The NPC Was Once Again Frightened By Me

Chapter 36: he laughed


Half an hour later, the headmaster and his bodyguards finally left Lin Huai's office in despair.

Chen Haoyu, who was waiting outside in fear, exchanged glances with Fang Fang, and hurried into the office.

"It's just the financial crisis." Lin Huai explained the previous movement to them in this way, "I didn't want to be fired at all, so I made a little extreme behavior, but the effect was very good, I kept my job, and by the way—"

He patted Equation on the shoulder: "I plan to advance the speech to this afternoon, the mood is up, and it's time to start my performance."

He was blushing, triumphant, elated, with a fierce temperament, cold and terrifying, disordered and chaotic.


But Equation couldn't take his gaze away at all.

"Do you understand now?" Lin Huai looked at all the students after finishing the speech in the class meeting.

After realizing that even Xu Chi was no longer looking out of the window, he finally showed a relieved smile.

Compared with the students who study all day, Lin Huai's life is more relaxed. After class, he made some calculations and decided to go to some incredible places in the school to explore the secrets, and then write the rest of the lesson plan in the evening, and practice his copying skills by imitating the famous teachers in the video...

He turned around in the school, but finally found nothing. The school during the day seems different from the night, and even the cockroaches in the garden are exuding vitality.

He carefully observed the world in this school, trying to find and chase Yan Xi's figure. However, neither the white Yanxi nor the red Yanxi seemed willing to be found by him.

He sighed because of this, after all, he just wanted to find him and teach him the correct way of evolution.

Lin Huai, who finished the chase, was about to go to the cafeteria alone, but a gentle voice came from behind: "Teacher Lin."

He turned his head and saw two men and a woman looking at him at the door of Class B classroom.

"We have a few questions that we would like to ask Mr. Lin." Xia Xingye said, the studs on his earlobes were faintly shining, "I wonder if the teacher is free to show you?"


It was only then that Lin Huai remembered that he seemed to have three teammates.

Three teammates, two men and one woman, a very standard adventure team configuration. He thought like this, and said casually: "Yes. What questions do you want to ask? Is it the appreciation of ancient poems, or the reading of modern Chinese, or classical Chinese, or conic curves..."

Li Fen, the most impulsive among the three: "..."

"I can also teach you to ask for partial guidance once in two yuan..." Lin Huai smiled, "I'm lying to you."

"Speaking of which, can you have a little sense of teamwork! It's been two days! None of the four of us have had a meeting in two days. What do you think of our teammates?!"

Lin Huai thought for a while, and said sincerely, "Well, I don't even remember that I have teammates."

Li Fen: ...

"So, have you found anything new these days?" Lin Huai said.

When there are no players that interest him, and there are more targets that interest him, Lin Huai faces his teammates with a dior expression.

"I say you… "

"Li Fen." Xia Xingye stopped his movements, turned to look at Lin Huai, "Before exchanging information, it is indeed the etiquette that should be given."

His voice was very gentle, and Li Fan calmed down under his comfort.

"Through observations over the past few days, we have learned the following information. First, there are seven mysteries in the school, which are..."

Xia Xingye told the seven wonders one by one, Lin Huai blinked and pretended to be interested.

"Second, time limit." Xia Xingye stretched out his second finger, "The progress of the whole game does not seem to be as simple as a whole month. In other words, the final time of corpse corruption is when the evil spirits start killing and lift the restriction time."

"Corpse, corpse??"

Li Fen and Qiu Ran both jumped up. Xia Xingye didn't speak, but just looked at Lin Huai with a smile. Lin Huai shrugged and said, "Oh? So you didn't see it? The air conditioner is still on in autumn. In addition to anti-corrosion, maybe all the students work together to retaliate against the school by wasting electricity bills." It's time to start."

"That is to say, for the next month... we are going to take classes with a group of living corpses?!"

"Yes." Lin Huai said.

The two looked at each other, feeling chills at the same time. Xia Xingye then smiled slightly: "Speaking of which, it's a little strange. When the other classes are almost living corpses, only class C and class F seem to be made up of living people. Regarding this, What do you think, Teacher Lin?"

He specifically named Teacher Lin. Even if it was just for his respect, Lin Huai thought about it seriously: "Maybe the game doesn't have more money to find extras, so it has to use living people to make up the number."

