The NPC Was Once Again Frightened By Me

Chapter 34: Do not look back!


"... In the classroom of Class F of the third year, there is too much air-conditioning. This temperature even made him feel shivering." "... Lying on the bed, recalling a series of events that happened during the day, the young man gradually fell into a deep sleep .But under the bed separated by a board, a pair of blood-red eyes opened."

"What's the matter with this kind of thing that looks like the beginning of a light novel..." Lin Huai complained while flipping through the notebook with his fingers, "It seems that if you add a sentence to the title of the book, it will become a light novel." Appearance "..."

Despite all the complaints, Lin Huai turned to the last page of the novel. "... out of curiosity, he sat down on the chair, opened the notebook in front of him, and began to read page by page."

A faint chill rushed up his spine.

From entering the school, to entering the class, to entering the dormitory...

Even a fool should know who the protagonist of this novel is.

And yx...

Yan interest.

"Am I being arranged?" Lin Huai said softly, "Or..."

He just held out a finger and started rubbing the surface of the book.

'The ink hasn't penetrated all the way into the page, it's obviously fresh. ' He looked at the ink on his finger and turned to the next page. I saw the next page, written in fresh red ink: "As he looked back, he saw..."

The novel stops abruptly on this page, followed by several blank pages. Lin Huai patiently flipped through the pages one by one, only to see that the last page of the notebook seemed to have been written in a hurry, and it was full of claws and blood-red handprints.

"Don't look back! Don't look back! Don't look back! Don't look back!"

Words with strong warnings were all over the paper, but Lin Huai just stared at it before turning to the next page.

It was written in four large characters in red ink: "Get out of here!"

'Future diary? Prophecy diary? Or..." Thinking this way, Lin Huai reached out and picked up the pen on the right.

If it were someone else, I'm afraid they would have been frightened by this notebook and mistakenly thought that they had been arranged by some indescribable thing, but Lin Huai obviously didn't think so.

He drew on the last page with a pen, which obviously contained red ink, leaving a few traces on the yellowed paper. Lin Huai turned the page back to the page "but he saw..." and wrote such a paragraph after "but he saw...".

"Self in the mirror."

After writing this line, he put down the pen and turned to his back.

Behind him, behind the closed door, was a full-length mirror glued to the door.

That's right, if he turned his head with complete horror according to the remarks in the notes just now, the first thing he saw must be the closed door and himself in the mirror. If it was another person, I'm afraid I would be frightened, but Lin Huai didn't have such an idea.

'The effect of using a full-length mirror to reflect oneself is to intimidate people, making the feeling of being arranged more intense. By secretly observing me and writing a diary, it gave me the illusion that I was arranged by the notebook. Is that where the dread in this room lies? Or is there a new hint in it? '

He thought for a while, and wrote another line in his notebook.

'A minute later, he received a remittance of 100,000 yuan. '

After waiting patiently, nothing happened.

Lin Huai was a little disappointed, but this was also within his expectations. He wanted to make a small attempt to prove that this is a diary that can change reality...

But obviously he failed.

’ So, it was just a scare, a scare that didn’t work. What is the purpose of intimidating me? Lin Huai turned to the last page, "Do you want me to leave?" '

Let him go... This is obviously not what a ghost should do.

It's more like discouraging or protecting.

The boss in the game obviously won't protect the player, that is to say, in this game, there is another force that is intimidating the player, and hopes that the player will give up the pursuit and leave the middle school.

And with such a small trick... Lin Huai easily connected it with Yan Xi's white shadow that he saw yesterday.

On the rooftop, that white shadow was also constantly trying to intimidate him to "leave here". This notebook seems to be one of the props he used to express his intentions. only…

Does it want players to leave? Why? Could it be that it is not behind the scenes

Why is that Shiro so afraid of another Shiro? It is impossible for a dead soul to split into two ghosts at the same time, could it be that...

Is it a split personality

Perhaps, Yan Xi, who was bullied, split into two personalities in endless pain. The pure white personality still retains the kindness of being a human being. He created all kinds of horrible and non-fatal incidents, trying to get the players to leave the school, so as not to be killed by the blood-red personality. And the blood-stained personality has been swallowed up by the resentment before death. He took control of the entire school and planned to start his own revenge

Thinking of this, Lin Huai snorted coldly.

