The NPC Was Once Again Frightened By Me

Chapter 45: The weather is fine and sunny today


He took out the blank card in his backpack and took out one to Lin Huai: "This is a card that can contain ghosts..."

Lin Huai quickly took all the cards, counted them and said, "Thank you for being so generous, hehe."

Xia Xingye: ...

Lin Huai tested the cards several times, and after confirming that Xia Xingye did not deceive him, he put all the cards in his suit pocket. Xia Xingye watched his movements, and said, "Do you know a man named Tian Chu?"

Lin Huai pretended to say, "I don't know, what's the matter."

"When you get to the high-level field, I want to introduce the two of you." Xia Xingye said with a smile, "I don't know which of the two of you will be stronger..."

Lin Huai: "That must be me. You have been robbed by him too? How much has he robbed?"

Xia Xingye: ...

Xia Xingye is insidious and cunning. Leaving him may not be a good choice. But since he dared to be a businessman in a high-end field, there must be something that ordinary people can't do. And his elder brother, I don't know who he is. Although Lin Huai's style of acting has always been quite coquettish, she is by no means a person who does not make decisions before acting.

What's more, although he cheated two teammates in this game, he didn't kill anyone after all, and he was a little better than the insane person. Lin Huai didn't intend to be a partner of justice, so he didn't bother to waste time fighting him.

"It's almost time to leave here." Xia Xingye said while taking a medicine for himself, "You are really ruthless."

Lin Huai: "You deserve it."

Xia Xingye was not angry either, and smiled softly. Lin Huai thought that this guy must be smiling, but he didn't care what this guy thought. He put on a black cloak and went down the corridor. Before leaving, he glanced at Qiu Ran's sleeping face, and then left.

Not once did he look back.

After Xia Xingye left, Li Fen came up from downstairs late. As soon as he came up, he shouted loudly: "We won? The game is cleared? No... why are you still alive!"

The direction he pointed was the direction where Yan Xi was standing. Due to too much overdrawn power before, Yan Xi is still in the state of a mentally handicapped child even though he has obtained the evil spirit core. Facing Li Fen's finger, he just gave him a "?" look.

Li Fen: "Ah, he really turned into a ghost! Qiu Ran! Qiu Ran, wake up!"

The girl who was awakened by him returned to reality after a brief daze. She looked at the sky outside, then looked at Yan Xi and Lin Huai in front of her, without even looking at Li Fen, she said, "...he left?"

Lin Huai nodded.

"He didn't leave! He's here!" Li Fen pointed at Yan Xi and said, "Be sober!"

Qiu Ran didn't listen to him at all. She pursed her lips, her eye circles were slightly red, but she looked cold and ruthless. She picked up her longbow and bowed to Lin Huai.

"I'm very sorry." She whispered, "I owe you once, and I will pay you back later."

With a longbow on her back, she straightened her back and turned to leave.

"Where are you going, Qiu Ran!" Li Fan said loudly.

Qiu Ran kept walking, but her voice was faint: "He owes me a bow and arrow, and I'm going to find him."

After saying this, she disappeared into the corridor.

"Oh..." Lin Huai touched his chin and sighed, "Aizan's words are indeed correct, longing is the emotion that is the furthest from understanding..."

"Suddenly started saying famous lines from anime characters again! So what's going on, can someone explain to me!"

Although the light door to leave the dungeon had already appeared, Lin Huai did not leave in a hurry. After throwing the noisy Li Fen out of the door with the excuse of "too noisy", he returned to school again.

"It's almost time to finish..." He said to himself, "But I will be a teacher for a day and a father for life, so I have to find a good home for them..."

Xu Chi followed behind him. Because of excessive consumption, Yan Xi had already fallen asleep in the card and was put in Lin Huai's pocket. From the conversation between Lin Huai, Li Fen and the others, the evil spirit Xu Chi has gradually discovered that the world they live in is a game. After hearing Lin Huai's words, he said sullenly: "Since this is just a game, why are you still..."

"Maybe it's because of excess energy, maybe it's because you've gotten into the drama too deeply, maybe it's because you don't want to go back and review "Mechanics of Materials"... Ah, why do college students have to take the exam? If I had known, I would have found a body like a social animal... Oh, social animals are not good, social animals need to 996, maybe I will meet a boss like Lu〇Dark..."


Xu Chi resisted the urge to complain. After taking out his core, he could feel his strength waning and his spirit begin to weaken. Lin Huai said: "The next action is to do some small work for this group of students who were innocently involved in the game... Unlike Minghua, as for you..."

With that, he turned around.

"As for you, just stay here. After all, Minghua Middle School is your birthplace, and it's good for your recovery. Now that you have no core, you have no use value, and Xia Xingye won't come looking for it again. You are gone... I will not judge you, and I am too lazy to help you. In short, it is your own business to dissipate or get any chance to reunite yourself." Lin Huai said, "As for Yan Xi... "

"Mr. Lin." Xu Chi said softly, "As your student, I would like to ask for one last thing..."

