The NPC Was Once Again Frightened By Me

Chapter 461: Enter the folder


Entering the dungeon felt like falling down, Lin Huai was held tightly by Chu Tianshu's hand.

Soon, their feet stepped on the real land.

"Qiu Ran, Brother Lin, Brother Chu, and Qu Mei, you are all here!" Seeing the two of them also appearing in the protective cover, Ye Xiangxiang said happily, "Just in time, I, Fu Liye, and Ruoshui, a total of seven people are all here After a while, the protective cover opened, and there were floating debris everywhere. If it enters, it is not specified where it will be teleported. Let's go to the crack and don't get separated... "

Ye Xiangxiang was still asking everyone to explain the precautions, but found that Lin Huai was looking around quietly at the moment, with strange eyes.

"What's the matter with you, Brother Lin?" she said.

Lin Huai shook his head.

He looked at the strange place in front of him—it looked like a mass grave, but also like a wasteland. The air was covered with a thin layer of mist, floating in the air like ashes that would appear after tiny paper money was burned.

Chu Tianshu distributed seven pairs of glasses to everyone: "These glasses can detect the fragments in the air that can cut and transport the human body, and color them. Put them on, and the road ahead will be safer."

The crowd began to cheer. Chu Tianshu asked Lin Huai, "What's wrong with you?"

Lin Huai was silent for a while, and said, "I feel a little familiar here."

"Actually, I think so too." Chu Tianshu said, "The protective cover is open, let's go quickly."

Since they entered the "folder" through a system application, none of the seven people got any complicated tasks. The only thing left is to survive here safely for three days, after which they can be teleported out by the system.

But as soon as he stepped out of the protective cover, Lin Huai saw Chu Tianshu frown.

"What's wrong?" Lin Huai asked.

"I received a side mission to learn about the history of the 'folder'." Chu Tianshu said to everyone, "Have you received it?"

Everyone shook their heads blankly.

"It doesn't matter, it's okay if you don't do side missions." Fu Liye said, "As long as we can accomplish our goals, we can leave safely."

They were walking on the road, and Lin Huai was still digesting the energy provided by the shadow. But when he looked at this desolate world in the mist, he always had an extremely strange sense of familiarity.

On the road, the fog in some places is thinner, and the fog in some places is thicker. You can't see your fingers in the thick fog. But when Qiu Ran approached it, she heard laughter like silver bells coming from inside, as if someone was running everywhere inside...

Just as she was about to say, she heard Ye Xiangxiang's voice: "Be careful!!"

Chu Tianshu: "To the right!"

Qiu Ran immediately bowed to the right. At the same time, a piece of debris brushed past her.

This is the first time anyone has seen fragments in the folder world, and what is reflected in the fragments is a path full of withered flowers. In the path, stood a girl whose head had been cut off in half. The red, white and white tissue on her forehead squirmed, and she was smiling viciously, reaching out to Qiuran...

There was only a thin line between the fragment and Qiu Ran's hair, but it was this gap that made Qiu Ran escape from her hands. The girl showed a resentful expression, and drifted to the other side with the wind.

"This is… "

"This is the fragment. What is hidden in it may be the different space where the ghosts are, or it may be other places in this folder world." Chu Tianshu said, "According to the size of the fragment just now, she probably can just Get your head."

Qiu Ran touched her neck with lingering fear. Chu Tianshu continued: "We are farther away from the dense fog. The thicker the fog, the more these debris. My glasses are not enough to see all the debris clearly in the thickest fog."

Everyone was silent.

They all walked carefully through the thin mist. Ye Xiangxiang held in his hand a map that was bought, collected, and assembled by everyone at a high price, and followed the map's guidance to walk in the direction of the black seam. As she walked, she whispered: "Actually, the black it also one of these fragments? It's just that it contains all the people who died in the game world..."

"At least there is hope." Qu Mei said, he lowered his eyelashes and looked at the young doll walking beside him. The young puppet looked at him, and gently touched his head with his hand like an elder brother.

Fu Liye also thought of his sister who died tragically in the sulfuric acid pool. He sniffed, his handsome mixed-race face was full of gentle nostalgia and firmness: "When I find my sister, I will definitely take her to the mall to buy the most beautiful clothes. I will accompany her to chase stars, and never talk about her again." The variety shows I like to watch are boring."

Ruoshui smiled and said nothing, but both Lin Chu and Lin Chu knew who she was thinking of. Ye Xiangxiang snorted and said, "I won't give my brother a good face. When I find him, he will have to be a cow and a horse to repay me."

she said, avoiding a flashing shard. The ghost in the fragments is holding a tragically skinned head, and is painting with the fuzzy flesh and blood in the head. If Ye Xiangxiang hadn't dodged, the ghost's pen would have pierced her in the head.

"Do you know?" Chu Tianshu suddenly said in Lin Huai's ear, "I was also thinking, if I can find you, I can go anywhere. If I can find you, I must ask you, Have you ever liked me before?"

"...Why do you like it first?" Lin Huai said.

Chu Tianshu shrugged and smiled brightly: "If you didn't like me first, I have to like you first."

