The NPC Was Once Again Frightened By Me

Chapter 451: explain


Lin Huai took the candies. He peeled off the candy wrapper and put those sweet candies into his mouth.

After eating the candy, he licked his fingertips and said, "It's so sweet."

"Really?" Chu Tianshu said, pulling his fingertips over, "Let me try..."

He held Lin Huai's fingertips in his mouth, and raised his eyes to look at him.

"It's really sweet," he said.

In the evening, the two also tasted something else. It was rare for Lin Huai to take the initiative. After everything was over, Chu Tianshu leaned over and hugged Lin Huai who wanted to slap him away.

Lin Huai didn't take pictures this time, and the two hugged each other for a long, long time.

They went back to Chu's house the next day. Chu Tianshu talked with Chu's father in the room, while Lin Huai played by himself in the small courtyard.

Zhang Minge and Chu Tianyu were passing by outside the small courtyard. Chu Tianyu was very annoyed with this Zhang family boy, and hoped that he would leave sooner than he said. When passing by the gate of the courtyard, he suddenly said: "The person inside is very unfamiliar, is he also from the Chu family?"

"Inside?" Chu Tianyu glanced inside, surprised, "Isn't this my sister-in-law!"

Zhang Mingo:? !

"Lin Huai!"

Miss Chu stretched out her hand to greet people, and Lin Huai, who was playing with bamboo, also looked over. He greeted Chu Tianyu, and turned around to see Zhang Minge beside her.

Some familiar.

But Lin Huai was not interested in chatting with Zhang Minge, he just nodded slightly to him. Zhang Minge looked at Lin Huai's face with slightly dull eyes.

"When did you and Tianshu come back today? No one told me." Miss Chu complained, "Let's have dinner together tonight."

"Okay." Lin Huai agreed.

Chu Tianyu chatted with Lin Huai for a few more words. Lin Huai asked her why she didn't come to S city to play last week, wasn't it a plan. Chu Tianyu then said: "The folk singer I like, Hoshino, suddenly disappeared. The concert was also cancelled. Forget it, don't mention it. It doesn't matter, there are so many idols in the world, it's the same to change one."


Another slightly familiar name.

After saying goodbye to Lin Huai, Chu Tianyu continued walking. As she walked, she said, "Zhang Minge, thank you for your assistance to the Chu family in the matter of Lu Village High School. Besides, do you have anything else to do? I think..."

She wanted to continue talking, but saw Zhang Mingo's expression.

Zhang Mingge's pupils were trembling. At that moment, he seemed to have completely remembered something, and his face was half terrified, half ecstatic!

Chu Tianshu was in the room, and handed over the data of a whole suitcase and four mobile hard drives to Father Chu.

There is also a laptop on the table between the two of them. Father Chu stared at the four mobile hard drives, always with a somewhat cynical face similar to Chu Tianshu's, and now he was a little more respectful and solemn.

In the end, he bowed to Chu Tianshu to show his respect.

"I have backed up several copies of the data here. After I leave, they will be automatically sent to the mailboxes of government departments and several research institutions. The data are my research results over the past few years. Through these results , the supernatural phenomenon has been explained as scientifically as possible, and I have also explained the classification of different ghosts and the methods to deal with them." Chu Tianshu continued, "Just like the concept I have always upheld-ghosts are not unknown, It is not terror. Things that will make the people fear and panic from the bottom of their hearts will always be unknown. As long as ghosts have scientific explanations and scientific research methods, the masses think that ghosts are nothing more than normal new scientific phenomena. Treating the occurrence of supernatural phenomena as new life forms and new infectious diseases, human beings and ghosts can develop, collide and coexist.”

These electronic and handwritten materials are Chu Tianshu's years of research on all ghosts as an advanced player. There is no shortage of interesting related novels, as well as proven and practical guides to fighting ghosts.

—in the way of ordinary people, not the way of heavenly masters.

"... When you were young, you once said that ghosts are a kind of science, not a kind of metaphysics. At that time, many people in the clan laughed at your whimsical ideas." Father Chu said softly, "I didn't expect you to do it. Don't worry, I I will cooperate well with zf and use the information you left behind."

"If possible, I originally wanted to hand them in myself, but unfortunately I still have my own things to do. If I was taken to assist in the investigation before successfully entering another world, it would delay the trip." Chu Tianshu scratched his head and said, "But I believe that as long as they see it, they will study this information carefully and make the most of it. I believe they will definitely protect their own people. And... Dad, there are already high-level Are you contacting your family of celestial masters to find ways to study and investigate this series of supernatural events in order to obtain scientific explanations and preventive measures?"

Father Chu smiled: "Yes, you are the one who gives charcoal in a timely manner."

"The rampage of ghosts is not the end, just accept the reality, study it, guard against it, and establish a new discipline. It is not unknown, it is not invincible courage, it is like an alien invasion, the kind that can be explained when it is said to be bad It’s just a new difficulty facing the country.” Chu Tianshu smiled and said, “Actually, it’s not just me. When I hacked into the database these two days, I found that relevant departments have been established to investigate this matter. It's over. I believe that ghosts are not terrible, as long as there are always people standing together, it is not the end."