He looked into Lin Huai's eyes and said softly: "I want to ask you to take Yan Xi away. You said, we should go see the outside world, but he couldn't leave Yangshui until he died. And he stayed here , will only be coveted by people like Xia Xingye, and now I have no way to protect him... so I think... this is my last wish."

After saying this, he bowed his head. The person on the other side didn't respond.

His heart began to sink.

After a long time, he heard the man say, "Bend your legs."

He bent his legs and heard that person's voice: "... I knew I should have chosen a taller body, and don't talk about something like a death flag."

There was a knock on the top of his head. Lin Huai continued: "Then I promise you, I can't go back on my word."

"Thank you." Xu Chi said softly, "You are the best teacher I have ever seen."

"...What's the matter with the habit of sending people a good card every now and then." Lin Huai's face turned cold.

After the dungeon was over, Lin Huai stayed in Yangshui City for more than a month. He contacted the media and exposed the evil deeds of the teaching staff of Minghua Middle School, which made the principal and others punished by law. Facing the principal's eyes of "where are you from, how do you know these things", Lin Huai showed a kind smile.

The students in Class C used to go back to their homes to find their mothers. The students in class f fell into confusion.

Under the intervention of the power of the game, Minghua Middle School was divided into two superimposed spaces. One space is the real space of Minghua Middle School, which includes Classes 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 for three years—class 5 of which is the students of Class F. The other space is the space created by the evil ghost Xu Chi with his own power, including the classes a, b, d, and e that he transformed himself, as well as the class c that he pulled in, and the games that pulled in, The fifth class that exists as a reminder of "truth and falsehood" is also the so-called f class.

It may be difficult to understand in this way, but you can imagine such a picture: In reality, the third teaching building is the location of the first, second, third and fourth classes of the three years, while the fifth class is in the fourth teaching building —In this building, there are no other classes except Class 5, and the other rooms are empty classrooms. And Xu Chi, as an evil ghost, occupied the fourth teaching building, and pulled in the original class C (that is, the third class of the class he survived), threw them into the fourth teaching building, and arranged ghosts fills the space of other classes. After that, he confused some of the faculty and staff of the school, making them mistakenly think that the fourth teaching building was the third teaching building, and continued to teach this group of students who should not exist.

The space where the players lived before was a distorted space where evil spirits existed. Now that the evil spirits have disappeared, everything has returned to reality. The students in class f also returned to their daily study.

Minghua Middle School had a new teaching staff team, and Lin Huai also spent more than a month continuing to teach during the running-in process.

In fact, he really didn't want to add this pile of extra workload to himself, but Xu Chi's eyes that were always hesitant to speak, and the monk's face as a whole blank sheet of paper forced him to repeat the return plan again and again. Postponed one at a time.

... After all, in a sense, after leaving this dungeon, Yan Xi will be his first little brother. As a qualified boss, for the younger brother and younger sister-in-law...or brother-in-law? It is also what he should do to set aside some time to get along with each other.

It was precisely because the days of staying here were so boring that he was forced to do a lot of good deeds. For example, late at night, he appeared at the home of a reporter who released a false draft that laundered the principal and others, and gave him a "love hug" while he was sleeping. Another example is when he appeared at the house of the deputy chief of the police station who was corrupt and perverted the law late at night, and let him see the phantom of himself being quartered by five horses...

In short, with all his tireless efforts, this matter was resolved very satisfactorily.

The duration of the light gate that exits the copy is two months. After settling these things, he finally decided to return to reality to face even crueler challenges—

That is, to face the brutal "Mechanics of Materials" exam.

On the afternoon after class ended on Thursday, Fang Fang saw Lin Huai for the last time in his office.

Until many years later, Equation, who was a professor of mathematics in Zurich, still remembered the scene he saw that afternoon. The substitute teacher, always freewheeling, talking things they couldn't understand, like a whimsical little lunatic, was standing at his desk, putting his last piece of luggage in his briefcase.

"Why did you come here suddenly? Is there any problem?" Seeing him coming, the young man raised his head, "Helium, lithium, beryllium boron, carbon nitrogen, oxygen, fluorine, neon..."

"... Teacher Lin, isn't there another class tomorrow?" He was silent for a long time, and finally said this sentence, "Why do we have to..."

"You can eat indiscriminately, but you can't talk indiscriminately, student Xiaofang." The young man said, "How do you know that I have to run away a day early..."




"Okay—well—" the young man elongated his voice with some complaints, "You found out, why, are you going to stop me? I don't see any need to accompany you 996 for another day..."

He said this, but his expression didn't waver at all, and he passed the briefcase and the equation: "I just hate crying farewell parties, shhh, don't be surprised, I found out a long time ago. It's just what you bought Those fireworks, balloons, cakes, etc., just thinking about it makes my scalp tingle... and... "

"What you are looking forward to is not the real me at all." Lin Huai said seriously, "What you like is only the Hengshui famous teacher that I copied through Sharingan..."

"Teacher, you..."