Although he already had a guess in his heart, he didn't want to tell the truth to this group of people.

Lin Huai never thinks that he and every player are teammates, so he doesn't think that sharing information is a virtue.


For some reason, Lin Huai always felt that Xia Xingye had a strange aura.

This strange breath made him quite uncomfortable.

It's like walking alone in a tunnel in the middle of the night, with high heels hitting the ground, only your own voice can be heard. And another gaze, peeping at him from another place.

Xia Xingye said softly: "In this case, my suggestion is to start exploring various 'incredible locations' from tonight. Based on the consideration of safety and rest, we will explore a location every two days. What are your opinions? Woolen cloth?"

Qiu Ran and Li Fen nodded, Lin Huai stared at the three of them, and said, "Touring the whole school in 14 days sounds like a good choice..."

"But, I refuse."

"I, Lin Huai, like to say 'no' to plans that I think are very strong..." He smiled, "This is the first reason, and, I'm hungry..."

"Hey! Why did you reject our group plan for no reason!"

"And if you want to go on an adventure, generally speaking, the combination of three people is the most standard pairing for expeditions. Especially the golden ratio combination of two men and one woman." Lin Huai said, "And compared to being with you Action, I prefer people who act alone, so I will not participate in behaviors that destroy the ratio of men and women... "

"What kind of reason is this..."

Facing Li Fen's loud complaints, Lin Huai waved his back to them and hurried away.

Those left in the lounge were dumbfounded. After a moment of petrification, Li Fen said loudly: "What the hell is that person?! First he engaged in show manipulation, and now he refuses group activities... What kind of people's teacher is he using as an excuse! This person is completely insane! "

"Everyone has their own way of clearing the level." Xia Xingye persuaded softly. He glanced at his watch, and said: "Then let's collect information about the Sighing Pool today, and go to the pool to have a look tomorrow night."

Saying this, he turned his head to the right and looked in the direction of the window.

Looking out through the glass, it is the classroom of Class F of the third year.

In the classroom, a handsome but indifferent teenager was holding a mystery novel in his hand. He tapped lightly on the table with one finger, and what he kept on the table among the books was a dark red notebook.

The day simply passed by in the ordinary rhythm of study. After the evening self-study, Lin Huai lay on the podium and waved lazily to several students who left: "Go to bed early."

Everyone in Class F of the third year had almost left, leaving only Xu Chi in the last row, still packing up. After he put the book back in his backpack, Lin Huai said kindly to him: "It's getting late, I'll take you back to the dormitory."

Xu Chi didn't seem to expect such a move from Lin Huai. He paused and put the dark red notebook at the bottom into his backpack. Lin Huai picked up a few of his exercise books and flipped through them, then smiled at him and said, "Hey, you did a good job in your homework. It's not at the level of class F, but at the level above class C."

"Because of illness, I missed two subjects in the monthly exam, so I can only come to class F." The boy replied.

"Oh, the expelled master..." Lin Huai commented, no one could have imagined how he came up with the title of the first chapter of "Full-time Master"...

Some people may think that what Lin Huai did just now is because he has become addicted to playing the role of a teacher. Even after class, he would check the other party's homework to show that his wax torch turned into ashes before he did it—but, The truth is, this player pretending to be a good teacher of the people is just to confirm whether Xu Chi's handwriting on any random notebook matches the "Future Diary" he saw this morning. However, the evidence that allowed him to truly confirm that Xu Chi's handwriting did not match the "Future Diary" was not the few notebooks he opened casually, but the one that was buried under many notebooks by Xu Chi. pencil case with a label of his name on it.

'People's handwriting is hard to change. Of course, it is not ruled out that he deliberately changed his handwriting in order to write this "future diary". The handwriting of "Future Diary" is beautiful, and Xu Chi's left hand does not have a callus for holding a pen, and he never uses his left hand when packing things. Therefore, he is right-handed, and he can only use his right hand to write the "future diary". '

It is not impossible for a person to deliberately change his handwriting, but there are a few words that are difficult to change—that is his own name. Since it has been written tens of thousands of times from small to large, it is difficult for people to change the way their names are written. After observing the labels, the corresponding words in the diary of the future, "hope" and "later", and Xu Chi's writing of the word "Xu Chi" are completely different, so we can draw a conclusion——Xu Chi, not "Future" Diary's writer. '

As for why he doubted Xu Chi? This couldn't be easier for Lin Huai.

