The NPC Was Once Again Frightened By Me

Chapter 30: Watch me write sharing eyes


Choosing to enter this dungeon as a substitute teacher is both a coincidence and a necessity.

Although the original intention of the game is to allow Lin Huai to enter the school as a student, Lin Huai is quite respectful and insensitive to studying every day. In the beginning, he knocked out a patrolling school policeman, tried to take off his uniform, and buried him... no, he buried him outside the school, while he himself lived on the campus as the other party.

It's just that he didn't expect that he was very lucky and ran into a substitute teacher who falsified his academic qualifications.

In the previous cliché, he discovered that the so-called substitute teacher only had a technical secondary school degree, but was swindling with a fake 985 normal school graduation certificate, and was even recruited by this so-called "sweatshop". Served as a substitute teacher for one month.

Entering the school as a substitute teacher not only has more room for activities, more time for activities, but also has more opportunities to contact high-level officials inside and outside the school. To pretend to be a top student or a scumbag with an identity of a few hundred years old within a ten-year-old...


What puzzled him was that he, who was supposed to be a ghost from beginning to end, had no knowledge of high school...

It was very impressive.

After taking the original owner's body, the first thing he did was to study the other's major, so as not to be expelled due to poor grades. However, even he felt a little confused when he opened the book, sat at the desk, and read it line by line—

All the knowledge, like eating a bun, entered his mind easily.

Rather than saying that he learned it quickly, it is better to say that this knowledge seems to have been engraved in his mind long ago, which made him able to learn it again so smoothly. In order to verify this inexplicable conjecture, he found many books and test papers for reading and testing, and found that all the knowledge he could easily acquire was limited to the nine-year compulsory education + three years of high school + two years of undergraduate majors within.

Perhaps this is also one of the precious legacy left to him by the original owner's brain. Although the soul of the original owner has disappeared, the knowledge he has acquired is still deeply engraved in every groove of the brain. Just like a piece of stored data, as long as it is read again, it can be easily extracted by him.

Just like now, he is sitting on the podium, flipping through the test papers of all the students' last exams, which are full of mistakes and omissions, and once again feels the knowledge stored in his brain flowing into his soul like a river.

That input is so fitting, so smooth.

Just like this body...was originally prepared for him.

Several students peeked at the reaction of the young man on the stage, and saw that after turning over another paper, he tapped his temple with chalk, showing a somewhat impatient expression.

The rare silence in the classroom made this group of students whose average sleep time was less than six hours a little sleepy. Soon, Lin Huai said: "This word, a fat heart and a fat body, isn't it reading 'pan'?"

He pointed to a question on the test paper: "Why is it changed to 'fat'?"

Several students looked at each other, and one of them said in a low voice, "The teacher said that he pronounced 'fat', and he punished each of us who read it wrong to copy it a hundred times."

"The pronunciation of "heart wide body fat and middle fat" was changed from "pan" to "fat" in 2016. However, the "fat" with heart wide body fat means "anshu", and it is still "pan". There is also this question , the answer given is also wrong..." Lin Huai said, noticing that the eyelids of the students in the front row were drooping, "Are you sleepy?"

There was a strong sense of threat in his voice, and several students couldn't help shaking their heads frantically.

Lin Huai stared at them for a while, then suddenly smiled: "Sleep when you're sleepy."

He looked at his watch: "From now on, everyone get down and sleep for an hour."


Faced with their doubts, Lin Huai covered his face with the paper, only showing two eyes: "Otherwise? Should I give lectures to ghosts? Instead of listening to lectures inefficiently, it is better to sleep, oh yes... during this period, I will help you well and correct the test papers..."

"But we..."

"No, but." Lin Huai said coldly, "Let me see anyone secretly playing with their mobile phone, and I will blow their heads off."


One by one the students got down on the ground. Perhaps because of the long and tiring study life, most of them also fell into a deep sleep very quickly.

For a while, the classroom was extremely silent, with only slight snoring. Amidst all the snoring, Xu Chi opened one eye.

His eyes turned to the direction of the podium, where the pale young man was staring at the paper, biting his fingers unconsciously.

He seemed to be very distressed about how to revise this pile of test papers, and he seemed to be extremely unaccustomed to his identity. After he bit his thumb several times, he finally, as if suddenly enlightened, his eyes lit up.

Xu Chi was taken aback for a moment.

The next moment, he saw the young man carrying the standard answers and the lesson plans out of the classroom. Soon, there was the sound of paper being torn outside the door.

Xu Chi: ...

But after a while, the top of his head was hit hard. He covered his head and looked up, only to see the young man looking at him friendly.

"Problem solved," the young man whispered cheerfully.

Xu Chi: ...

"The resulting rubbish is also thrown into the recycling bin by me."

Xu Chi: ...

"You..." He didn't know why he wanted to say this, "What are you going to do next? Write your own lesson plans?"

Vaguely, he always felt that there were people who did this kind of thing.


How could there be such a person here

His head started to hurt again, and the young man he questioned squatted down and looked at him strangely.

"How? What are you thinking?" He blinked, "Of course it's going online..."

"Then copy the teaching plans of other famous teachers. In addition, you can also copy their teaching methods and lecture methods through videos..."

Xu Chi: ...

"Is it really okay to say it so openly?" He whispered.

Lin Huai stared at him for a while, then smiled.

Then, he lifted his hair and approached Xu Chi among a group of sleeping students.

Xu Chi was frightened by his sudden approach and leaned back. In his vision, Lin Huai's eyes suddenly turned blood red.

An unspeakable deterrent surged into his heart, and what overflowed at the same time came from the depths of his heart...

Intense, stressful, about to break ground...

"Do you know what this is?" the man whispered.

"… what?"

