The NPC Was Once Again Frightened By Me

Chapter 68: Let me have the exclusive experience, thank you!


"Wang Wei was killed? How could he be killed? Isn't it time yet?" Cheng Xin stared at Wang Wei's body dumbfounded, then turned to Lin Huai, "Did you see clearly? How did he get killed?" dropped?"

"Where is the ghost? Where did the ghost go now?" Chu Tianshu looked left and right, "Strange, why was this person beheaded..."

As he said that, his eyes couldn't help but nailed to the bloody sickle in Lin Huai's hand.

Under the attention of everyone, Lin Huai put down the sickle in his hand and shrugged: "Oh, I forgot to mention. The person who killed was me."

Everyone: "..."

Everyone: "...?!!"

"You killed it?!" Liao Guan roared, "You killed the npc?! Killed the npc we need to protect?!"

Facing his questioning, Lin Huai pointed to his head and said, "He attacked me first, and I was acting in self-defense."

Seeing his natural appearance, Cheng Xin took a step back in fright. Zhang Minge took a step forward and stood in front of him. The one who did the same thing with him was Chu Tianshu on the other side... Although the person he blocked was Lin Huai.

"Everyone calm down." Zhang Minge said, "Lin Huai, what do you want to do?"

"Everyone calm down." Chu Tianshu said, "Lin Huai will definitely not kill people for no reason..."

"!" Liao Guan was dumbfounded, "We were asked to protect npcs, and there were only four left, but you took the initiative to kill one... Do you know what the consequences will be if you do this?"

Under his questioning, Lin Huai shrugged and threw out a note: "Instead of protecting npcs, consider how to protect yourself—see for yourself."

As he spoke, he threw out a note. Zhang Minge clamped it with a cold face.

After seeing the content on the note, Liao Guan, who was originally angry, also froze: "This is..."

"A note about cannibalism." Lin Huai said coldly, "They are hunting players."

The note was passed around and finally reached Chu Tianshu's hands. He frowned, and read it carefully: "It's exactly the same as the handwriting in Ren Chun's exercise book yesterday."

" it Ren Chun? Ren Chun wrote this note?" Liao Guan said incredulously, "But why did she do this? Isn't her target those villagers? Why did she treat us..."

"...This..." Cheng Xin suddenly ran towards the door as if remembering something, "Ruan Tian!...Could it be that Ruan Tian was also..."

Several people ran back to Feng Ailing's small courtyard, and finally found Ruan Tian's body at the bottom of the well. She still maintains an unrepentant appearance, her eyes staring straight at the sky.

She seems rather dazed about the fact that she was killed. Chu Tianshu squatted beside her, sighed, and closed her eyes.

"Aren't you kidding, aren't we the protectors of the villagers? Why did they kill us?" Liao Guan slammed his fist on the ground, "This is really... really..."

He couldn't find a suitable adjective to express his fear and shock at this moment. Cheng Xin squatted beside him quietly and patted his shoulder.

"Because we are the protectors of the villagers." Zhang Minge looked at Ruan Tian's corpse coldly, "In her opinion, everyone who hinders her revenge plan - must die. This is a very, very cunning boss. And Those people in Jiangcun can do anything in the face of death, she took advantage of these people's survival psychology to get rid of us stumbling blocks... "

"But her promise was not fulfilled. Ruan Tian died—but Feng Ailing was still taken by a ghost." Chu Tianshu scratched his head, "This is very strange..."

Zhang Minge looked at him: "What's so strange?"

"The system never deceives people, although it always provides a lottery turntable with no guarantee, forcing a group of players to work for it, regardless of whether you are taking a shower or using the toilet, and will pull you into it when you are interested. Games—" Chu Tianshu counted them carefully, "but it has never deceived anyone."

"Are you honest with ghosts?" Zhang Minge sneered. He stared at Jiangcun in the night, feeling that there were ghosts everywhere, and everything was untrustworthy: "Tomorrow we can't go on like this, we have to make it clear to the third deceased—make it clear, the contents on the note are purely imaginary."

Cheng Xin nodded with lingering fear, while Liao Guan on the other side clenched his fists. He looked straight at Zhang Minge and said loudly, "You mean, we still have to protect them now?"

"The task given to us by the system is to protect them and let them survive until the last day?" Zhang Mingge said indifferently, "This is our job as players. If we want to survive, we have to accept it—"


Liao Guan opened his mouth, as if he wanted to say something, but in the end, he just followed behind Zhang Mingo dejectedly.

Yes, if you want to survive, you must protect this group of people... He thought, unless...

Unless, there is another way.

When he returned to the village chief's house, it was already two o'clock in the night. However, to his surprise, the lights in the room were still on.

Ever since Ji Nanquan and Yan Chuchu left the team without permission, Liao Guan persuaded him once and stopped meddling in their affairs. Through the window, Liao Guan could see that under the light, Ji Nanquan seemed to be flipping through a notebook. He frowned and looked focused, as if he had seen something very important.

Liao Guan's heart skipped a beat, he stooped, and quietly lurked under the window, hearing Ji Nanquan's whispers coming from inside.

"Chendu...the temple..." He heard Ji Nanquan say, "So it's like this..."

Ji Nanquan's fingers slid across the lines of numbers on the paper. With the movement of his fingers, his brows gradually furrowed, and they slowly relaxed after seeing the last line.

