The NPC Was Once Again Frightened By Me

Chapter 418: Come out for soup


Zhu Yin is an ordinary high school girl. Her hobby in her spare time is cooking and making all kinds of unpopular desserts or dishes. Because of this hobby, she often surfs the Internet to find various rare recipes to post in her own cooking group, or to find various unpopular cooking forums to communicate with netizens.

She was surfing the Internet as usual this day. She first saw a food method of making skinned desserts into the shape of goldfish from a food blogger. She thought it was very interesting, so she posted related information online.

This really made her search for a strange forum.

What Zhu Yin posted was not a forum, but a post in the food section of the forum. The title of the post is this:

"The goldfish jumped too high, splashed blood all over the body, and the stuffing also flowed out. What should I do? I have already controlled my limbs."


Zhu Yin estimated that the so-called limbs refer to fins and tails. But this "bounce" is unheard of. Could it be that the master fried kitchen in this post has exploded to new heights

She clicked on this post with some doubts, but the screen showed that she did not have permission to browse this page. This was a forum she had never heard of, with a black background and a white front page—the words "Life Base" were written on the front page, with a few red spots on the white font. But when Zhu Yin looked at it, he felt that the red spots were like drops of blood—in short, it made people look very uncomfortable.

Zhu Yin turned down, but saw those few drops of red seem to flow on the font. She raised her eyes again, and the words "living base" were still the same.

"Maybe I was wrong." Zhu Yin thought.

She has never heard of this forum before, but the number of active members is quite high, with more than 2,000 people. She wanted to look for the food exchange edition in the forum, but found that for unregistered users, there was only an exchange water section and a midnight literature edition open.

Zhu Yin then clicked into the communication water area. The water area is quite active, and the one on top is a lightning protection sticker. The title of the post is:

"Are there any sisters from Westwood District!! Recently, a very scary courier came to Westwood District—"

Zhu Yin also happened to live in Ximu District. Except for this post, she couldn't understand the other posts, and felt that many of them seemed to be gibberish. So she clicked into this post.

The main post of the post is very simple, it probably tells about a woman's experience of meeting a courier, but the specific content can only be unlocked by replying to the post. Zhu Yin, as an unregistered user, naturally couldn't unlock it. She held the mouse and slid down, and saw the first few replies.

"make up a story?"

"Fake... Who else is scarier than us?"

"It's true, it's true! If it's fake, I'll drown on the spot!" This is the reply from the host, who seems quite excited.

"xswl, as soon as 3L's reply came out, he knew it was fake. He also drowned, so he pretended that no one had ever died."

"Oh, I haven't changed my way of thinking. I just joined the forum two months ago!"

Zhu Yin:

Zhu Yin looked at it in a daze, as if there were a group of primary school students talking C here. She closed the post and entered the forum library again.

The forum library is very lonely, and there are only five posts open to tourists. Zhu Yin saw that the title of one of the articles was.

"Girls Who Love to Cook".

Isn't this herself

Zhu Yin became a little interested. She clicked into this post. She didn't know that when she clicked on this post, the originally quiet refrigerator in the living room began to beep.

It took Zhu Yin ten minutes to read the story from beginning to end. It's not too cold today, but she broke out in a cold sweat.

This story is truly terrifying!

She couldn't finish it, and wanted to read other stories. But the computer screen displayed "You are not registered, this operation cannot be performed".

Although I always thought that this "life base" was a forum for primary school students, Zhu Yin saw that the story was pretty good, so he happily clicked on the "registration" line. She wrote down her username and password in it, but the verification code was the three distorted words "Death Cang Leng", which made her feel a little uncomfortable for some reason.

Zhu Yin ignored this discomfort, but did not notice that the font on the forum header in the upper left corner had begun to bleed. She pressed the registration button, and a pop-up window popped up.

"Are you sure you want to register?"


"Is there an invitation code?"

Of course, Zhu Yin didn't have an invitation code. She clicked no. The loading picture displayed on the computer screen rotated for a while, and a line of small characters was written below it.

"Confirming your identity..."

"You have successfully registered. You will become an official member of the forum in five hours."

"Five hours? Another five hours?"

Zhu Yin looked at the lower right corner, it was seven o'clock in the afternoon. Five hours later, it was exactly midnight.

"This forum is quite weird. It takes a while to become a full member...Huh?"

She saw a drop of red liquid appear on her finger on the keyboard.

Zhu Yin frowned, and waved his finger, the red liquid on the finger also flowed down.

"what is this?"

She took a piece of toilet paper and wiped it. After wiping, she smelled a strong smell of blood on her fingers.

"Where did the blood come from?"

She was talking to herself, but she didn't notice that the words "Living Base" on the front page had turned into pure pale white.

And from the refrigerator in the living room behind her, more and more strange voices gradually came from.