"I have been killed by others, do you still want to protect innocent people?" He whispered, "It's really..."

Talking to himself, Lin Huai put the notebook and pen in his arms. He searched the dormitory again, but found no new information, so he had to open the dormitory door that was closed at an unknown time, and left the dormitory.

It was already seven o'clock in the morning when he arrived in Class F of the third year. All the students were still sitting dully under the stage. He stood on the podium, glanced around, and asked, "Where is student Fang?"

The students didn't speak, just bowed their heads. Lin Huai then opened the book, entered the copy mode in time, and said with a kind smile: "In this case, if he doesn't come to class today, he will be counted as absent. Students, first recite the Preface to the Pavilion of King Teng."

After saying this, he sat on the podium and looked at the crowd leisurely. The students slowly began to recite their books, and the rebellious-looking boy in the corner gritted his teeth, seeming to be very ruthless.

Lin Huai remembered him, his name was Chen Haoyu, and he was a good friend with Fang Fang.

He then patted Chen Haoyu's desktop with the pointer and told him, "You, come out with me."

Chen Haoyu came out with him slowly, standing in the corridor with an expression of reluctance. Lin Huai walked around him twice, and said, "You didn't take your self-study seriously, you should have dealt with it according to the school rules, but now I will give you two choices."

Chen Haoyu poked his neck and said, "Just say what you want to say. Hmph, I thought you and them..."

"One, go and receive the punishment yourself." Lin Huai patted his palm with the pointer, "Second, tell me, where did the equation go."

"Not the same... huh?"

Chen Haoyu told Lin Huai that during the morning jog, Fang Fang was sent to the punishment room for protecting a girl from class C.

"Punishment room...?"

The so-called punishment room is the place where the principal and others deal with disobedient students. As for the method, they use electric shocks. From Chen Haoyu's mouth, Lin Huai learned that most of the teachers in Minghua Middle School were dismissed by other schools due to various bad deeds. After going through various twists and turns, they came to this middle school located in the outskirts of a small city on the 18th line.

The punishment room is located in the northwest corner of the campus, and the third teaching building is located in the southeast corner of the campus. Lin Huai followed Chen Haoyu across most of the campus, and thus thoroughly understood the layout of the entire school.

The small, low white room came into view, and Lin Huai went upstairs and said to the guard, "Excuse me, I am the teacher of Class F of the third year, and I am here to pick up the students."

The two guards glanced at each other and confirmed that he was a temporary substitute teacher. One of them said: "Students are punished according to the school's regulations, and we will not let them go."

"But isn't the purpose of the school to let students study hard? If you lock people up, how can I let them study?"

The two guards looked at each other and laughed loudly. One of them laughed sarcastically: "Yo, this little boy has a way of talking, and he's pretending to be a fool here even if his hair hasn't even grown yet."

Lin Huai listened to their ridicule with a smile on his face, and said, "Then you are not letting him go?"

"You still dare to threaten? Don't let go, what's the matter."

"That's how it is." Lin Huai sighed, and mysteriously took out a stack of things from the bag, "I have some things for you, please be more accommodating..."

"Yo, you are acquainted."

The guard was about to extend his hand, but Lin Huai glanced at the punishment room behind them and said, "It's not convenient here, let's talk about it in another place."

The two guards looked at each other again and followed him away.

five minutes later.

Lin Huai moved her wrist and walked out from the grass. After being beaten up by him, the two guards were stripped naked and thrown into the grass. Holding a bunch of keys, he said politely to the unconscious two behind him, "I will burn the money to you."

Considering the mental health of the students in the punishment room just now, he didn't make a move upstairs. Now he entered the second floor and opened the room. The two lying students inside curled up subconsciously when the door opened.

"Let's go." One by one in each hand, he picked up a man and a woman and took them away. Halfway through, he said again: "I will give you a physical education class this morning."

With that said, he led two people to the electric shock room. Looking at the familiar equipment, the two showed expressions of fear. Lin Huai popped out the screws that originally belonged to the iron door in the bag, knocked out the monitor, and then picked up an iron rod from the outside, and said to the two people: "Smash it."

Two people do not move. Lin Huai then said, "What are you afraid of? If you smash it, I'll be the one to blame."

