The NPC Was Once Again Frightened By Me

Chapter 444: You are just happier


Lin Huai left the elementary school, and he brought along the tennis boy who had been forgotten for a long time and was huddled in the sandpit.

The tennis boys were almost thankful for that. He followed the two out of the school in the mirror. Before leaving, Chu Tianshu hugged Lin Huai and asked him, "Are you sure you want to leave here?"

Tennis Boy: "Huh? What do you mean?"

"Your friend has already stayed here—as a ghost, in this school." Chu Tianshu said, "You should know the current situation in Westwood District, right? The entire Westwood District will become a paradise for ghosts. No exception."

"—Everyone will die." He said word by word.

When Chu Tianshu said this, his expression was still lazy, his eyes showed an amber color in the twilight, but what he said was shocking. The tennis boy was silent for a moment. Chu Tianshu changed his frivolous tone again and said: "So, everyone in the Westwood District will die anyway. In this case, why not choose a place of terror that you like before you die, and after you die, it will become a place of terror. I think this school is not bad, and the food is okay. Teachers, security guards, uncles and aunts in the cafeteria... all the facilities and staff that should be equipped are almost dead. And your friend has already integrated into the big group here , it’s not bad for you to die here.”

"Moreover, there is a stadium here." Chu Tianshu continued to reassure himself, "If you die here, you can still play tennis here in the future."

Tennis Boy: …

He was silent for a long time, and said: "After becoming a ghost, you can only die here for the rest of your life, right?"

"In this kind of school all my life, in this place all my life. I can't go anywhere except the school. I can only wander here day after day as a primary school student, playing with other ghosts..."

Chu Tianshu: "Strictly speaking, yes."

He said, lowering his eyelashes, and said softly: "But for the Westwood District, for ghosts... there is no other choice."

At that moment, I don't know if it was because of Twilight, or because Chu Tianshu's hair was too smooth, Lin Huai sat in Chu Tianshu's arms, looked at the silhouette of Chu Tianshu, and felt a faint sense of divinity.

For some reason, his eyes were suddenly a little sour - as if he had seen this scene somewhere a long time ago.

So he lowered his head and buried his head in Chu Tianshu's arms again.

"Then I don't want it!!" The tennis boy screamed, "I don't want to be a ghost who is always in elementary school!! At least, let me die in an Internet cafe or KTV!!"

Two people: ...

Tennis Boy: "At least the one with a mechanical keyboard and a super-advanced graphics card!!"

... The tennis boy successfully escaped from the elementary school, followed by Lin Huai and Chu Tianshu. Lin Huai has been nestling in Chu Tianshu's arms, like a well-behaved cat. Finally, when he completely stepped out of elementary school, he looked at his hands in shock and said, "Why hasn't my body changed back yet?!"

Chu Tianshu said: "When I first entered school, I found out that the effect of the curse would last for a whole day."

Lin Huai: ...

After being turned into a cotton doll, Lin Huai was turned into a primary school student again, and he couldn't help feeling sad. In addition, he even received two new dispatch text messages.

Whether it was a curse or a job, he never let him go! !

There are two dispatch messages, one is to go to the district library at eight o'clock, and the other is to go to a toy store that sells dolls at twelve o'clock. Lin Huai looked at her small hands and feet and expressed doubts.

"It's okay, I can carry you." Chu Tianshu said straightly.

"There's no need to hug me, I can walk by myself... You just want to take the opportunity to hug me?!" Lin Huai couldn't help but complain.

Chu Tianshu laughed heartily and exchanged Lin Huai for a headbutt.

Unfortunately, due to size constraints, Lin Huai's head hammer can be described as weak, pitiful and helpless. Chu Tianshu pinched Lin Huai's face, and Lin Huaixu turned his head and bit his eyes again.

"Let me help you deliver the parcels. Isn't the purpose of having a boyfriend for these purposes?" Chu Tianshu looked for a car with an upright face and drove to the courier station.

There are very few vehicles on the roads these days. Perhaps it is because the people in Yangjian died almost the same, and even those who did not die in Yangjian could only hide at home in fear.

Twilight falls on the street, everything is so cold, calm and peaceful. There are ghost models in the window shops on both sides, and ghosts are frying their arms with oil in the nearby fried chicken shop.

"Tell me," Lin Huai said suddenly, "if the whole world is infected by ghosts and everyone turns into ghosts, will this world be so harmonious and peaceful?"

"... Well, it is indeed very harmonious and peaceful." Chu Tianshu manipulated the steering wheel and said, "As far as the world where Westwood District is located, it is indeed so."

"What is 'the world where Westwood District is located'?" Lin Huai grasped a key point keenly.

The car met a red light at the intersection. Chu Tianshu stopped the car and continued: "Because the ghosts in the instance of 'Westwood District' still have reason, and their human nature is greater than that of ghosts. In the advanced field, we call them... benign ghosts. "

"What does it mean?"

