The NPC Was Once Again Frightened By Me

Chapter 31: In order to prevent the door from closing behind


It has been less than three hours since the four of them entered the game. They are still in the review stage of the third year of high school, but Lin Huai's side seems to have passed a whole century. It seems that when they were still immersed in the sea of questions, Lin Huai had quickly graduated, obtained a certificate, and became a teacher in this school.

'Why is this happening! Li Fen scratched his head, "Obviously we entered this high school together, why can he go to the cafeteria on the second floor, but we have to fight wits and courage with the uncle in the cafeteria on the first floor!"

"The cafeteria is not the point!" Qiu Ran said, "The point is why he can become a teacher!"

The two of them thought for a long time, but they didn't get an answer. Xia Xingye on the other side had already served a dish that didn't look so scary, and mixed in with the students eating.

"Rather than spending time on useless entanglements, it's better to use the meal time to find out more information." Seeing Xia Xingye's actions, Qiu Ran also took out her campus card and joined the team of students eating.

Li Fen looked at his two teammates, facing the dish, and swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

'There is a limit to what humans can do. I have learned one thing from my short life, the more protein you eat, the more you will realize that human beings have limits...unless they surpass humans...' He looked at the plate of charred potato chips and quietly persuaded him in his heart Own.

A whole day is fleeting. It was not until the evening self-study that the three had time to exchange the information they had obtained.

"Through inquiring, I got the seven wonders of this school." Xia Xingye said.

"The first one is a toilet cubicle with strange holes. The toilet is located in the fourth teaching building, which is the fourth floor of the laboratory building. When someone turned his head to use the toilet there, he found two holes facing his eyes. "

"Then..." Li Fen asked, "Has he seen it?"

Xia Xingye shook his head.

His hair is very soft, and his long bangs hang over his eyes. When he lowers his head to read the paper, his eyes are gentle and focused.

"The second one is the piano room where the piano sounds at midnight. The third one is the library shelf with a pair of eyes on the opposite side when you pull out the book. The fourth one is the cafeteria kitchen where the sound of chopping meat is made late at night. Fifth, the sighing sound of the small pond. Sixth, the thirteen steps leading to the rooftop. Seventh, the playground flagpole that will be strung with people in the middle of the night." Xia Xingye said while pointing his fingers, and the diamond studs on his earlobes sparkled Looking at the light like a lake, "... However, what I found out is the eighth."

He lowered his head, and the bangs on his forehead began to shake slightly due to the night wind, revealing his smooth forehead. Li Fen swallowed, and asked him: "What is the eighth rule?"

Xia Xingye looked at the floor above his head, his eyes flickered, and he said softly, "A class that doesn't exist."

"Game requirements: enter Minghua Middle School, investigate seven incredible incidents, and prevent the situation from deteriorating before the evil spirits start massacring..." During the evening self-study, after perfectly copying the genuine water master in the video for a day, Lin Huai went from three years of f Ban came out, leaned on the railing, looked at the sky, "It's really a puzzling need..."

According to the game, there are seven incredible events in this school. Players need to solve them all within a month. At the same time, they also need to find one or more evil spirits hidden in them, before they launch a massacre. Save the people from fire and water... Ordinary players would only analyze the game from the perspective of events, but for Lin Huai, things were different.

He was originally a human being formed by a ghost who took away a human body, and was drawn into this game because of the fate of the original owner. For him, fighting against the seven ghosts is not a challenge, but the investigation mission is the real challenge. As a ghost rather than a human player, he prefers to analyze this event from the perspective of the game, from the perspective of a hunter.

In his opinion, the difficulty of this game is divided into several points. The first point is to learn life. If the player enters the school as a student, in order to act as a student, it must occupy most of the time from day to night. The dean made it clear that if the time code is violated, it will be dealt with as "school rules". And the school rules must not be a very good thing.

