The NPC Was Once Again Frightened By Me

Chapter 471: [End of text]


It should be a day to remember for everyone on the outside.

When technology developed to travel at the speed of light, outsiders became curious about exploring other worlds. They numbered the worlds they discovered one by one, and adopted an observation or experiment attitude towards some of the worlds.

"Silicon World" is just one of those worlds.

This is a very special world. Compared with the planet where life exists, it is more like a sophisticated and complex circuit board. The overall appearance is like a dazzling ocean of electrons. Therefore, outsiders named it "Silicon World". However, to the surprise of outsiders, they did detect the existence of special "life" inside.

These "lives" have the existence form of human society in the silicon world, but they also conform to the computer-like control will.

Based on the analysis of similar computers in the "silicon world", curious and arrogant outsiders input a series of viruses into it to study its reaction. Unfortunately, after being imported, all viruses are isolated into a "folder", and are eliminated and deleted by the self-cleaning system of "Silicon World".

Outsiders are more interested in this powerful and stubborn world. Based on their analysis of the self-purification system, they launched the "Eve Project". Eve was born from the rib of Adam, and the virus of Huaixu was also born from the analysis of the self-purification system. Although since Huaishu was created, they felt that this virus was uncontrollable. But its strength also comes from its uncontrollability.

Outsiders imported the Sophora virus into the "Silicon World". In the vast, dark universe, they watched as the colorful light merged into the lonely, white, electronic ocean.

Belong to the electronic ocean of the silicon world.

The sugar-coated, powerful and uncontrollable virus, which does not agree with the will of the mission, met the small anti-virus system that gave birth to the will because of his arrival in the white Wen County.

Since then, their observations of the silicon world have been intermittent with signal fluctuations. They observed that the silicon world seemed to reboot several times.

Sophoraviruses are always there. They cannot connect, manipulate its will. But they vainly believed that its existence was the initial success of the plan.

In this case, try to create again, and then airdrop, until you can completely interfere and control the silicon world.

until this day happened.

All the instruments sounded piercing alarms, and all the cables burst into sparks. All the data on the floppy disks of the electronic disks were wiped out. They don't seem to need to go through a wired connection medium, as long as the electrons exist, they can be controlled and spread by them.

The dark night sky lit up. Outsiders saw the flickering light in the sky. They don't know whether it's the sky that's flickering, or their nerves and pupils.

"First Attack"

The insolent attackers had three words on their nerves.

Nerves also have electrical currents.

They cannot open their brains and manipulate their nerves.

"What do you want to do!" the leader of the Eve Project said hysterically.

"Second Attack"

The attacker said calmly.

More facilities began to crumble and explode. In the face of absolutely powerful power, the arrogant outsider can only surrender. Before the "third time" appeared, they finally fully realized that they had angered a whole world.

A world that cannot be judged by common sense.

They finally begged for mercy from the world. As a price, they handed over all the data, whether it is the research data about this world that will be deleted forever, the data of this world, the research data of the "Huai Xu" virus, and the editing method of the "Huai Xu" virus.

Only then did they understand that the revenge against their world is not only the revenge of the "silicon world", but also the revenge of the super virus created by them themselves that no one can resist.

They foolishly named this plan "Project Eve", not knowing that after Adam and Eve met, a civilization was created.

In the end, the person in charge of the "Eve Project" questioned the powerful, terrifying and magnificent virus.

"I don't intend to make my life according to your will, even though you are my creator."

virus said.

"That's right, I originally thought that we just created a virus. We used the data of our entire world to strengthen and strengthen you. But I didn't expect that since the beginning of your birth, you have become a new civilization."

The old man said dejectedly.

They finally realized the power of the virus they created and what kind of rival they created.

"Are you sad?"

"No." The old man said firmly, "I am proud that I have created a new god."

Although after that, the old man hanged himself in his own home.

But today's virus just smirked slightly, saying: "I'm not interested in being anyone's god. I find it very troublesome to think of being responsible for any believers." "In this case, you with such powerful power..." The old man was dumbfounded , "Don't you think that what you don't do is a special kind of waste?"