Amidst Xu Chi's difficult reply, Lin Huai said in a low voice, "This is Sharingan that can replicate all teaching methods."

Xu Chi: ...

The blood-red eyes turned back to deep black, and the pressure and stress were fleeting. Lin Huai let down her hair and said seriously, "I'm copy teacher Kaka○..."

Xu Chi: ... your sister.

Just as Lin Huai was sitting in the classroom of Class F, searching the Internet, three of his teammates were suffering inhuman torture in the classroom.

In just one morning, they were forced to complete two exam papers, correct the answers by themselves, and listen to the teacher's listless explanations full of mistakes and omissions. The entire Class B classroom was lifeless, the students were just staring at the books, there was almost no living breath.

"Staying in such a classroom is really creepy..." Li Fan thought, and when he was writing with his right hand, he didn't forget to touch the goosebumps blown out of his left hand.

Before entering the game, the world they lived in was midsummer, so everyone wore cool clothes. Now it was teleported to Yangshui City, only to find out that it was autumn here. Even though it was autumn, the classrooms of Minghua Middle School were still full of air-conditioning, and the three air conditioners were operating at maximum power. Sitting under the air conditioners, Li Fen felt that his entire arm was turning purple from the cold.

Beside him, several students in class b were also studying blankly. Their movements are mechanical, their expressions are indifferent, and their strokes are surprisingly uniform.

"It's like staying in the same classroom with a group of puppets..." He muttered inwardly, glancing at his teammates secretly.

On the way to Minghua Middle School, they exchanged information about each other. Li Fen was one of the teenagers, and the other two were a young man with a good face and a girl in a high school uniform. The young man's name was Xia Xingye, and the girl's name was Qiu Ran.

After the third class ended, the fourth transfer student entered the classroom. As soon as the fourth transfer student came in, Li Fen was shocked.

'Well, who is this guy who looks to be in his thirties or nearly forties! ' he yelled in his mind, 'it doesn't look like the guy before... no, not even a high school student, the wrinkles on his face and the stubble on his chin... the one who would take him for a high school student is There is a problem with IQ! '

Screaming like this in his heart, he looked at his other two teammates, and the other two showed the same surprised expressions as him.

'So, is it difficult, is this the make-up technique of the previous person? To make himself look like an uncle, so that the teacher will give up saving and guarding against his studies... No, it's not right at all! It can't be because of such a reason that she cross-dressed! Li Fen thought, "No matter how you look at this person, he is a genuine uncle!" '

The fake uncle was arranged to sit in the second-to-last row by the window. Li Fan saw him sitting in the seat that belonged to the protagonist, and continued to rub his chin and fell into thought.

'If he was just trying to disrupt the other party's thinking, obviously he has achieved his goal. ’ Li Fan thought, ‘Then I…’

"Student Li."

An air-conditioned voice sounded from above his head, and Li Fen raised his head, only to see the bespectacled monitor of Class B of the third year looking at him expressionlessly with his head down.

"Is there a problem?"

"Exam, are you done?"

"Oh, it's done." Li Fen handed the test paper to the class monitor, who tilted his head and picked up the paper with pale hands.

There seemed to be some tiny spots on her wrist hidden in the school uniform, which flashed past Li Fen. The squad leader picked up the paper and said, "It's good when it's done."

After saying this, she went to the next seat to collect new papers.

... The people in class B are really weird...

The bell rang for the end of get out of class at twelve o'clock, and students from all classes filed out. The student who looked like an uncle also left with the students. Li Fen deliberately dawdled, stayed behind, and joined the other two.

"Did you find out anything this morning?" Li Fan asked them.

Both of them shook their heads.

Li Fen was a little disappointed, but there was nothing he could do about it. Throughout the morning, the test papers were one after another, and it is normal that there is no time to inquire about the news.

The three of them went downstairs together and came to the cafeteria. The canteen is divided into two floors, the first floor is the student canteen, and the second floor is the teacher canteen. Now it's meal time, and the canteen chef in the student canteen is holding a few aluminum vats, one of which is soup, and the other side is a few stainless steel basins, which contain bad-looking dishes. The meat in the dishes is extremely limited, but there is a lot of protein. Li Fen saw with his own eyes that one of the pots of scrambled eggs with tomatoes had a burnt black color and carried a lot of hair-based protein.

He looked at the dishes and couldn't help showing an expression of wanting to vomit. The faces of the two people next to him were not much better. There is indeed a canteen under the school cafeteria, which also sells products such as bread and drinks, but the prices are many times higher than those outside.

They didn't bring a lot of cash when they entered the game, and it was impossible to talk about it comfortably for a whole month. But obviously, the three of them are more inclined to buy peace with money than to eat this kind of unknown canteen food similar to biochemical weapons for a month, at least when money is abundant now.

Thinking this way, the three of them discussed and went to the exit. But at this moment, he heard a voice behind him: "Mr. Lin, the cafeteria is right here."

Another voice said: "So there are two floors in the cafeteria? Your food is really good... Although it is not as good as the university..."

The three of them turned their heads stiffly, and saw the handsome young man wearing a suit jacket, talking and laughing happily with the teacher beside him. The teacher next to him was the head teacher of Class A, and he was laughing out loud at the joke told by the former.

Three people: ...

They watched helplessly as the young man followed the head teacher of Class A up the stairs to the luxuriously decorated canteen on the second floor. Just before the entrance, the young man turned his head, glanced at them, then turned his head and disappeared through the glass door.

Three people: ...

"I seem to have seen...our teammates just now." Li Fenxu said with eyes wide open.

"Why can he go up to the second floor?" Qiu Ran said.

"Why do those people call him teacher?" Li Fen said.

"Why does he look so high?" Xia Xingye said.

The three looked at each other.