The NPC Was Once Again Frightened By Me

Chapter 69: The notoriety of village tyrants spread far and wide


Chu Tianshu leaned against the wall, observed the old man's yard, and touched his chin. Seeing his pensive look, Lin Huai remembered Chu Tianshu's rummaging around in the old man's house just now, so she stepped forward and asked, "Did you find any new note in his house?"

Chu Tianshu shook his head, squinted his eyes, looked into the depths of the yard, and continued: "However, I found another very important thing."


"This family doesn't seem to be able to cook lunch and dinner for us." He stretched, "Let's go, let's go to the Ren family, do it ourselves, and have enough food and clothing."

Lin Huai: ...

"And compared to these few people, I'm more curious about the next few dead... especially the girl named Du Xiaoran."


"The other victims all have crimes related to Ren Chun's death." Chu Tianshu said, "01, Feng Ailing, spread rumors. 02, Wang Wei, caused the explosion accident. 03, as Ren Qiu's Teacher, you forced Ren Qiu to drop out of school after listening to the rumors of Xin Xinchun. 04, the advisor of the Wang family, was the one who advised on the matter of the flour mill."

"06 and 07, the Wang family." Chu Tianshu pointed his fingers, "There are only two people, number 5, which is a bit strange."

"The two of them don't seem to have done anything to the Ren family in the open. Du Xiaoran's family is the neighbors of the Ren family. Although they did not lend a helping hand to the Ren family, compared with the previous people, they can be regarded as It's pure and flawless." Chu Tianshu said, "It's really unreasonable for Ren Chun to put her on the list..."

Lin Huai nodded: "Yes, if it were me, when there are still many scumbags who need to be eradicated, I would be reluctant to waste a spot to kill her first..."

Chu Tianshu raised his eyes: "I think we are thinking in different directions."

"In addition to this, there is another doubtful point," he continued, "Numbers 1 to 4 are all responsible for Ren Chun's death, but the Wang family and the Ren family have no direct connection. However, their deaths It was arranged for 06 and 07—the two days when the Qingxu Temple was opened."

"According to the village chief, Taoist Master Qingxu Temple has powerful mana. Just the enchantment he set up for the Wang family can block several attacks by ghosts. Qingxu Temple will be opened on the fifth day. If so, It is almost meaningless to protect the two people of the Wang family—in any case, they will enter the temple on the fifth day and get the protection of the Taoist priest. Since this is the case, the system has designed a protection requirement of at least four people. What's the point? On the fifth day, there were actually two people who needed to be killed in a row. It's like implying that the people in the first four days had no need to be protected, and only needed to be escorted on the morning of the sixth day. When these two people enter the temple, they will be able to play happy end. After the numbers of the first four people are cleared, they will be attacked by ghosts at any time, and protecting them is quite cost-effective." Chu Tianshu rao Scratch your head.

"Maybe this is a trap?" Lin Huai said, "The first four people are the ultimate moves prepared for us by the system. They will all get a note with instructions to kill the player, and when the player tries to protect them, they will kill the player. Let's do it. Just like Feng Ailing and Wang Wei..."

"But it's even more unreasonable if this is the case." Chu Tianshu stopped, "Although sometimes the system is as unstable as Jinjiang app, the probability of shipment is as low as fate ○, and you delete posts casually like ○ degrees forum , The download speed is like ○duyun without membership... "

"There are two ○ degrees, how much resentment do you have for ○ degrees..."

"But one thing is very certain." Chu Tianshu raised a finger, "The system is like a jigsaw, never lying. If the note was provided to the npc by the ghost under the arrangement of the system, then follow the According to the law of the system, as long as the npc kills the player, the ghost will no longer attack the npc. However, what happened to Feng Ailing and Ruan Tian is a good illustration—this is a scam."

"What if this is what Li Gui wanted to do? If she wanted to kill the player, then..."

"Then, she can completely attack the player by herself, instead of needing to do anything extra, and then pass the note, and use this kind of cleverness to make the player and the npc kill each other." Chu Tianshu said, "And the behavior of passing the note is the same as Li Gui has always adopted. The way of killing is quite inconsistent - the handwriting on that note is too clear and delicate. Moreover, this kind of behavior cannot come from teammates. Ruan Tian is dead, Zhang Minge is stubborn, Cheng Xin is weak, Liao Guan drifts with the crowd, Yan Chuchu and Ji Nanquan His mind is not on the task at all... So I think that the act of passing the note should come from a third party other than the player and the ghost, a third party who intends to kill the player and obtain some kind of item. But What I can't understand is..." Chu Tianshu scratched his head, "What good will it do for him?"

Lin Huai was quiet: "It stands to reason that some of our actions should have violated some of his interests and blocked his way."


"But whose interests can we offend?"

The two walked quietly on the road for a long time, Chu Tianshu finally slapped his head: "I understand."

