The NPC Was Once Again Frightened By Me

Chapter 189: Plum painting


late at night.


The door was gently pushed open.

The moonlight streamed on the floor tiles and also on the two people on the bed.

A black shadow crept into the room.

He stood on tiptoe and hunched his back, as if he was afraid of being discovered by people in the house. When looking at the blank picture scroll on the round table, the black shadow's Adam's apple rolled slightly.

The painting scroll is close at hand, and the fragrance remaining on the tip of his nose confuses his mind. He stretched out his hand toward the scroll on the table—


A drop of bright red liquid landed on his fingertips.


Then two drops, three drops...

The black shadow raised his head with difficulty, and the woman in the red dress was hanging upside down from the beam, looking at him expressionlessly!


He let out a scream and pouted. Lin Huai jumped off the beam.


The oil lamp was on, and Chu Tianshu, who was holding a lantern, came out from the corner.

He turned the black shadow over, lifted the man's eyelids, and said "tsk tsk" after checking, "I'm fascinated by ghosts."

"Do you think Mei Ying did it?"

Lin Huai took off her wig and twisted her neck.

Speaking of which, this set of clothes was left behind by him when he was in the world of "Fu Jiang". Chu Tianshu grabbed the man's hand and sniffed his fingers.

"It's not like Mei Ying did it." He said, "This man's hand has a meaty smell... the smell of cooked meat."

"The host?" Lin Huai frowned, "He gave us the dumplings... He sent this man to find us and steal the painting? He..."

"It seems that our judgment was wrong." Chu Tianshu smiled lowly, "This male master is not ignorant...'victim'."

As early as when the thin man went out, Lin Huai had already noticed his sneaking away.

He woke up Chu Tianshu.

After understanding the thin man's intentions, the two made preparations in the house.

"Just like Mei Ying wants to use us to kill this male master, this male master also wants to use us to kill Mei Ying." Chu Tianshu analyzed.

He kicked the skinny man on the ground with his toe, and the latter seemed to have fallen into a complete coma and couldn't move.

"In that case..."

Lin Huai reached out and grabbed the scroll that should have been destroyed by the skinny man.

Chu Tianshu:

"Although I hate this Mei Ying and this male master quite a lot." Lin Huai shrugged, "But compared to Mei Ying, I really hate this person who caused us to eat compressed biscuits for three days. "

"As the organizer of a dungeon, I can't even provide food properly. The lesser of two evils, since he wants to destroy this painting, then I have to keep it in a collection and confront him."

The thin man was still lying on the ground. Chu Tianshu looked at his watch and said, "It's three o'clock in the morning... sleep again?"

"Yeah." Lin Huai said, "Going to paint tomorrow during the day?"

He hid the scroll in the package and changed back to his original clothes. Outside the door, there was a slight sound of locking.


Along with the sound of locking, there was also the sound of tables and chairs being dragged. The old man's voice came from outside: "Burn—"

The two looked at the thin man on the ground, and looked at each other again.

It turned out that this skinny man's stealing of paintings was just a trap!

The host's real purpose was not to steal the painting, but to distract them with the thin man's stealing painting, and take the opportunity to trap the three of them in the room and burn them alive in the wooden west pavilion!

The wooden structure of the house burned immediately, and thick smoke poured in from the crack in the door. Chu Tianshu covered Lin Huai's mouth and nose, and tried to push the door and window.

"It's all been topped." He said viciously, "Damn it."

He cursed and coughed until he was choked by the thick smoke. The voice of the old man outside the house was still relentless: "Intensify the firepower and burn them to death inside!"

"I didn't expect us to be hated by others." Lin Huai's eyes turned red unhurriedly, "On this level, you want to burn us to death inside?"

He turned to Chu Tianshu: "Get out of the way, I'll kick the door open."

"Bah." Chu Tianshu yelled angrily, "He's just jealous of our good relationship, he's a psychopath!"

Lin Huai: ...

"Burn! Continue to burn!"

Under the command of the butler, the oil in the big barrel was poured on the wooden house, setting off bigger and brighter fire waves. The flames soared into the sky, and the heat brought by it burned even the face. He covered his throbbing skin and shouted: "Burn them to death inside, leave none behind!"

Looking at the smoky building, he grinned: "It just so happens that the painting is also inside, this time, it really kills two birds with one stone..."

"Butler, do you want to add more fire?" The servant wiped his sweat, "I'm afraid the people inside are..."

"No need." The housekeeper's eyes flickered with a crazy smile, "They will die in it even if I become the king of heaven?"

"Oh, is it so?"

A voice with an extremely cold chill suddenly penetrated into everyone's ears.

"Housekeeper!" A person's scream sounded in the fire, "That door..."


Almost instantly, the door that was originally blocked by tables, chairs and furniture burst open instantly!

"What is that?!" A man's scream came from behind him, "What is that?!"


"It's a ghost!"

Being called a ghost by an npc in an infinite stream dungeon is really a rather novel experience. Lin Huai, dressed in red, walked out of the fire stepping on the burning wood chips all over the ground.

His robe fluttered in the flames, redder than the flames, brighter than the flames. Under the dark night sky, half of his face was covered in shadow, while the other half was illuminated by the burning house.

Behind him, another man emerges from the flames, holding a burning stick.

He carried an unconscious man on his shoulders. Yet he carried him like a garbage bag. After walking out of the house, he casually threw the other party into the snow.

"Who said they wanted to kill me just now?" The flaming God of Killing asked softly all the people holding the fuel, "Is it you? Or you?"

Every time he looked at a person, that person took a step back in fear. The young man who was on fire smiled and said, "Speaking of which, this script is not quite right. It seems that I should have yelled that there is a ghost when facing you, so it would be more normal, right?"

