The NPC Was Once Again Frightened By Me

Chapter 32: A little game where you catch up with me


Following its ambiguous words, the entire rooftop began to echo with tragic cries, and pitch-black blood and raindrops fell from its body. Before it finished speaking, it saw the young man on the rooftop pull out a baseball bat from behind, and rushed towards it with the stick.

"Don't be afraid!" said the young man, "I just want to talk to you, I don't want to hurt you..."

School uniform "person": ... You look at the stick in your hand and say it again.

Lin Huai never thought that the stick in his hand would scare ghosts, after all, he looked so sincere and weak, plain and tasteless.

It made a decisive decision and fled downstairs. Lin Huai followed his figure, feeling sad that his sincerity that wanted to communicate with others was trampled by others, and chased him all the way, and his speed was not inferior to him for a while.

On the third floor here, Qiu Ran slipped out of class b's classroom while going to the bathroom, and was observing other classrooms.

The entire No. 3 teaching building was immersed in a learning atmosphere. All the classrooms looked at the past, and there were expressionless students studying in blue and white school uniforms.

After thinking for a while, she went up to the fourth floor.

The fourth floor is the classrooms of Class E and Class F. She had already explored here once during the day. When she came up this time, she found some changes in the depths of the corridor on the fourth floor.

The door is gone!

The door that used to lock the way to the rooftop is gone!

She tried to open her eyes wide, only to see that the original iron fence was empty, and the dark corridor was extremely deep, shining with scarlet light. Qiu Ran swallowed a mouthful of saliva and moved forward, trying to see the picture clearly.

She passed class e and arrived at the door of class f, only to find that the classroom next to class f... had lights on.

Why is there a light on in here

Cold sweat crawled up her neck. Qiu Ran carefully observed her surroundings, moved her feet two steps, and looked towards the empty classroom 1 next to Class F.

I saw that the empty classroom No. 1 without a class card was actually full of people!

She took a step back, but stepped on a packing box. Suddenly there was a "squeak" in the quiet corridor.


She was startled, and when she looked up again, all the lights in the empty classroom 1 had gone out.

I have to go downstairs, I have to go back... Thinking of this, she made a quick decision, turned around and was about to go downstairs. Behind the ear, there was the sound of hurried footsteps.

She didn't dare to look back, so she could only stumble forward. The footsteps followed behind her, with a cold and powerful breath, running closer and closer.

It's over... it's over...!

The four big characters were magnified infinitely in her mind, and she cursed herself in her heart: "If I knew it earlier, I shouldn't have come up and acted alone, that door on the roof... there must be something big going on..."

She didn't dare to think more, so she just ran all the way. Seeing the staircase leading to the third floor was in front of her eyes, Qiu Ran was overjoyed. The next moment, her feet slipped and she fell to the ground!

not good!

He tried in vain to get up, but the sound of footsteps and bloody breath behind him got closer and closer. Qiu Ran propped her hands on the ground, and when the strong smell of blood and ghost came, she was ready to die.

But at the next moment, the white figure in school uniform brushed past her!

Qiu Ran was dumbfounded, she hadn't had time to rejoice, the next moment, a figure in a suit brandished a baseball bat, stepped over her, chased after the school uniform ghost, and galloped away from her.

Qiuran: ...

Lin Huai chased Bai Ying all the way to the third floor of the third teaching building. He walked over step by step, forcing Shirai Shadow into a corner.

"Are you still running?" He wrapped his arms around Shira Ying, squinting his eyes and asked, "If you don't run away, let's make it clear first. Why did you let me leave here? Huh? And..."

He brought the domineering president Alpha to press the fierce aura of Omega who ran with the ball, and pressed Shiro who was pressed in the corner by him. The white figure was half a head shorter than Lin Huai, curled up in his arms, feeling shivering.

"what… "

"Also, do you really want to eat me?" he asked.

"You, you are not..."

Bai Ying opened his mouth hoarsely, Lin Huai was about to listen, but he heard Bai Ying screamed as if he saw something: "Ah—"

His cry was so fierce that Lin Huai was startled. As soon as he let go of his hands, the white shadow quickly passed through the gap under his hands and got out.

Lin Huai picked up the baseball bat again and followed him. Just before he was about to run away, a figure flickered past his eyes.

It was also a white figure with bloodstains on the hem of his clothes. He tilted his head and looked at this side with a cold expression.

his face...

Lin Huai was taken aback.

It seemed that Bai Ying ran away in a hurry after seeing this figure.

To be honest, this scene is indeed a bit like catching rape. But according to the many film and television works that Lin Huai has watched, everything should come first, first come first, whether it is feelings or supernatural events. Although the two white figures almost formed a white photo album, Lin Huai still chose the one that came first.

Bai Ying flashed in the corridor on the third floor and retreated into one of the classrooms.

Lin Huai followed him to the door of the classroom, looked up, and saw that it was written on the class board, which was "Class C of the Third Year".

The classroom door was opened in front of Lin Huai, and a teacher-like person came out of the classroom: "Um, may I ask you...?"

