The NPC Was Once Again Frightened By Me

Chapter 33: An ordinary day at Minghua Middle School


Compared with the Yan Xi he was chasing and telling him to leave, this Yan Xi obviously had more blood spots on her body.

Blackened blood clotted on his cuffs and trouser legs, accumulated in flakes, and dripped down the hem of his clothes. The black energy around him is shocking obsession and hatred.

And that Shiro Shadow who was being chased by him...

It's just too weak.

He frowned as he thought of the limb that had hardly any blood on it.

After the dead soul crosses the four barriers of thought, persistence, resentment, and fierceness, it will enter the realm where "ghosts" are. The strength of a ghost's ability is determined by the color and size of the blood on its body. The more powerful the ghost, the more bloodstains on its body, and the deeper the redness of the bloodstains.

These bloodstains are the concrete manifestation of the ghost's obsession or resentment. A very small number of ghosts, relying on their own resentment and obsession, can dye their clothes red, and many ghosts need to devour the rest of the ghosts in the survival of the fittest to capture their "blood". When the bodies of the ghosts are completely dyed red, under certain circumstances, they will form red crystals.

This is what is called the core of ghost power, also known as "ghost heart". Regardless of ghosts, evil spirits or ghosts, there is a chance to produce this kind of thing. Low-level ghosts, ghosts, ghosts and other small ghosts do not have this opportunity.

After forming crystals, ghosts can further evolve. Red to the extreme, turning into black, the ability will rise to a higher level, and a qualitative leap will be obtained.

This was the knowledge that had been instilled in his mind when he woke up from Wen County.

No one has ever seen a black-clothed ghost, not even Lin Huai. It is almost a legendary creature. When he woke up from Wen County knowing nothing, what he remembered was that he seemed to have been here for many years.

He devoured the blood mist around him, and the mist surrounding him was fierce to people, but delicious to him. Slowly, he ate up the blood mist.

Slowly, he ate up all the ghosts around him.

He is not picky eater. He felt as if he had been hungry for a long time, as if he had been lonely for a long time. He is a very greedy ghost, only enough ghosts can fill his stomach and warm his heart with the joy of hunting and devouring. He is a ghost who knows nothing about everything, so he eats everything.

Those sinister ghosts kept pouring into his reach, so he was always eating.

Later, he became picky eater. At the same time, he almost ate up the blood mist.

He saw Wen County beyond the blood mist, and those humans exuding a sweet smell.

But he doesn't want to eat it.

As a result, he and Wen County maintained a precious peace and harmony without interfering with each other. He didn't want to eat it, and people in Wen County didn't dare to approach it. Occasionally, a few celestial masters who came to seek death were also swallowed by other ghosts around him.


Until a little girl, crying, fled to his well, seeking his protection.

The cemetery he was in was supposed to be a forbidden place full of ghosts. Countless evil spirits surrounded the dry well in the middle, and he was untouchable by all human beings. All the adventurers who tried to destroy him were swallowed by the surrounding Yin Qi long before they could get close to him.

Until he devoured too much, forcibly eating all the evil spirits... most of them.

'help me. ' He still remembers the girl's voice in his memory, 'Help me, they are going to sacrifice me...'

He has never seen human beings, has never eaten human beings, and does not want to save people. But at that moment, he felt that such a sweet little life, the sound of crying...

It sounds pretty good.

As for the ghosts that ate up the entire Wen County, or those bloody storms, it was all after that.

After devouring such a huge amount of ghosts, his original strength is still one step away from turning black. After entering this body, his strength was limited by his body, and he fell down several steps, but it was still enough to beat most creatures.

However, in the mirror world, he can still exert his full power because he is free from the body that restricts him.

But Yan Xi's figure... Lin Huai frowned, he was clearly just an ordinary white coat, and the blood spots on it were not enough to even plug his teeth. Even when he was the most gluttonous, seeing such a small shrimp, he would just pick him up and tell him to go away, so as not to pollute his restaurant.

Can a white-clothed ghost like this carry out tragic revenge and kill Shen You? You must know that the yang energy of human beings and the evil spirit of high-level ghosts are harmful to such little ghosts if they are not consciously restricted by themselves. With Yan Xi's level, I'm afraid he should have been killed before completing his revenge.

"It's so weird..." Lin Huai thought.

Thinking of this, he squatted down and carefully observed the potted flowers.

One of the pots is plantain.

'I always feel that this pot of leaves is weird...'

He touched the banana leaf and suddenly realized something.

Plantain is a plant with parallel veins, its side veins are vertical or nearly vertical to the main vein, and the side veins are parallel to each other and reach the leaf edge.

However, this pot of bananas is...

Straight out parallel veins.

It's such a small detail that it's really hard to notice for the average person. However, Lin Huai was forced to listen to a lot of relevant knowledge because her roommate Tan Xiruo liked to raise flowers and plants.

