The NPC Was Once Again Frightened By Me

Chapter 58: If one day I quietly leave


Lin Huai "..." for a while, and then heard Chu Tianshu say: "Wait a while, it will be night, let's go out to rob the tomb with a hoe."

"Do you have to be in such a hurry?" Lin Huai put his hands in his trouser pockets.

"If you go later, the corpse will rot." Chu Tianshu said, "If you go early, you can see a fresher corpse, which is convenient for autopsy. Speaking of which, I am also curious about the small grave bag. Didn't have time to take a closer look…”

The plans for the first night were drawn up so simply. The two of them nestled quietly in the room until half past eleven when the lights in the next room were dimmed.

The two men slipped out of the east room with hoes in hand. The boy in the next room and the couple from the Ying family in the main room were also asleep, and they could hear faint shouts through the window.

Jiangcun was extremely quiet at night, and the two carried hoes and walked to the place where the cemetery was, following their memory. Guided by the stars, they finally arrived at Liu Quan's grave before midnight.

The pale moonlight shone on the words on the wooden sign. Lin Huai hesitated for a moment, then raised the hoe. The wound on his hand touched the rough wooden handle, causing a faint pain. But Chu Tianshu said: "You are watching from the side, and I will dig."

Lin Huai thought for a while and replied, "Okay."

So he put down the hoe and stood by watching Chu Tianshu wield the hoe and dance on Liu Quan's grave. Although Liu Quan was not buried deep, it took a little effort to dig him out.

Lin Huai stared at it for a long time, feeling a little sleepy. He yawned, and glanced at his hand by the way, the palm that was burned by the mahogany card, a small piece of bloody flesh, was slowly healing.

The Taoism of the Taoist who made the mahogany card is not weak, even Lin Huai was burned. But by the next day, his palms could return to their original appearance.

Thinking of this, he looked forward, but when he saw the top of the mountain in the distance, he let out a soft "hey".

"Temple?" he said to himself.

In the distance of the cemetery, there is a wheat field and a small slope, surrounded by many trees and sheltered. There seems to be a small temple on the slope.

The temple and the cemetery looked at each other from a distance. Lin Huai could not see the appearance of the temple clearly, but could only see the sharp cornices and roof. He was thinking about it when he heard Chu Tianshu's panting voice: "Next is the moment to witness the miracle—"

As he spoke, he gave a "drink" and lifted the lid of the coffin!

The two of them moved closer to the front of the coffin, only to see that there was indeed a new dead body lying inside. The corpse lay flat in the coffin, wearing a black shroud, with a distorted face, as if it had been greatly frightened before dying.

On the surface, there were no obvious wounds on this person's body. Chu Tianshu drew a cross on his chest, closed his eyes and said, "Please forgive us for disturbing..."

Then, he said: "If you don't forgive, please come to our dream to find us to avenge, thank you Ao."

Lin Huai: ...

Chu Tianshu looked left and right, but he didn't see why. He scratched his head, turned to Lin Huai and said, "I'll go down and take his clothes off."

With that said, he climbed down.

Lin Huai crouched on the top and watched him. In his opinion, the corpse was black and full of life, obviously killed by ghosts.

As he watched, he heard Chu Tianshu's voice constantly coming from under the grave: "I feel like a pervert... In this life, I have never stripped a man's clothes like this except for my nephew who wets the bed... Wait a minute, there is a hole on his chest." How did you open a hole?"

After a long silence, Chu Tianshu's voice came from the bottom of the grave: "His heart is gone."

As he spoke, he moved a little away, pointed to the wound, and asked Lin Huai to take a closer look: "What do you think?"

Lin Huai stretched his neck to look at it for a while, and commented: "The technique is skillful, the shot is fast, and he is a skilled worker."

"It looks like he died the morning before yesterday." Chu Tianshu opened the eyelids of the deceased to observe, "I wonder if we can still find the bloody clothes in the village..."

"... Do you think you are acting out today's statement?" Lin Huaixu raised his eyes.

Chu Tianshu rummaged through the coffin, but found no other clues. In the end, he grabbed Lin Huai's left hand and climbed up from the ground, and he piled the tomb back independently.

"Mantian gods and Buddhas, may you rest in peace, Amitabha." After the grave was piled up, Chu Tianshu clasped his hands and bowed, "If you have any dissatisfaction, come to dream tonight to seek revenge from me."

"...his soul has been dispersed long ago." Lin Huai said.

"I don't want you to think, I want me to think." Chu Tianshu said. Then, he picked up the hoe and yawned: "Let's go, let's go back."

After tossing and tossing for most of the night, it was almost early morning, and the two of them walked towards the east room listlessly. After lying on the bed, Chu Tianshu complained: "I have been tossing all night, and I haven't even seen a living ghost..."

"You seem to be looking forward to seeing ghosts." Lin Huai smiled.

He picked up the towel and wiped his face, but Chu Tianshu's voice came from behind him: "Remember not to get water on the wound, if this place is infected,

Putting Lin Huai aside, Cheng Xin and the others on the other side also bid farewell to Lin Huai and the others, followed the villagers to the Wang family in the north of the village.

