The NPC Was Once Again Frightened By Me

Chapter 454: The crow is Lin Huai


Fog in the Midnight District. Lin Huai walked in the maze, hearing the rustling of trees.

And faintly heard the screams of human beings in the distance.

The once joyful playground has become a life and death field where human beings struggle to survive. Lin Huai turned around a bush wall, and a human figure rushed over.

His leg had been injured, severed from the ankle down, and he was crawling on the ground. The man burst into tears, and shouted indistinctly: "Please, let me go, I don't want to... don't want to..."

Behind him was a ghost dressed in half red and holding a sickle. The ghost wore a bone mask, and the split red mouth corners looked like two scars.

It appears to be responsible for hunting guests who have not been at the game for half an hour.

The ghost ignored the guest's request. It seemed to enjoy the opponent's struggling and painful process very much, raised the sickle, and wanted to cut off his lower leg.

The sickle was swung high and about to fall!


Something slammed into the scythe hard, knocking it off course. Its power is so great and so accurate that people seriously suspect that it is really just a card as thin as a cicada's wings. The tip of the knife fell down and plunged into the soil around the guest. The guests didn't even have time to howl because of the panic. He raised his head to face the man's face.

The person who came was wearing a long coat stained red with blood, his eyes and hair were extremely black, his skin was extremely white, but his eyes were blood red with evil spirit. He shyly put the remaining playing cards into the bag, together with the playing cards in his mouth.

Black and white clown.

The man did not look at the guest. Instead, he raised his eyes to look at the executioner, and the evil spirit in his whole body was at its maximum. The executioner just brandished a sickle, roared and attacked again.

The young man with the poker in his hand smiled and said slowly, "It looks like you can't understand the language, but you are just a ghost who kills instinctively, right?"

The last word "Mo" dissipated in the air.

He moves extremely fast!

The people on the ground could barely see how he made the attack, the ghost that had driven him into a corner had already been beheaded by the young man. The ghost was still standing where it was, and even kept attacking him.

But a gap appeared from its neck, followed by fragments of limbs sloping down along the gap...

The figure of the ghost suddenly fell down!

The people on the ground could hardly restrain their screams. At that moment, he felt that the young man who shot was far more terrifying than the previous ghost.

His white fingers reached into the pile of ghost stones, and pulled out a light red crystal from it.

"It's just half red." He heard the man talking to himself, as if the terrifying ghost was just an object.

Then, he watched him pick up the crystal, as if he was going to put it into his mouth and chew it naturally... When there were footsteps on the other side, the man seemed to stop for a moment, and silently changed to Crush the crystals in the palm of your hand.

Soon the crystals were absorbed by his skin.

"Have you found Lu Jin?" The voice came from another young man with messy chestnut hair and a wrench in his hand. He stopped when he saw the ghost on the ground and the corpse on the ground. Stopped, said, "Open your mouth and show me?"

So the guest saw the young man in red who was still terrified just now opened his mouth to him: "Ah—"

There were two pointed canine teeth in the young man's mouth, and he said, "I didn't enter my mouth this time."

"Yes." The chestnut-haired youth was very happy, "Don't just stuff your mouth with blood and flesh!!"


Lin Huai closed her mouth. After entering the maze, his physical agitation increased. The whole labyrinth is like a huge cafeteria, every corner has red clothes or half body red clothes, many small surprises of various tastes.

And the ghosts here are very strange. Even the relatively advanced red-clothed man does not have the ability to communicate with him, but instead looks like a monster driven by instinct and evil thoughts. Even though they could see Lin Huai's strength, they rushed forward one after another, trying to tear a piece of flesh from Lin Huai who was a demon.

However, this can be regarded as the return to basics of the demon. Compared with Sha Lai, whose aura is quite terrifying, the demon's aura has been restrained, and he is almost human without intentionally releasing it. In addition, ghosts can smell the deliciousness of demons - being able to tear off a piece of demon's flesh can help them increase a lot of strength.

That being the case, Lin Huai accepted them unceremoniously, and started a two-way rush with them. During the process, he was like a customer passing by a small bakery, he couldn't help but grabbed a few pieces of ghost crystal nuclei, chewed and ate...

And then it's addicting.

And because he ate directly with his mouth, he received a complaint from Chu Tianshu, "Ah, don't want it".

After digesting this crystal nucleus, Lin Huai felt stronger. He was about to follow Chu Tianshu into the maze, but he vaguely heard some orderly human voices in the maze.

"What's the situation?" Lin Huai asked.

"People from the Cheng family came in from the outside." Chu Tianshu said.

Lin Huai nodded, with some regret in his expression. Chu Tianshu then said: "What's wrong?"

Lin Huai said with a displeased face: "Tsk, my snacks have decreased."

Chu Tianshu touched his cat's head and said, "I'll let you eat your fill in the dungeon."

The two continued walking.

Relying on their memory and the phone call with Lu Jin, the two finally arrived at his location under Lu Jin's whispered instructions. Lu Jin on the other end of the phone breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "There's only one street left. Damn, luckily the power bank in the haunted house still works. I played games all morning..."

