The NPC Was Once Again Frightened By Me

Chapter 24: Haunted House Day Tour Part 2


Changming Ghost School is a semi-free exploratory scene that can accommodate ten players at a time. The exploration time for each group of players is 40 minutes. They need to complete the seven tasks on the access control card in these 40 minutes, collect enough clues, and finally pass the level.

Chen Shu stared at the screen while sucking on Coke through a straw. The people in the monitor had already entered the long corridor, and the boy wearing aj sneakers stopped and spoke to everyone, as if he was assigning a task.

The ten-man team consisted of five men and five women. A couple, a pair of high school girlfriends, and the remaining four men and two women who know each other should be students of a nearby university. Chen Shu glanced at them lightly. He wanted to see the layout of the haunted house, but his eyes were unconsciously attracted by one of them.

It was a member of the group of six college students, with long clothes and trousers, black hair and peach blossom eyes, and his appearance and figure were very outstanding. He stared at that person for a long time, but he felt an inexplicable sense of disobedience, like boiled Chinese medicine, bubbling outwards.

The man on the screen didn't take part in the lively discussion, but kept looking at his friends with a smile on his face. The sense of disobedience in Chen Shu's heart became heavier and heavier, and a deeper sense of uneasiness swept over him faintly. He propped up his body and enlarged the small window, trying to see the picture more clearly—

The moment the picture was enlarged, a pair of deep black eyes with no warmth looked towards Chen Shu without warning!

Chen Shu was taken aback, and the mouse fell to the desktop with a loud clang. When he looked at the screen again, the man had turned around and followed his other four teammates to the teaching building of Santa Maria College.

He rubbed his bumped thigh and sat back on his seat, thinking that he had been terrorizing for so many years, but was pecked in the eye by terror instead. I'm afraid it wasn't that person who discovered his observation just now, but a coincidence.

"What's wrong?" Zhou Ming, who was sitting beside him, asked him.

Zhou Ming is the person in charge of Dream Valley and the only son of the president of Xingmeng Culture and Entertainment Company. He and Zhou Ming met because of the development of the Midnight District, got drunk and rolled into bed, and unknowingly developed a relationship that was more than a friend but not a lover.

Chen Shu frowned and didn't speak. He adjusted the progress of the video to the front, and played the clip of the person from entering the haunted house to looking at the camera repeatedly. Seeing him repeating these scenes repeatedly, Zhou Ming asked him, "What's the matter, have you taken a fancy to him?"

"It doesn't look like it." Chen Shu finally said, "It's a little weird for me."

But if he really wanted to say what was strange, he really couldn't say it. The person in the video, from his walking posture to his smiling expression, is impeccable. Zhou Ming has long been used to his lover's eccentric personality, and he doesn't care about his behavior, just treats him as a whim again.

Chen Shu played the video more than ten times, and the sense of disobedience in his heart became more and more serious, but he still couldn't solve it. Eventually, he gave up watching and turned to the live interface.

Staring at one person for a long time made Chen Shu's eyes a little sour. He rubbed his eyes, and as soon as he put down his hands, his whole body was fixed on the spot.

'found it! Could it be...'

He then turned the video back to the beginning and looked at it again. The young man in the video followed everyone, with a polite smile on his face that never changed. From the beginning to the end of this smile, there was not a single moment of change, not a single muscle had an involuntary beating.

He was like a puppet being carried out from the shopping mall, even his eyelids never blinked.

In the haunted house.

According to his own selfishness, Shao Wei divided people into two groups. He, Lin Dangdang, Lin Huai and the young couple formed a group, and the others were divided into the second group. On the way to the teaching area, he touched Lin Huai's hand as a gesture of please.

Changming Ghost School occupies a large space, and its interior is almost a shrunken version of the school. After arriving at the teaching area, he said to the young couple: "You and Lin Huai will search the classroom, and Dang Dang and I will search the piano room."

Santa Maria Mercy College is located in a closed room with extremely weak light. The staff distributed three electronic oil lamps for lighting. Shao Wei gave one to the other team and kept two for himself. The man in the couple carried an oil lamp and walked in front with the woman, and Lin Huai followed them step by step.

The air was filled with a stale smell, and there was a faint autumn wind blowing, echoing in the room and making ghost cries. The woman huddled beside the man, grabbed his sleeve and tremblingly said, "Ajie, I'm a little scared..."

The man was also a little scared, but he didn't want to lose his reputation in front of his girlfriend, so he forced himself to laugh at her: "You were the one who made a fuss about coming in to play, but now you're scared here, don't you deserve it?"

"But..." the woman said, "but I'm really scared..." She looked around with the dim light of the oil lamp, and saw shadows like ghosts walking in the night. Faintly, she also heard a few tragic howls, mixed with strange screams.

Two people were in front of each other, refusing to move forward. Lin Huai stared at them, then looked at the time on the watch, and decided to go to the classroom first, and then find another opportunity to run away.