"Where there are benign ghosts, there will be vicious ghosts. Some ghosts cannot coexist with humans, or even the world. They are extremely dangerous, and they are born with the mission of killing and infecting." Chu Tianshu said, "Ximu District The ghosts still have human nature. They have their own likes and dislikes, and there is still the possibility of communicating with humans. Even if the whole world becomes a paradise for ghosts, they can still maintain order. They, the so-called benign ghosts, can also A benign ghost that peacefully exists in the world of the copy."

"And the vicious ghost..."

They thirst for blood, thirst for kill, thirst for battle.

Their thinking is different from that of human beings, and what they seek is also different from that of human beings.

They cannot form a harmonious world or society. They can't communicate effectively with humans—not that they don't have human-equivalent intelligence, but.

How can thoughts that exist in different dimensions communicate

Like ghosts in the most traditional horror stories, they can only be encountered, not understood.

"I've heard a saying before." Before the green light came on, Chu Tianshu said slowly, "Benign ghosts can be released to form dungeons or worlds. They encounter humans in dungeons or worlds, evolve intelligence, and Human beings coexist, within acceptable levels of 'human consumption'."

"The vicious ghosts will be isolated outside the copy. They cannot be educated or saved. Their fate is to kill the things that purify them in that place, become powerful or be killed in the end .And the most vicious ghosts, their roots are... ”


"And that place is jokingly called the 'isolation sandbox'. The 'isolation sandbox' is the place where the will of this world is used to isolate them and clear them."

At that moment, Lin Huai suddenly felt that the world was very bright. He felt that Chu Tianshu who was sitting next to him suddenly became very strange, and at the same time seemed to become very familiar. The whole world became very slow, and he seemed to be able to see the whole process of a drop of water in the sky. He saw that he and Chu Tianshu seemed to have ascended to a higher dimension, and that Chu Tianshu was talking to him.

'Viruses are aliens to this world. Beings from another realm cast them to test the order and chaos of this world. '

'They should be kept in an 'isolation sandbox' for extermination. The virus brings chaos, and the world needs order. Their mission is to transform the world into another one. '

'I should have wiped out all of them, as I have done in the past. But this time, me and one of them...'

'We met. '

’ It’s like Adam met his own Eve. '

At that moment, Lin Huai suddenly heard a terrifying scream. That whistling sound seemed to come from inside his body, from the black shadow parasitic in his body. He heard the rattle of the chain, as if the last chain was about to be untied.

He heard the sound of chains about to shatter, and suddenly, he seemed to see a pair of indifferent golden eyes looking down, pressing down.

So all the sense of detachment that seemed like an illusion disappeared.

The street lights at the intersection turned green. Behind the car came the impatient beeping of other cars. Chu Tianshu scratched his head as if shivering, and continued: "...I have always suspected that Wen County is that sandbox. The prisoners in it cannot be the same as the ghosts encountered in these worlds in Westwood District. And the ghost of the language."

"... If those ghosts are allowed to escape into the world, it may be a very terrible disaster." Lin Huai said.

Chu Tianshu nodded. He continued to drive, and after driving for a while, he turned his head to look at Xiao Lin Huai with dark eyes and said, "What are you looking at me for?"

"You look handsome." Lin Huai said.

Chu Tianshu couldn't hold back his shriek. Then, Lin Huai said: "Do you think if the real world is like Westwood District, okay?"

"... Isn't that good?" Chu Tianshu said, "This illogical and chaotic world is really a headache. How can we develop productivity?"

"..." Lin Huai lowered her eyelashes and said, "Oh..."

"However, it would be great if you can have a few places like Westwood District to visit alone." Chu Tianshu said, "After all, you like it very much, and you still find it exciting."

As he spoke, the car turned around the alley and finally arrived at the courier station.

Lin Huai sat in the car, waiting for Chu Tianshu to go to the courier station to pick up things. He looked at the clean window glass, and then at his palm.

On these hands, whether it is Jiangcun, the civilized world, or the world of Fu Jiang, they have all been stained with blood.

And now, how many times has he put off that... uncontrollable desire to kill

Lin Huai knew clearly that he hadn't changed, but now, he met less and less occasions that made him want to do something.

When Chu Tianshu returned to the car, he saw Lin Huai staring at his hand. He then said, "What are you doing?"

"... I feel as if I have been domesticated." Lin Huai said.

He is now a small figure, and the gesture of sitting in the co-pilot and saying this has a weird and cute feeling.

Chu Tianshu then pinched his face, Lin Huai stared back.

Chu Tianshu continued to drive, and they drove towards the library. When passing through an intersection, Chu Tianshu said: "You have not been domesticated."

"You're just happier. There's more of the things that make you happy."