The NPC Was Once Again Frightened By Me

Chapter 8: Respecting the old and loving the young is a good moral character


"The answer is, playing with mobile phones." Chu Tian said in a muffled voice, brushed past Lin Huai, and opened the toilet door, "Although everyone knows that playing with mobile phones will cause hemorrhoids. But... alas, let human beings stay forever Sanity is indeed a luxury."

As early as when the two of them entered the toilet, Ye Xian had already moved to the toilet, listening carefully to the movement inside.

Chu Tian's words made him panic. A girl is squatting happily playing with her mobile phone, but on the top of her head (whether she is bald or not), a ghost with four claws on the ground is crawling towards her along the ceiling and standing silently behind her, blood red Keeping eyes on her screen...

This picture...

"It's really scary." Lin Huai said.


"No matter at what time, it is a scary thing to be seen from behind the page you are browsing on the screen of your mobile phone..." Lin Huai said, "especially when someone finds that he is browsing ○Gentlemen and other websites, It will make people die socially... "

Ye Xian: ...

"Therefore, the answer is obvious." Chu Tian smiled.

He took off the mask on his face, exposed his chin, looked at the crowd, his raised eyes were full of confidence: "The ghost is angry that she went to the toilet and played with her mobile phone."

Everyone: Huh

A huge "ah" not only floated in the hearts of everyone present, but also floated in Lin Huai's heart. And he was sure that he also heard the sound of the mirror ghost falling to the ground from the mirror in the toilet.

this person…

"Going to the toilet and playing with your mobile phone is easy to get hemorrhoids. Anyone with an elderly family knows that as long as you squat on the toilet for more than 20 minutes, the elderly at home will tell you not to play with your mobile phone, regardless of whether you have kidney deficiency, constipation, or diarrhea. " Chu Tian said, seeming to recall some memories that made him feel bad, "And the NPC who released the rules of the game this time is an old ghost. From its dislike of our ordering takeaway behavior, it can be seen that its behavior is quite old-fashioned. In real life, it is the kind of old man who forwards rumors to Moments, buys invalid health care products, listens to pyramid schemes, and shares with relatives and friends. Therefore, in the face of Feng Yao Unhealthy life behavior, it reminds him of his unfilial grandson who plays on his mobile phone until one or two o'clock, orders takeout every day, and spends more than 10,000 yuan on steam to buy games... "

Ye Xian: "... What are you talking about?"

Lin Huai: ...

"Okay, the relaxing moment is over." Chu Tian shrugged, "The truth is, for some reason, Feng Yao came to the toilet to squat while everyone was asleep. What did she do to violate the rules while playing with her mobile phone?" The matter, or the matter of lifting the restriction, let the ghost in the mirror come out and kill her. According to the passing rules of the game, once the player violates the taboo death, it will notify and warn about it. This is how Feng Yao died. Such a miserable reason."

"But what exactly did Feng Yao do? Could it be that he tried to delete the app or gave the app one star in the app store in an attempt to get it off the shelves?" Sha Matt, whose thinking gradually became clear, popped up, "If I were to use the app I would also be very angry, just like meeting an annoying scam buyer in Xianyu. At that time, I really want to crawl along the network cable and stuff his head into the toilet …”

"I don't know about that." Lin Huai opened the flush tank, and after self-purification, the water in it has become quite clear and transparent, only the strong fishy smell is still showing the murder that happened here. He looked at Peng Xuan again: "Did you find anything else at the scene?"

Peng Xuan shook her head, she didn't dare to enter the scene. The others also shook their heads.

It seemed that Chu Tian was the only weirdo who entered the scene... oh, and himself, but Lin Huai would not admit that he was a weirdo.

… I am a gregarious ghost. He happily authenticated himself once.

"I only found her cell phone." Chu Tian raised an evidence bag and squinted his eyes, "But it was soaked in water and couldn't be opened. I don't know if that ghost touched it. If so, it can still be opened." The fingerprints of the ghosts were extracted... But it's so troublesome, alas, why can't the ghosts change to a cleaner crime scene... "

Lin Huai looked at him like an idiot: "I don't think ghosts can even imitate fingerprints..."

Chu Tian turned to him: "Why do you think so?"

Lin Huai: "I saw it in a novel."

"Wait for her best friend to wake up and ask her best friend." Chu Tian said, sighing with some distress, "Let's go, let's go to dinner. Speaking of which, there is at least one thing to be happy about..."

Lin Huai: "... you mean to say that she didn't die in the refrigerator?"

"You said it, not me." Chu Tian covered his mouth, "Don't say such things during meals."

Lin Huai: ...

He suddenly remembered the arm that he put into the refrigerator yesterday and then threw out the door again...

