The NPC Was Once Again Frightened By Me

Chapter 66: Drifting all over the place


As she spoke, Feng Ailing lowered her head and glanced down. At that moment, she seemed to have seen something, showing a rather confused expression: "The bottom of this well..."

She squinted her eyes for a while, but still couldn't see why. Seeing her strange appearance, Ruan Tian also walked over: "Inside the well?"

"Girl, help me look at this, my eyes are blurred and I can't see clearly..." Feng Ailing moved away, Ruan Tian saw that she was not in danger, so she poked her head over: "Inside?"

The next moment, she only felt a strong force coming from her waist. Ruan Tian didn't even have time to scream, but was pushed down by Feng Ailing!

As Feng Ailing said, the well is indeed very deep. Within three seconds, Ruan Tian fell to the bottom and let out a heavy "boom", the sound of his flesh and bones being torn apart. After pushing Ruan Tian down, Feng Ailing pressed down the manhole cover nervously, as if if she did so, Ruan Tian's screams would be blocked.

'Amitabha... Amitabha...' she muttered nervously.

The world under the manhole cover was finally silent. She removed the manhole cover and asked the man in a low voice, "Girl? Girl?"

There was no response from down there.

"Successful, unexpectedly successful..." Thinking of Ren Chun's handwriting on the note, Feng Ailing burst into tears of excitement. She raised her hands tremblingly and folded them in front of her chest, "Her life was exchanged for me." , I succeeded! '

For the past month, she has been devastated by the constant presence of feral cats in her home. Notes in beautiful handwriting kept appearing on her desk, and every word and every word meant "sacrificing life". It was clearly written on the note that her deadline was in the next few days.

However, when she was almost desperate, she found a new note in the bowl early this morning.

'Let's play a game. In the past, you made up rumors and killed me. Now that I'm dead, you've been living on in this world... You can live with peace of mind, isn't it because you feel that your few words can't kill others? As long as you don't do it yourself, isn't it an executioner? '

'If you want to survive. Just use the investigator's life for yours! '

'The well in your backyard is very deep. If there is no water, a person will die if he falls in it. You can choose to refuse, or you can find a way to fight, it's all up to you. '

After observing all the investigators, the weak and domineering Ruan Tian first came into her sight. It's just that she didn't expect that things would go smoother than she imagined.

Ruan Tian didn't defend her against her - this is actually a very normal thing, one is that she lacks experience, the second is that the death countdown time has not yet come, and the third is... which player would believe that he would want to protect the npc in the mission? Want your own life

Feng Ailing sat on the ground exhausted because of her success, bit her finger fiercely, and snickered like the rest of her life. After a long time, she put the manhole cover on again, ran back to the house, and shouted in panic: "It's not good, it's not good!"

"Ghost, I saw a's Ren Chun!" She screamed, "She took Ruan Tian away!"

Her yell woke up Liao Guan who was still playing with his mobile phone, and Cheng Xin and others who were dozing off in other rooms. Several people rushed out of the room, led by the stern-looking Zhang Minge.

"Where did the ghost go?"

Feng Ailing randomly pointed in one direction, Zhang Mingge and others did not suspect him, and chased after him.

The driver ran all the way with several players, and finally he was exhausted, so he put his hands on the tree to rest. The previous players ignored him and went on their own. For a while, he was the only one left on the road.

"This group of people didn't wait for me..." He complained, thumping his legs.

'Wait, what am I complaining about, I'm obviously just an npc. 'A thought popped up from the bottom of his heart, "Before I was kidnapped, it was because of my bad luck. Now those two demons have gone out, and no one else..."

This is simply the perfect time to escape!

The driver burst into tears, and the long-lost desire to survive surged into his heart. For a moment, he was full of pride, feeling that freedom was ahead.

The next moment his face froze.

'But now, where can I go except by his side? 'A sadness burst from his heart.

He has no car now, no identity, just a ghost wandering in the instance. The system apparently forgot about the driver, and had no intention of picking him up at all. He is like Su Mian who was kicked out of his home by Gu Beicheng, there is no place for him in the world anymore.

'But following them is obviously courting death. The driver squatted on the ground, thinking hard, "They have a task, but I don't have a task. I have to find a way to hide in a safe place..."

After thinking about it, he had already walked back to Feng Ailing's house. Feng Ailing was obviously shocked when she saw him. She tried her best to calm down, and asked him cautiously: "That ghost... have you caught it yet?"

The driver shook his head. Feng Ailing swallowed secretly when she heard the words. She kept looking at the clock on the wall, seeing that the hour hand was getting closer to twelve, so she asked him cautiously: "That... investigator, are there any numbers on top of my head?"

"Huh? What number?"

" can't see the number above my head?"

As an NPC driver, he naturally couldn't see the numbers on Feng Ailing's head, so he shook his head sincerely and blankly. Seeing this stranger's reaction, Feng Ailing was overjoyed. She threw away the cup in her hand and kowtowed three times to the sky: "God bless, God bless... The life change was successful! The life change was successful!"

She was ecstatic, wishing she could rush out, bring back several boxes of concrete, and fill up the dry well in the backyard. The driver watched her every move blankly, but a cold voice came from beside his ear: "What did you say to change your life?"

It turned out that after Zhang Mingge and the others chased for a certain distance, they did not find Ruan Tian's trace. Although anxious, they rushed back to Feng's house considering that the number above Feng Ailing's head was about to be cleared. Unexpectedly, as soon as they entered the door, they heard Feng Ailing's crazy laughter. When Feng Ailing found that everyone had returned, she opened her mouth wide and didn't even have time to make a fake reaction.