Lin Huai twitched the corners of his mouth. Ye Xiangxiang said again: "There will be a storm every two hours in this place. When the storm hits, all the debris will float around, and the dense fog and mist will also mix together. There are some caves and houses in small villages here. Before the storm, we Just hide in here, with the protective gear on."

They had been walking for an hour so far, and finding a hiding place was imminent. Fortunately, Ye Xiangxiang has an enhanced version of the map in his hand - many of the information are provided by Chu Tianshu.

"There is a cave in front of here, let's go there quickly." She said, "Shen Mu's team was hiding in there before."

Shen Mu was the female captain who first discovered the gap. She is very capable of protecting all the team members, and has never been shy about sharing her evasion experience with others. It can be said that she is a saint who lives up to her name.

"We can only rest in the first ten meters of the cave, and we cannot go inside." Chu Tianshu reminded, "There is a very strange statue in the innermost part. But it can't see us in the outermost part."

In the world of horror, weirdness means death. Everyone understands it very well.

But it's not that he or Lin Huai are afraid of the statue. The power in Lin Huai's body now fluctuates. When it is low, it is evil. When it is high, it is close to the rumored virus. Most of the time, it is stable at the level of demons. Most of the ghosts here are under the demons.

But after all, they are acting together with Ye Xiangxiang and others. In addition, in order to avoid distraction or wasting time, Chu Tianshu did not want to cause troubles.

Several people walked towards the cave. A few fragments were blown by the wind, Fu Liye dodged and glanced inside: "Why are there roads covered in fog inside these fragments? And there are no ghosts."

"Oh, these fragments are pure 'doors' leading to various places in the folder." Ye Xiangxiang said, "Be careful, these fragments may be more terrifying than ghosts. At least you can see the ghosts. What is hidden in the folder? What are you doing, where are you going, but no one knows."

Fu Liye let out a "hmm". Seeing that the cave where they were hiding was in front of them, everyone breathed a sigh of relief. At this moment, a vortex of a storm has already begun to form in the distance.

"This mountain is also strange, as if it has been flattened several layers." Qu Mei looked at the mountain road.

Lin Huai followed behind them. At this moment, there was an explosion in the fog—it turned out that several fragments collided together. Along with the wailing and scalp-numbing biting sounds of ghosts in different fragments, the explosion also formed a lasing air wave, enveloping a large number of fragments and spraying towards everyone!

"Not good!" Ye Xiangxiang's expression changed, "Hurry up and hide!"

Several people hurriedly ran into the cave. Chu Tianshu cut off the road behind. Seeing a piece of debris shooting towards Qu Mo, Qu Mo was immediately hugged by his puppet to avoid it, and behind him...

It's Lin Huai!

Chu Tianshu was not worried about Lin Huai's safety. With Lin Huai's ability, it was too easy to dodge the debris. But soon he discovered that Lin Huai froze after seeing the fragment. He didn't dodge or dodge, but stared at it!

"Forest… "

Ruoshui pushed Lin Huai hard, causing him to deviate from the fragment. In return, the shards chipped off part of her long hair. She just wanted to say something after the crisis was resolved, but her eyes widened: "Crow, you..."

She actually watched Lin Huai chasing after that piece of debris!

Chu Tianshu caught up immediately. And Lin Huai did not continue to run. The fragment ran so fast that it quickly disappeared into the mist. Lin Huai stood there, looking up into the debris. Chu Tianshu then grabbed his arm and growled in a low voice, "What's wrong?"

"Wen County..."

From Lin Huai's mouth, he heard a heartbreaking phrase.

"Wen County, it's Wen County." Lin Huai said calmly, "The place that appeared in that fragment is the place and building of Wen County, and also..."

He turned his head to look at Chu Tianshu. In the strong wind, his blood-red clothes and black hair were blown up by the shock wave.

His thin lips moved slightly: "It is also the place where I first existed as a ghost before I reincarnated several times."

Chu Tianshu dragged Lin Huai into the cave. In order to avoid disturbing the statue inside, he also set up a protective cover to isolate the crowd from the statue. Ruoshui looked at the two of them and said nervously, "You guys scared me to death..."

"Did you see anything?" Qiu Ran asked.

"This place is very similar to a place I know." Chu Tianshu answered the question instead of Lin Huai. "There are many ghosts there, which should have been destroyed. I heard that it is the origin of all ghosts."

Everyone trembled when they heard this. Chu Tianshu usually likes to talk coquettishly, but now he will never joke. Ye Xiangxiang said: "Are you sure? Maybe this place is..."

"Very familiar." Lin Huai said, "I should have been here before, maybe when I see black cracks or other things, I can be sure."

They stayed in the cave for a while with a feeling of sympathy, and after a while, the storm stopped, and they went out.

The road ahead is also very long. They continued on the road and found another place to hide. Chu Tianshu was setting up the protective cover when he heard Ye Xiangxiang running towards him, and said in a panic, "I found something..."

She held a note in her hand, the color of the note was slightly yellow. She handed the note to Chu Tianshu: "It says..."

"It's all a scam!"