The NPC Was Once Again Frightened By Me

Chapter 46: urban legend


The strong sense of weightlessness comes from the moment you step into the light gate, and in the next second, you will feel the coexistence of spinning and falling with extreme speed.

Lin Huai didn't even have time to make a sound. Before he fell into the vortex, the only consciousness remaining in his brain was a sentence: "Can you give me some hints before teleportation..."

When he was able to stabilize his figure and opened his eyes, what appeared before him was a pure white room.

"Welcome to the infinite game." Inorganic's voice said flatly, "Congratulations—the junior trial player, you have completed two games and obtained the qualification of the junior trial player. What you see now is you The play space gained as a 'qualified person'."

"You can make appropriate changes to this space according to your ideas, and transform it into what you like. Note: weapons, ammunition, and magic items cannot be created from scratch. The same is true for food and life."

As soon as the voice of the system fell, the originally empty room had been filled with sofas, coffee tables, carpets, TV sets and other lazy four-piece sets. Lin Huai collapsed on the sofa without sitting, resting his chin and waiting for the next step of the system's introduction.

Under the introduction of the system sound, Lin Huai had a preliminary understanding of the purpose of this so-called game space and its source.

According to the introduction of the game, there are tens of thousands of players like Lin Huai in this world. They were drawn from ordinary people by randomly issuing black invitation letters (Lin Huai's comment on this was: "Isn't it just sending out small junk advertisements..."), and entered this game of gambling with life and death. After people enter the game at the beginning, they will be divided into primary games according to their own ability levels, and after each round of the game, the system will give a certain score. Players who perform well in the game will get the admission ticket of the official game player after many primary games, that is, they will become "qualified players", and will be qualified to advance to the intermediate and advanced games after several games .

Before becoming a "qualified person", the player can only rely on his own strength to fight against the game. And after becoming a "qualified person", the player... still can only rely on his own strength to fight against the game. But what is different from before is that the player has a backpack function of 20 grids, and after the game is over, he can get game currency and experience points according to the rating. With the increase of experience value, he can upgrade to the intermediate and advanced fields , so is there any surprise

Lin Huai: "I want to ask, can the game currency be converted into RMB."

System: "At the level of the junior trialer, it is not allowed. But no matter what level the trialer is in, he can exchange RMB into game currency."

Lin Huai: "... What if you insist on taking the currency out of the game?"

System: "It will become a ghost coin."

In addition, before the game starts, a temporary item market will be opened for players, and the item content will be randomly refreshed each time. At the same time, starting from becoming a qualified person, after each adventure, players who get "S rank" or above will get a chance to draw a lottery, and have the opportunity to get special props with powerful abilities from the roulette.

With the promotion to be qualified, players also have other additional benefits. For example, teleportation anytime, anywhere - that is, the day before the game starts, the player will be prompted that the game will start at a certain time on a certain day. When the game time arrives the next day, no matter where the player is, they can be sent to the game scene immediately, thus saving the trouble of catching the bus, taking the subway, Mobike, and Gaode map, which is quite considerate.

It should be noted that when the teleportation is initiated, the player needs to stay away from the crowd and enter a closed space that will not be disturbed—presumably a bathroom, a locked bathroom compartment, etc. where no other people will come and there will be no surveillance cameras. Both are good choices... The only side effects are probably the nickname "Shizuka" or the bad rumors of "kidney deficiency".

After the system sound disappeared, Lin Huai first followed the prompts to bring up his character panel.

Name: Lin Huai (temporarily)

Gender: From a biological point of view, a man who is temporarily unable to conceive

"There is absolutely no need to add this for the time being..." Lin Huai complained silently in her heart.

Age: Looks like 20 years old

Faction evaluation: considered kind, can avoid punishment game

Current Status: Elementary Field Trialist (Qualified)

Experience Points: 470/1000

Distance to next level: 530 more

Current number of copies passed: 2

Copy 1: Shangjin Villa, rating s, experience value +120

Copy 2: Minghua Middle School, evaluation ss, experience value +350

The opening time of the next copy: undecided.

After appreciating his own data, Lin Huai walked towards the lottery board in the center of the hall. The lottery board showed that he had two chances to draw a lottery because he had obtained s-level and above ratings in two dungeons.

After studying the rules of the lottery wheel, he spun the wheel and started the first lottery draw in his life.

The lottery board is divided into multiple areas, and the meaning is unclear. There is a 60% chance of getting a white item and a 20% chance of getting a green item. 10% may get purple props, 5% may get "thank you for your patronage", 2% may get black props, 2% may get red props, and 1% may get gold or silver props.

'Although I don't know what the various colors represent... But at least I can get a white prop. Lin Huai rubbed his chin and thought, "That fellow Chutian also said that his wrench was pulled out from here."

Boys who love to laugh are not too bad luck. Lin Huai deeply carried out Gu Long's famous sayings and turned the dial.

"Congratulations, dear player! You have won 'Thank you for your patronage'!"

Lin Huai: ...

He smoked again in disbelief, silently saying "the water will recede and scatter" in his heart. This time it seemed that the goddess of luck had finally favored him, and the lottery wheel spun three times. A purple light flashed on the plate, and an item appeared on the sofa.

"Congratulations, dear player! You have won the 'Damage Glove'!"

injury gloves

Quality: Purple

Effect: When touching the ghost's hands, a continuous burning effect occurs.

Lin Huai, who just picked up the gloves and read the item information, looked at her burned hands: "..."

He threw off his gloves almost in grief and anger, and turned the turntable again in disbelief—

"You have run out of draws."

Lin Huai: ...

Before Lin Huai started smashing the lottery table, a countdown sounded in his mind: "Ten seconds before being teleported out of the country, ten, nine, eight, seven, six..."