"Forget it." He shrugged self-consciously, "Since we can't tell whether it's you or you, then..."

"That's all of you!"

The screams resounded among the servants. The young man holding the wooden stick is like a swift and ferocious wolf, passing by like a strong wind in an instant.

Everywhere he went, a servant's body was ignited with flames. And the young man in red walked towards the instigator—the old man step by step in the flames.

The old man looked at him and roared hoarsely, his pale sleeves were stained red with blood: " are not human!"

"Aren't you, too?" Lin Huai looked down at him, "A pathetic low-level ghost."

The old man roared and howled: "You are..."


Cold and slender hands were like iron tongs, tightly strangling his throat. Lin Huai was in the flames and looked at him.

"But I like to cheat." He said, "Speaking of which, I have long been bored with this cold Meizhuang, since this is the case..."

"Just make your first cooked food."

The flames engulfed the old man's body, and he howled fiercely in the flames, the skin all over his body turned black and curled up.

Lin Huai was a little surprised. Logically speaking, as a ghost, the old man shouldn't be so easily affected by the flames... However, when he raised his head and saw the woman in the flames, he suddenly realized.

The woman stood in the firelight, she quietly watched everything in front of her, and walked towards the old man step by step.

"No... no!" When the old man saw the woman, he seemed to have seen some more terrifying ghost, "Don't come here!!"

Lin Huai didn't want to understand the grievances between the woman and the old man. However, if there is a first come, first come, he threw the old man to the woman and said, "Your prey."

The woman moved her lips, as if to say thank you.

"It's too early to say thank you." Lin Huai smiled at her, "I usually don't hit women, but..."

"Go to the owner now?"

Chu Tianshu's voice sounded behind him.

"It's such a big battle, don't let him go for a while." He held the burning stick and looked up at the dark night sky illuminated by the flames. "The plum tree in the yard has also been lit, which is suitable for him." Funeral."

"it is good."

Countless white-clothed ghosts approached them, crowding at the gate of the courtyard. Each of them lifted a wooden stick with flames, and sprinted across the blocking ghost group.

Everywhere they went, the cold Meizhuang was ignited. The withered plum trees, lit by their wooden sticks, seemed to bloom with scorching flowers. Hundreds of plum trees form a bright passageway, which is like a fire tree and silver flowers for a while.

They eventually found the hostess in the study.

The male master turned his back to them, facing the screen, holding a pen, and seemed to be still painting. After turning his head to see the two of them, his calm expression also became distorted.

With a wave of his hand, a gust of sword wind came towards them along with the wave of the brush!

Chu Tianshu narrowly dodged the sword wind. It cut on the wall, punching a huge crack in it.

"Are you coming?" He looked at Lin Huai.

Lin Huai dodged another sword wind, he said: "Didn't you come up with it first?"

"Even so, but—"

In the firelight, Chu Tianshu rolled his eyes.

"I just think that you are dressed in red, and you are a beautiful woman with fire lights in red. If you paint this picture, it must be very beautiful."

Lin Huai: ...

In the firelight, he also raised the corners of his mouth, and said softly: "Okay, then you have a good look—"

Then, he suddenly pulled out a blade from his cuff, and struck straight at the host!

The male host only saw Chu Tianshu before, but the sudden appearance of Lin Huai made his whole face pale and shocked.

Red clothes, black hair... His hand trembled, and the brush fell down.


And Lin Huai also dodged the last three sword winds at this time.

The next moment, the blood gushing out from the male host's neck!

Lin Huai's hands are very sharp.

That blade was like a ray of cold light, cutting off the hero's artery violently!

He cut the knife from bottom to top!

Blood splashed out in the direction of the knife wind. The male host's body also slowly fell down.


All the blood, like dots, like a roaring river...

It all splashed on the screen!

Large swathes of bright red blood spots bloomed on the white screen, on the scorched branches, like falling flowers, like a sea of stars.

At the same time, Lin Huai also smelled what came from the male master's blood, but is now immersed in the screen...

full bodied...


The host's body suddenly fell down. He lay on the floor, stretched out his pale left hand, trembling like a dead fish.

"Yao, Yaoyao..." He looked at Lin Huai who was dressed in red, and made a vague voice, "Yaoyao..."

With the blade of the avenger as the pen, with the blood of the traitor as the painting...

It is shining brightly.

This is plum blossom!

In the light of the fire, the red plums blooming on the screen show the ultimate coquettishness and beauty. The male master was still twitching on the ground.

A pair of feet stopped in front of his eyes.

The woman in white looked at him expressionlessly, and slowly squatted down.

He still wanted to say something, but his head left his body.

The woman hugged his head and placed it on her lap. The bright red blood also stained her dress red.

The light of the fire shines on her, and also on the blooming...

plum screen.

"Four seasons and four beautiful pictures, plum blossoms, the collection has been completed."

The system's cold notification sounded in the minds of the two of them.

"Please return to the pier, the painting boat is waiting here. There is no need to bring the screen. When the painting is completed, it will have been collected by the examiner."

"Mission... completed?"

The woman pressed her face tightly to her head and closed her eyes.

Lin Huai turned around and happened to meet Chu Tianshu who was standing by the wall.


Facing him, he made a gesture of taking pictures with his index finger and thumb.

"It's beautiful." He said with his mouth.

Lin Huai also smiled at him.

Then, holding the blade in his hand, he walked towards the woman on the ground step by step.

plum shadow.

"Although I'm sorry to disturb you and your husband's settlement and reunion." He said blankly, "But you provoked my boyfriend's account before..."

He stopped.

"Shouldn't you also have a good time with me, forget it?"

The author has something to say: Brother Lin: I have a small mind, bah.