"At this time, you should stop complaining, Xiaoluzi." Chu Tianshu said to the other end of the phone.

Lu Jin's voice came from the phone: "It's really strange to say that this place is so scary, but I feel a little familiar, as if I have been to a similar place before..."

Lin Huai remembered Lu Jin's successful and miraculous escape from the dungeon, and said, "You have read too many novels."

"And I also feel very familiar with the girl next to me, as if I've seen it somewhere..." Lu Jin was still talking, "Cheng Xian, Lin Huai, do you have any impression of this name?"

"Lin Huai?!"

A girl's voice suddenly rang on the other end of the phone, followed by Lin Huai's eyes slightly widening: "Cheng Xian..."


"Cheng Yuxian?!" Chu Tianshu took the phone, "Xiao Luzi, you..."

He wanted to say something, but there were screams, beatings, and the sound of running with several people on the other end of the phone... Those people seemed to be chased by ghosts, and finally brought the ghosts to Lu Jin. Lu Jin scolded "Fuck you dad" and "Sister Xian, follow me!", and there was the sound of the phone dropping, and bursts of busy tones...

"Fuck," Chu Tianshu couldn't help cursing, "What the fuck is lucky."

He and Lin Huai quickened their pace immediately, and when they arrived at the original location, it was already a mess, and there were still pieces of the deceased's internal organs on the ground. The two then chased along the direction of the blood.

Lu Jin grabbed Cheng Yuxian's hand and ran desperately in the maze. They were chased by the ghosts brought by those people, and they were miserable. Cheng Yuxian seemed to have sprained her ankle on the road, and it was extremely difficult to escape. Lu Jin has been holding her tightly.

"Let me go." Cheng Yuxian said, "Thirty minutes are up, even if those people are dead now, they will continue to hunt us down..."

"Damn it! Stop talking!!" Lu Jin was still screaming, "Hurry up, we're here..."

What appeared in front of them was a dead end.

Lu Jin stared blankly at the dead end, with despair in his eyes. The ghost behind was getting closer and closer, Cheng Yuxian also closed her eyes, at this moment...

An arrow shot out from a distance, aiming at the ghost that was about to attack the two of them!

But the arrow came too late, and the ghost claw was about to pierce Cheng Yuxian's heart.

There were screams behind them.

The screams of ghosts.

Several blood lines cut the ghost apart in an instant. Lin Huai walked out from the corner and whistled. Lu Jin turned to look at him blankly. This familiar fighting stance...

At this moment, it seems that some memory awakened.

"Lin Huai, mermaid, Cheng Yuxian... I rely on?!" He finally made such a voice.

Lu Jin let go of Cheng Yuxian's hand as if he had been burned, and looked at the girl beside him in disbelief. He opened his mouth and said, "Brother, you..."

Cheng Yuxian was startled, and realized that he remembered something, so she didn't say anything.

But Lin Huai didn't look at the two of them. Instead, he looked at the other side of the maze, the young man with a bow and arrow walking towards them.

Zhang Mingo.

The young man wearing glasses trembled, and he could see everything he saw on Lin Huai just now. He moved his lips, and finally, made an extremely depressed sound.

"Lin Huai..."

Lin Huai was silent.

"It's you... Lin Huai." Zhang Minge made an almost crazy and ecstatic voice, "I finally saw you in reality... You are Lin Huai..."

"Excuse me, who are you?" Lin Huai asked.

" don't recognize my name, but I remember you—and your other identity." Zhang Minge said, "You are Lin Huai, and you are not just Lin Huai..."

He said in an ecstatic tone that he didn't realize was pious: "You are the crow!"

Lin Huai frowned, expressionless.

"Besides you, who else can be a crow? Who can be the first ghost who has reached the real world and maintained his sanity as a human being? I have investigated everything about you these days, you and the cover-up Everything about your identity... So many clues, so many incidents, but no one associates you." Zhang Minge said sonorously, "You are the crow!"

There were other voices in the maze, as if someone heard other voices on the other side, trying to escape from here. Chu Tianshu's expression froze. He immediately chased in that direction.

"I don't understand what you're talking about at all." Lin Huai shrugged, "And..."

He grinned.

"Even if I am a crow, so what?"

"Damn, what are you talking about? Am I the only one under the car?" Lu Jin made a distraught voice beside him.

Zhang Mingge laughed, his eyes were bloodshot, and his smile was almost crazy—just like the look he had when he watched Lin Huai leave in the copy of Fu Jiang.

At this moment, Cheng Yubao's voice came from the other side: "Yuxian! Why are you here..."

At this moment, Chu Tianshu was standing in a corner of the maze.

The people on the earth are dead. He was dressed in black, as if he was accidentally killed by a passing ghost while running here to avoid Chu Tianshu.

But he held a signaling device in his hand.

A sending device that can transcend the supernatural and send messages to the game.

"The crow is Lin Huai."