He closed the notebook, rolled his eyes, and finally hid it under the bed. Then, he stood up, the corners of his mouth uncontrollably raised crazily.

What he got from under the bed was the notebook of Chen Du, the leader of the first wave of players. It recorded in detail what Chen Du had seen and heard in Jiangcun, and the truth about the Ren Chun incident. At the end of the diary, Chen Du wrote: "Lin Ruo said that everything is caused by the temple on the hillside. It would be great if I had listened to her earlier! The matter has come to this point, it is useless to talk about it. On the sixth day, The temple has been sealed off... All I can do is to find a way to bring all the magic weapons in my body and fight to the death with the ghosts tomorrow night... "

Ji Nanquan didn't care about the origin and entanglement of Li Gui. The only thing that attracted his attention was the temple that fulfilled the wishes of the Ren family as mentioned in the diary.

'Find an opportunity to go up and have a look tomorrow...' He thought, 'First of all, we have to find a way to distract Yan Chuchu. '

He was preparing the plan for the next day, when there was a crisp sound of a tree branch being trampled off at the gate of the courtyard. Feeling guilty, he turned around quickly, and Liao Guan's figure appeared at the door.

"...So it was you." Ji Nanquan breathed a sigh of relief, "Why are you back now? Where is the second victim?"

"I didn't keep it." Liao Guan shook his head.

Then, he told everything he had seen and heard today. Listening to his words, Ji Nanquan secretly rejoiced that he did not join the team to protect the villagers, but his words were still comforting. Listening to his words, Liao Guan suddenly asked, "Where have you and Yan Chuchu been these past few days?"

"us… "

Liao Guan closed the door and window, sat in front of Ji Nanquan who hadn't had time to react, and said sincerely, "I've already seen that notebook."

Ji Nanquan's face turned cold, and Liao Guan continued to say without hesitation: "...I really feel that those so-called npcs really have nothing to protect! If you find anything, tell it quickly Come on, let's finish the task early and leave this place early! I promise, I will never hold you back, you... wait a minute, why is there a thousand paper cranes around your neck?"


Ji Nanquan touched the back of his neck, and what appeared in the palm of his hand was a thousand paper cranes used for surveillance. No need to think about it, he also knew who wrote it. He yelled in his heart that it was not good, knowing that Yan Chuchu had already seen what he saw in the diary. Thinking that the victim tonight was dead, he thought about it and felt that Yan Chuchu should not be allowed to take the lead in finally resolving the incident.

Compared with the eccentric Yan Chuchu, the honest and loyal Liao Guan is obviously easier to grasp—thinking of this, he looked at Liao Guan, stood up and said: "Okay, you are right, it is not safe at night, we will leave tomorrow Go to the temple and settle the matter."

As he said that, he took out the notebook from under the bed and shook it for Liao Guan: "This is what I found tonight, and it recorded the solution to the incident. Let's set off now, and if we stay in the incident for one more day, we will have more risk of a day."

Liao Guan didn't doubt him: "Then I'll tell Cheng Xin and the others—"

As soon as he picked up the phone, Ji Nanquan held his hand down.


"Don't tell them." Ji Nanquan said in a low voice, "You know the scoring mechanism of the game, right? The more people who participate in solving the incident, the lower the average score... Let's go quietly at noon tomorrow and don't tell anyone. "

"But… "

"Don't you believe me?" Ji Nanquan sneered, "I tell you, it's because you saw it that I was willing to take you with me. Now I have the notebook and the cracking method. If you dare to tell it, neither of us will be in trouble."

"...Okay." Liao Guan swallowed. Always weak, he decided to give in to Ji Nanquan's proposal. Then, he heard Ji Nanquan's voice: "There is one more thing that needs to be resolved..."

Ji Nanquan picked up the crumpled Thousand Paper Crane in his hand: "This Yan Chuchu ghost has a lot of ideas, we can't let her ruin our affairs, we have to find a way to get rid of her, and the two of us share experience."

Early the next morning, Cheng Xin received a message from Liao Guan.

"Liao Guan has decided to quit us." Cheng Xin rubbed his forehead and looked at the four people in the room, "If anyone among you wants to quit, please say so as soon as possible."

Zhang Mingge pushed his glasses, the driver looked left and right, waved his hands and said, "Well, I'm just an npc, you don't need to ask my opinion."

"Lin Huai, Chu Tianshu, where are you two?"

"Let's observe today's situation again." The two said in unison and glanced at each other.

The third deceased was a hale and hearty old man. Before they entered the door, he scolded them angrily: "What the hell is there in this world? I don't believe in your mystical tricks, get out of here." Get out! I will stay in the house and close the door, I want to see if there is any ghost that can come in and kill me!"

He was quite sure that the series of strange phenomena in the village were caused by human beings, and he insisted that several people were just playing tricks. The driver got his nose bumped, and slipped back into the queue in a desperate manner, asking everyone, "What should we do now?"

"Stay outside his house." Cheng Xin sighed helplessly, "Although this old man has a bit of a bad temper, he seems to be quite different from the previous two. If he can save a life, it is a life."

The driver touched his nose, and glanced at the angry old man behind the door: "I don't know how he offended Ren Chun,"