The NPC Was Once Again Frightened By Me

Chapter 438: City Manager Lin Huai


All the accidents happened on a sunny morning.

In just half a month after the wonderful first week, before he knew it, the supernatural delivery mission for Lin Huai himself seemed to have turned into a ghost delivery mission.

Through the postings on the underworld forum, Lin Huai saw countless ghosts gathered in a newly opened small forum and wept bitterly. And the content of their tears is in line with the name of the plate.

The name of the plate is - "Did you receive the courier task today?".

Whenever receiving a reminder from the system that the courier is about to be delivered, countless ghosts are crying inside, while the rest of the ghosts are rejoicing for themselves and gloating for the ghosts who received the courier. The whole scene was made to look like Lin Huai was the system boss, and those ghosts were the players participating in the infinite streaming game.

Lin Huai was not only very happy about this, but also enjoyed it very much. He even enthusiastically borrowed the number from Xiao Liu at the courier station, and launched a strategy for himself in the forum. But unfortunately, Xiao Liu was soon blocked because of the false strategy, and lost the right to enter this private section.

Lin Huai and Xiao Liu were very sad about this.

But fortunately, the two high-level express delivery missions every day cannot be run - whether it is for players or ghosts. Although the number of ghosts encountered in life is becoming increasingly rare, the express delivery every night can always bring Lin Huai endless experience.

Although the happy time became shorter and shorter, Lin Huai counted the fingers of himself and the other ghosts, and there were only the last ten days left.

Lin Huai also completed a courier delivery task at midnight yesterday. The delivery location he went to was a midnight repertory theater, and what he had to do was to deliver them a prop for performance—a human head in a box.

Lin Huai arrived at the Midnight Drama Theater with the head in his hands. Human head is very obedient, no matter how Lin Huai poked his head or danced him like a basketball along the way, he didn't say anything, do anything, or bite anyone, as quiet as a dead human head. Lin Huai had no choice but to give up.

When he entered the Midnight Repertory Theater with the head, he also found that the atmosphere was extremely festive. All the headlights and par lights were turned on in the midnight repertory theater, and bright red banners were drawn on the stage. On the banner, there are a few large characters written in flying and phoenix dances:

"Welcome the courier brother to come and guide!"

This happy atmosphere almost didn't send Lin Huai away directly.

A dozen ghosts stood under the banner. They were all wearing bright red coats, and one of them carried a kitchen knife that had been chopped into his head. When the ghosts saw him coming, they stood in a neat row and clapped their hands to him.

"Welcome! Welcome! Warmly welcome!!"

Lin Huai: ...

As a ghost with perverted personality, Lin Huai is very uncomfortable with this overly happy and peaceful atmosphere. He twitched the corner of his mouth, put the head on the head in the center of the first row of auditorium, turned his head and left after the buyer confirmed the receipt.

And climbed onto the small exhaust window.

After he left, heart-piercing cries finally came out in the rehearsal hall. The one who cried the loudest was the tortured head. The human head was crying so much that it hiccupped, and the other dozen or so ghosts hugged and coaxed it one after another.

Lin Huai: ...

He could only "tsk" and left the rehearsal hall where the atmosphere made him bored.

Due to the bad experience at night, it took Lin Huai an hour to fall asleep after returning to the staff dormitory. Now he lives alone, and the frustrated young courier ghost finally hooks up with his boss and goes to sleep in the boss' dormitory. Lin Huai often felt lonely at night.

So he played with his mobile phone in high spirits.

There are still a lot of spam messages in the world of ghosts. But even so, Lin Huai can still find many interesting things as long as he chooses carefully.

Such as selling courses, selling insurance, selling short messages of commercial housing. As long as you look carefully, there will be a lot of interesting content in it.

The most interesting thing is to sell personal accident insurance. Lin Huai once got a text message from personal accident insurance on a boring late night. Against the background of the dark night mode, the blood-red font of the text message is particularly clear.

"Personal accident insurance, sign the contract within one hour, and you can get 3 million insurance after death..." Lin Huai read all the content word by word, and then received a call.

The voice on the other end of the phone was extremely eerie: "Hello, I am Xiao Li who sells insurance. Do you need to buy personal accident insurance?"

Lin Huai said, "Is it true that you will give three million insurance premiums after your death?"

The voice on the other end of the phone laughed: "Of course it's true, we do business without deception!"

Lin Huai glanced at the time on his mobile phone and said, "It's eleven o'clock in the evening, can you come to sign the contract within an hour at this time?"

The voice on the other end of the phone continued to laugh: "Of course, our insurance is famous for its punctuality. No matter where you live, as long as you agree to sign a contract, within an hour, we can find you with the contract." ... Hehehe."