"Ms. Lin, I..."

'These two people are so annoying... Could it be that there is Stockholm Syndrome? 'Lin Huai was a little irritated by them. He ran out of patience and said: "If you don't want to smash it, go back and read it early, you two..."

"Ms. Lin, if we mess up, they will trouble you." The girl said.

Equation also nodded. Lin Huai felt a little funny: "Are they looking for trouble for me?"

As he said that, he took the iron rod himself, and slammed it down hard, smashing the entire machine from it. Both of them were taken aback by the extreme power, Lin Huai looked at them with the iron rod on his shoulders, and said, "If you don't hit them, I will hit you?"

Two people: ...

Fang Fang tentatively picked up the iron rod and smashed it. As soon as the iron rod touched the metal, he himself was frightened and flicked back. The girl here gritted her teeth, snatched the iron rod from Fang Fang, and slammed it down on the treatment table!

The movements of the two became faster and more ruthless, and they alternately smashed the places that had brought them endless pain. They are like two desperate gangsters, and Lin Huai is undoubtedly their best accomplice. He found another iron rod, two iron forks, and even a fire extinguisher from the side of the road. Whatever they wanted, he handed them over. The cooperation was pleasant and intimate, which made people feel that even if they went to block the way and rob, they still had a clear division of labor and were desperate.

Some things are the happiest when you do them yourself.

Finally, the room was beaten to pieces by the three of them. Fang Fang threw away the iron bar and said with a hearty smile, "It's been a long time since I've been so happy!"

The girl was also panting, looking like she couldn't believe what she had done. Lin Huai waited for the two of them to recover gradually, and asked Chen Haoyu who was hiding downstairs to come up, clean up the mess, and took the three of them back to the third teaching building.

He originally wanted to set fire to it - but after thinking about it, after all, this was his second day at Minghua Middle School, so it's not good to be so arrogant. He led the three people to the stairs on the third floor, let Fang Fang and Chen Haoyu go up first, then led the girl and said, "Which class are you in?"

The girl just returned to the human world. She looked towards Class C's room and bit her lip slightly: "C...Class C."

"Class C." Lin Huai said while leading her to Class C, "Your teacher is Teacher Yu Xingjian? I heard that he is an excellent class teacher."

The girl moved her lips. She seemed to want to say something, but she didn't dare to say it, she just walked with her head down. At the gate of Class C, Lin Huai heard the sound of reading aloud and knocked on the door.

When Yu Xingjian came out from the door, he felt the girl behind him take a step back.

When he saw Lin Huai standing at the door, Yu Xingjian's facial muscles twitched. He looked back at the students who were studying in the morning, and said, "Ahaha, why did Mr. Lin come to class C so early in the morning?"

"The classroom is here, you go back to class first." Lin Huai pushed the girl behind her. The girl pursed her lips tightly, lowered her head, and did not dare to move.

Yu Xingjian watched their every move, and after seeing that the girl didn't move, he showed an imperceptible smile: "Oh, it's Xinyi, let's go in first."

After getting Yu Xingjian's approval, the girl named Xinyi lowered her head and bowed: "Thank you, teacher."

After finishing speaking, she stepped on very light steps, trying to sneak into the classroom from the corner. Yu Xingjian said with a smile: "In the future, don't do things that will embarrass the 'group'. As a member of the 'group', you must have a sense of collective honor."

When hearing the word "collective", the girl trembled: "Yes."

"Ms. Lin, thank you for sending Xinyi back to Class C." Yu Xingjian didn't even ask about the punishment room.

Lin Huai stood at the door and didn't move. He only rolled his eyelids, and didn't want to communicate with him in depth at all.

Yu Xingjian showed a slightly annoyed expression. He cleared his throat and clapped his hands.

His clapping sound seemed to have some kind of magical power, the whole class fell silent and looked at him.

"Today, Li Xinyi fell down while running in the morning, which caused a bad influence on the class, and made us unable to get the gold medal in morning exercises this week. Just now, Teacher Lin from Class F of the third year sent Li Xinyi back to the class. Li Xinyi Classmate—" he said to Li Xinyi with a smile, "go to the podium."

The author has something to say:

*Use of the stem that was dropped by ○:

○ point: Jinjiang Literature City is not a station suitable for science popularization