Well, don't tell him about it. He looked at the young man in front of him with a gloating expression.

"Hey, wait a minute." Chu Tian said, "There is something on your face."

"What, what?"

He didn't expect Chu Tian's movement to be so fast, and before he had time to react, the opponent's fingers had already touched his face. He could feel his skin being picked up and pinched by that person.

"It's a bit skinny." Chu Tian said, and quickly retreated outside the toilet, "The second test, I'm going to eat, bye."

After speaking, he hurried away.

Lin Huai: ... I think you are very naughty.

After everyone left, Lin Huai was still standing in the toilet where the murder took place. He narrowed his eyes slightly and opened his dark pupils.

Any death will leave traces, following the guidance of Yin Qi, he saw the last scene of the girl before she died.

The terrified girl sat on the toilet with her head thrown back as far as it could go, a blurred shadow reflected in her eyes.

In her hand... there are two mobile phones.

Two mobile phones

A hand patted his shoulder at this moment: "Why don't you go to eat?"

Lin Huai looked back and saw that it was Chu Tian, who ran back for some reason.

"Everyone has gone down, only you are missing." Chu Tianshu shrugged, "So I'm here..."

"Caring about me?" Lin Huai glanced at him out of the corner of his eye.

Chu Tian: "No, I'm here to ask if you still want to eat. You can give me the food you don't want to eat."

Lin Huai: idiot.

He casually said hello and followed the other person downstairs. Perhaps because of his professional habits over the years, he subconsciously followed Chu Tian, stepping on his shadow with his toes—this was the easiest position for a ghost to take.

"Actually, I've always been curious," Chu Tian said unsuspectingly as he walked in front of him with his hands in his pockets. "You seem to be a newcomer. You talk nonsense, but you can always get to the point. But in your In the speech just now in the toilet, you showed your professionalism again. It’s as if you have seen those ghosts in person. Hehe, your performance is very hard to believe, it’s your first time to participate, no, even let It's hard to believe that you are an ordinary human being."

Lin Huai followed behind him and smiled: "So? Didn't you say that you have given up guessing about my identity..."

"I'm just saying that I gave up the guess of 'you are the ghost in this game'." Chu Tian said lightly.

Lin Huai: ...

"I didn't say..." He stopped, "I gave up other guesses."

Looking at his back, Lin Huai suddenly remembered something.

After successfully seizing the house, Lin Huai worked hard to investigate his living environment in consideration of his long-term health and safety, in order to prevent himself from being poisoned by the celestial master.

Despite the prevalence of technological culture, Lin Huai found relevant information through his new roommate, Lu Jin, who is quite advanced in programming skills. Of course, at the price of sacrificing 648 yuan for this game house...

After repeated observations, Lin Huai discovered that there are three celestial master families in China today, posing a greater threat to him.

One is the Tianshi family, the Zhang family. However, the Zhang family is located in Qingcheng, far away from him. Presumably they would not waste thousands of air tickets to catch him.

The Cheng family, which is located among the white clouds, has been in civil strife all year round, not to mention. The only thing he paid attention to was the Chu family in Jinling. It is said that they are quite active and run around in the free shipping area all year round.

... Therefore, he is very careful with people surnamed Chu.

'Could it be that this Chutian is from the Chu family? What does he want to do? He found out who I really am? Tsk... Forget it, if you don't understand him, it's better to do it directly. '

Thinking of this, he narrowed his eyes slightly, the originally dark pupils were already stained with blood red.

Killing Chutian may not be an easy task. From his point of view, among this group of people, only Chu Tian showed a little bit of concealment. However, the matter has come to this point, and there is no other way to choose... and the principle he has always followed is to strike first.

"Yes, after careful deduction, I have discovered your true identity, which is—"

At the next moment when the killing intent struck, Chu Tian took a step to the left and said, "Are you a researcher sent by the government?"

"… what?"

Ling Kong's hand braked abruptly on the position of Chutian's artery, and Chutian seemed to have not realized that he had walked around the barrier of life and death at all, and he said comfortably: "From the first time I saw you, I I believe that you are sent to me by someone sent by the country. Because you have a fearless... awe-inspiring righteousness."

Lin Huai, who only has the awe-inspiring spirit: ...

"What are you pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger..." He silently withdrew his hand from that person's hand, "This guy is completely a head..."

A real pig.

As if hearing Lin Huai's inner voice, Chu Tian smiled, and suddenly stretched out his hand to Lin Huai's unprepared face.

— and give it a pinch.

"It's the third time." He said, "Well...Three experiments, the results can be confirmed."


"There is no human skin mask, no disguise or makeup..." Chu Tian said.

"This is your real face." He said in a voice that Lin Huai could not hear, "I was are not him."