The NPC Was Once Again Frightened By Me

Chapter 35: The main character goes crazy


When Li Xinyi heard the word "podium", her face turned pale, as if it was something terrifying. In the end, she still moved her feet and stepped onto the stage step by step.

"Now here, let's make a sincere apology to everyone." Yu Xingjian said kindly.

Li Xinyi looked at the students in the audience, bent down to them, made a ninety-degree bow, and buried her head deeply.

No one spoke in the classroom for a long time, and Li Xinyi may not have straightened up for a long time. Lin Huai watched their every move with cold eyes, pointed to his watch and said to Yu Xingjian: "Mr. Yu, there is still half an hour before the end of the morning reading time. Are you planning to let her stand there all the time?"

"Oh, oh, Mr. Lin's words are wrong." Yu Xingjian said, "The class is not the class of the teacher alone, and Li's behavior does not harm the interests of one person. Everyone has to pay for their actions. If you want to If you seek forgiveness, everyone in the class needs to express forgiveness to Li."

Saying this, he laughed: "Our education should be people-oriented, not arbitrary, isn't it? This is the reason why our class C can maintain its excellence."

Lin Huai's face was so gloomy that it was about to drip water. After seeing this scene, Yu Xingjian seemed to feel better. He then asked: "Thank you, have you forgiven Li Xinyi?"

"Ye Mingyu, have you forgiven Li Xinyi?"

"Zhang Xueying, have you forgiven Li Xinyi?"

After asking a few classmates, Yu Xingjian said to Li Xinyi: "Look, everyone forgives you, let's go down. Remember—thank everyone."

"Thanks... Thank you everyone for forgiving me!"

Li Xinyi spoke loudly, with red eyes, and walked back to her seat.

After she sat down, the people who were sitting next to her moved their chairs in the other direction as if avoiding the virus.

After finishing all this, Yu Xingjian said to Lin Huai: "It's almost time for the first class, Mr. Lin, is it really okay not to go back to supervise the students in class f? Huh? Why do you look so bad?"

He showed some concern: "Is it unwell? If you are unwell, you can go to the school hospital to see..."

The young man who was cared for by his yin and yang strangeness suddenly raised his head. He looked at the other party for a long time, until the other party was a little creepy.

Finally, he raised one corner of his mouth.

"I wanted to beat you up, but I felt that it's not good to do this kind of thing in front of the flowers of the motherland. After all, the flowers of the motherland need the irrigation of sunshine and rain, not blood."

"What are you raving about?"

Yu Xingjian found that he could no longer understand this person's words and deeds. Then he heard the man say, "I have a friend who, though he's been crazy all the time, has sworn never to hurt a child unnecessarily."

"You're right about that friend..."

"That friend is definitely not a good person, but even he has almost never done anything that would harm children, whether it is now or in the future. Teacher Yu, do you think you are a good person?"

"I… "

"You're disgusting." Lin Huai said coldly, "I'm ashamed of you."

"I won't eat you, because the smell of your soul is really disgusting. I won't kill you, because even your blood is not qualified to flow on my hands. Come up with a good way, that is... "

"Beat you in the place you are most proud of. Only in this way can your self-esteem be completely destroyed." Lin Huai stared at him with dark eyes, "I want you to lose everything, I want you to die."

The last two words fell to the ground with a clang. At the same time, Yu Xingjian fell to the ground due to the extreme cold.

Lin Huai quietly left. When he closed the door of Class C, he still couldn't control the extremely sullen expression on his face.

The power of ghosts will fluctuate with emotions. In the case of extreme agitation, extreme pain, extreme anger, or resentment, the power of ghosts will be greatly enhanced. When emotions reach their peak, ghosts will even break through and become stronger because of extreme emotions or pain.

Lin Huai had experienced stronger emotions than this, so he didn't accidentally smash the doorknob. He turned around and keenly met the blood-red figure on the stairs.

A blood-red, pale figure.

He was completely different from the cowardly and kind white figure yesterday, with anger and resentment on his brows. He stared at Lin Huai intently, the corners of his pale mouth twitching unceasingly.

The two ghosts exchanged glances across the long corridor.

A cold one.

A grudge.

The bell for the end of the first get out of class rang, and Lin Huai walked out of the classroom.

He returned to his office, staring at the fan in the sky, lost in confusion.

"Mr. Xiaolin," Fang Fang came to his office with the exercise book in his arms, and was taken aback by his pensive look, "what are you doing?"

"I'm thinking." Lin Huai said.

