The NPC Was Once Again Frightened By Me

Chapter 47: Drafts will be punished


The happy time is always short. Relatively speaking, the exam week is not very long. After the last "Ma Zhe" is over, all the final exams in dormitory 301 have finally come to an end, and ushered in the common desire of all students—summer vacation.

After the final grades were issued, Lu Jin and Shao Wei packed their luggage and returned to their long-lost hometown, enjoying the loving support of their parents for free food and free housing, and lived a good life except that they could not play games all night. Xueba Tan Xiruo stayed on campus and started his 9-9 job as a lab chore seven days a week, preparing for his PhD overseas after graduation.

And Lin Huai, as a representative person who is homeless but has living expenses, chose to stay on campus during the summer vacation, and started a good life of going to the library every day to read periodicals and magazines from 9 to 11. After two months of teaching career in Minghua Middle School, Lin Huai relied on his hard work and practice for a whole semester and the good impression of sitting in the first row to give the teacher a good impression, and finally got 85 points, which beat 70% of the students in the whole grade The results can be said to be the high IQ quality that an infinitely popular hero should have.

In mid-June, Lin Huai received invitations from two different people.

The first call came from Chen Shu who hadn't been on the stage for a long time. On the phone, he once again expressed his request in very non-standard Mandarin to have a face-to-face friendly meeting with Lin Huai on cooperation in the design of the haunted house. After obtaining Lin Huai's initial approval, he took a taxi to the school that afternoon.

In the corner of the campus cafe, Chen Shu said sullenly while wearing a mask: "Siqingsu is a child..."

He told Lin Huai that the haunted house design industry in China holds a haunted house design competition every six months (Lin Huai's comment on this is "There are so many wonders in this world..."), and the best haunted house of the year is selected. In the competition two months ago, his favorite work "Santa Maria Charity Academy" lost to another designer's work "Alice Paradise" by ten votes.

This is unbearable for Chen Shu, who has never failed since his debut and is almost on the verge of winning three consecutive championships. After some investigation, he discovered the man and assistant behind the designer who had always lost to him—an unknown newcomer named Chu. Other than that, he did not investigate any other more detailed information about that person.

"My goal is to regain my championship status in the competition half a year later." After two hours of conversation, Chen Shu's words were finally automatically converted into a standard broadcast tone in Lin Huai's ears , "Can you join my team?"

Lin Huai hesitated for a moment, then looked at her mobile phone. Chen Shu said again: "The salary is easy to talk about."

He guessed and said a number, but Lin Huai didn't respond for a long time. He thought for a while, and then said, "The transportation and catering expenses can be reimbursed."

Lin Huai still did not respond. He then said: "After the haunted house is completed, the dividends will be calculated separately."

'...This guy doesn't look very smart...' Lin Huai rubbed his chin, 'Wait a little longer, I think we can get more money...'

So he said: "I have to think about it for a while, and I will reply to you the day after tomorrow."

After the two set the time for their next meeting, Lin Huai returned to the dormitory, tidied up briefly, and arrived at the rehearsal room on time at seven o'clock in the evening.

In addition to the autumn semester from September to January and the spring semester from March to June, S University also has a summer semester that lasts throughout July, during which a large number of elective courses are offered to give students who are struggling with personalized credits a credit Opportunity. In addition to the official courses offered by the school, major clubs also offer various interest courses for students during the primary school period. Among them is the acting class offered by the drama club that Lin Huai joined.

Today's course content is line training. After the class, as usual, a group of people sat in the rehearsal room and chatted. While chatting, Qin Jiang, who was sitting next to Lin Huai, sighed.

Qin Jiang was a year older than Lin Huai, and she was a senior from the Chinese Department. When Lin Huai first arrived, she helped him a lot. Therefore, he had to ask a question, and from her mouth, he got the reason for her depression.

It turns out that Qin Jiang has been intern at the magazine since April this year, working as an editor, responsible for receiving manuscripts from many code-writing migrant workers every month. Now that the deadline for manuscript acceptance is approaching, she has something to do and needs to leave S city for a while. Colleagues have no skills at all, and she also worries about work handover and other matters for a while, making her hair fall out.

Counting all the previous help, Lin Huai owed Qin Jiang a favor, so he asked her: "How many people do you have that need to be urged?"

Qin Jiang made some calculations and said, "There are three more, two live in the urban area, and one lives in the suburbs."

The guy who lives in the suburbs is pretty close to the school. Lin Huai then took over the job of helping. Qin Jiang was very grateful for this, invited him to a meal, and introduced the information of the remaining three people to him in detail.

"...these three people are regulars who have been procrastinating for a long time or submitting manuscripts on deadline." Qin Jiang introduced him one by one, "This is Lian Jiang, who cuts off the internet and power when the deadline is reached, and closes the office. You can’t leave the door. You need to go to the door to press the manuscript. His house lives on the first floor, and he can open the window when necessary. His neighbors know this, and they won’t turn you to the street to do it... "

Lin Huai: "Sister, what kind of dangerous job did you take..."

"This guy named He Yulou likes to lie. Sometimes he said on the phone that he was traveling abroad, so jet lag caused him to delay delivery by 12 hours. In fact, he was just playing Ubisoft games at home. When I first joined the job, he Tell me that he is a woman, and my aunt was in so much pain that she delayed the manuscript for the first month. In the second month, he said that he gave birth in the delivery room. In the third month, he said that he was pregnant with twins So there is another one... In short, you don't believe what he says, first disconnect his home network and then knock on the door... It is very simple to disconnect his home network, you can do it like this, the first step... the second step ... the third step... If it doesn't work, just pull the switch on his home appliances. Without the air conditioner, he will naturally be heated out, and then you will... "

Lin Huai: "I always feel that senior sister, you are committing a crime."