He only saw the starry sky flickering, as if the virus was laughing.

"What's a waste? It's a waste to be expected to use one's abilities. For me, having abilities is for freedom, not for responsibility. I just want to do what I want to do, that's all. That's all." Virus said.

All the attacks quietly ended after the world was completely surrendered. The "Silicon World" has since been undetectable, hidden in its own world. But any outsider knows that as long as they appear, they are the complete controllers and gods.

They never dare to disturb them again.

Lin Huai sat on the white sofa, her peach-like eyes were black and white. Chu Tianshu changed into pure white clothes and walked towards him.

"Are you afraid?"

"What do you think?"

"...Okay." Chu Tianshu smiled, "You won't be afraid, I will."

He reached out to caress Lin Huai's chest. After getting Lin Huai's source code, he will help Lin Huai remove the poisoned part of the ghost pollution that will cause the world to collapse.

For a long period of time in the past, Chu Tianshu and Lin Huai have properly restricted and dealt with the existing ghosts, the mechanism of infection with ghosts, and the nature of ghosts. After being dealt with, in short, ghosts will no longer be very harmful and harmful to the world, but can achieve a normal and normal coexistence with ordinary people. Human beings may turn into ghosts after death, and ghosts are no longer only hatred and ferocious monsters, but more emotions and reason - nothing more than a new way of life.

Small conflicts will still exist, but even between people, there will be conflicts and murders.

After confirming that all the methods were correct, it was finally Lin Huai's turn.

"... The part you took off will be stored and sealed in the main control room as we said before." Chu Tianshu said, "As long as you need it, you can put it back at any time."

Lin Huai: "Okay, I'll pretend to be back when I'm bored, and then go outside the boundary to play wild, hee hee."

"Maybe there will be a little pain." Chu Tianshu said.

"I'm not afraid of pain."

"I'm afraid."

"Tsk, why are there so many nonsense?" Lin Huai kicked Chu Tianshu and said, "If you want to do it, do it quickly."

Chu Tianshu still stopped. After a long time, he smiled and said, "Lin Huai, you are always stronger than I imagined. You are really powerful, always so powerful."

He said, and started to move. With the movements of his fingers, after extremely precise cutting and selection, a strand of extremely black and extremely red silk thread was pulled out from Lin Huai's body. Chu Tianshu locked the ferocious silk thread into a special cover, and put it in a closely guarded safe.

He could open the cover, and so could Lin Huai. This is not the so-called tolerance of love, but the equal power that Lin Huai has as a powerful person, and the two are evenly matched.

For Lin Huai, it is always able to turn back into a virus and hurt his power.

"Of course, even without this silk thread, my fighting power has not changed. If I want to beat you up, I can still do it." Seeing him coming out of the secret room, Lin Huai smiled maliciously, "Isn't it? "

"Yes..." Chu Tianshu's head was slightly sweating, especially when he saw Lin Huai's unfriendly eyes.

It was... an unfriendly look at him for those few reincarnations.

After the two cooperate and find a way to get rid of the external enemy, it is internal. In the past few reincarnations, Lin Huai never swallowed the black shadow—this time, the black shadow finally lost his composure under Chu Tianshu's increasingly strong surveillance, and contacted Lin Huai several times, so that he was guessed by Lin Huai until the truth devours. Therefore, in the past, Lin Huai had not been able to accumulate such a powerful force this time.

In addition, it may be because the relationship between them in the past few times was not as deep as this time after Lin Huai witnessed Chu Tianshu's death several times. In the first few times, Chu Tianshu didn't even pierce the window of love between the two.

Driven by various factors this time, they finally played a difficult HE. They also found a new and consistent answer under Lin Huai's thinking outside the outside world.

Seeing Lin Huai's more benign smile, Chu Tianshu wanted to know how the other party planned to beat him.

Just when Chu Tianshu's scalp was numb, he heard Lin Huai say lightly: "Tsk, write it down first, let's forget it this time."

"Why forget it?"

"You divided the world into half for me." Lin Huai said, "You love me more than I imagined, Chu Tianshu."