He tosses a coin, throws it into the air, and catches it back with one hand. Fang Fang watched him toss a coin and felt that he was very relaxed, so he became more courageous: "What is the teacher thinking?"

"I'm thinking," Lin Huai said.

Equation pricked up its ears.

"I'm wondering how to open the kaleidoscope Sharingan." Lin Huai stared at the coin and replied seriously.


His legs gave way, as if he had heard a bad joke. The person who told the joke said while tossing a coin, "Well, so far, I feel that I haven't copied enough. If I can have a stronger Sharingan..."

"Teacher, I think you have added strange settings to yourself." Fang Fang couldn't laugh or cry.

Lin Huai: "Oh, really."

He pressed the coin lazily, then, he rubbed his head and started to freak out.

Fang Fang listened to him talking nonsense, most of which were nonsense he couldn't understand, such as "Why should I pretend to be a substitute teacher? From the very beginning, I should pretend to be a school policeman or go to class F to pretend to be ○". Equation looked at him like a mad cat.

Because of this, his heart softened a little, and then he watched Lin Huai lie down on the table: "I don't care, I will definitely kill that annoying hypocrite."

After finishing speaking, Lin Huai climbed up from the table energetically: "Tomorrow morning, I have a class meeting!"

"About this issue, I really haven't thought about it." Lin Huai rubbed his forehead with his fingers, "Language level is like small bread. It's like people can't remember how many small breads they have eaten. Like bread, it is also difficult for people to measure their own language level. But... tsk, forget it. But whether it is learning or playing games, there are things for reference and routines."

"In short, I will do my best to help you." Lin Huai continued, "Although studying is a very distressing thing, there are people I hate more than studying, such as..."

"That hypocrite from class three."

"Actually, I really want to smash this school. Everything in this school is disgusting, filthy, terrible, and no one with a little bit of conscience will like this place. Do you hate this place? Me too It's annoying. But smashing this school will not solve the fundamental problem. If you really want to leave here, become stronger. Pass the college entrance examination, go to a higher and farther place, and then come back someday in the future , come back here and change everything. And I will try my best to help you change yourself." Lin Huai said, "You will know..."

"No one can trap your life, no matter what the name is." He said, "So try hard for the exam, I will do everything I can to let you get the first place in the exam and surpass that annoying third grader." Class. Well... even if it is by assassination, stealing test papers, or fire prevention. Speaking of which, if there is only one class in this school, our class will always be number one... Or just do it like this and kill the other students first ,after that… "

"Teacher," Chen Haoyu reminded, sweating, "you added strange lines to yourself again."

During the lunch break, Chen Fang and Chen Fang ran to the office boredly, and witnessed the scene where Lin Huai rehearsed the content of the class meeting.


Lin Huai said, throwing the phone on the table: "It's too difficult, too difficult, too difficult..."

"It's too difficult for me." He looked at the sky and spit out a little soul, "I really want to learn..."

Chen Fang: ...

"In short, you are now planted in my hands, and you are my people." Lin Huai continued to memorize the manuscript, "Whether you agree with my words or not, things are already like this. So..."

"So let's look forward to your future a little bit more." He suddenly smiled, "After all, you are all living people, and the lives of living people are quite proud and squanderable capital."

Chen Haoyu was slightly touched: "Is this also a script?"

Lin Huai: "No, this is improvisation."

Chen Haoyu: ...

Just as he was about to speak, there was a knock on the door.

"Ms. Lin." The school police were very polite, "The principal's over there—please go over there."

Lin Huai, who was memorizing the manuscript, didn't turn her head back: "No, didn't you see that I was memorizing the manuscript?"

Campus Police: …

"The principal wants to have a discussion with you about the destruction of the punishment room today." Half an hour later, the assistant principal came to Lin Huai's door, "Especially..."

Lin Huai: "Oh, I smashed it, what's wrong?"

"you… "

"Call the police if you have the ability." Lin Huai tugged at her eyelids, "Slightly."

I also know that there is no working police station in the infinite streaming world. Lin Huai drove away the two students with peace of mind, and was honored to be greeted by the principal half an hour later.

Wearing a wig, the principal broke into the office. Lin Huai raised his eyes to look at him, stretched out his fingers, and picked up a gust of wind.

The principal whose wig was blown away: …

He ordered someone to retrieve the wig, and planned to step in again. Lin Huai stretched out her finger again.

The principal whose wig was blown away: …

If you write it down like this, you will be suspected of the number of words. In short, after being blown away five times with wigs blown away, the principal was finally willing to be honest with Lin Huai. He walked into the office with a shiny bald head.

"To inform you of something." The headmaster said angrily, "You have been expelled!"