And Minghua Middle School has a lot of study pressure. Even for players, the number of tasks that must be completed every day is extremely heavy. Under such pressure, I have to take time to explore the secrets of the school. At the same time, if you can't complete the learning tasks, according to the teaching director, you will be "disposed by the school rules".

At this point, Lin Huai has preemptively solved his identity problem. At least in this regard, he has jumped out of the trap of the game.

The second point is the relationship between the evil spirits and the seven incredible events.

The task given by the game is to explore seven incredible events and prevent the situation from deteriorating before the evil spirits launch a massacre. However, the task did not mention whether there is an inevitable connection between the seven incredible events and the massacre of the evil spirits.

In the afternoon, Lin Huai had already inquired with the people in her class, and came up with the specific content of the seven incredible campuses. But this does not explain the relationship between the evil spirits who are about to initiate a massacre and the seven incredible events. Do the seven incredible events correspond to the same ghost, or do each event correspond to a ghost

And why was the massacre of evil spirits released? What is the corresponding relationship between the deaths of the two people in the pool and the roof, and the evil spirits

The third point is the time limit.

The time limit given by the game is one month, but in Lin Huai's view, the actual time limit of the game is not that simple.

Compared with ordinary humans, he is more sensitive to the outside world and has a stronger ability to endure. In autumn, the weather in Yangshui City is already very cool, but the school is full of air-conditioning everywhere. In some classrooms, the temperature has reached as low as 18 degrees, which is not environmentally friendly.

Even for Lin Huai, this temperature was a bit low.

It's not so much for the coolness of the human body... It's more like it's freezing something, or it's delaying something from happening.


"It's precisely because of this that games are interesting." Lin Huai leaned against the railing and licked his lips, "In the boring time of life, it is really hard to resist such interesting things as games. Feeling 'the impermanence of fate'".

Since you want to pursue excitement, then follow through to the end. Lin Huai never thought of using violence to solve all the problems of the game. Since he joined the game, he naturally wanted to continue playing the game within the limits allowed by the rules as a player.

He pushed the railing and turned around, continuing to think about the game in his heart, but when his eyes scanned the depths of the corridor, he found the stair door leading to the roof that was supposed to be closed.


The layout of the third teaching building from east to west is as follows: stairs up and down the stairs, toilets, class E, class F, empty classroom 1, empty classroom 2, and stairs leading to the roof. Now it is the time for evening self-study in Class F. After Lin Huai finished writing the teaching plan for the next day, in order not to disturb the students' study, she ran to the front of the classroom alone and leaned on the railing to watch.

After the report, Lin Huai once saw in the teacher's appointment letter of the original NPC that the predecessor of Minghua Middle School was a public school that had been relocated. Minghua Middle School adheres to the principle of "inheriting the glorious tradition of the revolutionary predecessors", inheriting the facilities along with the years, and keeping almost all the teaching facilities in their original appearance. The staircase in front of me is also a collection of dilapidated buildings.

Out of consideration for the safety of the students, the school installed an iron fence in front of the stairs on the fourth floor, and there is a small iron gate that only allows one person to pass through. A big brass lock hung on the iron door. A month ago, with the inexplicable death of the student in Class C of the third year, the lock was strengthened even more.

But now... the door of the building that was supposed to be locked was opened.

Generally speaking, in horror movies, when the door opens, it means that something happened...

Human fear is the best bait for ghosts. The more fearful the prey is, the lighter the innate yang energy that resists ghosts, and the more delicious the smell it emits.

This is also the reason why many ghosts often consciously or unconsciously create scary scenes before hunting.

From a certain point of view, compared to other ghosts, high-level ghosts are also quite delicious meals that can promote evolution after eating. However, in most cases, the strong evil spirit of high-level ghosts is like wasabi in sashimi, enough to deter most low-level ghosts with malicious intentions. At the level of Lin Huai, he treats most of the ghosts pure, without any additives, and pungent...


"Do you want to eat me? But I should look very bad..." Lin Huai looked at the opened door, a little confused.