"The problem is easy to explain." He said, "If you think about it carefully, we are in this village, as infinite stream players, we can only cause the following troubles to the villagers. One, screaming late at night, extremely disturbing the residents."

"Second, eat and drink for free, waste people and waste money."

"Three, the dove occupies the magpie's nest and enters the house."

"From this point of view..." Chu Tianshu said seriously, "The people who are most likely to attack us are the residents of the family where the player is boarding, especially those who are male, withdrawn, happy, young and energetic. …”

"I always feel that you mean something... But how do you explain that the note is indeed written by Ren Chun?" Lin Huai asked.

"...This," Chu Tianshu thought for a long time, "maybe the system's handwriting font library only has this type of font."

Lin Huai: ...

Two people were walking in the wheat field. At the end of summer, the wheat field was golden. The wind blows the wheat waves, brushing over the face, numb and itchy.

Lin Huai pushed aside a plump ear of wheat, looked at the plump color, and exclaimed: "This kind of oil painting-like scenery always reminds me of a person..."

Chu Tianshu followed behind him and asked him, "Francois Miller?"

"No." Lin Huai said, "It's Yuan Longping."

Chu Tianshu: " are not romantic at all."

"Is it true that the pickers are very romantic? Is it great to know the art of painting?" Lin Huai smiled.

"No, I still understand the art of poetry." Chu Tianshu said, "In the fragrance of rice flowers, it is said that there will be a good year, and you can hear the sound of frogs. Going to benefit the country's life and death, why do you avoid it because of misfortune and good fortune... Wait a minute, there is a frog here, you Said to catch this back, can it be cooked and eaten?"

"... I think it's best not to have to." Lin Huai looked at the green frog struggling under Chu Tianshu's hands.

"Because of parasites?"

"No, I always have the feeling that I'm going to lose a lot of time if I eat it..."

Chu Tianshu let go of his hand, and the frog jumped into the ditch, and quickly hopped away.

"Let's go." Chu Tianshu stood up from the ground, "It's almost time for lunch, let's get some food."

"Continue to rob today?" Lin Huai asked.

"No, it's buying." Chu Tianshu said with eyes wide open, "What kind of people do you think we are, devils entering the village?"

Lin Huai thought about it too. Yesterday, in order to vent their anger on Ren Qiu, they robbed... no, they took a lot of other people's things. Since Ren Qiu is not here today, they can only be kind to others and obey the law. With good intentions, the two came to the bustling village market with banknotes in their hands, but found that the moment they stepped in, the bustling market suddenly fell silent.

The villagers who were talking to each other stopped their movements after the two appeared, and watched their actions with disgust or vigilance. Seeing this, Lin Huai whispered to Chu Tianshu, "They respect us so much. When they saw us coming, they all calmed down to greet us, which made me feel a little embarrassed."

"... I think they heard about our deeds the day before yesterday and were afraid of us." Chu Tianshu complained.

"It's them..."

"The ones who robbed yesterday?"

"I heard that they kicked the iron door crooked!"

"It's not a good thing to mix with that family..."

Chu Tianshu seemed to have never heard of all kinds of discussions. He came to a stall and patted a watermelon: "Master, how much is this?"

"Get out, get out, I won't sell this watermelon to you!"

In the eyes of watching the excitement, Chu Tianshu turned to Lin Huai, and said loudly: "Xiao Linzi, come here, the melons here don't need money, give them to us!"

"When did I ever say..."

"Didn't you say that this melon is not for sale?" Chu Tianshu plucked his ears in confusion, "Could it be that I heard it wrong?"

Several men gathered around from all corners of the market, and another person led the village chief and ran into the market panting: "Village chief, it's them, these two people! These two people, these two people Personal robbery, and…”

The village head followed the man, sweating profusely from running. When he saw the two gods of plague standing in front of the melon stand, his whole face was wrinkled into a bitter gourd shape, and he couldn't laugh or cry: "Oh my god, why, why are you two!"

"Oh, it's all a misunderstanding, a misunderstanding." The village chief wiped the sweat from his head and yelled at everyone, "These two are investigators who came to the village, could they do such a thing..."

On the surface, he said it in a high-sounding manner, but the village chief was secretly crying in his heart.

In the past three years, he has received various taskers, and he thinks he has received experience. Those taskers are either polite or arrogant, but at any rate they all have a common goal - to complete the task, so even if they do something, it will not be too out of line. As the executor of Zero selected by the system, the village head can also handle various situations.

However, the behavior of these two people was simply jumping on his bottom line. When he got up in the morning, the village head heard that a group of people had robbed a nearby house, and his eyeballs almost fell out of shock.

Damn, are you here to do missions to catch ghosts, or are you here to be the village tyrant and domineering

If there is not enough food, you can tell him! Things don't work well, but they can coordinate with each other! In short, as long as the culprit Ren Chun can be caught, everything will be easy to handle. But these two people, how could these two people smash and rob like devils entering the village