The man stopped where he was, hugging his girlfriend to comfort him, when someone patted his shoulder. He screamed fiercely, but heard a kind voice: "Your time is running out."

The woman also screamed, and the two turned their heads in horror, only to see Lin Huai with an innocent face. Lin Huai pointed to his watch and said, "We'll meet up in 20 minutes, let's get on the road."

The man opened his mouth and did not respond, so Lin Huai said, "Then I will go ahead, and you follow."

After speaking, he walked forward. The couple followed behind, and the group arrived at the classroom after three minutes. The burnt to black outer wall was covered with dark green creepers, and the iron doors of the classrooms were also charred and deformed. Lin Huai pulled the iron door, but couldn't open it for a while.

The man leaned over, took a picture with the oil lamp, and said, "There is a lock on it, you should unlock it to get in, and there should be a key nearby."

At this moment, there was a loud "boom!" in the darkness. The woman screamed again, only to feel something brushed past the top of her head. Before the man could react, Lin Huai had already run towards the direction of the sound. He picked up a notebook from the ground, on which was the duty record.

Sunny day student on June 5th: Xiao Ai

I locked the door and put the key in the creeper. No one can get out, and no one can open it.

After June 5, there was no new duty record. Lin Huai then turned to them and said, "The key is inside the ivy."

The man didn't suspect him, so he walked towards the ivy. The creeper was extremely dense, with black and red blood stains on the dark green leaves, clinging to the wall. He tried to put his hand into the creeper, but felt that it was very deep inside, and when he touched it again, it was the uneven wall.

Just as he was about to ask Lin Huai how to find the key, he saw Lin Huai squatting beside him, putting both hands into the ivy, and began to search for it.

man: ...

Following Lin Huai's actions, he also searched inside. The woman stood next to them with an oil lamp in her left hand to illuminate them, and her right hand was also groping among the ivy. The dark and dense creepers rubbed against her hands, and she was not sure what she could catch. The man gritted his teeth and clawed down cruelly, only to encounter a piece of cold metal.

He was about to shout "I found it" for joy, but there was a scream from the woman's side.

"Ah!" The woman screamed, and fell backwards. The whole ivy and Lin Huai fell with him. Lin Huai rubbed her tailbone which hurt a little from the fall.

"Ah! That creeper! The creeper! Has a hand!" The woman was so frightened that she couldn't speak incoherently, "Has a hand!"

At this moment, the lights in the classroom flickered. I saw countless scorched black shadows lying on the window, looking coldly at the three people outside the window.

"Ah!!" The woman also started screaming in death, she threw down the oil lamp, turned and ran away. The man stumbled up and wanted to run after her, but another cold thing grabbed his arm.

"Let go! Let me go!" the man screamed. Lin Huai looked at his startled appearance, feeling a little helpless: "Don't leave."


Lin Huai was annoyed by his yelling, so she simply pressed the man's mouth and pressed him against the door: "I'll count to three more, three... one."

man: ...

Seeing that the other party stopped screaming, Lin Huai said, "Give me the key."

He took the key, picked up the oil lamp and started to open the door. The man twitched behind his back and said, "I'm going to find Tongtong..."

Lin Huai said without emotion: "You go."

The man said: "But the lamp is with you..."

Lin Huai glanced back at him, and said coldly, "Then hold back."

He opened the door and tilted his head as something fell from overhead. The man continued to scream. After they entered the classroom, Lin Huai lit the window with a portable lamp and called the man, "Come and see."

He pointed to the window glass and said, "These are human figures painted with charcoal. There is nothing to be afraid of."

As he said, he wiped it with his fingers, and sure enough, he got a handful of carbon dust. Seeing his fearless appearance, the man was still sobbing: "Then, what shall we do next?"

Lin Huai sat on the podium with one hand propped up, and threw the lantern to him: "You, look for clues."

The man caught the flying lantern with both hands, and boldly searched the classroom. As soon as he walked to the last row of metal cabinets, he looked at Lin Huai again: "Then, what about you?"

Lin Huai shook his feet, twirled the chalk with his fingers, and said, "Chat with the staff."

After finishing speaking, he looked down at the podium and said, "Stop grabbing my ankle, or I will sue you for harassment."

staff member:…

The woman ran a long distance, and was frightened out of her wits by several horror scenes during the period. Finally, she hid in a corner of the wall, panting heavily.

Without the lantern, her whole world was darkened. After running around for a while, she had lost her direction.

There are ghosts in this haunted house! Really ghosts!

She confirmed that the wall just now was made of the most common material, and there was absolutely no secret passage for people to hide in. There was absolutely no place for a model to be placed, but when she groped for a cold but still moving hand, she was completely stunned.

That hand was extremely cold, not like a human hand, but with the touch of human skin. What's even more frightening is that that hand has no pulse yet! He even hit her!

She was panicking, but there was a faint light in front of her.