'According to the routine of the story, the transfer students and the transfer students almost contracted half of the cause of the campus horror story; secondly, except for the class and other times, the person who would look out of the window with his chin pretending to be in addition to the protagonist configuration is the boss configuration; lastly, this person Hearing the reactions of Shen You and Yan Xi during the time of gossip really makes people have to care... 'Among the three reasons, Lin Huai put the last slightly "evidential" reason at the end, and put the other two The reason is put at the top, maybe this is the intuition of the so-called Jinjiang (two) male protagonists (one).

"teacher LIN?"

"Oh." Lin Huai recovered from his logical reasoning, straightened his collar, and walked downstairs with Xu Chi.

On the way, he asked: "Student Xu, you seem to like reading detective novels very much, do you like Keigo Higashino?"

As he spoke, he pointed upstairs: "I see that your desk is full of Keigo Higashino's novels."

"Actually, when it comes to Japanese novels, I used to like Yiyi better." Xu Chi said in a low voice.

"Really?" Lin Huai thought for a while, "Speaking of which, there is also a library in the school. Did you borrow this book from there?"

"No." Xu Chi shook his head, "I never go there."

"Only he would like to go." He whispered in a voice that Lin Huai couldn't hear.

The two were chatting, and when they got down to the third floor, there was already the sound of the rolling shutter door being locked. Under Lin Huai's questioning, Xu Chi said, "This is the school's rule. Every night at 11:30, the school union will lock each floor to prevent some students from running into the teaching building in the middle of the night."

"That's it, then if someone stays in the classroom and doesn't come out, wouldn't it be impossible to get out? Moreover, the signal in the teaching building is not good, and sometimes they can't even make a phone call. Wouldn't they be trapped in the classroom?" Has it been a night in the building?" Lin Huai sighed.

"However, the signal on the rooftop will be better, and you can also go to the rooftop to answer the phone." Xu Chi said, "In the past, students often secretly called home from the rooftop."

The two walked through the woods on the campus, and when they came to the dormitory building, they passed a small two-story red house. Lin Huai remembered that Chen Haoyu had popularized science with him in the morning, and this is where the piano room is.

Although it is doubtful that a high school that is famous for devil training will have a piano room. But presumably this is also a kind of game that uses unscrupulous means to reflect the horror. After all, if there is no piano room, the incredible event of "the sound of the piano in the middle of the night" will not be established.

…Speaking of which, it will be midnight in two minutes. In the spirit of making a fuss, Lin Huai stopped suddenly and said to Xu Chi, "Actually, I have a question I want to ask you... I just transferred to class F, are you used to it?"


He pinched the stopwatch in his heart, and said: "Through observations these days, I feel that you and the classmates in the class don't seem to have a very close relationship. Do you have any problems in interpersonal communication?"

"It's just that we can't talk together. And... I don't need friends."

'It's really a super second speech... I feel that the death flag on this person has regained a little weight. Lin Huai thought in his heart, and the time counted to ninety seconds.

Xu Chi lowered his eyelashes.

"actually, I… "

Just as he was speaking, there was a burst of piano sound from the silent piano room beside him.

It's "Fur Alice".

Lin Huai and Xu Chi looked up, and saw a figure standing upright by the dark window in the piano room on the second floor.

The moment Xu Chi saw his face clearly, Xu Chi froze completely.


Standing by the pitch-black window was the red Yanxi. With his blood-stained arms hanging down, his dark eyes stared at Xu Chi downstairs with malicious intent.

He parted his lips and smiled.

"he he he he he… "

Red Yanxi turned around and quickly disappeared into the darkness. Seeing Yan Xi's disappearing figure, Xu Chi immediately wanted to go up and catch up.

"Just stand here and don't move around." Lin Huai pulled Xu Chi behind him, "I'll go up to check the situation and come back."

After uttering these last words, which looked like setting a death flag, Lin Huai turned on the flashlight of his mobile phone and walked up. But when he was halfway there, he heard another footstep following him.

It was Xu Chi's footsteps.