When they first left the village chief's house, they felt that the whole Jiangcun village was dilapidated. The further they went north, the more they found that the surrounding buildings were modernized and full of money. The villagers who led them pointed to a big house in front of them and said, "This is the Wang family."

"This house looks very luxurious." Cheng Xin said casually.

"The Wang family is the richest family in our village. It has never been comparable to other families." The villager said, "Their family worships the Qingxu Temple, and they have a great luck that we can't get. After so many years, only The Ren family was able to compare with them a few years ago... "

After mentioning the word Ren's family, the villager's expression twisted slightly, and then he said in an extremely cheerful tone: "This is the time, let's go in."

Zhang Minge nodded, and pushed his glasses up with his index finger. Before entering the door, he gave a soft "Huh?"

"What's wrong?" Cheng Xin asked him sensitively.

His query was not answered. Zhang Mingge just stopped where he was, pushed the driver to Cheng Xin's side, and said in a low voice, "Take care of him."

Then, he took off his glasses and looked in the direction of the Wang residence.

What appeared in his naked eyes was an old house with lights on, but the lantern on the gate flickered like a candle in the wind, shaking with the bleak night wind.

This was supposed to be a luxurious old-style courtyard, but in his eyes, the entire mansion was surrounded by thick black air. Resisted by his enchantment, he could only patrol outside reluctantly, but he was still unable to enter.

"What a powerful barrier." He thought, "The person who set up this barrier has at least 60 years of cultivation. But..."

Although this spell is powerful, it is only effective for a while. The barrier that separates the black air from the outside has cracked a few times under the continuous impact of the black air, and it looks crumbling.

Zhang Minge frowned and said nothing. Monk Zhang Er was puzzled by Cheng Xin watching his actions. After Zhang Mingge cleaned his glasses and put them back on his face, Cheng Xin said, "Hey, I just noticed that your eyes are actually a little blue."

Zhang Mingo glanced at the other party. Stared at by those slender phoenix eyes, Cheng Xin knew he had made a slip of the tongue and closed his mouth.

Originally, the closer he was to the palace, the more Cheng Xin felt palpitations, like countless malice and resentment, forming a fog and penetrating into the bone marrow. However, at the moment of stepping into the house, all the weirdness and fear gradually disappeared.

A refreshing feeling surged up from my feet, like a gust of cool wind, spring wind turning into rain, blowing towards my face. Cheng Xin took a breath of comfort, while Zhang Mingo looked at the four corners of the yard and made a rough estimate of the setup of the formation.

"Not in the yard? It's probably in the main house." The villager who led them said, "Let's go, let's go there."

The three of them walked through the yard, and before they entered the hall, they heard the voices of arguing inside: "This is not going to work... sooner or later the barrier will be broken..."

"Every year, counting the birth of the moon and offering sacrifices to the moon is the most rampant..."

"... No, let's go to the temple, there is a Taoist master, let's see how that monster still comes in!"

As he said that, Wang Zhanpeng kicked the coffee table and spat: "Mom, a woman has made the whole family restless... I will dig up her grave tomorrow!"

"You still have the nerve to say this!" Wang Zhanpeng's daughter-in-law screamed, "If it weren't for you... oh!"

"How the hell did I know that she would become a ghost?!" Wang Zhanpeng retorted, "I wasn't the only one who did it back then, didn't Zhan Kun also have a share! Why do I say that I am alone!"

His younger sister, Wang Zhanyuan, rolled her eyes, while the elder sister, Wang Zhanhuang, sneered in a strange way: "I told you not to provoke that slut..."

"Okay, okay, sooner or later the Wang family will be killed by your two useless sons!" Wang Jia said angrily. He clenched his fists, slammed it on the table, and said in a deep voice, "Five days later, five days later, the Taoist priest will leave the customs. Let's go find him. No matter what, we must pass this sacrificial month!"

As soon as his voice was finalized, the four younger generations of the Wang family shut their mouths.

But at this moment, Zhang Mingge's cold voice came from the entrance of the lobby: "Who is that woman you are talking about?"

The Sun family in the south of the village.

"I don't know what's going on with Cheng Xin..." Ruan Tian sat in the room, staring at the moon in a daze, "Why do we have to live separately?"

"Why do you think so much?" Yan Chuchu said sarcastic words beside her, "Go to bed quickly, stay refreshed, I don't know what will happen tomorrow."

The two chatted and fell asleep not long after. Here Auntie Sun sighed as she watched the lights in the room of the two of them dim.

When she returned to the room, she found that her eldest daughter, Du Xiaoran, had fallen asleep, while her younger daughter, Du Xiaoyou, was lying under the quilt with her eyes open, so she cursed: "Damn girl, you still don't sleep at night!"

With that said, she turned off the light and lay down too. Du Xiaoyou rubbed against his mother, crying, "Mom, I'm scared, I can't sleep..."

"What are you afraid of? We didn't kill her. No matter how bad a ghost is, she won't come to her door." Aunt Sun moved her daughter's hair and chattered sleepily.

"But... But sister Ren has become a ghost. I heard that ghosts kill everyone without blinking an eye..." Ren Xiaoyou cried and said, "I saw it, there is a big hole in that person's chest..."