In order to pretend to be a human, he deliberately suppressed his aura as a ghost. Without the freshness and sweetness of a living soul, and without the spiciness of a ghost, at this moment, to ordinary ghosts, he should be just a bland boiled cabbage.

And in this dungeon, there should be no higher level ghosts than him that can treat him as a snack after dinner.

Perhaps, there are special ghosts with a level lower than or equal to his that can see through his disguise, peel his heart layer by layer like peeling an onion, and find...

He's a lump of mustard.

Lin Huai decided to meet this strange-tasting ghost. He turned on the flashlight of his mobile phone, illuminated the path in front of him, and walked carefully towards the depth of the corridor.

In the eyes of others, he may be cautiously exploring, but to Lin Huai, his caution is only because...

He didn't want to scare away this strange-tasting ghost.

Although the biggest possibility should be that this ghost mistook him for a human being, and was so hungry that he would not let go of boiled cabbage. However, Lin Huai is used to thinking about the good of people. He believes that this ghost must have taken a fancy to his unique soul... no, ghost.

There are no lights in the corridor, so after a few steps, the entire staircase is hidden in darkness. When passing by the classrooms, he glanced at one of the classrooms, a group of students in white school uniforms were studying by themselves.

It's very quiet, as expected of being a member of the Communist Youth League—Lin Huai thought, and was sincerely happy about it.

Thinking of this, his fingers touched the iron gate leading to the rooftop.

The iron gate has been in disrepair all year round and seems to have rusted. Within reach, is scarlet. Lin Huai rubbed off the rust on his hands, raised the flashlight to shine into the darkness above the stairs.

"Boom, boom, boom."

There was the sound of someone moving overhead, was it a human or a mouse

Before entering the rooftop, he took two steps forward, using the light source of his mobile phone to observe the screws that fixed the iron door. After getting the result, he took out the stainless steel spoon and fork that he picked up casually when he was eating in the cafeteria on the second floor at noon, and forcefully and softly removed the iron door.

According to the usual routine of ghost films, when the protagonist goes upstairs with a flashlight to find out, the only way out—that is, the door leading to the rooftop must be locked. So as long as the iron gate is removed, there will be no such thing as the iron gate being locked when running back.

he thought so.

He lifted the dismantled iron gate, and originally wanted to put it on the corridor, but after thinking about it, he felt that if a student came out to go to the toilet during evening self-study, seeing the iron gate thrown in the middle of the road would be punished. Big fright.

Since Lin Huai is now a teacher in this middle school, he should not do things that will affect students' learning. That being the case, he had no choice but to work hard on himself and hide it in the classroom next to him.

He lifted the iron door with all his strength, pushed open the door of empty classroom 2, and stuffed the iron door into the empty classroom. He inspected the empty classroom and found a worn baseball bat in the trash behind the door.

While there is no physical sword or tennis racquet that could wipe out the dinosaurs, finding a baseball bat is better than nothing. After coming out of Empty Classroom 2, he turned on the flashlight of his phone again, and walked step by step along the dusty stairs to the top of the roof.

In the evening, Minghua Middle School began to drizzle lightly. Amidst the sound of rain, there were short but continuous crying sounds.

The cry was faint, mixed with the sound of rain, as if it came from far away, and it seemed to be everywhere. Lin Huai shined a flashlight on the side of the roof, only seeing the darkness of the night, but no one.

He was about to go downstairs without finding anything, but when he walked towards the stairs, he found that there was a person standing at the exit that was originally empty. The man was wearing a bloody blue and white school uniform, with his head down, standing at the entrance of the dark cave.

"Oh." Lin Huai put the phone back into his suit pocket and squinted his eyes.

The "person" moved his lips, but he couldn't make a sound clearer than a sharp cry. He opened his bloody mouth and screamed silently towards the sky.

'leave here! ’ it said, ‘Get out of here! '