pointed by the arrow is 'A district', however... "

"What if the arrow turns?"

He said, erasing the arrow, and redrawing an arrow pointing to area b: "If the red building rotates at night, when we wake up the next morning, what the gate is facing is actually area b, not a Area. But in our cognition, the area facing the gate is 'A Area', so we will mistake 'B Area' for 'A Area', and confuse the numbers of other areas in turn. "

"The furnishings of each woman's house are the same, and the ghost faces they have are similar, and they change every day. Because of their obscene words, the heavy investigation workload, and the evil spirits' camouflage, the evil spirits in the same position in different triangles The spirits are all disguised as the same personality... Therefore, under the influence of inertial thinking, it is difficult for us to find that the red building has rotated without our awareness."

"And the number of the wind chime is just a reminder of this confusion." Lin Huai said, "I didn't figure out the meaning of this almost redundant number before. Now it seems that it is reminding us not to be confused because of the coordinates. The rotation of the system, and the wrong house."

"As for the reason for choosing the asylum on the sixth day and entering the room on the seventh day, it is the same. The asylum cannot be temporarily changed, and the day in between is the last difficulty of this game. If you don't notice that the big red building will rotate In fact, even if you choose the right house on the sixth day, you will go to the wrong room on the seventh day." He put down the pencil, "This is the ultimate secret of this copy. And the house you should enter today is not Area C The first one in the second row, but the first one in the second row in zone e."

So far, all mysteries have been revealed.

A great sense of accomplishment flooded Lin Huai's heart like a tide. He squinted his eyes, revealing a lazy and satisfied expression that was almost basking in the sun.

"...And I was able to find out that the people in the house had changed because of an unplanned communication between me and her, which enhanced my understanding of her..." Lu Jin murmured, "Otherwise, according to The average player's level of communication with Baiyi is not enough to discover this loophole... "

As he said that, he took out the handkerchief from his pocket: "If it wasn't for this handkerchief... I wouldn't have found out that she is no longer the person she was yesterday!"

"Yes." Lin Huai stood up from the floor and stretched, "The answer to the mystery has been revealed. Next, it's my turn to prepare."

"What preparation?"

"You don't think that I don't need any preparations to fight against 115 evil spirits alone?" Lin Huai glanced at Lu Jin out of the corner of his eye and waved his hand, "At seven o'clock, go to the room you should go to by yourself , and I..."

"Lin Huai."

It was rare for him to hear Lu Jin's voice, carefully and seriously: "You are not human, are you?"

Lin Huai froze for a moment, then smiled relievedly.


He gave this answer lightly and deftly, not surprised how Lu Jin found out. Sometimes single-celled organisms, despite their lack of IQ, have European-like intuitions that outshine others.

Then, he heard Lu Jin's question.

"What bloodline did you exchange for?" He asked cautiously, "Can you tell me?"

Lin Huai: ...

At seven o'clock in the evening, Lu Jin and the scalper who had been hiding for a day stood on the square again.


The brass bell rang three times, and the witch stood on the second floor with a blank expression and said, "Please choose your asylum."

As soon as the witch finished speaking, the scalpers, who were still looking around suspiciously, hurriedly ran to the house he had chosen.

He ran fast, using all four limbs, and his heart beat fast, as if there was a ghost chasing after him.

The scalpers simply don't want to go back to this square if they can. He knew that Lin Huai would definitely attack him, and he didn't want to take the risk of being shot in the head by him!

However, Lin Huai did not appear in the square. Even so, the scalpers never dare to relax.

He clearly knew that Lin Huai must be waiting for him beside that house!

Fifty meters, ten meters, five meters... The scalper showed a rescued expression. He waved the bamboo pole, and was about to knock on the door of that family!

At the same time, a white figure also appeared on the street corner!

It was indeed Lin Huai who came. He was wearing a long off-white trench coat and held a revolver in his right hand. Seeing him on the brink of failure almost drove the scalper out of his wits.

"Open the door! Open the door!" he yelled, and rang the wind chime at the same time, "Open the door!"

"Jingle Bell!"

A woman's footsteps were heard inside the door. The scalper was lying on the door, looking out of his wits, watching Lin Huai raise the revolver to him.

At that moment, he had only one thought!


The door was opened, and the woman in white nodded to him. Before he had time to say hello, he snatched the door and rushed inside.

—At the same time, there was a gunshot!

Then, the second shot!

Two bullets pierced the air and hit the scalper with a whistling sound.


One bullet hit his right leg, and the other smashed straight through his left knee. The scalper screamed in pain and fell to the ground!

Fortunately, at this time, he had already fully entered the door!

"Close the door!" he growled.

Those two bullets took away all his ability to walk, and he could only tremble and wriggle on the ground like an ugly maggot. The woman in white followed his instructions silently.

The door of the room was closed, and the Avengers with two guns were also stopped outside the house. Even though he was unable to move, the scalper still showed a distorted smile as he twitched in pain.

"Hehe...hehe..." He laughed loudly, blood gushing from his wound, "I won!"

The two bullets that were supposed to hit his head missed after all. Although his legs were crippled, he still survived. When he returned to his personal space, he would find a way to diagnose and treat him.

Thinking of this, he stretched out his hand to the woman in white: "Come and help me, I can't walk anymore!"

The woman stood beside him, looking down at him. A smile appeared on the ferocious and terrifying ghost face.

At the same time, outside the door, Lin Huai also retracted the revolver.

"It's accurate."

He grinned, and took out the wooden strips he had prepared from his bag.

He pressed the wooden strip against the door so that it formed a solid triangle with the bottom and sides. After doing all this, he clapped his palms.

He had already lost both legs of the scalper, and now, he is a good man to the end and blocked the door together. What will happen to him next depends on his personal fortune.

But that doesn't mean he can take it lightly.

Lin Huai raised his head.

With the ringing of the bell three times, the dark clouds surrounding the zenith of Daughter Country finally completely dissipated.

The sky is the red building, beside the red building, the setting sun is like blood.

He closed his eyes and silently recited his battle plan in his heart.

Twelve midnight.

A pale full moon appeared above the sky, and the whole village was bathed in its brilliance.

It was supposed to be a very quiet night until...


The brass bell rang again.

Twelve midnight, here we come!


A gust of fierce wind raged and roared in the city. Under the cold moonlight, the silver wind chimes in the whole village rang frantically!

In an instant, strong Yin Qi rose up, sweeping the entire Daughter Country in an instant!


The shrill screams sounded from a family, and in just ten minutes, they had become inhuman.

That's exactly the place where the scalper lives, where the cleverness is mistaken by the cleverness.

Countless evil spirits came out from the house. With the release of the seal and the start of the game, their pure white dresses have become stained with blood.

The hideous and twisted ghosts hissed and eagerly wandered around, and a strong evil spirit spread from their bodies.

Like sharks smelling blood, they frantically searched for that human figure.

Finally, they found the man by the white wall.

The man was wearing a long trench coat and held a gun in both hands. In the cloudy wind, the hem of his blood-red clothes rolled with the air current, like a butterfly in bloom.

Hundreds of evil spirits gathered here from all directions. They surrounded him, with a bloodthirsty gleam in his eyes. The surrounded young man closed his eyes, as if he was trying to capture some kind of sound from the wind that would make him happy.

"...It's so nice to hear." He sighed, "I thought I had escaped, but was deprived of all hope the next moment. Isn't this way of death more dramatic?"

After saying this, he opened his eyes and looked at all the evil spirits.

"Welcome to the night of the evil spirits," he smiled. "Will you go first, or me..."

He tilted his head.

"Escape first?"