The NPC Was Once Again Frightened By Me

Chapter 177: Gong said he was terrified



A violent cough sounded from Lu Jin's side. After a short period of sluggishness, he pinched his own neck, looking painful and unbelievable.

Chu Tianshu continued to ask: "The ghost tree? Is it the tree on the mountain?"

When the tree was mentioned, the girl's face showed a little more fearful expression.

Her fingers trembled slightly: "Yes, this tree controls the entire island, and it is the source of all disasters. And that witch... is just an incarnation of it."

"Except for the well in the big red building on this island, other water sources are polluted by ghost trees. As long as you drink that kind of water... your body will change." The girl said slowly, "At first, it was just There is a slight abnormality in the body, after which, it will become half a woman... that is, an intersex person."

Both Du Chongshan and Chu Tianshu showed terrified expressions: "Fuck, it's so harsh..."

They looked at their lower body with lingering fear. Then, the girl continued: "After my body mutated, I originally tried to escape along the coast with a few teammates. However, on the way to escape, they experienced a deeper mutation and grew seeds. ... and flowers, I watched them turn into flowering tree figures in front of me in a running posture."

Now, Lin Huai finally knew what the strange flowers and trees he saw when he went to the island were all.

The branches that were divided into two were hands, and the circling roots were legs... He suddenly wanted to have area D again.

"And I didn't bloom directly because I drank less." The girl said slowly, "I was dragged back by the roots of the ghost tree. After that, I was wrapped in the vines and fainted." In the past... Many people died in the process of transformation and became the fertilizer of the ghost tree. When I woke up again, my gender had been completely changed, my memory was washed away, and I was placed in this... daughter within the country."

Her tone was flat and mournful: "I'm lucky, at least I still have one life left."

"Then..." Du Zhongshan asked, "Why did that ordinary man mutate so quickly?"

The girl thought for a while: "Maybe it's because he was directly carried out by the witch. Although I don't know how he offended the witch..."

Lin Huai: ... I know, it's because of laxatives.

He silently covered his face. The girl pointed to the light door beside the white wall and said, "The door is open, you can go."

Except for her, the four women in white clothes walked out along the door. Lin Huai thought it was because in the past, no one had ever killed a witch, so these women in white... no, men, never had a chance to recover their memories.

He looked at Lu Jin with a disillusioned face. When the girl in white was calmly telling her past, Lu Jin's face showed a little more distress and pity.

The girl in white stood there quietly without saying a word. Lu Jin hesitated for a moment, then stepped forward: "Well... don't be too sad."

"What should we do?" Lin Huai looked at Chu Tianshu, "Let's go?"

Chu Tianshu smiled casually: "How can it be so easy."

As he spoke, he tapped Du Zhongshan's shoulder with a wrench: "Go, go and beat the ultimate boss."

"Huh?" Du Zhongshan cried out loudly, "It's not enough for you to take a bag of things from me, and you still want me to do free work for you?"

"Stop pretending." Chu Tianshu said casually, "Didn't your original mission also include killing that ghost tree and obtaining the 'key' inside it?"

These words finally made the smile on Du Zhongshan's face disappear. After a long while, he spread his hands: "You discovered all of this."

The two of them had already settled the matter, so they stopped making rounds. Du Zhongshan simply sat down on the ground: "Chenxing will at least reimburse me, what can you give me? Money? I won't go."

"I can fight alone without you." Chu Tianshu said lightly, "I can kick you into the light gate now, and then you have to tell Chen Liexue that you not only used up his reimbursement quota, but you still haven't brought it back. The key, and was beaten up by Tian Chu..."

Du Zhongshan: ...

"Or, the two of us beat the ghost tree together." Chu Tianshu said, "If I'm in a good mood, I can share one of the 'keys' with you."

Du Zhongshan: ...

"Of course, I'm in a good mood." Chu Tianshu continued to add, "You caused my wife to be seriously injured, and I'm in a very bad mood now...Of course, after killing the culprit, the ghost tree, my mood changed again .”

Du Zhongshan: ...

"Deal." He gritted his teeth.

The two quickly formed the Plastics Alliance. Lin Huai sat beside them and watched them share the spoils, and asked, "Will you take me?"

Chu Tianshu touched his head: "You have a good rest."

Lin Huai: "I'm very energetic now."

"Just take him with you." Du Zhongshan said, "He's pretty good at fighting."

Chu Tianshu: "Do you have the nerve to say so?"

"No, brother." Du Zhongshan raised his hands, "You pretend I didn't say anything."

This discussion finally ended in Lin Huai's victory. He successfully obtained the qualification of "three people fighting monsters into the group". Seeing that the three of them had formed a group, Lu Jin quickly stood up: "Then I'll... go back first?"

Chu Tianshu glanced at him: "Go rolling."

He still seemed to be very angry because of Lin Huai's injury. Lu Jin shut up obediently and walked towards the light gate. Before stepping into the gate of light, he looked at the girl in white and said cautiously, "Are you...going?"


The girl in white had a slight sadness on her face. She looked so delicate and pitiful.

'We used to be... all men. '

Those deafening words rang in Lu Jin's mind again.

He couldn't hold back his pained expression. The girl in white suddenly said: "I used to be a man, do you think it's disgusting?"

"No... Of course not!" Lu Jin hurriedly explained, "I'm just a little awkward... Oh, but it's definitely not disgusting!"

The girl in white couldn't see any joy or anger on her face: "Oh."

She walked past Lu Jin and entered the light gate. Before her figure completely disappeared, Lu Jin suddenly shouted: "By the way, what's your name!"

