The NPC Was Once Again Frightened By Me

Chapter 425: Run away


Underworld forum, late at night.

id:1415926 A courier broke into the house, the first thing he did was to open the downstairs door with a chainsaw

0L Is this real

1L? ?

2L I slowly type a question mark

3L Did you come in a group with the courier next door

Where did the 4L come from? ? Subscribed

5L Yesterday, I saw a courier posted by an art museum. There was also a courier who delivered soup the day before yesterday... Why is it always a courier

6L I’ve seen enough, I don’t want to read it, next time the courier and the Tuandifu will call me again.avi

7L Re:5L Are you talking about the post that was deleted more than a dozen times by the welcome worker who was owed wages by the administrator? The one who said that she was injured at work and asked the altar owner to return her hard-earned money.

8L To be honest, I thought it was made up at first. But seeing the forum owner delete posts dozens of times in a row, I think it's true [funny laugh]

9L is the same as 8L. Pooh, the gags of these capitalists are really the same in life and after death. Those who do not delete posts may be fake, but those who delete posts must be true! !

10L so what about lz? Where did Liz go

11L is coming, I just went to find a picture bed. No, no, it's really a courier, and all the ghosts in our building can testify! ! The self-certification is uploading, wait a moment. Let me say something first, I made it up and my family is resurrected.

12L sit and wait.

13L curled up in an urn waiting

14L stuck in TV and waiting

15L [Picture][Picture][Picture] Is this all right? We lived in 604 in this building, and his bones were broken by his stepping on it. There were not a few good bones left in the first place, but now he was recuperating in bed, and he didn't even have the strength to frighten him.

16L Damn, this is the first time I saw self-certification... It's actually true

17L Fuck! ! ! !

18L Is my focus wrong? I feel that my little brother's legs are so long and thin... I really want to cut them off and play with them

19L and 18L girls are dead and still so nympho...

20L 19L is calm, 18L is a man.

21L That thing is not a simple courier at all! ! What human beings, you were deceived by him! !

In the underworld forum in the middle of the night, countless posts were surging, and they were constantly pushed to the homepage of the forum. These include the posts of the short-lived facial mask girl a few days ago, the posts of Douyin ghost movie girls, the posts of radio female anchor ghosts, the posts of art museum students, the posts of the ghost owner of the meat hoof flower shop in the snack street, No. 4 Huaiping Road Posts from all the residents, posts from the passengers and the driver who just got off the hearse bus in shock...etc.

Yes, there are also many posts about ghosts who have been persecuted by Lin Huai that have not been written in detail in this article. It also included residents of many apartment buildings and residential areas who had been delivered by Lin Huai, and a pregnant woman who did not want to be named pushing a fake child.

...In just a few days, the number of victims of this courier with a strange smile has accumulated to more than a hundred. They have complained on the website about this new courier who is scarier than any ghost, and his friendly smile every time he makes a service, which makes people frightened to witness.

"What kind of world is this!!" Someone shouted, "What a terrible courier!"

"Help!! The other couriers are normal! Especially the fat one, I scared him to tears today!"

"Let go of that fat man, that's my prey!!"

"I like the dejected little brother, don't you guys think there is something interesting about being sad?"

"Then I still like another courier station. The people in that courier station are all girls."

"So no one can take care of this courier? @mental hospital, can he be caught and give us a safe underworld?"

Underworld folks are speaking out on the forums. Late at night is the favorite activity time for people in the underworld, and the fear and chatter that cannot be suppressed even if the administrator deletes the post finally broke out. Among them, there are even a few weird posts scrolling in a loop, even including weird speeches such as "Looking at the screenshots, I think the courier is so handsome, is there anyone here to chat", "I really want to imprison the courier brother for play, hehehe".

Countless ghosts staying in coffins, squatting in the refrigerator, huddling in the TV, or lying under the bed, as long as they have a computer around them and can connect to the forum, they have completely seen it and this newcomer The news about the terrorist courier, and saw the final summary building related to his deeds.

Although the name of this summary building is weird: "Here is the courier's true love post, if you like it, please come to the top every day! Please reply with 15 characters in PS!"

Lin Huai, who was sleeping happily, didn't know that he became angry in such an ignorant situation on a forum in the underworld.

Lin Huai was woken up by the fat man's cries early the next morning. Yesterday, when he came back from delivering the courier, he didn't go to bed until almost three o'clock. Before going to sleep, he even pulled out a cardboard figure from under the bed who wanted to share the bed with him.

The paper man was a tiny paper man who looked like he had followed him back from the stencil money shop. Lin Huai told it: "The three-dimensional world is too dirty, you should go back to the two-dimensional world."

Then flushed it down the toilet.

Lin Huai came out of the room with a mess of hair. The fat man was still wailing at the door: "Brother, brother, I beg you, let's go back to the country, we will definitely be killed if we stay here again! The owner of the snack street yesterday morning, he was really, really... "

"What are you crazy about! Your spirit must be too sensitive!" The skinny man roared, "Shut up!"