Including the type of bluegrass, including the type of veins.


He looked at these pots of plants pot by pot, and saw that their leaf veins were growing differently from the actual shape they should have. Although viewed from a distance, there is no difference between them and the common plants in the real world.

"Is this a hint? Or..."

A rare bit of confusion appeared in Lin Huai's eyes.

He crossed the corridor and walked up the stairs, his eyes saw the ranking list posted on the stairs again.

Rankings of grades are posted layer upon layer, from January to December.

Lin Huai passed the ranking list, and he walked towards the top stairs.

Before exploring, he decided to deal with the aftermath.

He climbed onto the rooftop and observed the lights of the entire school below.

In his field of vision, the entire Minghua Middle School was in order, perhaps because of the smog, the sky was pure black.

There are no strange shapes.

half an hour later.

'... Where should this screw be installed! '

It is easy to go up the mountain and difficult to go down the mountain. Seeing that it was only one minute before the end of get out of class, Lin Huai put the screws into his trouser pocket after confirming that the iron gate had been reinstalled by himself in appearance (and that it would not fall down with a push). When he was wearing a suit jacket, passed by Empty Classroom 2 and Empty Classroom 1, and arrived at the gate of class f, the bell for the end of get out of class "To Alice" rang.

The students filed out of the classroom, very quiet, not chatting. After the last student left, Lin Huai also went downstairs with the lesson plans and walked towards her own dormitory.

In terms of the cafeteria, Lin Huai enjoyed the treatment of a teacher, but was not so lucky in terms of the dormitory. There is only one dormitory building in Minghua Middle School. Girls live on the fifth and sixth floors, and boys live on the first, second, third, and fourth floors. In the words of the dean, because there is not enough apartment for teachers to live in, Lin Huai, as a new substitute teacher, can only temporarily live on the same floor as the new transfer students.

"The dormitory will be moved in a month." The dean said so.

Rather than saying that there are not enough teachers' apartments, it is better to say that the game does not have enough budget to arrange more horror scenes...

Thinking of this, Lin Huai took the key and climbed the stairs to the fourth floor.

Although he has learned about the seven wonders of the campus, Lin Huai has no plans to go exploring today. As a newcomer, he decided to recharge his batteries for a few days, find out the school's schedule and map, and then start the task.

The dormitory he lives in is the 424 dormitory deep in the corridor. There are two people in the dormitory, and it is cleaned quite clean. Since he was the only one in the room, it was quite spacious.

He tidied up casually, then lay down on the bed before the lights were turned off, and fell asleep.

Late at night, torrential rain.

Qiu Ran woke up from a nightmare, and a thunderbolt was striking outside the window. She covered her head and looked at Xia Xingye and Li Fen on the next bed. The two of them huddled together and slept fairly soundly.

As a female, the dormitory is naturally separated from the two players. However, when she entered her dormitory and saw three roommates with expressionless faces standing side by side in the corridor, she immediately made a decisive decision and ran to 420, the male dormitory on the fourth floor where the two teammates lived, to beg for shelter. Fortunately, the two teammates were quite easy to talk to, packed up and squeezed into a bed, and left the remaining bed between the two of them to Qiu Ran.

Waking up in the middle of the night is not a good sign. She was about to close her eyes when she felt a gaze.

With the light of the lightning, she saw the pale-faced boy watching everything in the room through the glass ventilation window on the door of the dormitory!

She was startled a little, and quickly closed her eyes.

"It's really a devil's high school..." She slandered in her heart, "It's midnight, and you still have to check the bed..."

It wasn't until the sound of "dong dong dong" footsteps disappeared in the corridor that she fell asleep again in a daze.

It wasn't until the moment before she fell asleep that she thought about it—the glass ventilation window of the dormitory door is three meters high, how did the head of the dormitory manager appear on the glass window

As for the dormitory manager, how could it be a boy

There was loud wind and rain outside the window, but Lin Huai gradually sank into a dark and sweet dreamland.

In his dream, he heard a burst of laughter, which seemed to come from nearby, but also seemed to come from a far away place.

'Yan Xi, Yan Xi, Yan Xi'

'scourge, scourge, scourge'

'Garbage, garbage, garbage'

The laughter was so harsh it made him frown in his dreams. In the night, another voice sounded from the back of the bed below him: "Back to back... back to back... back to back..."

The young man on the bed was still asleep and remained motionless. The pale figure then climbed up the bed board, until it clung to the bed board above the place where Lin Huai was sleeping.

Its hair fell down its cheeks until it reached Lin Huai's face. Lin Huai then sneezed a little in the dream.

"Face to face... face to face... face to face..."

Seeing that the other party was still unresponsive, it hesitated for a moment, and changed its rhetoric: "Red hands, green hands, white hands..."