"What are you talking about changing lives?!" Liao Guan rushed up and grabbed her neck, "Where is Ruan Tian? Tell me!"

He looked excited, apart from his concern for Ruan Tian, he also regretted that he didn't accompany them to the backyard when he was playing with his mobile phone. He grabbed Feng Ailing's neck and almost suffocated. Cheng Xin and Zhang Minge had no choice but to go up to one side and separate them.

Feng Ailing was rescued, coughing loudly. Liao Guan was held up by Cheng Xin, still yelling: "She followed you to the backyard and disappeared, tell me! Where did Ruan Tian be taken by the ghost!"

"I don't know where she went!" Feng Ailing yelled, "She was taken away by a ghost, it's because of her bad life, and it has nothing to do with me!"

"Liao Guan, calm down!" Cheng Xin persuaded him, "It will be twelve o'clock soon, and the time will be reset..."

"Who knows if Ruan Tian was taken away by a ghost? We didn't see a ghost, did we? This old woman said..."

After hearing Liao Guan's words, Feng Ailing's heart trembled, and a strong sense of guilt engulfed her sanity. She looked at the strong young men in front of her, and the first decision she made under conditioned reflex was to drive them out.

She picked up the broom and slapped them aggressively: "Get out, get out! What are you talking about protecting my mother? My mother sees you as a bunch of charlatans!"

The change in her attitude before and after was simply unimaginable. The few people were caught off guard, and she kicked them out of the house all the way.

"Get out, get out of my house!" she yelled.

However, Feng Ailing, who was immersed in the joy of life and guilty conscience, did not know that at this moment, the "01" above her head finally faded away completely, and a blood-red "0" suddenly appeared in the night sky!

Seeing this scene, Cheng Xin's pupils shrank violently: "The number on your head..."

Feng Ailing thought that he had discovered the secret of the disappearance of numbers, and she became more and more guilty. She exhausted all her strength, finally reached the door, and kept several people out.

Then, she sat down on the ground as if exhausted.

Cheng Xin outside the door was anxious like an ant on a hot pot, and he was trying to break into the yard, but Zhang Minge grabbed his hand: "Don't go in."


"It's hard to persuade a ghost who is about to die with good words." Zhang Minge said indifferently, "It's her own business that she wants to die."

After a pause, he said again: "There are still eight people, we just need to protect the remaining eight people."

Cheng Xin was still unwilling, but with the door locked, there was nothing he could do. In the end, he had no choice but to smash the door lock angrily, and led everyone away.

Feng Ailing who was inside the door was overjoyed when she heard the voices of several people leaving. She leaned against the door and gasped for a while before thinking about what to do next.

'Let them do whatever they want next! ' she thought viciously.

However, the change of life is not the end. Feng Ailing knew very well that, except for Ruan Tian, who was pushed into the well by her, and Yan Chuchu, who had a demonic aura, they were all tall young men. If they found the body, the life he had saved from the ghosts might not necessarily end in their hands.

Despite her heavy body, Feng Ailing's mind was unprecedentedly clear. Soon, she went to the backyard with a shovel, found some soil, and decided to bury Ren Tian's body.

'Girl, don't blame me. 'She said silently in her heart,'If you want to blame, you can blame you for coming here, we both have only one life, if it were you, you would choose your own life! '

After reading this sentence, she felt at ease. She shoveled half of the soil and felt physically and mentally exhausted. Sighing the aging of her body, she held her waist and straightened up.

A gust of cool wind blew by, and the moment she stood up, she seemed to see a faint shadow standing beside the thatched shed.

She thought she was dazzled, raised her hand and rubbed her eyes, and the black shadow disappeared.

'It's an illusion. ' she consoled herself.

However, at the next moment, she lowered her head, and when she inadvertently glanced in that direction out of the corner of her eye, she found that the black figure seemed... closer to her!

A sense of dread welled up in her heart. She lifted the shovel and looked in the direction of the hayloft again.

No one was there.

Feng Ailing breathed a sigh of relief, but when she poured the last handful of soil into the dry well and turned around holding the shovel, a slender figure appeared in front of her eyes!

Feng Ailing let out a scream and almost fell into the well. After she stood up by the well with one hand, she finally recognized the owner of the back: "I didn't sleep in the middle of the night, and I came here to play wild with my old lady..."

As she spoke, she pushed it over with one hand: "You fucking..."

The head from the back slowly raised, and the next moment, Feng Ailing saw the scariest scene she could ever see in her life.

"you… "

At that moment, she realized that what she saw was not the back.

It's the... front of that "person"!

Early the next morning, the system's notification sounded in everyone's mind.

"Feng Ailing is dead, and the first protection mission has failed. Please prepare for the second protection mission."

Feng Ailing's body was lying by the well, her eyes were wide open, and her heart had disappeared from her chest. What fell beside her was a shovel. The village head saw the scene in front of him, closed his eyes, and called the villagers to carry her away.

Standing in the crowd, Chu Tianshu looked at the horrific corpse, and said softly to Lin Huai, "This ghost looks a bit wild."

"It's very wild, with its chest completely torn apart. Rather than being a calm killer, it's better to say it's an animal that only relies on instinct to kill..." Lin Huai said, "Speaking of which, the body was found by the well ?”

"What is she doing at the well at night?" Cheng Xin squatted in the backyard, very puzzled.

Liao Guan had two huge dark circles under his eyes. Seeing the scene in front of him, he was silent for a while, and said, "I won't act with you today."


"I'm going to find Ruan Tian...I'll come back at night." He said.

He has always been worried about Ruan Tian's disappearance, thinking it is his own responsibility. Cheng Xin still wanted to keep him, but he heard Zhang Minge's voice: "Let him go."