The person who came out was about 30 years old, with a fit body, wheat-colored skin, and a cropped hair. He looked at Lin Huai and was slightly puzzled: "Mr. Lin, this is in your hand..."

Lin Huai quickly put the baseball bat behind him: "Exercise your body."

He smiled innocently. Looking at the handsome young man in front of him, Yu Xingjian frowned. Half a minute later, he glanced at the students in the class who were studying by themselves, and said, "The students are still studying inside, let's go to the corridor and don't disturb them."

Lin Huai looked over his shoulder to the classroom behind him, and saw that the classroom of Class C was in order, and the students were all studying.

There was no white figure in it.

... Sure enough, he still ran away? He couldn't help but feel a little stuffed.

So he said "hmm" and said, "Okay, let's talk in the corridor."

The corridor of Class C is different from other classes. Near the wall, there are six potted plants. Yu Xingjian noticed that Lin Huai was looking at these potted flowers curiously, and said, "I bought these potted plants, so that the students can relax in their spare time and take care of these potted flowers..."

"Speaking of which, my roommate also likes to grow flowers, especially orchids. He often popularizes flower-related knowledge with me..." Lin Huai knelt down to play with a few potted flowers.

When his fingers touched one of the pots of bluegrass, he gave a slight "Huh?"

"How much do these potted flowers cost?"

"Fifty-one pots."

Lin Huai nodded. He let go of the leaves of the potted orchid, and said as if he was talking about family matters: "I heard that Mr. Yu originally bought seven pots of flowers? Each pot of flowers represents a day of the week?"

Yu Xingjian's smile froze, and he said, "A pot of flowers was broken by a student."

Lin Huai gave a "hmm" and didn't ask any more questions. Yu Xingjian secretly breathed a sigh of relief, but Lin Huai said, "I'm sorry, I just chased a student down and disturbed Teacher Yu. Teacher Yu won't mind, right?"

As he spoke, he raised his eyes to look at the other party. Seeing him like this, Yu Xingjian had no choice but to say: "Of course it's okay, everyone is a teacher, I understand. So just now...?"

"Oh, I saw a student on the roof. He didn't study hard in the evening self-study, but ran to the roof to play. This is really..." Lin Huai said while watching Yu Xingjian's reaction. When Yu Xingjian heard the word "rooftop", his body froze. He continued: "I asked him which class he was in, and he said he was in class C."

"This, this is impossible." Yu Xingjian reacted fiercely, "The entire class C students are studying by themselves at night, and no one goes to the rooftop."

"Really?" Lin Huai said nonchalantly while observing his expression, "The student ran downstairs after I asked his name just now, and he ran to your classroom."

"this… "

Yu Xingjian couldn't help looking into the classroom with his eyes. Lin Huai raised the corners of her lips, and asked again: "Teacher Yu should know his name too, right? Teacher Yu knows the names of the students in Class C, right?"

There was a drop of cold sweat on Yu Xingjian's forehead, so Lin Huai stared into his eyes and said word by word: "Yan Xi."

"This name..." He said without drafting the name of the student who jumped from the building he had inquired from among the students, while observing the other party's reaction, "Teacher Yu should be very familiar with it."

Yan interest.

Yan Xi of Class C of the third year.

Thirty days ago, this notorious class C student climbed upstairs and jumped off the railing before the evening self-study ended. The way he fell went through the empty classroom 1 on the fourth floor, the third-year class C on the third floor, the computer room on the second floor, the ping-pong table on the first floor, and the bright red floor tiles in the garden.

Yu Xingjian's pupils shrank slightly. After weighing the cost of concealment and honesty, he said "hehe" twice, and said to the young man in front of him, "Ahaha, Mr. Lin, don't make such a joke."

"Ah?" Lin Huai tilted his head, showing a somewhat confused expression, "But I clearly saw him coming this way just now... Seeing that he didn't study hard at night, I wanted to give him some education..."

Yu Xingjian looked at the baseball bat in the opponent's hand: ...

"Education of love." Lin Huai added.

"There is indeed a student named Yan Xi in Class C of the third year, but he was as early as thirty days ago... Well, speaking of this incident, it is very sad..."

"What happened to him thirty days ago?"

Lin Huai asked knowingly. A little cold sweat broke out on Yu Xingjian's forehead, and he said, "He committed suicide thirty days ago."

"Suicide? Why?"

"this… "

’ Then his answers can be divided into two types: the first one, I don’t know, so I can ask him, ‘How can you, as a teacher, not be clear about the reason for the student’s suicide? What's more, you are an excellent head teacher who is well-known in the whole school for caring about his classmates'...' Lin Huai thought, 'If he answers the specific reason, it will be easier to handle, and you can ask directly. However, according to the urine nature of the game, this person has an 80% chance of choosing the previous answer...'

"This... I'm not very clear." Yu Xingjian said, "He didn't get along well with everyone when he was alive. Communicating with classmates, but ran to the library alone. Speaking of which, he actually got along well with the not-so-popular administrator in the library... Maybe it’s because birds of a feather flock together”

"Oh..." Lin Huai thought for a while, "In other words, it's a problem of interpersonal communication?"