In the dream, the annoying voice continued. Lin Huai didn't want to open his eyes in the half-dream and half-awake state. With claws like lightning, he stretched out his hands and grabbed the ghost clinging to the bed above his head into his arms.

"Red carp, green carp, red and green carp, red phoenix, pink phoenix, pink phoenix." He patted the opponent's head in a daze, "Stop teasing me, sleep!"

Ghost: ...

At 5:50 in the morning, the harsh wake-up bell rang in the dormitory building on time.

Li Fan and the others opened their eyes with difficulty, and groped to crawl under the bed. As soon as the bell rang, the sound of getting up could be heard from the surrounding dormitories in a uniform manner.

At 6:10 in the morning, morning exercises start, at 6:30, breakfast starts, and at 7:00 sharp, each class starts morning reading class on time. When Li Fen yawned and came to the misty and light rainy playground, students from all classes were already wearing blue and white school uniforms and lined up neatly on the track.

With word books in hand, they are indifferent to the world in which they live. Until the teacher gave an order, he still sank his eyes in the books, just moved his feet and ran. While keeping up with their pace, Li Fen whispered to Xia Xingye next to him, "Hey, during the lunch break, let's go to Class F to discuss the next work with that teammate."

Xia Xingye nodded, the earring on one earlobe shone with lustrous light. Qiu Ran ran beside them, rubbed her arms, and complained, "It's really cold here."

Saying so, she turned her head to look at the teams of each class. All classes were led by students, there were no teachers, and the only adults on the playground were security guards with electric batons. They look extremely vicious, and every time they meet a student who falls behind, they will yell loudly and beat them severely with electric prods.

Qiu Ran flinched, turned her head, and continued to stare straight ahead.

At this time, a soft scarf fell on her shoulders.

Qiu Ran raised her head in astonishment. From her perspective, the thin cashmere scarf that originally belonged to Xia Xingye had come to her shoulders. The young man with a soft face and long eyelashes tied the scarf for her gently and carefully.

"Okay," he said.

Qiu Ran's face turned red all of a sudden. Xia Xingye let go of his hand, and bent his eyes like lake water.

"You...I..." she muttered.

"It's okay, we are all teammates, we need to help each other," he said.

Qiu Ran grabbed the scarf and was speechless for a while. She blushed and said, "Thank you, thank you! I will repay you!"

"You don't have to be so polite." Xia Xingye smiled again, "I said it all, we are..."


Qiu Ran pulled the scarf for a long time, she nodded vigorously: "Yes! I will do my best to help all of us pass the customs!"

One square behind them are students from class c.

A girl with short hair was at the end, clutching her stomach, looking very painful. She ran stumblingly, and gradually pulled from her original position to the end.

"Hey! You, it's you!" The people on the side of the playground noticed the girl's movements and shouted loudly, "Bitch! Don't try to be lazy!"

The strong and strong man walked towards the girl with an electric baton. The girl shrank and bit her lip, trying her best to catch up with the team in front.

However, due to Murphy's Law, she slipped and completely fell on the runway.

There was a look of extreme fear on the girl's face. The big man next to her had already walked up to her, cursing and hitting her with an electric baton. The girl covered her head, struggled weakly, and let out screams under the blow of the stick.

Seeing that the next phalanx was coming, two security guards dragged the girl out of the runway. And the C class she originally belonged to kept silent about the girl being dragged out, and ran past her like Moses splitting the sea.

She was taken out of the crowded playground, as if abandoned by everyone, sadly...


At the same time, the fourth floor of the student dormitory.

All students have been released from the dormitories. Lin Huai walked around the dormitory on the sixth floor with her mobile phone in hand.

"I don't know why, but I always feel wet when I wake up in the morning..." He tugged at his collar, a little uncomfortable, "Did something happen when I fell asleep last night?" '

Thinking in this way, he inspected all floors of the dormitory, and finally stopped at the door of a dormitory.

Each dormitory, regardless of gender, has posted the names of all members on the dormitory door plates. But the name on this dormitory was blacked out with a black pen.

Lin Huai frowned slightly.

He reached out and pushed the door open. Oncoming, is the dilapidated bed, and desk.

On the desk, there was an exercise book spread out, and a pen was quietly lying beside it.

Lin Huai sat down at the desk and closed the book. I saw two letters "yx" written on the cover of the book.

"yx... Yanxi Palace? Ye Xiu? Ranger?"

He looked around, and there was still no one in the old dormitory. There is dust falling slowly in the air, and finally, the dust falls to the ground.

He opened the workbook, but was surprised to find that it was a novel. "... He came to this school in the autumn. At this time, Minghua Middle School was still haunted by the cloud of suspicion called 'Death of a Youth', which could not go away. It was just that he was late, But I don’t know anything about it, and I even have strong expectations for a new life in the future.”