The NPC Was Once Again Frightened By Me

Chapter 52: I will call you Junjie Lin


The villagers in groups of three or four had extreme fear and disgust in their eyes and faces. Ying Xia watched them from a distance. Among the crowd, a young man covered his mouth and ran out.

He seemed terrified enough, retching while stumbling and running. For a long time, he leaned against a flagpole, covered his mouth, and finally spat it out.

He vomited in the dark for a while, and when he raised his head, there was already a handkerchief in front of him: "Xiao...Xiao Xia?"

"Take it."

The crowd who had been watching the corpse were all driven away after the village chief and others arrived, and the corpse was thus exposed in broad daylight. Ren Qiu looked at it, showing a smile uglier than crying.

" are not in good health, why come here." Seeing his appearance, Ying Xia frowned, "Hurry up and go back."

"I..." Ren Qiu bent his knees. The impact of the bloody scene, coupled with the reaction of his weak body, made his eyes go black involuntarily. Seeing everyone's eyes turned to this side with whispers, Ying Xia couldn't help but grab his arm and said coldly, "Follow me."

Ren Qiu was dragged by him obediently, and the two came to an alley where no one passed by. A black cat was originally looking for food in the garbage dump. After seeing two people, it arched its back and whimpered, as if it saw something terrible.

Ying Xia glanced at the black cat coolly, the black cat stared at its golden pupils and ran away.

"A Xia," despite being brought here by him, Ren Qiu still heard the ubiquitous rumors. He reluctantly looked at Ying Xia: "Is what they said true? Was it... my sister did it?"

Ying Xia didn't reply, so she turned her eyes away.

Ren Qiu looked at him persistently.

"That's what everyone says." After a while, Ying Xia said quietly. He put his hand on Ren Qiu's shoulder and said solemnly: "Don't think so much, these things have nothing to do with you, do you know? You just need to live well..."

His hand was freed. Ren Qiu stared and spoke fiercely: "I don't believe it, sister, how could sister do such a thing...cough cough...she...she..."

"What's the use of you telling me this?!" Seeing Ren Qiu clutching his throat and coughing continuously, Ying Xia's voice became anxious, "Everyone said so, they all think so, you... "

He finally softened his voice: "You don't care about these things... I will protect you, whether it is Ren Chun or not... I will protect you, you will not be killed by anyone..."

However, Ren Qiu didn't hear clearly the last words that he put down and softened. His complexion suddenly became agitated, flushed because of his sister's anger at being insulted.

"She was bullied when she was alive, but will she still be said that after she dies? Sister, she is obviously a very kind and nice person...cough cough cough... no, no..." Ren Qiu suddenly seemed to remember something , straightened up, and ran out of the village, "I want to go there, I want to prove it to them..."

Ying Xia didn't expect his sudden action, and was instantly stunned in place. After a while, he caught up and grabbed Ren Qiu's hand: "What are you going to do?"

Then, he saw a face covered with tears.

"...I want to prove," Ren Qiu murmured, "I want to prove that it's not my sister, it's really not my's not her, it's not her, there are other ghosts who are using her name to make trouble, my sister She's a nice person, she won't hurt anyone..."

After seeing Ren Qiu's tears, Ying Xia finally calmed down.

"Cough, cough, cough..." Cai Cai's emotional outburst seemed to have exhausted the last of this frail and sickly boy's physical strength. His eyes went black for a moment, and he sat down along the wall. The severe hypoxia and dizziness engulfed his body, and he couldn't help but clutched Ying Xia's sleeve: "Ying Xia, I..."

"It's all right." He heard the other party's low voice, and felt the palm of his forehead lightly touching his forehead, "Everything will be all right..."

"...Ying Xia, actually, I'm really scared..." After a while, he heard the whisper of the boy in his arms, "I'm really scared, those dead people, those ghosts, I don't know what I'm afraid of, but I'm really scared... That ghost can't be my sister's, right? If it's my sister...does she still remember me? If the ghosts don't have sanity, she will... kill me like they killed them? I will... dead?"

Ying Xia didn't speak.

After being quiet for a while, Ren Qiu forced a smile again: "...sometimes, I feel that what I'm afraid of is not these things, I feel, I..."

His voice was muffled by a cold hand.

"Ren Qiu, don't be afraid." He heard Ying Xia's low voice, "I will protect you, I will always protect will not be killed."

As she spoke, Ying Xia hugged the other person's shoulders.

"I'll let you live."

He said with great certainty.