"It'll be fine if you get through this month, it'll be fine if you get through this month." The little girl's crying voice softened Aunt Sun's original fierce voice, "Let's stay at home at night and not go anywhere …”

"But can ghosts still be sane..." said the little girl, "My friends say that Sister Ren is a bad person who kills people without blinking an eye... Xiaopang said that she was a bad woman before she died, and she was even more unreasonable after she died. Yes, we will all be killed by her. He also said that Li Gui will take away his relatives. Sooner or later, she will come back and take Ren Qiu away. We live next to Ren's house and will be taken away... "

"He's talking nonsense!" A scream came from another bed, and Du Xiaoran crawled out of the bed, glaring at his sister fiercely, "Ren Qiu will not be taken away, he, he..."

"Why are you so fierce with your sister? She's dead and turned into a ghost, how can she be a good person?!" Aunt Sun scolded her daughter, "Go to sleep!"

Du Xiaoran pursed her lips stubbornly, snorted bitterly, and went back to sleep.

Gradually, both daughters began to snore softly. Aunt Sun was sleeping between the two girls, and she also looked towards the roof.

"It's been another three days..." She counted silently.

Thinking of this, she sank into dreamland.

At three o'clock in the morning, Du Xiaoran woke up from a nightmare.

She clutched her chest, sat up, panting heavily.

In that dream, she returned to the pond. In the pond, Ren Chun's body and the dark green water plants floated and sank.

"Ren Chun..." She softly called out the person's name.

She was so disturbed that she could not go back to sleep, so she tucked her feet into her slippers and resolved to take a walk outside the house.

"I don't know what Ren Qiu is doing at this time." She was thinking wildly, "Is he asleep? People in the village say that ghost is Ren Chun, he must be very sad..."

Pushing open the wooden door is the small courtyard where the mother and daughter of the Sun family live. Their father was working outside the home, and there were only three mothers and daughters left in the entire Sun family. Holding the lamp, she looked towards the wing room where the two strangers lived, and it was peaceful inside.

Apparently the two were still asleep.

Du Xiaoran pursed her lips. She heard from the village chief that this group of people was sent by the city, and their purpose was to investigate the heart-wrenching incidents that kept happening in Jiangcun, but...

'Why didn't you come early in the morning, why did you come after so many people died? ' she thought, 'If only I had come sooner...'

If only I had come earlier...

How about coming early

Suddenly, his head started to hurt faintly. At that moment, Du Xiaoran almost had a sense of hallucination, as if several groups of people like them had been here not long ago... the same.

'How could I have such a ridiculous idea? ’ Soon she rejected her false memory, ‘I must have not slept well, I’d better go back to my room. '

After making up her mind, Du Xiaoran walked back. The moment she was about to open the door, she suddenly turned her head to look in the direction of the Ren family.

... There were rustling sounds in the yard of the Ren family.

Living next to the Sun family's mother and daughter is the once prominent Ren family. It's a pity that after the flour mill accident, the Ren family members withered, leaving only the mad mother Ren, and Ren Qiu's mother and son.

"Mama Ren can't sleep again?" she thought, walking towards Ren's house. She knew that Mother Ren became even more insane after her daughter's death. Someone once saw her stay up in the middle of the night, sitting in the yard and cutting paper figures with scissors. Cut into pieces a little.

Du Xiaoyou was very afraid of their family because of this, crying and begging to move out. However, Aunt Sun thinks that the rumors of ghosts in the village are all nonsense. She firmly believes that as long as her daughters stay at home obediently at night, no accidents will happen.

However, at this moment Du Xiaoran obviously forgot his mother's warning. She carried the lantern and walked in the direction of the sound.

Halfway through, a gust of wind blew out the oil lamp.

Immediately plunged into darkness.

However, when the wind blew out the oil lamp, it also blew away part of the dark clouds that covered the moon.

The moonlight streamed in the small courtyard, although it was faint, Du Xiaoran could still see the scene in front of him clearly.

"Face… "

She couldn't help but cover her mouth tightly and let out a silent wail.

In the early morning of the next day, Lin Huai was awakened by shouts outside the window.

"Dad! Mom!" came a boy's terrified voice, "Someone died again! It's in the south!"

It was Ying Qing, the son of the Ying family couple who spoke. Lin Huai and Chu Tianshu, who was also woken up by him, looked at each other and ran out following the flow of people.

It was still early in the morning, and the sky was not bright. The two of them ran with the crowd for a long time before they saw the body belonging to the deceased on the field ridge.

According to the onlookers, the deceased was a bum in the village. This man is idle, always likes to drink, and gets drunk all day long. He should have died of liver cirrhosis. Unexpectedly, before the liver cirrhosis had time to occupy the high ground, a ghost had already taken him away.

It took Chu Tianshu a little effort to squeeze in from the crowd. He rushed to the corpse, and unexpectedly saw that the other person's heart had been dug out, leaving only an empty hole. The dead man's eyes widened, and he climbed forward desperately, his fingers pointing in one direction, with an extremely terrified expression on his face.