"Cheng Yuxian."

After the girl in white, Lu Jin also entered the light door feeling lost.

All those in the way disappeared at last, and the three-person team rushed to the hillside with arrogance.

Chu Tianshu took out his big robot again, and let Lin Huai sit on the left palm. Du Zhongshan was not qualified to ride, so he had to run beside him with two legs: "Slow down..."

Ten minutes later, the ghost tree appeared in front of everyone.

It was a towering tree, dark green all over, and heavy things like "fruits" wrapped in dark green vines hung from the branches. "Fruit" wriggled, as if something was struggling hard in the capsule.

Its other vines are covered with dense white spots. After taking a closer look, Lin Huai discovered that these things were all densely packed small flowers.

The small white flowers are closed one by one, revealing crystal clear honey juice to the outside. The honeydew flowed down the vines and into the water source, and the water source flowed down and flowed all over the island, thus contributing to the river that turned people into monsters.

The fragrance of the flowers is so strong that it makes the chest tight. Lin Huai couldn't help covering her nose.

The moment he lowered his head, he saw an extremely huge tree root in astonishment!

"What's in here..."

That section of tree roots seems to come out of the rocks, and the middle section is obviously swollen, as if something is wrapped in it. Chu Tianshu jumped off the robot and checked with Du Zhongshan. He frowned and looked at it, and said with some hesitation: "It seems... there is..."

He closed his eyes and mouth, as if he was using his mental power to feel.

Du Zhongshan impatiently cut the root of the tree with a knife. At that moment, the fragrant juice sprayed Chu Tianshu all over his face.

The one lying in the root of the tree was actually that muscular man. At this moment, he was already dead, his whole body twisted.

"This shit..." Du Chongshan's entire face twitched, "It's so harsh..."

He dropped the knife on the ground, and just wanted to talk to Chu Tianshu, unexpectedly, the latter suddenly took out a whole bottle of mineral water, and frantically began to wash his face!

Du Zhongshan: ...

Chu Tianshu wiped his face quickly, and suddenly climbed back to the cockpit at an extremely fast speed. The whole machine turned into an attacking form in an instant!

Lin Huai suddenly realized that he had changed his seat: …

He hadn't had time to get off his hands, but now he was suddenly pushed onto the top of the cannon. The next moment, an extremely dazzling blue light suddenly condensed from the muzzle of the gun!

"Fuck—" Du Zhongshan screamed, "You use this ultimate move... Wait a minute, what happened! Wait for me to open a protective cover!"

The dazzling light made Lin Huai couldn't help but close his eyes. Then, there was an earth-shattering loud noise!


The strong recoil prevented him from being overturned. Fortunately, a few safety belts tied him tightly to the top of the robot's head. Lin Huai looked towards the cockpit with some lingering fear: "You..."

He saw Chu Tianshu frantically wiping his face.


Next, three more beeps. There was a strong burnt smell, and the ghost tree was smashed into powder before it even had time to struggle.

The entire island was almost overturned. Gravels were flying all over the sky, and it was only at this moment that Lin Huai realized that the entire island was covered with ghost tree roots!

After the ghost tree was overturned, the deep pit under its roots was finally exposed. Hundreds of limbs were twisted and entangled inside, Lin Huaiguang took a look and almost came out of the D zone.

With the complete disappearance of the ghost tree, three glowing coins also floated into the air.

"Could this be... the key?"

he murmured.

The robot unceremoniously pockets them all. It was very fast, and without any hesitation, it quickly led Lin Huai towards the light door on the way back.

When he got to the light gate, Chu Tianshu jumped off the robot. His face was extremely solemn, and he said to Lin Huai: "You go back first, I'm going to the high-level camp..."

Lin Huai had never seen his mournful face: "What happened?"

Chu Tianshu moved his lips. At this moment, Du Zhongshan also rushed over: "The key..."


"You said you would give me..."

"I originally just wanted to torture you." Chu Tianshu said coldly, "but now, I'm in a very bad mood."

Then, he kicked Du Chongshan into the light gate.

"Tianchu! You bastard!" Du Chongshan was still screaming until the last moment before he disappeared.

Lin Huai: ...

"I'm leaving, see you later."

Chu Tianshu hurriedly dropped a sentence, and rushed into the light gate himself.

Lin Huai: ...

He also stepped forward and walked in. At the moment when he was about to be sent to the system space, he suddenly thought of one thing—

Just now, when Du Zhongshan cut open the root system that was splashing with juice...

Did Chu Tianshu accidentally get sprayed all over the face

Lin Huai: ...

However, he clearly remembered that Chu Tianshu kept his mouth shut. No matter how he looked at it, there was no possibility of him accidentally inhaling the tree sap.

"This..." He shook his head a little dumbfounded, "He's too prone to nervousness..."

At the same time, Chu Tianshu was already sitting in the inspection cabin.

"Nothing unusual."

The system gave the same response for the tenth time, and Chu Tianshu showed an expression of lingering fear, but still couldn't help asking again: "Is there really nothing abnormal? Will it affect..."

"This sir." The NPC of Medical City knocked on the glass outside, "You have checked ten times, you..."

The author has something to say: Please rest assured that Gong has not swallowed anything that should not have been swallowed, and he will not undergo any mutations.

He's just too nervous.

After rushing into the medical city, the following dialogue took place.

Chu Tianshu: Doctor! Doctors! Quickly help me to check!

Doctor: (after examination) Sir, you are not sick at all.

Chu Tianshu: ...

The only standard that can test abnormality is practice (violence)