The lamp was held in someone's hand, but it came silently, and the footsteps of the visitor could not be heard at all. The woman raised her head, only to see a pale young man holding a lamp, looking down at her.

That person was Lin Huai who was looking for clues with them. Under the flickering light, one side of his face was hidden in the darkness, while the other side had a weird smile on it. He looked at the woman and said to her, "Your time is running out."

His voice was also faint, like a flickering will-o'-the-wisp, wandering in the wind in the void. The woman asked him tremblingly: "What... what time?"

"Survival time."

She looked at Lin Huai, and suddenly remembered that when she and the man were walking on the road, Lin Huai clearly followed them, but did not make any footsteps. She was looking at the current Lin Huai, and saw this man staring at her without blinking, the corners of his lips kept rising, and his smile was weird and cold.

Lin Huai lowered her body, and the woman shrank back. He handed her the lamp: "your things."

The woman took the light while he was watching, and her fingers touched his hand inadvertently. That person's skin was as cold as ice.

That is not the temperature that a living person should have!

"Let's go," Lin Huai said to her, "I'll send you to reunite with your boyfriend."

After saying this, he gentlemanly let the woman walk in front with the lamp, and he followed behind her.

The woman walked in front of Lin Huai, listening carefully to the footsteps behind her. Sometimes she slowed down and sometimes quickened her pace.

Throughout the haunted house, she could only hear her own footsteps!

The "person" behind him didn't make any sound!

"Ah, where's Ajie?" She asked Lin Huai with a trembling voice.

"He went downstairs." Lin Huai said.

under? Where is the following

"Down, down... what's down?"

"Below here, of course."

The more the woman walked, the slower her pace. She didn't know where she was, only heard the howling wind, and the other party's cold answer.

The bottom here... Could it be... Refers to... Hades!

She remembered the rumors she had read on the Internet before. Some people say that the reason why Chen Shu has won so many honors as a designer is because there are really ghosts in his haunted house.

The person behind her... Could it really be a ghost!

The hand holding the lantern began to tremble. Seeing that the lights in front of her were shaking violently, Lin Huai wanted to care about her. Before the words came out, he was afraid that his tone would be blunt, so he laughed twice first: "Hehe, what are you doing with your hands shaking so much?"

Horrifying and treacherous laughter sounded behind him. The woman trembled even more: "You... why are you following me?"

She suddenly remembered that ghosts have no shadows. This "person" walked behind her, perhaps because he didn't dare to let her see him, because he had no shadow!

The person behind said "hehe" twice, and said, "It's convenient to send you on your way."


The woman couldn't take it anymore, she threw the lantern hard behind her, and ran away screaming. Halfway through the run, a black figure rushed towards her, with outstretched arms as if to grab her. She screamed again, kicked the shadow hard, and ran to the other side.

In this room, Lin Huai was in a daze after being hit by a portable lamp. The man over there, clutching his head that was sore from the smash, had already called out the woman's name and chased after her. The woman in extreme panic did not hear the man's voice, but ran forward with a louder scream.

"Tongtong! Tongtong!" The man shouted loudly, "Wait for me!"

"Ah! Don't chase me!! I don't want to die!!"

Lin Huai looked at the backs of the two chasing each other, Monk Zhang Er was puzzled. He originally wanted to ask the man if he found anything new in the basement of the classroom, but now it seems that he can't ask.

He had no choice but to hold the lamp and walk in the direction of Shao Wei. He thought that if the two of them had enough time together, their relationship should develop a lot. Now he's going to become a ghost to scare them, and to help others, so that the relationship between them will be icing on the cake.

As for the couple, let them do their own thing and obey the destiny.

Here, Chen Shu looked at the three people on the surveillance video and stood up again.

Seeing his excited appearance, Zhou Ming asked him, "What's wrong with you?"

Chen Shu's chest heaved violently, and his beautiful phoenix eyes shone with inspiration. Because of his excitement, his words made it even more difficult to recognize the content: "Wo... Wo Hua has a pot of jackals!"

Yes, he found his inspiration! Over the years, he spent a lot of time on mechanism design, and because of this, he even gradually ignored the essence of the haunted house.

The essence of a haunted house is not to increase the difficulty, but to bring tourists a better horror experience!

But today that person... He didn't spend a single soldier, and didn't do any unnecessary things, he was able to scare the two of them so that they ran away, but he didn't feel it.

This... is what he lacks most now!

He looked at Zhou Ming and said, "I need the number of the hotpot man."

After thinking for a while, he said, "I want him to work."

Maybe with that person there, he can also produce works that can defeat that guy surnamed Chu!

The author has something to say:

Today I found out that I have to write more than 3,000 words every day to have a little red flower, so I have more.

I hope the collection will exceed 1000, 1551 on the day of August 7th.

Translate the words of the designer.

Designer: I found a genius, I need the number of that person, I want to cooperate with him.

*Use of the stem that was dropped by ○:

X Sao rao: An inappropriate act of intimacy between two or more people