Lin Huai opened his eyes again, he was on a bumpy stretched van. Outside the car windows on both sides are barren mountains, yellow sand, trees, and low trails.

After the teleportation started, he stared at Chu Tianshu who was rushing towards him, and before he had time to react when he was grabbed by the wrist, he was thrown into the system space by the system like throwing away the Coke can. Before he could stand still while his mind was shaking, there was already a cold voice from the system in his mind.

"Before entering the instance, you can purchase five randomly refreshed products. Do you want to refresh the mall?"

... Wait, can I buy things again

Lin Huai, who had a dark face just now, showed an innocent smile because of this good news.

"There must be good things in the props store." He said, "This kind of thing is not a card draw, it is absolutely fair and just. How can any manufacturer be like Xun, who will make money without making money..."

As for the budget issue that ordinary people would consider, it was completely out of his mind. In the first two missions, Lin Huai has saved a considerable amount of game currency through his excellent performance.

With a smile as if he was a primary school student carrying a hundred yuan pocket money and leading his favorite little sister to the canteen behind the school, he clicked on the mall and decided to buy everything.

ten minutes later.

Lin Huai kicked up and kicked towards the wall of the system space.

"System!!" he roared, "I hate you—"

Before his feet touched the wall, the system had already thrown him out of space like a piece of melting ice cream that got in the way.

At the moment of being thrown out of the space, his mind, which was previously screened by money, props and qualities, finally allocated a little space for some unexpected unexpected situation.

Speaking of which, when he was teleported into the system space, he seemed to see a white light flashing from Chu Tianshu's body...

Is he also...

'But there is no such coincidence in the world. ' He squinted, 'But if that person does come in...'

He raised one corner of his mouth.

"Isn't this more interesting?"

A kind smile bloomed on Lin Huai's face. In the bumpy carriage, Ruan Tian, who had just woken up and was still looking at his teammates, couldn't help shrinking away after seeing the creepy smile on the young man's face beside him.

It seemed that she was the first to wake up in this game.

What prompted Ruan Tian to wake up was a feeling of suffocation that was about to be crushed. If she hadn't opened her eyes and found herself in the van, she would have thought that she had been packed into a Datong shop in a concentration camp. After some observation, she realized that it was an eight-seater van. There are two seats in the first row, one is the driver wearing a peaked cap (by visual inspection, it is an npc), and the fat man is sleeping with his head tilted on the co-pilot. The second row and the third row are full seats. It seems that there is room for three people.

She was in the third row of the three-seater, but four people were actually crammed into the third row.

She, a woman with coquettish make-up, was entangled with two men who seemed to be squeezed into the same seat.

Ruan Tian who was about to suffocate: ...

Of those two youths, one is handsome and the other is handsome. The handsome man had messy chestnut hair, a high nose bridge, and an open mouth that looked like he was sleeping soundly without any thought. The handsome young man had soft black hair and pale skin. He was frowning tightly, but he didn't know what he dreamed of, so he showed a strange smile.

Ruan Tian: ...

Although she was almost suffocated, she still shrank towards the door, trying to escape from these two strangely entangled people.

'What's the matter with the game? ' she grumbled in her heart, 'can't you just rent a bigger van...'

After her, the coquettish curly-haired woman sitting next to her was also squeezed awake. The woman opened her eyes and looked around. After seeing the strange scene next to her, her face that was about to curse also froze. She paused, and then squeezed against Ruan Tian.

Ruan Tian: I am too bitter.

After the car went through a bump, everyone in the car finally woke up after the close contact between the top of their heads and the roof of the car. Except for the four people in the third row and the fat man in the first row, there are three men sitting in the second row. The young man sitting in the middle has a gentle temperament and fair complexion. After rubbing his forehead, he also opened his somewhat dazed eyes.

Lin Huai also woke up completely under the effect of the sudden brake. As soon as he woke up, he felt a strong sense of oppression on his body.

He "..." turned his head, only to see that Chu Tianshu was thrown onto his body under the action of the sudden brake.

Even more suffocating—he actually—

Just rolled over and muttered and fell asleep again

And the other two women who were sitting in the same row as him were looking at the direction they were in with "==" expressions on their faces.

This made Lin Huai, who had just made up his mind to play the road of the lurking red ghost, very uncomfortable. When he was thinking about whether he should take advantage of the situation that others could not see, he would strike at the other party and fake a car accident. At that moment, the person lying on his lap finally woke up slowly.