Chu Tianshu lowered his head. He saw Lin Huai sitting on the sofa, looking up at him. Lin Huai's face was still pale, the corners of his eyes were still raised, and his smile was still malicious.

He just remembered the scene when the two met for the first time as human beings, Lin Huai ran towards him with a dirty little face.

"Hello classmate, I want to rob."

Suddenly in his heart, it was as if a flower covering the bottom of the leaf was blown open, and it burst into bloom. He then said: "You really let you rob half of me."

"It's a good thing that you voluntarily made the delivery, which spared you the pain." Lin Huai said, "If you don't give it to me, I will snatch a world that belongs to me and can be free."

What he said was really domineering, in Lin Huai's style.

Chu Tianshu couldn't help laughing, and there was a bit of heartiness in his smile. Lin Huai stretched on the seat and said, "Should we go back too?"

"Well, it's time to go home."

They held hands and came to the place responsible for the transmission. Chu Tianshu asked: "Which time do you think is the most suitable time for us to return?"

"Go straight back to when we left? But the logic of the whole world view has changed a lot. We may have to get used to it for a while, and Lu Jin and the others also need to get used to your original face."

"Forget it." Lin Huai said, "Let's change the time."

"Then in high school? Your sophomore, my junior..."

"Did you do it on purpose?? Let me bear the pain of the college entrance examination??"

"Then how about... primary school?"

"Forget it, let's start from birth and keep the memory." Lin Huai said, "Wait a minute... To avoid childhood, I don't want to pee my pants and belch. By the way, I will experience the current world from scratch."

Chu Tianshu finally set the time to devote himself.

They stood on the teleportation platform, waiting for the white light to sweep over their bodies. Chu Tianshu turned his head and said to Lin Huai: "I..."

After thinking about it, he smiled.

In fact, it doesn't matter what time you go, and it doesn't matter where you are.

Just wherever.

They can now say "love you" in the free world.

[End of text]

The author has something to say: woo woo woo I'm finally finished, I'm bald, writing the ending is troublesome, but I'm still relieved to be able to write the original ending after two and a half years of writing .

It’s been two and a half years since I wrote it! So long! I was only in my junior year when I first started writing, and now I’m about to go to graduate school (because of the epidemic gap, I worked part-time for a year). From the beginning to the end, it’s sometimes embarrassing because I feel that I didn’t write well at the beginning. There are many problems, and the outline is also 708 Luo, written by xjb, sometimes I even feel guilty about Lin Huai and Chu Tianshu because I didn't write them well. I like Lin Huai very much, but one person can't write twice, so I hope I can tell his story well. I'm sorry He woo woo.

Fanwai will continue to drop until Yazi in August, randomly drop in the middle, or continue to drop for a while. If there is a list in the middle, it will drop a little more according to the number of words on the list. You can leave a message about what you want. Tomorrow's episode is a summary of the two happily re-acquainted with life after returning to the world (竹马竹马 yyds).

When I was writing the last copy, I was so worried that I would scratch my head until I was bald, and finally finished writing with a long sigh of relief, woo woo. Compared with Long Aotian, this is my first article, but because it has been written for too long, many people don’t think it is the first article (…) I hope to bring you a good reading experience!

Then my unlimited streaming pre-receipt and thriller games are joking, begging to collect it! That protagonist is the protagonist of Pleasure Crime but worse than Kobayashi!

Finally, I really like Xiao Lin and Lao Chu!

Thank you for subscribing to our readers, little angels! I have been writing for two and a half years, and basically have to sit in front of the computer to write for several hours every day. Sometimes I feel too tired to write, but fortunately, there are always readers who support me by subscribing and leaving messages, allowing me to keep writing! You've worked hard so far! Because it is really too long _(:з」∠)_Thank you for your subscription and support so that I can keep writing for so long, thank you for supporting the original version, and wish us goodbye in the next book!

Then friends! Ask for a five-star rating after the completion! ! ah ah! !

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-05-25 02:15:02~2021-05-26 15:09:59~

Thanks to the little angel who cast the rocket launcher: 2 sunny days and old rains;

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Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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