The NPC Was Once Again Frightened By Me

Chapter 443: Warm courier


The steel barrel was placed there quietly. After Lin Huai thought for a moment, he opened the lid of the bucket with his hands.

As soon as the lid was lifted, there was a stench coming from inside. Before the pale ghost hand stretched out from inside, Lin Huai stepped forward and jumped onto the barrel lid!

Lin Huai bouncing on the stainless steel barrel with a blank face. Now that he is small and light, he doesn't have to be afraid of knocking the stainless steel bucket down for the time being. He silently recited the beats of the songs such as the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss in his heart, and finally, the ghost child in the barrel let out a scream.

"How do you react that you are not framed by others!!" The child screamed.

The ghost child in the barrel is screaming, and Lin Huai on the barrel is dancing. The scene looks like a bust, like a high school Chinese reading comprehension. How can you let me go? ! "

"You are so good, you actually begged me to let me let you go." The miniature version of Lin Huai said, with a little milk in her voice. He got down from the bucket, leaned on the side of the bucket and said, "Give me your ghost note."

The ghost kid was so confused by Lin Huai that he had no choice but to give him the note.

Lin Huai took the note in disgust, and threw the "person" note to the ghost child. Then, he happily left the cafeteria.

The confrontation with the remaining children was also very gratifying. Lin Huai found the wet girl chasing him in the small pond, and the hunchbacked boy on the flagpole. Finally, he explores the school and meets the girl in the red dress who originally invited him to the game on the fourteenth step of the stairs leading to the top floor.

A normal staircase has only thirteen steps.

The girl in the red skirt originally reached out to push Lin Huai down. But when she started, she found that Lin Huai was defenseless—the limp and cute little boy was pushed downstairs by her just like that.

And there was a horrible snapping sound from the neck.

Then, the little girl watched the little boy dumbfounded and got up from the ground again. He tilted his head physically, looked at the girl, and said:

"Is there something you want from me?"

The little girl in the red dress: "Ahhhh—"

"I didn't scream when you pushed me, but now that I'm dead, why are you screaming harder than me?" Lin Huai said.

He said, took out all the ghosts in his hand, and said to the little girl and the others: "Now it's my turn to play the ghost, you are all human."

Lin Huai spent a happy afternoon in the ghost school. In addition to acting as a ghost, he even had some fun, got into several classrooms and other ghost children.

Among them, there are lessons in learning. Lin Huai was sitting in the penultimate row, and heard the ghost teacher say, "Two apples, for three children, can only be cut. How do you cut them?"

As the teacher said, he looked at Lin Huai, the new kid. Lin Huai was very helpless about this, so she had to raise her hand.

The teacher squinted his eyes and smiled, and said to Lin Huai: "This kid is a bit strange, do you have any questions?"

Then she heard Lin Huai say:

"Teacher, did you die very early?"


"It's such a corny question."

Two combos.

"I have read it countless times in countless infinite streams, and it can almost reach the level of two people per person."

Triple hit.


"Then how do you want to answer it?" The teacher tried hard to restrain his temper.

Lin Huai: "I'll be a kid next door, and the two apples will be mine."

In addition, the music class, Yin language class, and biology class are also quite exciting. The music class requires all children to sing Solitaire, including well-known songs such as "Wedding Dress" and "Sister Carrying a Doll". When they sang, there were footsteps outside the door, as if the ghosts in those songs were also summoned to come.

When it was Lin Huai's turn, Lin Huai had no choice but to bring along a

So ten minutes later, a scary bride in a wedding dress, a ghost girl with a doll on her back, and...

Flying Jie

Jin Luan entered the music classroom.

Biology class requires children to pick flowers in the woods.

"There may be a lot of things buried under the soil in the garden. Please pick each child up!

Lin Huai followed the ghost children into the woods. There was indeed a hell in the woods, and Lin Huai was separated by other children before walking a few steps. He still had to take a few steps forward when his ankle was grabbed by a hand protruding from the ground.

Lin Huai was the last of all the children. After seeing him, the grim smile on Teacher Ghost's face froze.

She tremblingly asked Lin Huai: "Isn't it for you to pick off the ginseng

Lin Huai lifted the body of the ghost with a bruised nose and a swollen face that he dragged back, and said sincerely, "This is a vegetable."

Lin Huai felt that he had done a good job. Compared with other ghost children, the plants he picked were obviously larger in size. But Teacher Ghost didn't even praise him, but passed out.

Lin Huai felt very disappointed.

The fun lessons are still going on. It's a pity that elementary school students don't have physics classes, otherwise, Lin Huai would have thought of the class that would have caused Qu Xinya to get out of the coffin angrily.

Chinese class is also a bit boring. Those teachers seemed to have made an appointment and planned to ignore Lin Huai to the end. The content of the Chinese class is that each student needs to speak

Chu Tianshu often writes ghost stories, but Lin Huai has no experience in telling horror stories. But Lin Huai has the spirit of persuading to try.