That's not the sound of ice making.

It was the sound of something scratching inside!

Lin Huai planned to return to the store after solving the complaint, but before that, he first arrived at the mental hospital on a battery car.

Looking from the outside, the mental hospital is heavily guarded, and every building inside is white. Lin Huai parked the battery car in the shed, and the smile on his face increased again.

Lin Huai really wanted to go in through the main entrance like a normal person, but the old doorman who saw him carrying the courier yesterday and talked nicely to him today rejected him like a ruthless dean.

"It's okay, don't come to the mental hospital." He said.

"I delivered a courier here yesterday." Lin Huai pointed to his face and said, "Do you still know me?"

"What's the matter with the courier delivery? If you don't have a courier package today, you can't go in."

Lin Huai was severely rejected. He stood at the door, lowered his head and thought for a while, and said, "Why do you have to reject me? I have business to do."

The old man snorted: "What's the matter?"

Lin Huai: "I'm mentally ill. Look at my face, it looks like I'm mentally ill."

old man: ...

The old man firmly did not believe that Lin Huai was mentally ill, which made Lin Huai feel very sad. He leaned on the railing, looked at the white house inside with longing eyes, and sighed like a regretful cat.

Just when he was about to turn around and leave without words, a man's voice came from inside: "Old Hu, who is this person outside the door?"

While hearing that voice, Lin Huai maintained a regretful and bored expression, but a hair on his head was raised up like a cat's ear.

"This... is a courier." The old man said, "He said he was sick."

A young man wearing gold-rimmed glasses and a white coat walked towards him. He pushed his glasses and glanced coldly at the young man standing outside.

"I think he has a problem, let him in, and I'll show him."

old man: ...

The door for ghosts to enter and exit was opened. This time, Lin Huai gave the old man a little face and adjusted her body temperature to thirty-seven degrees.

They walked through the hall on the first floor, and then arrived at the ward on the second floor. Lin Huai discovered that there were actually real human patients in this mental hospital. They were brought over by worried family members and waited anxiously in the hall on the first floor for consultation.

A small accident happened when we arrived on the second floor—a patient ran out of the consulting room, was escorted by several nurses, and screamed hissingly.

"I'm not crazy! I'm not crazy!" he tried, "I really saw a ghost!"

Then he was stuffed into the consulting room by several nurses.

Lin Huai arrived at Chu Tianshu's consulting room. Before closing the door, Lin Huai said regretfully, "Why didn't the old man let me in just now? I'm more like a ghost than them."

"Sit." Chu Tianshu closed the door. He is now dressed as a doctor, and he still looks like a dog-like elite.

Lin Huai did not sit on the chair, but kicked his long legs and sat on his desk. When Chu Tianshu turned around, he grabbed Chu Tianshu's tie, raised his eyebrows and said, "Doctor, what's wrong with me?"

Chu Tianshu lowered his body by his tie and held Lin Huai's hand with his slender fingers.

"I don't know yet." He whispered, "I need to give you a physical examination first. First check if there is any problem inside, and then look outside."

... The two played a doctor-patient language game in the consulting room for a while, and finally stopped before the real knife and gun were on the ground. Sitting on the desk, Lin Huai drank a box of milk that Chu Tianshu dug out from somewhere, while dangling his legs, he said, "You seem to have a pretty good life, such a freshman office."

"It's not bad. People who come to see a doctor either have ghosts on their bodies, or they say they saw ghosts—just say they saw ghosts, and they will be haunted by ghosts soon." Chu Tianshu said, "I think after a while , the entire Westwood District will be infected by ghosts - the entire Westwood District has more than 100,000 people and 200,000 people."

Lin Huai: "That's good. At least all the people who died tragically will have a different way to live forever. It will be so exciting, and they will be ghosts when they go out... Hmm."

Chu Tianshu grabbed his chin and kissed him: "Little villain."

Seeing that the two of them were about to shoot each other again, Lin Huai's cell phone rang. He turned on the phone, and the purpose of entering it was a message from the boss. After seeing the message, Lin Huai grimaced.

"What information?" Chu Tianshu asked him.

"Tell me to work overtime to deliver the courier. At twelve o'clock in the middle of the night, I knocked on the door of a resident. Put the food ingredients into her refrigerator." Lin Huai said, "Every ghost in this year costs 996, and is there any dead people? Spirited."

Chu Tianshu thought for a while, and said, "No hurry, I'll give you a sick leave form to ensure that you can be lazy legally."

Lin Huai's eyes lit up, and he said in shock: "Psychopathy also works?!"

Zhu Yin woke up from the dream.

She saw herself lying on the bed and wondered when she fell asleep. The laptop in front of him was still emitting a faint light.

She was about to get up when she heard a light knock on the door.

"Zhu Yin." A plain female voice sounded outside, "Come out for soup."