"—But." He changed the subject and smiled slightly, "I don't dislike things like group photos. But, I read novels, TV, and movies..."

He shot suddenly and fixed the equation in place. Then, he laughed: "The so-called heroes need blessings that touch people's hearts, and the so-called heroes all leave without saying goodbye."

"Goodbye!" He tiptoed, carrying the briefcase, and spun on the ground, "From today onwards, I will never see you again. After you all become world-renowned writers and mathematicians, maybe I will too." Looking at the newspaper that published your news in the corner, drinking Coke and showing a gratified expression!"

After finishing speaking, he laughed, saluted to him, and a group of students who hurriedly ran from a distance, and ran down the stairs briskly.

His speed was like a dream, leaving all the shouting and crying behind him.

If there are always tears when parting, it is better to stop it at the moment when the host and guest enjoy the most. He thought this way, in the pursuit of the students, he didn't look like an unrivaled hero, but like a happy clown in exile.

"Mr. Lin!" Chen Haoyu's voice sounded stubbornly from behind, "There will be a time later!"

"There will be a period later!"

Finally, before arriving at Guangmen, Lin Huai took one last look at the classroom of Class F of the third year.

In the last row of class f, there were no more evil ghosts looking up at the sky with their chins in their hands, and there were no longer white-clothed ghosts wandering around in the campus.

In many autumns, the evil ghost sat in the classroom of Class F, holding his chin and watching the dusk falling outside the window countless times.

It's just that no one handed him a stack of manuscripts under such dusk.

It was sunset at this moment, and he stood on the rooftop, silently watching the man in the suit walk into the light door that left the dungeon. Countless burning clouds and countless twilights reflected on his body. The white card belonging to Yan Xi was in the front pocket of his suit, and disappeared into the twilight with him.

He tightened his grip on the coin in his hand.

As long as you're alive, that's fine. As long as there is, there will be a future.

In the future, they may not see each other again, and they may meet again. But at least, at this moment, the future exists with great certainty.

"We won." He whispered, "We won, you won, I won, and Yan Xi also won."

Today is a fine day, he thought.

One month later, the students in Class F of the third year finally received the group photo they had been developing for a month.

Although Lin Huai ran away the day before the farewell party in a very embarrassing manner... Well, it is indeed his unconventional style of playing cards, but he made an appointment with someone from the photo studio. Chen Haoyu and others still bite the bullet and took a group photo.

At the scene of the photoshoot, the atmosphere seemed a bit depressing due to the absence of one person. Some sensitive girls even secretly wiped their tears.

"Why didn't Teacher Lin come to the farewell party?" She asked the classmates beside her, "He..."

"Shh, don't cry, if Teacher Lin sees you crying, he will be sad too." The boy next to him comforted.

... No, you don't know the real Lin Huai at all. Chen Haoyu squinted and thought, if he sees us crying, maybe he will be very happy...

After all, the day before Lin Huai ran away, when he sent his homework to the office, he heard the young man talking to himself while playing with his mobile phone:

"I don't want to be a good guy... until the end, let me be a bad guy too."

The group photo was taken in such a depressing atmosphere. A week later, when Chen Haoyu Fangfang and squad leader Sun Xue went to the photo studio to take photos, they heard the staff's embarrassed voice: "Well, I'm really sorry, there is something wrong with the photos..."


Sun Xue was arguing with the staff, but Fang Fang pursed his lips and lowered his head.

"... Tell me," he finally asked Chen Haoyu hesitantly, "Mr. Lin and us, will we really have a date later?"

Chen Haoyu patted him on the shoulder: "You..."

"What a joke! Why is there an extra person in the photo? I counted it several times when I took the photo. There are only 39 students... Eh? Huh? In this photo..."

Sun Xue's surprised and joyful voice sounded, Chen Haoyu heard her voice, suddenly remembered something, he grabbed Fang Fang's hand, and ran towards the photo that failed to be developed.

Then quietly, picked it up.

"... Really, I did a bad person at the last time..." He said a little dumbfounded, "Is it so fulfilling to make us cry, Mr. Lin..."

Then, pointing to a corner of the photo, he said to Equation: "Look, this is Mr. Lin's..."

There will be a period later.

In the photo, among the gloomy students, there is only one young man standing in the corner, smiling happily.

Familiar faces, familiar smiles, familiar pranks and deviant...

That's the last of his pranks and surprises for them—more on that later.

At the same time, at the other end, Lin Huai withdrew his gaze towards the sky and stepped into the light gate.

'I don't know if I started to cry? ' he thought, 'if I make everyone cry...'


'What a delight! '

The moment Lin Huai stepped into the light gate, he heard the voice of inorganic matter.

'Player detected. '

'Two tasks have been completed. '

'Hint: You will enter system space. '

In the end, there was a whisper that Lin Huai couldn't listen to.

'Welcome back, Lin Huai. '

The author has something to say: The second copy is over, and I can't write anymore, so I'm stuck here.

I don't have a drop.

Lin Huai: My exam is dead