Chu Tianshu opened his eyes, and met Lin Huai with a kind smile.

"Are you awake?" Lin Huai asked softly.

"Uh... what? Where is this place? How could I be in a car?" Chu Tianshu jumped up from Lin Huai's knees, and after the top of his head touched the roof of the car, he howled again, "I was just now At home, why did you come here in a blink of an eye... Are you filming a show? Where is the camera? Is this where Dad is going or the life he yearns for? Who are you? Why are you in the same car with me?"

He looked like a Mengxin whose throat was suddenly held down by fate, and he uttered the technical language of infinite flow cannon fodder.

Lin Huai: ...

However, there were really people who were deceived by Chu Tianshu, or in other words, except for Lin Huai who knew the truth, everyone else was fooled by him. The man who looked like a college student in the second row let out a sneer: "Another newcomer?"

"Are you entering the game for the first time? Don't worry." A voice as soft as a stream came from the second row. It was a young man with a gentle temperament who made the voice: "Keep calm first, and we will give you a good science after we get out of the car."

Chu Tianshu sobbed twice: "But I'm so scared, where is this place? It's deep in the mountains and old forests, I want to go back, I haven't finished my summer homework yet..."

Lin Huai: ...

Chu Tianshu was still covering his face and pretending to be cute. He secretly opened a little slit between his fingers, and looked out of the slit to observe Lin Huai's face.

Lin Huai still had a spring-like smile on his face. He leaned closer to the other party and whispered in the other party's ear, "If you keep pretending to cry, I'll kill you."

Chu Tianshu: "Hey - Heroes see the same thing."

"Speaking of which, can't this driver hear us?" Yan Chuchu looked at the driver in the front row and whispered.

"Generally, before the game starts, the system will leave time for the player to introduce himself, and set up a sound barrier between the player and the npc." Chu Tianshu said, "So, even if you call the driver mentally retarded at this time, he will not look back come to hit you..."

Lin Huaixu rolled his eyes: "Didn't you say you are a newbie?"

Chu Tianshu: "..."

Lin Huai: "Look, you've been exposed."

Chu Tianshu then raised his hands in the eyes of everyone, pretending to be innocent: "I see that's what it says on the novice gift package, haven't you received it?"

Yan Chuchu: "... I don't remember having such a thing when I first entered the game."

Chu Tianshu: "Then you must have not recharged the money. For those who recharged six yuan for the first time, we all have a beginner's guide gift bag and a Zhao Yun."

Lin Huai: "..."

Seeing the excitement behind, the man with a gentle temperament spoke first: "In that case, let's take this opportunity to introduce ourselves to each other. My name is Cheng Xin, and I am a university teacher. I mainly conduct humanities research."

Sitting next to him, the indifferent man also pushed his glasses: "My name is Zhang Minge."

He didn't mention his occupation, but Lin Huai always felt a little uncomfortable after seeing his face.

"Ji Nanquan." The college student who had ridiculed Chu Tianshu in the car said proudly, "Seniors, after returning from studying in the United States, they were pulled closer to the game as soon as they got off the plane. Alas, the first-class service of ua airlines is really getting worse. It got worse and worse, I didn't sleep well all the way, I just got off the plane and bought a glass of strong expresso and didn't have time to drink it... "

"Brother Ji, you are quite knowledgeable." The alluring woman casually interrupted the other party's pretentiousness, "My name is Yan Chuchu, and I'm a trickster in Hengdian."

The fat man sitting in the first row said: "My name is Liao Guan, hehe, I haven't participated in a few games, and I'm a cook."

As Liao Guan said, he took a peek at Ruan Tian, obviously he had a crush on this well-behaved girl.

When it was Lin Huai's turn, he said, "Lu Xun said that ferocious beasts always walk alone, but cattle and sheep come in groups. My name is Lin Huai, and I am a decisive tasker. I hate Mengxin who drags his feet."

As he spoke, he stared at Chu Tianshu's face and smiled meaningfully.

"My name is Chu Yangyang. I'm a new kid with six dollars. Please take care of me, especially the big brother named Lin next to me. Thank you, baa." Chu Tianshu said quickly.

Lin Huai: ... I have never seen such a brazen person.

After turning around, it was finally the turn of the ordinary-looking Ruan Tian. She looked very nervous and broke her shell twice, which made Ji Nanquan look a little impatient.

Now she was even more nervous. Seeing this, Cheng Xin said softly, "Don't be nervous, just speak slowly."