When he counted to "three", an inspiration from the nerve endings made him turn his head and stare at the corner of the white room.

I saw a black door appeared in the corner of the originally empty wall!

The black door was sealed with layers of chains, exuding an old and ominous atmosphere. It was as if... something was locked inside.

"two… "

Before he had time to go up to find out, the voice of "one" had already sounded.

After spinning around, he had already returned to the wasteland in the western suburbs. After staggering for a few steps, Lin Huai managed to stand still.

He took a deep breath and gestured a middle finger to the sky.

"A dog [beep-] game!"

After finishing the speech that would be silenced, he straightened up. The white card belonging to Yan Xi was defaulted by the system as the props he brought out of the dungeon, and now it was lying in his system backpack with a full twenty slots.

As far as the eye can see, the setting sun is like blood. Lin Huai turned on the phone and realized that ten minutes had passed in the real world since he entered the game. The original three teammates disappeared without a trace, and now he is the only one who remains in this wasteland at night.

He came to this wasteland by taxi from near the subway station. It was afternoon when we took the taxi, although the driver wondered why he, a young man, ran to such a place in the wilderness, but for the sake of Grandpa Mao, he didn't make things difficult for him. Nowadays, it is easy to go up the mountain and difficult to go down the mountain. Lin Huai walked a full three kilometers on the road, and he reached the first place in the WeChat step list, and he couldn't see a car that could carry him.

Seeing that it was less than eleven hours before the 10:00 AM exam on mechanics of materials, Lin Huai's mood was extremely gloomy.

He didn't see the taxi from the driver until midnight. In the middle of the night, he didn't care about the safety of himself and the driver, so he stood beside the road and waved to the driver.

It was Chen Wei, the taxi driver, who drove the car. Two hours ago, he picked up a girl from other provinces who came to work in S City from the train station. Because the girl didn't know the way, he took her around for an hour before sending her to the designated place. Facing the other party's curse of "you will be punished" by Lihua with rain, Chen Wei laughed loudly and said, "I'm a gangster, I'm afraid you will be the ghost!"

Thinking this way in his heart, he took a shortcut while bragging with his buddies on the channel, and then walked to the place where the car was delivered. The shortcut he took is surrounded by wilderness and development areas. I heard that there is a newly repaired cemetery on the next mountain, and most drivers dare not go here at night.

But he made money today and was in a happy mood, so he didn't care about these taboo things.

Halfway through the drive, the headlights flickered, but there was an extra person on the road ahead. Chen Wei was originally focused on chatting with his friends, he was so distracted that he didn't look ahead. Suddenly a person appeared, he stepped on the brake, and as soon as the car came to a stop, he cursed: "You fucking court death!"

The person scolded by him was a young man over 1.7 meters tall, with a pale face (he panicked at the thought of the exam ten hours later), and a cold demeanor (frustrated by the game and Lu Lu), but he could still be called polite. The young man knocked on the window of his car, and said elegantly and casually: "Excuse me, can I take the car? Go to S University."

Chen Wei originally wanted to scold back in a refined and easy-going manner—but then he thought, anyway, he was also on the way to deliver the car, so it would be better to earn such a bill on the way. He nodded, unlocked the car, and let the young man sit up.

The young man sat in the last row without saying a word. Looking at the white shirt and pale face on him through the rearview mirror, Chen Wei murmured in his heart.

It's late at night, someone is hailing a car in the wilderness... Where does this come from, and where is it going

Lighting up the front with headlights, Chen Wei spoke to him, "Little brother, where did you come from?"

The young man said wearily, "It's from above."

above? on the mountain? Chen Wei's body tensed up suddenly. On that mountain... except for a piece of wasteland, there is only a newly built cemetery

An inexplicable sense of tension surged into his heart, Chen Wei let out a "hehe" and said, "Boss, that's quite a long way, how long have you been walking?"

"Shortly," he said, "I'll be gone alone...for a few hours."

"It's so late at night..." Chen Wei felt cold, "What are you doing on the mountain? Worshiping relatives?"

"No..." the young man still said angrily, "It's my... business."

Chen Wei: ...

Shaking his hands, he turned off the air conditioner in the car. The moment he turned off the air conditioner, the young man behind him sighed faintly.

"Alas..." he said, "Ten hours to go..."

Chen Wei said with a trembling voice: "There are still ten hours... What's the matter..."

Lin Huai thought about the mechanics of materials, and said honestly and weakly: "Death..."

An hour later, Lin Huai returned to school.

To his surprise, the driver not only confiscated the money, but hurriedly urged him to get out of the car, and then drove away in a hurry. He only had time to take out a handful of banknotes from his pocket and put them on the back seat of the car.

After waking up the dormitory auntie and entering the dormitory door, Lin Huai walked into the dormitory quietly in the peaceful sleep of her roommates. While washing, he suddenly thought of something, and opened his trouser pocket again.

'Not here anymore. Lin Huai frowned and thought, "Strange, could it be this wad of money that was thrown into the taxi just now?" '

Although the game told him that he could not bring the money in the game to reality, before leaving the game, Lin Huai put a handful of money in his trouser pocket with an inquiring spirit to conduct experiments.

Now that the money has been put in a taxi, it is unknown whether it can be used in real life. Lin Huai let out a long sigh, turned on the bed and fell asleep before the exam on mechanics of materials was about to come.

'Try it next time...' he thought.

At this time, in the car radio, there was a supernatural experience of a taxi driver who did not want to be named:

"Tonight I had a guest, a man in white clothes. His face was so white. I asked him where he came from, and he said he crawled out of a cemetery. Asked him where he was going, he said Go to hell... Before getting off the car, I threw a handful of Ming coins, it's terrible..."