He said it loudly. Lin Huai just raised his eyelids lazily.

As if he heard something funny, he smiled: "Huh?"

"I mean, you're expelled!" The principal was furious, "Pack up your things and get out!"

The more furious he was, the happier Lin Huai was. Now that the matter has come to this point, he doesn't want to defend himself, he just spread his hands and said, "Why don't we make a deal?"


"One deal, one life, one job," he said.

"You want to threaten me with suicide?" The principal keenly dug out the hint in the other party's words, and sneered, "What do you think you are..."

"Do not."

As soon as the words fell, a gust of wind fell beside him.

"I said fate..." The handsome and pale young man pressed a blade against the opponent's neck, "It's your life."

There was an uproar among the campus police.

"what are you doing!"

"you… "

"Shhh, don't quarrel with me." Lin Huai said, "I hate squabbling, how about it, Mr. Principal—"

He dragged the word "Mister" very long.

"I can kill you anywhere, don't worry, whether you are in the principal's office, or in your private car, or in your villa that you bought for five million. Whether you are taking a bath, eating , or have sex with someone on the bed." Lin Huai's dark eyes stared at his face, and his speed of speech became faster and faster, like Gatling who can shoot 400 rounds in a minute, "Do you want to try it? ?”

"Call the police!" the principal yelled, "Call the police and arrest him!"

One of the campus police quickly dialed the phone, but the instigator had no intention of stopping the other party.

"Principal! I can't get through the phone!" the school police yelled.

"I did it." Lin Huai slowed down and whispered in the headmaster's ear affectionately and gracefully.

All the evils in his soul are exposed here without any suppression, or in other words, madness has become his nature at this moment, or in other words, the pursuit of fear and madness are the nature of every high-level ghost.

He unscrupulously pulled the blame of "not being able to contact the police" from the game to himself, and enjoyed the pleasure of being feared by others. There were continuous cracking sounds coming from his ears. The office shook violently, but all the npcs except him suddenly didn't notice it.

'Be patient. ' he said with his lips, 'I've got a lot to show you. '

The shaking ground returned to calm. Then, he heard the terrified voices of the school police: "What kind of monster are you?"

"I'm a monster? What about you? Aren't you monsters?" Lin Huai sneered, "Aren't we all monsters? It's just that I'm an outward monster, and you are a restrained monster."

Then, he stuck to the headmaster's ear and whispered, "Look, is this deal a good deal?"

"Crazy..." The headmaster's eyes were bloodshot with fear, "You madman..."

"A madman has a lot of time, a madman has a lot of opportunities, a madman will never give up, never stop." Lin Huai said quickly, "You can choose to reject me, or you can choose to obey me and try to kill me in private. But you look… "

"The lunatic now has given you two choices." He said affectionately, "Either die or obey me...Did you hear me?"

"I… "

"What are you waiting for?" He breathed, "Isn't death threat enough? Could it be that..."

"You want a little sex bribe?"

As he said this, he smiled. The headmaster turned his head because of this, and saw his cold pool-like eyes, and his cheeks that were slightly flushed because of extreme excitement.

His eyes were glowing too, his breathing was trembling, and his long, curled eyelashes were trembling. Those eyes are the terrifying deep sea, and the blush on the cheeks is definitely not a beautiful peach blossom, but...

As a result, the blade cut the headmaster's skin, and he didn't feel any pain, but just wanted to surrender.

Whether succumbing to the fear of madness, or to the thorny rose or poppy that was born out of this madness...

Lively and fragrant.

The author has something to say: The second dead person with a positive description in this article is about to appear on the stage under the long-awaited.

Because "no one will remember the second person to climb the Himalayas", and he became a VIP, in the spirit of cherishing readers, he was not given a decent death package that lasted two chapters.

*Explanation of the deleted memes: (sorry, they all disappeared)

Full-time master: ... I am afraid it is a novel that does not require popular science. The first chapter is "The Deported Master".

The Legend of the Legendary Brave: A name that is very ugly (readers who haven't yet taken the college entrance examination please mark the pinyin by themselves) but it is pretty. The male one and the male two were husband and wife in previous lives, and they rebelled against the author's cp.

Naruto: ... I am afraid that it is an anime that does not need popular science, and it is still active in many forums because of the cp pairing and other factors. The first ten chapters "My Stupid Ododo" are also from this manga.

*Explanation of the stalks used:

However, I refuse! : famous sentence in jojo. It is very easy to popularize this sentence, but I refuse!

.avi: A video file format, often active on the display screen after twelve o'clock in the boys' dormitory when various seeds are alive