"I... My name is Ruan Tian." She whispered, "This is the second game."

After saying this, she raised her eyes and saw Cheng Xin's encouraging smile, and felt warm in her heart.

Perhaps because of the system shielding, the man in the driver's seat seemed completely unaffected by the bustle behind him. He was wearing earphones, humming a little song, holding the steering wheel and speeding on the potholed dirt road. After introducing themselves, everyone was quickly overwhelmed and fell silent.

Halfway through, the car brakes. At this moment, the system's notification tone sounded in everyone's ears:

"The sound barrier is closed, the game begins."

After the beep, everyone who was drowsy put on a cute .jpg posture. The driver was a middle-aged man in his forties. He turned to the crowd and said, "Go a little further north and you'll be Jiangcun."

He called everyone to get out of the car, and dragged out the package of the group from the trunk: "The villagers have already packed it. When you enter the village, tell them that you are here for inspection, and they will definitely treat you well." of… "

Everyone nodded. The driver smiled again when he saw this, and he raised the corner of his mouth and said, "You guys are quite obedient, you don't make noise, don't make noise, don't cry, for the sake of being obedient, let me give you a reminder... "

As he spoke, he took out a crumpled cigarette case from his trouser pocket and handed it to everyone, then turned and got into the car. Seeing this, Cheng Xin and the others immediately gathered together to study the cigarette case. Lin Huai, who was standing aside, showed a thoughtful expression.

"What?" Chu Tianshu asked him, "What are you thinking?"

"Since no useful props have been drawn..." Lin Huai said to himself, "then create conditions to obtain a prop that comes with the system."

Chu Tianshu: "Huh?"

He watched Lin Huai rub his knuckles and walked towards the driver: "It's up to you..."

The van over there has started its engine. The driver adjusted his mirrors and was about to go on the road. Unexpectedly, as soon as he put on his seat belt, there was a tearing wail from the door beside him.


He looked at the car door in astonishment. The originally smooth and clean plane began to deform and twist under the forceful pull. Then, he reached into the door with a hand and pulled the driving lock on the door.

The car door was opened abruptly.


"I don't know why I'm a little panicked..." The driver's expression twisted, "But, obviously I'm an npc..."

Thinking this way, he saw that seemingly frail young man coming in from the outside.

"That master," the young man who opened the car door looked at him with a friendly smile, "As the saying goes, if you send the Buddha to the west, why don't you accompany us into the village."

As he spoke, he reached into the cab and grabbed both of the driver's hands.

His hands were cold, but they were also strong.

The driver didn't know for a moment whether he should be shocked by the fact that the player opened the car door with his bare hands, or that the player was able to do such an operation. He swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and said under the smile of the other party: "This... I'm just an npc responsible for transporting you..."

(Explanation of the idiom: self-ashamed and obscure, describing how an npc feels unlucky after meeting Lin Huai in the game)

Lin Huai: "Don't bother, come in with us."

Driver: "I mean, I'm really just an npc in charge of driving..."

Lin Huai: "When someone dies, there will be a hearse for you to drift in the village."

Driver: "No I mean..."

He was racking his brains to find out how to explain it, and then he saw the other party's widened smile: "What gave you the illusion that I was asking for your advice?"


His smile was so gentle, but the driver read a strong sense of threat from it. The driver then shouted: "What do you want to do to me? Let me tell you, I am a system npc, you can't do this to me..."

As he spoke, he heard a crisp sound. Lin Huai bent the steering wheel with one hand: "Do you want to come down with me alive, or come down with me dead?"

Driver: "... wait a minute, I'll get something."

After being successfully dragged out of the car by Lin Huai, the driver looked sad and looked at the other party arguing in the car. Then, Lin Huai asked him: "Is it true that this car can't be driven in?"

Driver: "It's true. There are small broken roads inside, so it's not easy to walk."

Lin Huai: "Oh, good."

Then, he dragged the driver's hand and walked in front of the crowd. As he walked, he asked the driver, "What's your name?"

The driver was really about to cry: "I told you earlier, I'm really just an npc driving a car without a name..."

"That's it..." Lin Huai touched his chin, "Then my surname is Lin. As the saying goes, those who know current affairs are Junjie. You are quite knowledgeable about current affairs, so I will call you Junjie Lin."

The author has something to say: *Description of the meme that was dropped by ○:

Chrysanthemum Remnant: Jay Chou's lyrics, about the pain caused by eating too much hot pot and growing hemorrhoids