"As for the last one..." When talking about this person, Qin Jiang's calm face twitched, "His words..."

"Is he even weirder than the previous two?" Lin Huai asked tentatively.

"It's not so's better to say..." Qin Jiang thought about his words for a long time, and said, "He looks very gentlemanly and normal, but don't be fooled by his appearance."

"he… "

"He claims to be a scientific researcher, and insists on calling his monthly submissions an academic paper. In addition, he also tirelessly wants to put his own ghost stories in the column of science fiction or popular science books. "Qin Jiang said slowly, "But he is... If you get on the channel with him, you will find that he is easy to get along with. If not, he is probably the most difficult person among the three. "

"Then the reason this person needs to be urged is..."

"He claimed to be conducting a great scientific research that is not understood by the world, and forcefully defended himself with the words 'Bruno was also regarded as a lunatic by the church when he was burned to death in the Campo de' Fiori'. Busy with the development of games similar to 'Three-Body Problem', so I don't have time to write manuscripts..." Qin Jiang said in a sleepwalking voice, "In short, you will understand when you get there."

Lin Huai: ...

'It's a bad premonition... I always feel that I will meet an unreasonable psychopath. ' he thought weakly, 'but even a psycho is afraid of being beaten or haunted? At worst, he crawled out of his TV in the middle of the night to press for the manuscript...'

"So," Lin Huai asked, "what's the pen name of the last person?"

Qin Jiang said: "Tianshu. Tianshu, one of the Big Dipper."

The next day, Senior Sister Qin went to Fuyi after something happened, and flew west to the place where she had hidden her achievements and fame. Only Lin Huai was left with her last inheritance, and planned the route of urging manuscripts in a preparatory manner.

'The hottest time of day is noon. Lin Huai was writing and drawing on the map of City S, thinking, "The temperature is the highest at noon. According to the evidence provided by the senior sister, the second suspect, He Yulou, is the most afraid of heat, so it is a good idea to cut off the power at noon." most effective. As for his lies, don't listen to them. '

'... Then it was arranged like this, to look for Lianjiang on the first day, to look for He Yulou on the second day, and to look for... uh, Tianshu on the third day. Then be his wallbreaker. '

After initially drawing up the battle plan, Lin Huai started his own helping trip the next day.

Suspect No. 1, Lian Jiang, was unexpectedly easy to catch. Lin Huai didn't even need to open the window. He arrived at his door at twelve o'clock in the middle of the night, made a few breath calls, and knocked on the door of the other party's house with a specific frequency. After floating in front of the other party's window, Lian Jiang, who was at home, had In extreme panic, he broke through the door and was arrested and brought to justice by Lin Huai, the temporary editor.

And suspect No. 2 was a little skinnier than Lin Huai imagined. After he finally got through to the other party's phone, the other party's angry voice came from the receiver: "...I'm sorry I can't deliver the manuscript this week, it really happened suddenly... I went out drinking with some book friends yesterday, and then I I was analized, and now I am in the hospital... "

Lin Huai: ... This person is really cruel to me for delaying the manuscript.

"You said this reason as early as three months ago." Lin Huai flipped through the notebook left by Senior Sister Qin, and said coldly.

The other party paused for a while, and then said: "Because the manuscript fee is getting lower and lower, I can only go out to earn living expenses, and I have been arrested by the police..."

"You said the reason half a year ago."

The other party was silent for a while, and then said: "Because I went out to dress up as a woman, I was dumped by my girlfriend, and now I'm in the hospital..."

"You said this reason five months ago... How colorful the life of the authors who dragged the manuscript is." Lin Huai said angrily standing in front of He's house.

He Yulou: "Oh, then there is no reason to make it up, just don't pay, you have the ability to crawl out of the TV and hit me. Hee hee."

After finishing speaking, He Yulou hung up the phone, leaving Lin Huai with a completely dark face outside the door.

"Since he himself asked for it..." Lin Huai moved his wrist for a while, "then he can't help it..."

He Yulou's house is on the eighteenth floor. When he bought this apartment, he took a fancy to the superior view of the 18th floor as the top floor and its own roof garden. Late at night, he was sitting in front of the computer by the window, humming a song and playing games, while thinking of the speechless appearance of the new acting editor today, he swayed his legs triumphantly.

"I won't give you the manuscript, la la la la la ~" He continued to focus on the computer screen after expressing the voices of many authors.

There was the sound of knocking on the window.

"Excuse me," said the voice of a young man, "is this the eighteenth floor?"

"You found the wrong person." He Yulou said without looking back.

"Sorry, I went to the wrong place."

The man was quite polite and left quickly. While playing the game, He Yulou felt that the air conditioner behind him became colder. He stretched his hand behind his back and scratched his back, but at that moment he thought of a terrifying fact—

He lives on the eighteenth floor, the top floor, why would someone knock on the window outside

Just as he was thinking, the computer screen in front of him began to flicker with snowflakes. A window appeared on the screen with a heavy breath.

'Want to know the real meaning of life? Want to really... live? '

'[Yes Yes]'

He couldn't control his arm for a moment, as if there was an infinite force in the air that was pulling him to click "Yes". Just as his whole body fell into an ice cellar, a cold voice sounded beside his ears:

"If you want to know, write a manuscript for me."

"...Senior Qin, I got both manuscripts, and I will send them to your mailbox tonight." Lin Huai called Senior Qin while counting the manuscripts in his hand like a medieval manor owner, "It's okay, there is one more , tomorrow I will go..."

With that said, he opened the Gaode map and located the villa where "Tianshu" was located.

The author has something to say: *Explanation of the meme that was dropped by ○:

○Jiao: A kind of disharmonious behavior that occurs between the opposite sex or the same sex, which is not suitable for Jinjiang.

Palace: Men lose their vital organs