"Uh..." Cold sweat dripped from Yu Xingjian's forehead. No one knew the cause of Yan Xi's death better than him. But this does not mean that he will tell the whole thing to an outsider, "In a sense, it is... But other than that, there are also reasons such as the decline in grades. And his parents..."

From Yu Xingjian's mouth, Lin Huai learned that Yan Xi's parents didn't care about the child either.

Yan Xi's parents have been arguing for more than ten years, and they did not divorce in the name of their children. While torturing each other, they also tortured their only child. In the first week after Yan Xi's death, they achieved the first unity in their twenty-year marriage—unanimity to the outside world, which is unprecedented.

They placed the child's body in front of the school for seven days, crying and screaming. After receiving a large amount of compensation, the two left satisfied, and split again for the distribution of compensation after divorce.

"... Then, are they divorced?"

"No, after all, both of them are not satisfied with the compensation distribution method proposed by the other party." Yu Xingjian said.

— Presumably, only after the death of one of the couple, the other will get his/her own, long-term victory. Until then, they will still hate each other, loathe each other, and spend a long life together.

Lin Huai didn't care about this couple. He just felt that Yan Xi was a little pitiful.

"Then who is Shen You after?" Lin Huai asked, "Is she also a very withdrawn child?"

"No, no, unlike Yan Xi, she is a very good and lively child." When talking about Shen You, Yu Xingjian's face was a bit more regretful, "She likes to communicate with others very much, and she is lively. Cheerful... Alas, it would have been nice if she hadn't gone to the lake that day, otherwise, she wouldn't have fallen... "

"Yeah..." Lin Huai nodded, "Shen You and Yan Xi, what was the relationship between the two before they were alive?"

This question was like a flame, which quickly ignited Yu Xingjian's vigilance. If the previous question was just gossip and curiosity, refusing to answer would make you feel guilty, but this question is different.

"Why are you asking this?"

"Nothing." Lin Huai said, "I just heard..."

As he said that, he slowly turned his body towards Yu Xingjian, sticking to his ear: "Shen You was killed by Yan Xi."


Yu Xingjian took a step back, cold sweat dripping down his forehead. Lin Huai went on to say: "Yan Xi has turned into a ghost, and he wants to take revenge on those who bullied him... Is that so?"


"I heard his voice." Lin Huai said faintly, "He's wandering on the roof... He's coming to find you, he's coming to seek your revenge! Did you hear that!"

He let out the cold aura on his body, and fully mobilized the instinctive panic towards ghosts deep in Yu Xingjian's soul. Surprised and angry, he pushed Lin Huai hard, "Are you kidding me!"

To his surprise, Lin Huai did not resist at all. He slammed into the wall under his strong push, and then he squatted down in pain, clutching his stomach.

"You..." Yu Xingjian was dumbfounded, he ran over and tried to help Lin Huai up, "You're fine..."

The next moment, he saw that pale face transformed into a familiar face——


"Teacher Yu..." He heard the other party's faint voice, "Why did you treat me like this?"

"...Why, push me downstairs?"

What appeared on Lin Huai's face was clearly Yan Xi's face!

That tearful, cowardly, pale, questioning...


"Ah!!" Yu Xingjian screamed and let go of Lin Huai, "It wasn't me, it wasn't me, it wasn't me who pushed it! It was you who wanted to jump off!"

His cry attracted the students of Class C, who raised their heads from their seats, as if they were looking out for everything outside the window. However, the students in classes a, b, and d didn't have the slightest intention of moving.

They are still studying mechanically, like a pile of dead bodies.

Before Yu Xingjian could escape, Lin Huai had grabbed his shoulder. The person who grabbed his shoulder looked at him for a long while and smiled secretly.

"... just kidding." Lin Huai said, "I didn't expect you to have such a big reaction."

"you… !!"

Yu Xingjian was furious. Opposite him, Lin Huai was still giggling strangely. Under the gaze of many students, he could only give Lin Huai a hard look, and walked away.

After he returned to the classroom, Lin Huai finally couldn't help laughing. Through Yu Xingjian's reaction, he was finally able to confirm more information.

When he was bumped by Yu Xingjian, he suddenly thought of doing an experiment. Therefore, when he raised his head, what he created for the opponent who had lost his mind was Shirokage's face and expression.

In his prime, he could easily inflict illusions on people, even in reality. Now that he has seized the house, all he can do is to create illusions and make a small contribution to the flames when the other party has a guilty conscience and panic.

But here, this little trick is enough.

The result was not what he expected.

That white shadow was Yan Xi who died in vain, and Yu Xingjian and Yan Xi's deaths were indeed related. But Yan Xi was not pushed down by him himself.

He can almost conclude that Yan Xi must have died because of school violence. And Shen You is also one of the revenge for his death, but...

But, why are there two faces

When he was chasing Shiro Shadow down the stairs, Shiro Shadow stood at the top of the stairs and looked at the two of them with resentment...

Obviously also has a beautiful face!

The author has something to say:

*Interpretation of the stalk: (Deleted the stalk due to the revision, but still left the happy stalk explanation)

Arkham: Famous foreign talent market, Silicon Valley in a mental hospital