The two chattered and went downstairs. Lin Huai saw a dark handprint on the skinny man's back—it seemed to be left by that ghostly hand. It seemed that this thin man was inevitably entangled by ghosts.

"This world is too dangerous." Lin Huai thought.

He looked down at the square of the courier station, yesterday's bus had disappeared. While Lin Huai was happy, she was also a little disappointed.

If the bus is still there, he can drive the bus to deliver the courier.

It was seven o'clock in the morning. Lin Huai had only slept for three hours, so she went back to sleep again. It was noon when he woke up again. He put his mobile phone under his pillow, and received two new high-end express delivery.

"Delivery 1: Please climb to the top floor of Yuqing Building on time at midnight, stand on the edge of the building without railings, and hand over the delivery to the 'person' walking behind you!"

"Express delivery 2: Six o'clock in the afternoon is the busiest time in Bidan Square. Find the 'ghost' handing out flyers in the square, take the flyers in his hand, and bring them back to the express station!"

The two couriers took another afternoon and one night, which was very suitable for Lin Huai's wishes. Lin Huai went to the mental hospital as usual in the afternoon and had some limited intimate interactions with Chu Tianshu.

As usual, the people who come to see a doctor today are people who are haunted by ghosts. Lin Huai listened to their troubles with great interest behind the curtain. It was not until five o'clock that Chu Tianshu opened the curtain.

"Get off work early and accompany you to deliver the courier." Chu Tianshu whistled, "Let's go."

Only then did Lin Huai come out from behind the curtain. Seeing him get up, Chu Tianshu frowned and said, "By the way, I'll give you a physical examination first."


Chu Tianshu's expression was unusually serious, but the words that came out of his mouth were so brazen and unreliable: "Check to see if you have a long tail."

Lin Huai: ...

Chu Tianshu played with Lin Huai for a while, and then was beaten by Lin Huai. He scratched his head, then left the mental hospital, and went to Bidan Square with Lin Huai.

They took a taxi in front of the mental hospital. After meeting the taxi driver, Lin Huai couldn't help showing a happy expression.

"Yo." Lin Huai waved.

Driver Li: …

"Where are you going today?" Driver Li asked tremblingly.

"Bidan Square." Lin Huai said.

Driver Li arrived at Bidan Square with the two deadly passengers and ran away quickly. Lin Huai looked at his back and regretted, "Unexpectedly, even the taxi driver can't give me a little warmth to this strange passenger."

Chu Tianshu couldn't help twitching the corner of his mouth.

There are many shopping malls near Bidan Square. There seems to be a sales promotion in the shopping mall, and the square is bustling with laughing children, old people, and couples everywhere.

"Is there a ghost in the app?" Chu Tianshu asked.

Lin Huai shook his head.

"The information only said that they are distributing leaflets, but it's easy to handle." Lin Huai said, "As long as I open the ghost pupil, I can see..."

Then he saw a staff member wearing a rabbit plush toy coat, holding a stack of leaflets, walking past him.

Beside him was a staff member wearing a cat plush toy coat.

Lin Huai: ...

Chu Tianshu: "Let's find them one by one."

Ghost pupils can see through the real body of ghosts, but they cannot see through the plush toy coats worn by ghosts. Lin Huai felt very sorry for this.

It was dusk at this time, and the entire square was dark and dark, only a few clumsy dolls were distributing leaflets... Lin Huai squinted her eyes, feeling the flow of yin energy on these leaflets.

'Maybe I can only try one by one. 'he thinks.

Lin Huai thought for a while, and decided to start with the person next to him wearing a pink rabbit head doll costume. He stood in front of the rabbit head, trying to negotiate with the other party. But the other party just looked at him suspiciously, as if he had no idea what he was talking about.

Lin Huai felt a little headache. After all, those who handed out leaflets were human beings, so they couldn't hit them one by one. At this moment, his arm was pulled by Chu Tianshu.

"I found that ghost." Chu Tianshu said seriously.

He pointed to Mickey Mouse standing in the corner of the plaza. The Mickey Mouse is holding a stack of black flyers, with a huge smile on his face, but dark eyes that are glazed over. Lin Huai followed Chu Tianshu towards Mickey Mouse, and said, "How did you find out?"

Chu Tianshu said: "I observed for ten minutes just now. Among the seven or eight dolls handing out leaflets here, only he honestly handed out one leaflet each time, and never secretly stuffed the leaflets into the trash."

Lin Huai: ...

"We ghosts are really hardworking and not lazy." Lin Huai said proudly.

Chu Tianshu: "Besides, he actually dared to wear the costumes of Disney, the copyright madman, for commercial activities."

Lin Huai: ...

With that said, Lin Huai walked towards Mickey Mouse. He squinted his eyes slightly, staring at the flyer, and was already in a fighting stance.

And at this moment, Mickey Mouse finally turned around and looked at him.

The eyes of the two met in mid-air. When Lin Huai smiled at him and was about to go further...

He saw Mickey Mouse drop the flyer in his hand, and quickly...