He raised his hand countless times, but was ignored by the teacher countless times. At the end, after Mr. Dory told the ghost story about how he stayed up late to read the novel but saw the face of the film on the black screen when the screen was turned off, it was finally Lin Huai's turn to tell the story.

Lin Huai cleared his throat, and said softly and sweetly, "I came to school today..."

The get out of class bell rang at this moment.

Lin Huai waited patiently until the bell rang for the end of get out of class. He wanted to continue talking, but the teacher had already pushed his glasses and said, "Well, your story today is scary. The best story teller today is this new classmate."

Lin Huai:? ?

He saw that the students next to him also had dizzy expressions. As an inferior person, Lin Huai received no reward for no merit. He just wanted to argue with the teacher, but the teacher had already pushed his glasses and left the classroom quickly.

He moved so fast, as if he was running for his life.

Lin Huai: ...

Lin Huai walked through the class, making the students in the class jump around and suffer terribly. Finally, it was the turn of art class.

The art teacher is a thin and stooped old man. The themes of the paintings he gives are.

"My Dou Shake

Lin Huai sat in the back row boredly holding a pencil. He saw the child on the left seriously drawing three people. The smiling faces of the three people grew bigger and bigger as he wrote.

The little girl on the right only draws Limulus Yuehai, but draws her own belly very big - as if her family is in her belly.

Lin Huai felt extremely bored. In the end, with a very honest idea, he drew a portrait of the horseshoe crab Yue Hannao on the drawing paper. When he finally handed over the paper and left the classroom, he heard the Chinese teacher whom he had just offended severely come to the classroom, and talked to the art teacher, "Why didn't there be any problems with his paintings... don't they all happen in accordance with their aptitude?" Is there a related horror legend?... What is it that he draws?"

"Looks like a house

The two ghosts looked at each other, and finally, the art teacher ghostly said, "Maybe it's because his drawing is so bad that even the curse from the art classroom can't work..."

Lin Huai: ...

Lin Huai felt deeply offended.

The first question before the next question was also the last one of the day. A was about to go to the classroom, but suddenly, his body vacated.

Someone grabbed Lin Huai's shoulders from behind and arrested him. The first thing Lin Huai did was to struggle with his hands and feet, and thrust himself into the opponent's tiger's mouth.

"Hey, hey, I didn't know I had tiger teeth? It hurts, hurts, hurts!!!"

What Lin Huai saw when he turned his head was Chu Tianshu's weeping dog's head. Chu Tianshu hugged him, still breathing in "hiss".

Lin Huai:? !

"How did you come here?"

The black-haired boy raised his face. Now he is only six or seven years old, when he is the cutest and tenderest. His skin is like snow, his facial features are exquisite, and his big, slightly raised eyes look like a kitten who has been found doing bad things.

And it's a smaller version of what he used to be.

Tianshu suddenly felt anxious and worried about the road. Meichu K smiled and thought, Lin Huai still looks so small.

"Come to pick you up after class." Chu Tianshu said, rubbing Lin Huai's head.

The hair is also soft.

"Why don't you have to become a primary school student." The expression of contempt for him was still the same as before.

"Because I haven't been cursed by the mirror, hehe." Chu Tianshu said, "The school time in the mirror is indeed much faster than the flow outside, but it has been four hours since you entered here? Do you still remember if you still have express delivery?" Send it?"

Lin Huai: ...

The happy time is always so short, Lin Huai couldn't help but sigh. He said to Chu Tianshu: "I still want to go to the final show!

"Okay, I'll carry you there." Chu Tianshu said.

Lin Huai sat in his arms and was hugged by Chu Tianshu. He hugged Chu Tianshu's neck with both hands, and sent him to the classroom. All the ghosts in Feifei's path looked at them in fear.

At the last question in the classroom, some students introduced their future career aspirations—naturally, it also felt like a horror story. But Lin Huai found that the classmates in the class really isolated him more and more. Even the teacher looked at him with fear in his eyes, as if silently accusing him and begging him to leave early.

Lin Huai felt very sad and helpless about this.

"I want to be a chef and cook large animals with a height of more than 165cm and a weight of more than 60kg."

"I want to be a makeup artist. I do my mom's last makeup before she goes into the funeral home."

"I want to be a doctor..."

"My dad is an insurance man. He only sells insurance to people who are going to die and then never lose money..."

The elementary school students tremblingly expressed their dreams, and stared at Lin Huai, beware of any horrible actions he made.

Finally, it was Lin Huai's turn. Under everyone's gaze, Lin Huai spoke.

"I want to be a courier." Lin Huai said with a smile, "This way I can bring warmth and surprises to everyone... Hey!! You!!!"

"Don't run!!!"