"Oh, that's really great." Lin Huai estimated the time, and said, "Then hurry up and sign the contract with me. Let me see, it's eleven o'clock now, and I have a courier to deliver at one o'clock in the morning. , you'd better hurry up, couriers like us often encounter various accidents... "

Suddenly there was no sound on the other end of the phone. Lin Huai then urged: "Hello? Hello? Where's the person?"

On the other end of the phone: ...

The phone was hung up at that moment.

Lin Huai: ...

Lin Huai felt very unwilling and unconvinced about this. It is also buying personal accident insurance, so why should other living people be more noble than him, a dead person. He even changed a few mobile phones to make calls, intending to trick the insurance ghost in a suit to come to his door and give him three million for free. It's a pity that he regretted that the ghost not only made a call and blocked a call from him, but later sent him a text message.

Ghost in a suit: "Brother, can I call you brother? I beg you, the company has no money, and I'm really bankrupt. Please don't come looking for me."

Lin Huai: "I really can't figure it out. I just want to be treated the same as a living person. How can I be rejected by you like this? As a ghost selling insurance, haven't you considered that you will receive all kinds of customers? "

After Lin Huai sent this text message, he found himself blocked by the suit ghost again.

Lin Huai was very bored by this. After being unable to harass the suit ghost, he had to change to another ghost to practice his horror hobby.

The ghost he met this time was a ghost using dating software.

Lin Huai also registered her own account on the dating software in Ximu District. He first used his own photo, but soon found himself banned by dating software for "spreading terrorist information".

Lin Huai: ...

For this reason, he had no choice but to apply for a trumpet and photoshopped his selfie.

However, due to his limited aesthetics and poor PS skills, at first Lin Huai was rejected countless times by other ghosts, and did not receive even a single friend request.

For this, Lin Huai was very helpless. He even mentioned it when he went out to eat with Chu Tianshu.

"This is very unscientific." Lin Huai said, "I remember that when I accompanied Shao Wei and Lin Dangdang to the bar, many people struck up a conversation with me."

Chu Tianshu responded: ...

Lin Huai didn't know that this sentence led to the fate that he almost didn't get out of bed for a few days after leaving the dungeon and returning to reality. Chu Tianshu looked at Lin Huai's pale and handsome profile, and thought that even when Lin Huai was not speaking, he was indeed a pure male college student with a lot of capital.

But Chu Tianshu finally helped Lin Huai—of course, by asking Lin Huai to use his own photo (post-PS) to catch ghosts.

Lin Huai was very enthusiastic about this activity at first, and met many ghosts who tried to join him, sell games, courses, facial masks, fitness, and fake bags to him. He played tricks with these ghosts one by one, and had a great time. Until later, Chu Tianshu saw that Lin Huai had stopped using this account.

Chu Tianshu: "What's wrong?"

Lin Huai played Lianliankan on her mobile phone, without raising her head, she said, "I met a lot of ghosts that I want to have sex with."

Chu Tianshu: ...

Lin Huai: "Tsk, I'm very upset."

Chu Tianshu: "I should be the one who is upset!!"

Then, when Chu Tianshu saw Lin Huai's expression, he immediately understood what was happening - after all, Lin Huai was wearing his head portrait.

For this reason, Chu Tianshu stroked the cat's head, smiled and said nothing. Lin Huai gave him a contemptuous look, sat up in a dying condition and pushed his palm away with his head, and continued to play Lianliankan.

But now, the ghosts on dating software and promotional information are far away from him. They almost completely disappeared in one day. During the long night, Lin Huai could only stare at his mobile phone in a daze, and sent a message to all the ghosts he saved in his address book.

"Are you here? Are you here? Are you here?"

None of the ghosts answered him.

Lin Huai: ...

Lin Huai felt a strong loneliness. He turned over and looked under the bed: "Are you there?"

There are no ghosts under the bed either.

On a night without ghosts, Lin Huai had to sleep alone. He woke up early the next morning and opened the door.

The other ghosts in the courier station went to work early these days, and seemed to avoid him on purpose. For this moment, Lin Huai deliberately moved up today's wake-up time. But it seems that the Tao is one foot tall and the devil is one foot tall. When he got up, the other ghosts had already quietly got up and went out to work.

Lin Huai: ...

But now it's breakfast time, Lin Huai has a way to let himself meet other ghosts for fun. He changed into a pink sweater, wore a white peaked cap, and even put some blush on his face (to make his face less pale and weird), and he looked like a pure and harmless male college student.

He looked at Dianping on his mobile phone, and followed the navigation guide to the most famous breakfast street in Westwood District,

There are many hawkers on this breakfast street. Of course, they will never be serious hawkers. What these hawkers sell is never an ordinary breakfast. What is rolled in the oil pan may be fried dough sticks or an arm that will burst out of your belly. The bean curd in a cup may also be another buyer's brain flower.

But the moment Lin Huai stepped into this street, he heard the heart-piercing scream of a ghost coming from the small street:

"The city management is here!!!"