The hot air of the tea floated upwards densely. The conversation between the father and son came to an end. Obviously when they were about to say goodbye, the two just faced each other without saying a word.

In the end, Chu Tianshu held the teacup with his fingers, lowered his eyes and said, "Actually, I saw a name in the database... Dad, you already knew Lao... Gu."

Chu Tianshu paused, and finally did not finish what he said. He smiled, continued to look cynical, and scratched his head: "Unknowingly, I have been talking to you, a bad old man, for hours, and I should go out to accompany me..."


He heard Father Chu's voice.

Chu Tianshu stopped.

"I noticed her... or him, abnormality. It was earlier than you imagined, after all, he was my... pillow person. But I didn't expect it to be so complicated at that time. After the accident in Wen County, I started to investigate without telling you."

"Oh," Chu Tianshu heard his own voice, "That's right."

He lowered his head and played with the teacup, and smiled self-deprecatingly for a while: "If it wasn't for my appearance, maybe old... At least you can have a beautiful love for a lifetime."

Maybe "Gu Youruo" won't wake up either.

He finally swallowed the phrase "Dad", maybe he is no longer a child of the Chu family. It was brought out from Wen County, an inexplicable creature.

"No." Father Chu said softly, "I only betrayed the Chu family's ancestral precepts once in my life, and it was for one person... I paid the price for 'her'. But I am very proud..."

"Very proud to have a son like you."

Chu Tianshu smiled silently, and the circles of his eyes were slightly red. But when he raised his head, he still had an unbearable expression on his ears: "Don't say such provocative things, Dad. I'm leaving! You are doing the country a favor, and I hope that when I come back, I will be happy." People can already get along with ghosts in harmony!"

After speaking, he got up, waved to Father Chu, and walked out the door again.

When Chu Tianshu came out, he saw Lin Huai standing under the corner and glaring at a raccoon cat. The raccoon cat looked at Lin Huai with its back arched and fur furrowed, and it looked like it was about to attack. Lin Huai turned on the ghost mode again, facing the raccoon cat, he broke off a finger and shook it boredly.

Chu Tianshu: ...

He ran over before Lin Huai put his fingers in his mouth and chewed them, and ordered Lin Huai to put them back quickly. Lin Huai'an pointed back and said "tsk": "You can eat as much as I can?"

"I'll give you something to eat at night." Chu Tianshu hugged Lin Huai and whispered in his ear.

Lin Huai quickly realized that Chu Tianshu was driving. He hit Chu Tianshu back with his elbow, and said, "Let's go?"

"Let's go."

When Chu Tianshu left, he took a last look at the courtyard of the Chu family, where Gu Youruo and Gu Youruo used to live. A ghost finally broke into the basement that he couldn't get out of all his life, and the more eerie and secret truth that followed no longer made him feel sick or chilled.

Perhaps this is all due to the appearance of Lin Huai.

His whole life was indeed a lie, and neither of his parents was true. His fate of being almost killed is by no means a fiction, and he was also an outlier in this world from the very beginning.

But now at least he and Lin Huai are both heretics drifting outside the order and rules of this world, and both come from a community of destiny in Wen County. They are also abandoned and repelled by the rules of the world, but they can embrace in such loneliness.

Just thinking about this has made him no longer feel lonely, and no longer feel that he needs to work hard to integrate into this world and get redemption.

Because there are always some people who are born different from others. There have always been two people born different from the world.

They left Chu's house in a car. Chu Tianshu said: "Let's go, let's eat hot pot at night."

As soon as he finished speaking, Lin Huai's cell phone rang in his coat. The sound was extremely hurried, and for some reason, Chu Tianshu felt a sudden sense of restlessness at that moment.

And a kind of irritability... I don't know where it came from, like a premonition.

The feeling of wanting to cut it off.

Lin Huai picked up the phone, saw the caller, and said, "Why is it Lu Jin?"

Today is the weekend, why did Lu Jin call him at this time

Although Lin Huai was puzzled, he still answered the phone. There was a whistling wind on the other end of the phone, almost crying like a ghost, as if Lu Jin was running.

Then, finally came Lu Jin's panting and panicked voice.

"Lin Huai...?! Lin Huai?! You can actually get through the phone?! Are you there?!"

"I'm here, what?"

"Thank God..." Lu Jin gasped in surprise as if he was about to cry, "Something went wrong..."


"Dream Valley, Midnight District, Shao Wei Lin Dangdang brought us here to play... there is a ghost, something happened! Shao Wei disappeared, every haunted house came alive, Midnight District, can't get out, the entire Dream Valley..." Lu Jin A little incoherent, "It's like a copy of the game... I wanted to call the police, but the phone couldn't get through. I tried one by one, and only your phone got through..."